Unscheduled Entertainment

By moc.nsm@33zafoziw

Published on Oct 10, 2002



My thanks to a real life Hiroshi for allowing me to use his name in the following story. Appreciation also for explaining that his name is pronounced Hero-she. jdb

Unscheduled Entertainment

By Jaime del Bueno

"Pete, this is going to be one fine weekend," remarked the driver of a somewhat beat-up SUV.

"Yeah," was the answer from Pete, a man of few words.

"I miss the girls already, but a long weekend to do as we please with no one around to try to tell us what to do is nice, too." continued Brick. "We can swim, climb that cliff, drink beer, or do nothing." Pete and Brick were dating sisters who had gone out of town for a family reunion. Pete and Wanda had been making plans to get married in the spring, while Brick and Susie were seriously considering following suit.

"Mostly do nothing."

"That's right. I wish we could hurry up and get there. I'd hate to find someone camped out in our spot," Brick stewed. "That's why we rushed around to get off early on a Friday afternoon.

The previous year, Pete and Brick had found a perfect spot to camp in the forest. There was a small level piece of ground, lying in a clearing in the forest of tall, stately, aromatic trees. The camping area was between a rock cliff that was fine for amateurs to climb and a shallow stream filled with recently melted snow. Just down stream, the creek had hollowed out a small pool deep enough to swim or just horse around. The large boulders around it provided good places for lying in the sun. The clearing was so isolated that anyone going there had to hike the final half mile with all equipment and provisions.

"If they are in our spot, we can just march in and tell them to get out", explained Pete. "If they give us any trouble, we can tear up their camp a little and give them a few bruises. They'll probably take the hint from just looking at us and seeing we mean business," Brick adds.

Pete and Brick are an imposing pair. Pete stands about 6 foot, one, and weighs about 230 pounds. Brick stands five foot, 10, and weighs 200 pounds. Pete has dark brown hair and a complexion that appears perpetually tanned. This is a sharp contrast with Brick who has coppery blonde hair, almost red, and a rather pale reddish skin. Brick had earned his nickname honestly.

They knew each other slightly in high school, but when they were graduated from high school, they each happened to go to the biggest employer at the nearby county seat and got jobs that consisted primarily of physical labor. If it weren't for the slight beer bellies they acquired from a definite preference for the beer they consumed, they would have been outstanding physical specimens.

Since they were both in the same department, they got to know each other better and really "hit it off". This friendship developed into double dating the Bronson sisters and going to the corner bar for a "couple of mugs of suds " before they each went on home from work to their two shabby apartments every night. Then Brick saved up enough to buy the SUV and they started going to the mountains from time to time.

Pete gets more excited and apprehensive with each mile of the trip. Then, when they came to the spot where they would need to park and start hiking, they spot a shiny, new SUV, obviously fancier than their own trusty wheels. "Oh, God," moans Pete, "We've got company."

"Now Pete, relax. They may be camped in a whole different place."

As they approached the final yards to "their spot", the guys slow down and drop their burdens to the ground. Almost on tiptoes, they draw closer until they can see-exactly in the spot they want--a spotless new tent. A short distance away a short man in a loose, baggy shirt that disguises his stout build, sitting on a fallen log. In some foreign language, he was reading aloud what appeared to be poetry. They must be short poems, though, because he stopped often to consider what he had read.

"The little guy must be some kind of dude," Pete offers.

"Everything he has is new and doesn't even look used. He probably works in an office and is on his first camping trip." Brick adds hopefully. "He hasn't counted on two guys our size telling him to move on."

They pick up their bundles again and stomp determinedly into the center of the camp. One can almost hear the drums and bugles. At the center of the camp, they stop by a small fire and Pete kicks over a kettle in which water is being heated. This kills most of the fire and causes a cloud of steam.

"Hey, buddy," Pete explains, "this is our campground and you will just have to move on." Hearing this, the small man calmly puts his book down and moves away from the log, generally in the direction of Pete and Brick.

"I don't believe I have to move," the man says in a quiet, slightly accented voice. "I was here first and this is public property." Lunging forward, Pete pushes the small man in the chest, only to find himself lying flat on the ground.

