Unplanned Happenings

By Dalton Norris

Published on Jan 21, 2012


Hello and welcome to chapter 7 of Unplanned happenings. I am aware that the story might not be progressing as fast as you would like, but eventually, the chapters will only have one point of view. Just roll along. It gets better.

Read on at unplannedhappenings.wordpress.com or email me at dnorris190@gmail.com

Usual disclaimers apply. Thanks everyone!

Morning emerged at last and I awoke with the familiar knock at my bedroom door. "Ben, it's time to get up. Get your butt in gear and go take a shower and get ready," my dad hollered at me.

I glanced over at the clock on my alarm clock. 5:30. "Aw, Dad, the sun isn't even awake yet," I moaned and groaned. I sluggishly rolled out of my bed and did my morning stretch and yawn. I emerged from my room, hearing the sound of bacon cooking downstairs in the kitchen. "Well at least I have something to look forward to after waking up this early in the morning," I thought to myself as I walked into my bathroom.

I slipped off my pajama bottoms and admired my body in the mirror. I was getting pretty well developed in my teenage boy life. I had little six pack that I was proud of. I was born with natural muscle so I didn't really need to work out. I strolled over to the shower and started it up. I stood under the warm water for a good twenty minutes before I finally got out. I promptly got out, dried myself off, and went into my bedroom to get changed. "I wonder what I should wear today," I thought to myself as I started rummaging through my clothes. Finally I settled on an orange striped shirt and a pair of black shorts.

"Ben, breakfast is ready," my dad called for me from down the stairs.

Right on cue I arrived in the kitchen. I saw that my food was waiting for me on the table. I quickly sat down and wolfed the food down. I looked down at my watch and saw that I was running late. "Hey dad. I'm running late. I have to get going," I stated in a rush as I stood up from the table to grab my backpack and shoes.

"Alright son. I hope you have a great day. Don't let that boy get to you alright?"

"Alright, Dad," I laughed. It was amazing. I didn't think of Ty once until my dad mentioned him. Maybe it won't be so bad. I rushed out of the door and started sprinting towards the bus stop., and low and behold, the devil was there. "Maybe I should just ignore him. He does hate me after all," I convinced myself. I sat down on the curb, five feet away from him. Neither of us said a word. The bus came and we didn't say a word to each other. "Why was he ignoring me? Did he hate me after what I told him yesterday? Did I screw everything up? Maybe I misjudged him? No I didn't. It's my fault that this happened. I never should have told him that I was gay," I convinced myself.

The bus drove up to the curb, and Ty and I were the first ones on the bus, other than the driver of course. He got on first, and wandered to the back, while I stayed in the front seats. My short height of 5'3" would allow me to blend into the Elementary section of the bus easily. The ride was uneventful, and all the kids around me kept screaming, and crawled all over me. I didn't care. I was too upset about Ty to care about the kids. Eventually we rolled up to the high school, and I quickly got out. The bell started to ring. I rushed to class, ten strides in front of Ty. It turns out that our teacher decided it would be fun to make us a seating chart and sit me right next to Ty. Great. This was going to turn out good. She gave us a boring lecture on rules and I got up and went to the bathroom midway.

I wondered aimlessly around the building searching for the bathroom. I didn't mind wasting any time. I wanted to be away from Ty for a while. Eventually I found the bathroom and I walked into it. I was the only one in it. "Yes," I thought to myself. I hated it when someone else was in the bathroom. I stood upright at the urinal and started doing my business.

"Hey there cutie, you have a gift for me?"A mysterious voice called to me. I swing around to see a boy standing there. "Well? Do you or do you not have money for me?" He begins walking closer. It was clear that he wanted my lunch money.

With viper speed I zipped up my shorts and was ready to run away at any moment, but my knees were jelly. "Um, no. I don't," I muttered.

"What was that?" he asked rhetorically while walking closer to me.

"I said I don't have any money for you!" I screamed at him loudly so I could call for help at the same time.

He stopped and shifted his stance. "Wrong answer," he stated calmly, but his body was anything less than calm. He lurched forward at me and landed a punch to the stomach. I crumpled to the floor, clutching my gut in agony. Soon his foot met the rest of me. He started kicking me repetitively in my stomach, legs, and upper torso. The pain was too much to handle and I blacked out.

Next: Chapter 8: Unplanned Happenings 8 18

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