Unwashed Manhood

By Evan Williams

Published on Oct 28, 2023



Unwashed Manhoo

This story is a work of erotic fiction strictly for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be read by inappropriate audiences. Anyone offended by racially loaded same-sex erotic fiction based on teenage memories should find other entertainment. Please send all feedback to Evan Williams, classic14rider@gmail.com.

There is a way that men relate to one another that women don't understand. Men relate to one another in terms of power. We are aroused when our young, hard bodies slam up against one another. We are aroused by subordination to a stronger man's power. From the outside, acceptance into the fraternity of manhood may look harsh and cruel, but it is really just a bunch of guys, sniffing each other out. It is part of the rites of passage. We test our strength on each other. We take pride in rubbing our noses and our mouths in the nastiest and most masculine parts of another man's body.

As teenage boys, we learn to love the smell of the funk of sweaty young manhood. We love the smell when another boy's stench-filled armpits covers our face during a football game. We get high from the fumes of a boy's crotch as he shoves it in our face during a wrestling match. We love the smell of a boy's young, shitty ass when he rubs it in our nose without cleaning it after he has taken a dump in the toilet. It's all good fun. It's just what men do. We are aroused by the humiliation of "horse-play" between naked young bodies in the locker room. One boy sneaks up behind another and stuffs his sweaty, cock-smelling jock strap in the other boy's mouth mouth and we roll on the floor with laughter. It's not cruelty. It's what it means to be a guy. Boys will be boys.

We don't count it as cruelty when a teenage black boy falls to his ashy knees with his best friend's stiff white cock stuffed in his mouth. As best friend laughs as he pumps his load between the black boy's thick lips, giving the boy a wet, salty taste of male potency. This is nothing more nor less than adolescent male companionship. The black boy licks the white boy's sweaty balls and they both share a moment of male-bonding. It's why it's great to be a man.

Masculinity is when two teenage boys wrestle and one locks the other boy's neck between his thighs. The boy in the necklock sniffs his tormentor's legs and catches a glimpse of the scar on the boy's calve while he struggles to break free. He knows that the scar is a mark from the boy's earlier adventures of recklessness boyhood and daring. Men express themselves through physical intimacy and toughness.

A black teenager was shining shoes in downtown Omaha. He was trying to make extra cash. Customers paid good money for his services. White businessmen liked the idea of encouraging enterprise and entrepreneurship in young black boys. They tipped well to encourage them. There is nothing like a good work ethic to set a young man on the right path in life. But then, a copper-skinned lad, who had been eyeing the scene from the shadows, stepped forward with a jeering look in his eyes. The copper boy's curly black hair brushed against his ruddy cheeks as he stomped his muddy boot on the metal footrest in front of the shoe shine boy. "Shine it," the copper boy said, glaring down at the dark, young entrepreneur who was trying to make money.

The black youth frowned and pursed his thick lips. The other boy wasn't much older than he was, yet he had enough extra cash to spend it on a shoe shine. The copper skinned lad grinned at him with bright white teeth, "Give it the `ol spit shine, boy." The black youth looked down at the muddy boot, held it in his hand and rinsed the mud off with a sponge, soaked in a bucket of water nearby. As he dried the boy's boot and held it in his hand, resting it in his lap, with the copper boy's foot still inside the shoe, the black boy's cock got rock hard. He didn't know why. He couldn't explain it. It just shot straight up inside his pants.

The black boy blushed as the copper-skinned boy towered over him. The boy rested his hands on his hips like a master waiting patiently for his servant as the black boy continued cleaning his boot. Once the black shoe-shine boy had gotten all the mud off he applied polish to the boot. The muscles in the boy's young, dark arms flexed as he applied the polish with vigorous circular motions. By now, both boys sported uncontrollably hard cocks that jutted obscenely in their pants although neither of them knew why. They tried to hide this embarassement by folding their young cocks upward in their pants but it was of little use. The boys' inconvenient erections were just to big to hide.

Using brisk back and forth motions with a horsehair brush, the black boy buffed the copper lad's boot. He caressed the copper boy's booted foot and the black boy leaked a stream of precum in his underpants. The dark boy's precum trickled down his balls, making them sticky and uncomfortable. It was a good thing no one could see inside his pants. He hope a wet stain wouldn't form on his trousers. They copper boy eyed the black shoe shine boy knowingly. The shoe shine boy's thick, moist lips hung open as he polished the copper boy's boots. The copper lad gazed at the black boy's thick, open lips and started daydreaming. He dreamt about what it would feel like to have those thick black lips wrapped around his hard copper dick. Not that the copper boy was a homo or anything, he quickly reminded himself in his daydream.

The lad's copper colored cock leaked precum at the thought of the black shoe shine boy servicing his dick like a little black slave. If the black boy was his slave, he could make the boy do whatever he wanted with his mouth. But, the tough copper boy shuttered, that would be "gay." He quickly tried to erase all traces of these thoughts from his mind. He thought about verdant pasturelands and grazing cattle but he couldn't keep from returning to the shoe shine boy's thick black lips and how they would feel on his cock. The copper-skinned boy looked at the black shoe shine boy and smirked, "Spit on it."

The black boy's cock pumped another stream of precum in his underpants, making them stickier and wetter. His balls were now soaked in a pungent mix of horny teenage sweat and savage boyish precum. He held the copper-skinned boy's boot in his hand and spat on it. The copper-skinned lad sneered and said, "Spit on it again." The black boy spat again and rubbed the boot with vigorous up and down motions. The began to shine. The black shoe shine boy drooled with feral look in his eyes. The copper-skinned boy splayed his toes with satisfaction while grabbing his crotch to conceal his erection.

The black shoe shine boy spat and rubbed the copper boy's boot until the shoe shine boy's body quivered in a sudden, involuntary orgasim. The black boy shuttered. He held the copper boy's boot and shot wads of thick, white jungle cum in his pants, making a sticky mess. The copper boy with bright white teeth coaxed the black boy on, "Yeah, make it shine. Shine it good." The gutteral, suggestive tone in the copper boy's voice was unmistakeable. The black boy rubbed the boot hard, making it shine. The copper boy shook his unruly mane of dark, curly hair and urged him on, "Stroke my boot boy. Stroke it." The black boy breathed hard as he stroked. No one could deny he was a diligent worker.

By now, the black boy's underpants were nothing but a wet, sticky mess, clinging to his dark, primative young body. He breathed heavily as he stroked the copper boy's boot, but his motions became less vigorous. The toned muscles in the black boy's smooth, young arms flexed once again, revealing his boyish strength and energy. His dark, sweaty, hairless body heaved with the dying intensity of his motions. His face glistened with sweat. His black sausage cum-soaked dick swung back and forth inside his pants as his big black sweaty balls hung low. He was doing a man's work.

If you don't know anything else about today's young black boys you should know they are naturally ambitious, curious, enterprising, and they enjoy the nitty-gritty world of manhood. Black boys are naturally horny and want a chance to let their jungle juices flow. This is true until well-meaning social workers tell them they should be ashamed of these qualities and have them punished for it. But you can't stop a boy from being a boy and you can't stop a man from being a man. You can't stop males from sniffing each others' bodies because the smell of the unwashed male body is what arouses men and gives them power.

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