Jumping up, Pete instructs Brick, "Get around behind him and then we'll grab him. We'll see who has to go someplace else." The pair move into position on opposite sides of the stranger and start closing in. When closer, it is as if they were in the center of a small tornado. Moving quickly and efficiently, the man twists each of the other two men into helpless bundles and slams them onto the ground. Brick is flat on his face while Pete manages to get to his knees and start crawling toward the forest. He is stopped by the man's foot knocking one of his arms out from under him.

"Very nice, Master San." It is the voice of a young man with a classically handsome Asian face who had emerged from the tent and watched the fracas.

"Thank you, Hiroshi. I should have yelled for you to come take care of the matter. You could have handled it just as well." The man addressed as Hiroshi is much younger than the small man and several inches taller. He does not have the accent of the older person.

"Now what do you plan to do with them?" Hiroshi asks. "If you turn them loose, there is no telling what kind of trouble they can cause."

"Right, Hiroshi." After studying Pete and Brick for a minute, "They look like a pair of cock suckers to me, and I think we should keep them here for our entertainment." This brings a torrent of indignant denials: "Who are you calling a cock sucker. . . .I never touched another man's dick in my life. . .You can't call us names like that, `cause we ain't."

Ignoring this outpouring, the short man looks at the redfaced youngster and says, "What is your name?"

"Brick." Having taken the worst of the small battle, Brick was in a conciliatory mood and spoke up promptly.

"And your friend's name?"

"Pete." Brick answered.

"I believe," mused the man, that Pete is diminutive for Peter. "Pull yours out, Pete, and show us how diminutive it is." Proud of the size of his big, fat prick, Pete starts to display it as rebuttal, but stops and folds his arms across his chest. "Brick, take down his jeans and underwear if he's wearing any," commands the man in charge.

Brick is completely subdued and figures the best way to avoid more punishment is to do as told. Ignoring Pete's glares, Brick unbuckles the heavy belt at Pete's waist, unzips the fly and then pulls both Pete's jeans and his briefs to ankle level.

Pete's cock quickly begins to harden and start curving up to his navel. It is massive-a long thick rod with a large purple head. "Very good, Brick. Now take off all of your clothes and then all of Pete's clothes, including boots and socks." At this, Brick becomes more hesitant in his actions, but does as ordered.

"Very good indeed. Now Brick and Hiroshi, spread that tarp groundcover in front of the tent and anchor it down." When this is done, both of the young intruders are ordered to the center of the groundcover.

"On your knees, Pete, and suck your friend's very healthy looking penis. . . . . . . NOW!" Finally, after thinking carefully about the two men at the edges of the groundcover, Brick and Pete comply. Obviously inexperienced, Pete kneels and slowly licks the head of Brick's member that has hardened and grown to a much better than average size. It is proportionate in length and thickness. It is a pale pink, almost chalky white, with a dark pink, mushroom shaped head.

"Take it in your mouth and pump on it!" Pete closes his eyes and then follows instructions. "Faster, you're going to do that till he comes in your mouth." Again, Pete complies, occasionally feeling Brick's cockhead pushing into his throat and causing him to gag.

The host pair watches this activity with detached looks, but a noticeable swelling has appeared in the tight shorts covering Hiroshi's crotch.

When Brick deposits a major load of cum in Pete's mouth, causing it to drip down each side of Pete's chin, the two then look to the small man for further instructions. Pete holds the mouthful distastefully and looks around somewhere off the groundcover to spit since the neatness his mother had beat into him as a child still was in control.

The small man smiles in sympathy and directs Pete to spit it all out into the pit where the fire was barely smoldering. Pete looks relieved and dashes for the pit.

"Now is time to do return the favor, Brick. On your knees and repay Pete for his kindness." Since co-operation seems to have failed to exempt him from the faggoty activities, Brick slowly lowers himself to his knees, takes Pete's dong in his hand and inserts it carefully into his mouth.

"Go on" the short man barks. Brick begins to suck and stroke vigorously. "Now faster." Before Brick can respond, Pete decides that he has been betrayed by his buddy who gives in too readily to the little man's commands. Now he figures he can retaliate. He grasps each side of Brick's head and proceeds to face fuck the startled friend with his oversized cock.

Jamming the big lance all the way into Brick's throat as part of each stroke, Pete really begins to enjoy this diversion. He takes extra pleasure in the gagging, the discomfort and the difficulty of Brick's breathing. All of these feelings settle in his ball sac and he delivers an even bigger harvest of cum than Brick had produced.

Now it is Brick's turn to silently appeal for permission to spit. After he spits in the fire pit, Brick still has some cum in his mouth. As surreptitiously as possible, Brick rolls this around with his tongue and tastes it. Pleasantly surprised, Brick catches himself just before smiling approval, but not before being observed by the small man in charge. He also notices that Brick's cock is beginning to harden and rise again.

"Hiroshi, please fetch some lubricant from the tent and hand it to Brick." Turning to Pete, he continues, "Get on your hands and knees." When this is done, the enigmatic man addresses Brick, "Apply that lubricant to your penis and put a good supply in Pete's rectum."

Sensing an opportunity to get even for the face fucking he received from Pete, Brick's manpole stands straight out and quivers. "Yes," he is told, "because your stick of joy has recovered so nicely, it is time to insert same in Pete's ass."

At this, Pete starts to stand and run, but Hiroshi quickly interferes. He rapidly applies a practiced maneuver and puts Pete back on his knees. The side of Pete's face is mashed into the tarp. The young Asian nods to Brick and says "Now, do as Master San instructed you!"

Happy to oblige because of the treatment his mouth and throat had received from Pete's monster appendage, Brick kneels behind Pete and tentatively rubs the head of his rod in the inviting ass crack offered up to him. Then, he mashes against the puckered hole of delight, but Pete tightens and refuses to let anything enter. Abruptly, the small man also puts a hold on Pete and says, "you had better relax or it will hurt a lot worse. And it will hurt because it is going to happen!"

Fighting the pain he already feels, Pete does his best to nod in acquiescence and relaxes his asshole. Brick starts to ram into the orifice, but remembers that Pete probably will have a chance to get even. So, he carefully inserts his dick, which is not as big as Pete's but is well over average size. He advances slowly into the previously unused tunnel of love, hesitating at each sign of pain from Pete.

Once in, he pulls back and jams in all the way. Pete gasps and then screams, "a-a-a-I-e-ow-ow. No-o-o-o. Ow. OW."

"Hiroshi, put something hard in his mouth to stifle that noise. It could give me a headache."

Hiroshi has no problem in deciphering this command and immediately removes his shorts and bikini briefs. Once freed, his member, which is approximately the same size as Brick's ample appendage, starts rising into the air. Brick, who never before has seen an Asian penis, stares with fascination at Hiroshi's stiffening cock. It is a very dark mahogany color and curls slightly to the right side. Uncut, it has a long foreskin that extends well beyond the head. It springs from a blue-black bush of sparkling hair. Two pendulous balls, the size of large eggs, are encased in a scrotum of the same dark color as the dick. They swing forcefully back and forth as Hiroshi moves closer to Pete.

Peeling back the foreskin, Hiroshi inserts the now rigid joypole. It finds a warm nest in Pete's mouth and starts pumping slowly into the depths of Pete's throat. Pete's eyes roll, but he is not able to make any more sounds.

Hiroshi tries to look inscrutable and "above it all" but his thoughts are on the stimulating sensations flowing from Pete's tongue, through the head of Hiroshi's prick, down the still growing shaft and into his ball sac, which has been sparingly used lately.

Brick's motions have increased in speed and intensity. Pete now seems to be humming in pleasure and the look on his face is no longer antagonistic. When Brick cums, with sounds almost rivaling Pete's earlier outbursts, Pete involuntarily tightens his sphincter. Subconsciously, he gives off signs of wanting to keep the big dick lodged in his inner self, while his own monster prick has resumed its former glory. Hiroshi, though not meaning to do so, quietly blasts a large helping of creamy jism into Pete's mouth.

"Turn about is fair play." The short man adds, in a quiet voice, "You know the drill, Brick, on your knees" Brick drops to his hands and knees, spreading his legs apart.

Hiroshi takes his cock out of Pete's mouth so Pete can move. Realizing now that there can be future retribution, Pete lubes his own dick profusely and gets a large amount of the grease on one index finger. Pete starts with the finger, pushing it into Brick's ass carefully and rubbing the lube around as much as possible. The cool lube and the finger pressure send tingles throughout Brick's body.

Then Pete places the head of his cock at Brick's rear entrance and rubs it in circles. When Brick relaxes, Pete starts pushing in the monstrous head. Once that is in, he hesitates for a few moments and then slides the remainder of the hot rod in a little at a time. It is Brick's time to moan and then cry. "O-o-o-no-o-o-uh-uh-uh! Oh God, no-o-o!"

By this time, Brick's face is contorted with pain from the burning sensation radiating out of his virgin asshole. With his eyes screwed shut and with his lips between his mashing teeth, "Go ahead, Pete," Brick gasps. "Fuck me fast and get it over with." Pete does as told, but does not ram at the end of each stroke as he would like to do and as he would do with his girlfriend.

Brick's face relaxes as the fucking becomes smoother and, though his eyes are still squinted shut, he seems to be fighting a smile that lurks near the corner of his mouth. He can't stop a few moans that escape and which sound as though caused by pleasure. As Pete cums, both he and Brick groan out a short gasp. In no hurry to pull out, Pete takes his time getting out of the warm, pleasurable hole.

As though to speed Pete, the man known as Master San announces, "Now that you boys have had your fun and everything seems relaxed, it is time for us to enjoy the entertainment." He removes his shirt and places it carefully on the corner of the ground cover. This reveals a torso and arms which one would expect on a much taller man. The arms are fence posts and the heavily muscled torso shows massive pecs and sharply delineated six-pack abs.

The master joins Hiroshi in removing his shorts and undergarment. This shows that both men's thighs are as well developed as their calves. Hiroshi, having already stripped, watches as Master San's dick springs immediately toward his navel.

Hiroshi's body is stunning. The bulging muscles of his legs make them seem shorter than they are. Above that, there are narrow hips and waist. From there, there is a torso tapering from the slimness of his middle out to extraordinarily broad muscular shoulders. Pecs and abs are well defined and appear as though carved from hard, tan stone. "Both of you get on your hands and knees, side by side. Now, after you, Hiroshi."

Apparently without any thought, Hiroshi kneels behind Brick who is the closer and draws Brick's buns invitingly toward his crotch. "Don't forget the lubricant because of your eagerness." The older man smiles as he hands the salve to Hiroshi.

Hiroshi oils his middle finger and rubs it seductively up and down the tempting ass crack and in circles around the pucker. Then with his member quickly lubricated, Hiroshi proceeds slowly. Hiroshi watches the contrast of his almost black shaft carefully entering the extraordinarily white butt with its already stretched anus. Starting slowly, Hiroshi smoothly increases the speed so that he and Brick both feel the in and out motion as an increasingly pleasant friction.

Brick holds his breath, but makes no noise at first. Then "um-um-um-um-ah-ah" slips out in a rather happy hum. This time, his eyes are closed, but the lids are not mashed together. The look on his face indicates he is concentrating on the feel in his rectal passage and it is a pleased look.

Meanwhile, in his usual efficient manner, Master San kneels behind Pete and lubricates both his cock and the target before him. Finding, however, the difference in the length of his legs and the length of Pete's legs makes entry a little awkward, Master San rolls Pete onto his back and pushes Pete's knees up beside his head.

A surprised and slightly worried expression appears on Pete's face, but he makes no move or sound of protest. Holding Pete's legs up over his shoulders, Master San finds Pete's ass pussy with his engorged and lubed dick and doesn't need to touch anything with his hands. The granite like rod pushes swiftly into Pete's fuck tunnel. Master San is in position to wryly observe Pete's face begin to look happy about the whole thing.

Slight sounds of delight come from each of the first pair to finish, as Hiroshi cums and cums in torrents. Both men fall flat on the ground with Hiroshi staying on Brick's back and his prick remaining in Brick's warm mancunt. Almost without thinking of what he's doing and with his eyes closed, Hiroshi snuggles his head against the back of Brick's head and gently kisses the nape of Brick's neck. Brick pushes his ass up against Hiroshi to keep the softening dick in his rear as long as possible. The caramel colored body and the chalky red one make an interesting contrast.

Their climax spurs Master San's movements into the appearance of a fucking machine. Faster and faster he pumps deep into Pete. As usual, showing no emotion other than a deep sigh, Master San shoots a massive dose of sperm into the cavity that had welcomed him and made him feel like a young man again. Then, releasing Pete's hips and moving forward, Master San thrust his member into Pete's mouth with one more instruction, "Clean it off, Pete." Pete industriously goes to work and does as told, curiously tasting shit, cum, and the natural lubrication which now flows freely through Master San's cock canal.

"Hiroshi, there is a roll of soft rope in my bag, just inside the tent. Bring it to me, along with a sharp knife." Once again, Brick and Pete tense apprehensively and watch Hiroshi intently.

There is no further abuse of the two who have provided the entertainment demanded by Master San. Master San simply cuts appropriate lengths of rope and ties Pete's hands behind his back and ties his ankles together. The bedrolls Pete and Brick had been carrying were unrolled and Pete is directed to lie on one of them. "If you make any attempt to get those ropes off," Master San quietly informs him, "I will tie a rope around your balls and then tie that rope to both your wrists and ankles. As you can imagine, any movement will cause pain."

"Hiroshi, take Brick and go bring the rest of the supplies from their vehicle." Hiroshi slips back into his shorts, but when Brick starts to do the same, he gets a disapproving look from Master San. "You may, however put on your boots and socks." As the pair head down the trail, Master San dresses, sits back on the log and resumes reading his book of poetry.

He continues this reading, stopping only once to put fresh water for tea back where Pete had kicked the pot over. When Hiroshi and Brick return, they are heavily laden. They bring back the weekend's food supply brought by the two and a large amount of beer, along with a heavy net bag to be used for suspending several cans of beer in the icy stream at a time.

"They also have a digital camera, similar to mine." Hiroshi reports. "I think we should take many pictures of their activities for keepsakes. We can use my camera to record anything that interests us and their camera so they will have reminders, too. I can show you how to use their camera, Master San."

As it is getting dark, Hiroshi and Brick prepare dinner, using supplies from both parties and put some cans of beer in the creek. Pete is untied and the four eat leisurely. Hiroshi and Master San drink tea with their food, but the other two are allowed as much beer as they want. The entertainment pair feels the meal leaned a little too strongly to rice, but they kept their thoughts to themselves.

After dinner, Pete and Brick put up their tent next to the other tent. Their bedrolls and other personal effects-minus the camera--are put in the tent. When Master San decides it is time for sleep, he banks the fire, ties Pete and Brick the same way he had demonstrated before, except that their hands were in front. Then, after being allowed to take care of bodily functions, they were put into their respective bags and another rope was tied outside the bags in a netlike pattern. This leaves them no room for a struggle or attempt to slip out of their bindings.

The night was uneventful with sound sleep induced by beer and tea. The next morning, however, found Pete and Brick being awakened early by raging piss hards and severely beer strained bladders. They remain in misery until Master San awakes, relieves himself and wakes Hiroshi to remove their ropes and take them behind some bushes where the three pissed long and hard. Hiroshi took pictures of the other two, while Master San captured all three in the lens of the camera he was using. Neither Hiroshi's or Master San's faces were in these pictures or any others taken during the weekend.

On Saturday morning, breakfast consists mainly of rice for the Asian duo, but bacon and a large helping of scrambled eggs for the others. Their joy juices need to be replenished for later. When the camp is tidied Master San calls for more entertainment. Pete and Brick are put through paces similar to the previous day with the other two joining in only for their contributions of semen at the end. Many pictures were taken of this whole procedure and it later was noticed in pictures of Brick and Pete there was no signs of rebellion or even discomfort.

When this was done, Master San said, "You two seem to have gear for climbing. Now you can entertain us by climbing up that rock cliff. You will go one at a time, so there will be no worries about the two of you making a dash from the top of the cliff." The rest of the morning went rapidly while the climbing was demonstrated. Pete and Brick showed more enthusiasm than expertise, but worked at it until Master San called them to lunch. Many pictures had been taken looking up at the climbers from the base of the cliff, so the pictures all showed much butt cheeks, with cocks and balls flopping between their legs.

Another rice-heavy meal was served for lunch along with plenty of beer for the two drinkers. Afterwards, there was desultory conversation since all four almost dozed as they talked. The one point of particular interest to Brick and Pete, still in some concern about how long they would be kept as "entertainment", was clarified when Hiroshi mentioned that his party was planning to leave sometime after lunch on Sunday.

As they eventually "came to", it was decided that the three young men would spend the afternoon swimming in the deep hole of the stream.

Master San sat with his book and occasionally allowed the beauty and scent of the tall trees and stream and cliff to cleanse his mind of any problems that had disturbed his inner peace back in the city. The only noise is laughter from the swimming hole. He remembers that he has a small task to perform and picks up both cameras.

The swimmers swim vigorously in the cold water to stay as warm as possible. They enjoy the simple play in the water as though they were small children. If they noticed that the Master San stood on the bank and took pictures with each camera, they paid no attention and the older man returned to his campsite. Eventually, Pete returns to the upper part of the creek and brings the beer-filled net down to the pond. He climbs out onto a rock to drink and soak up some heat from the sun.

Brick and Hiroshi continue to cavort, becoming even more frenetic as they wrestle, trying to pull each other under the water and playing grab ass. At one point, Brick dives to the bottom of the pool and then came up in front of Hiroshi. Perhaps he misjudges, but he surfaces so close to Hiroshi that their crotches rub together and their peckers start to swell. The two look into each other's eyes for a few moments without moving until suddenly they each pull back in embarrassment and confusion.

When they go back to their innocent splashing and playing, they are much quieter. They do, however, start diving (face and crotch upward) through the arches formed by each other's legs. This causes more "accidental rubbing" and subsequent semi-erections, despite the cold water. They never say anything about the flesh on flesh activities.

Even that comes to an end, though, when the Master San calls them to a hearty meal. A day spent exerting in the fresh air and the filling meal makes conversation difficult and they agree to an early bedtime. The campsite is cleaned up and bladders are emptied before Pete and Brick are tied and mummified in their bedrolls once more.

During the night, Pete and Brick regret all the beer they drank and the early "lights out". The combination causes piss hards at a time much too early to be getting up for the day. Pete's moaning awakens Brick. By the light of the faint moonlight getting into the tent, they look at each other and discuss their situation until Brick says, "This is the last night we will sleep in these bedrolls before we can take them home and wash them. Why don't we. . ."

Before Brick can finish, the laconic Pete says, "Yeah", lets out a big sigh, smiles contentedly, and the smell of urine begins to drift through the tent. The warm, sticky fluid actually feels good to Pete as he rolls over to spread it around. "That's all right."

Brick, who had expected an argument now takes his turn in flooding his bedroll with the golden elixir and returns Pete's smile. By dawn, they are possessed by the affliction once more. Not needing further discussion, they roll over onto their backs, getting the maximum amount of piss scattered around. Then, they go back to sleep and sleep like babies. Actually, they smell similar to babies with wet diapers.

When Hiroshi, at the Master San's instruction, opens the tent flap next to the saturated bedrolls the next morning, he gags and steps back. "Master San, please come here."

Taking one sniff of the aroma and quickly surveying the cause, the fastidious Master San calmly orders, "Hiroshi, untie them and try not to breathe. Then you two will each pick up your bedrolls and go to the swimming hole. Soak yourselves and the bedrolls until at the smell is completely gone."

Hiroshi carries a bar of soap for them that he forces them to use. At that hour of the morning, the icy stream is even colder then usual. The boys toss their bedrolls in the water and ease themselves in after. After they make several attempts to get out, Hiroshi finally relents and lets them out to spread the bedrolls on the rocks. He has them return to the stream for a good soaping and sniffs carefully when he does let them out. Their skin that had turned blue in the cold water, now turns bright crimson with the return of blood. Their peckers and balls are drawn up so that they are barely visible.

After Master San makes his inspection, he allows them to sit on the ground cover near the fire. There they stay until everyone finishes eating a breakfast somewhat burned during the delay. Today, Master San varies the routine by first having the cliff climbers do their thing on the rock wall. This warms them thoroughly and cleans their pores with sweat.

Once more, they brave the water (now slightly warmed by the sun) and bathe at some length. Only then are they allowed to return to the ground cover and assume their positions before the fastidious pair for the primary "entertainment". With very few reminders, they run through the usual routine together. There are no arguments and even pleasant smiles. Their well stretched throats and manholes require no lubrication and things just seem to "fall together".

Then, Master San and Hiroshi strip for their parts in the show. They proceed as expected except that Hiroshi has Brick lie on his back for his fucking. This is done in such a way as to allow Hiroshi to keep eye contact with his partner.

Except for a momentary distraction of Brick's re-hardening cockshaft catching his eye, Hiroshi maintains the non committal expression on his face. Now, though, with Brick's piece in mind, Hiroshi's mind is cluttered with thoughts of having Brick entering him. He considers Brick's lance spurting sperm into his throat, and then thinks of the possibilities for Brick's plowing into the recesses of his rectal passage. The idea excites him so much that he has to pull out to keep from cumming prematurely. Prematurely, that is, according to Hiroshi's wish to continue feeling so warm and sex-pleased. Hiroshi imagines the pair in a 69 position and is pleased by the way their contrasting bodies would form a striking "Yin and Yang" design.

Master San completes his exercise with a minimum of bother and watches the others. His expression turns to amusement as Hiroshi cums with vigor and falls onto Brick's body. This time, the proximity makes it possible for Hiroshi to plant a long, gentle kiss on Brick's apparently eager mouth, before remembering there is an audience.

"I believe its time for lunch. We still have plenty of rice and beer", the Master San laughs. "Afterwards, if you young visitors are not waterlogged from your soakings this morning, I would suggest you enjoy the swimming hole one more time before we break camp." He whispers brief instructions to Hiroshi and starts preparing their meal.

Hiroshi goes into the main tent and makes sure he has a pen in his pocket and a piece of blank paper. Gathering up the bundles of clothing taken from Brick and Pete, he heads out of camp. His destination is Brick's SUV which he unlocks and deposits the bundles. There, he examines Brick's billfold, from which he copies the full name and address. Writing his own name and address on the blank paper, he places it next to the money in Bricks billfold.

Returning to camp, Hiroshi finds their lunch being served. This time, Master San has used more of the guy's food supplies and those two are smiling in appreciation. After the food is inhaled and the dishes cleaned, the young trio slowly takes an amble down the narrow path with well-filled bellies.

With Pete carrying the supply of beer in the net, the three start back to the swimming hole. Once there, the three revert to their childhoods and play in the water with much giggling and no inhibitions. Even Pete takes part in the occasionally intimate actions.

A little later, Pete pulls out onto a rock and carefully places the beer net convenient to his favorite resting spot. It is a spot incidentally near a large bush to screen his pissing. With the most minor of exertions, he can pour the beer in one end and let it flow out the other. He watches Brick and Hiroshi through half closed eyes. He, too, finds entertainment in their ploys for finding ways to touch each other's naked bodies.

The touching continues, becoming more flagrant. Several times, Pete is sure that the other two have dived under the surface of the pool to enjoy an underwater kiss. When they pull out to lie in the sun on a rock as far as possible from Pete, they are almost curled up together. Even at this distance, Pete can spot their phallic growths.

All three are startled when they hear Master San's voice from the upper end of the pool. They see both cameras hanging around his neck guess accurately that he has taken some final images for their reminders. He calls them back to camp where he has packed and stacked his and Hiroshi's camping gear.

At the camp, Master San looks them over as they hunker in a semi circle in front of him. He says to Brick and Pete, "As your final bit of cooperation, you two will help us carry our equipment to the SUV. By the time you return here and finish gathering your gear, we will be well down the road. Your clothes are locked in your SUV and as we leave, we'll tell you where your keys are hidden.

"Well you have provided a great deal of entertainment, gentlemen, and we appreciate it. You have made the weekend even more enjoyable than we expected. So, thank you." Even Pete blushes at this as he and Brick put their heads together. Turning back to the Master San on their knees, they nod in agreement as Brick inquires, "Hiroshi has told us that you are an instructor in martial arts. We wonder if you would allow us to study with you." Though surprised, the teacher manages to find each of them one of his business cards in his billfold. "I would be honored. Just give me a call to talk about details."

Impulsively, Hiroshi bends over them and kisses each of the other young men on their foreheads. It is his turn for surprise when Brick grabs Hiroshi's head as he is being kissed and gives the young Asian a slow, meaningful kiss on the lips with a brief insertion of tongue. When that episode is over, the usually non-talkative Pete adds his question. "Sir, we also wondered if you would let us return with you the next time you come up here." Pausing briefly, Pete concludes timidly.

"Could we be your entertainment again, sir?"

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