Unplanned Happenings

By Dalton Norris

Published on Jan 18, 2012


Hey guys! Welcome back to the next installment of Unplanned Happenings. I know the story isn't going as fast as you would like, especially since Nifty has a slow uploading time, but it's not that bad.

As always more of the story can be found at unplannedhappenings.wordpress.com, or you can email me at dnorris190@gmail.com for some teasers with some upcoming chapters or just random stories I wrote that have no major significance.

Usual disclaimers apply. Yadayadayada.


Chapter 6

I was caught off guard. I turned around to see what he wanted. I stated, a little harsher than I wanted, "Yeah? What do you want?" I saw his face turn from a nervous smile to a frown. "Aw shit. Why did I have to do that?" I thought to myself. Ben was at the point of crying. I could tell. "Aw man. Dude. I didn't mean to say it so harshly," I stated as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and left, wiping his eyes with his hoodie sleeve. I stood in my driveway, watching the ground, just thinking about what just happened. "Why did I have to be so mean to him? I just screwed everything up between us. It's probably for the better though. I can't be falling in love with him. I'm not gay." I looked up from the ground and I saw him unlock the door to the house right next to mine.

"I can't believe he lives next door to me. I mean I know a family moved in there a few weeks ago, but I never knew it was him. Why did I have to go and ruin everything? I need to go over and apologize. Maybe I should give him some time. I don't know what to do." I thought to myself as I ventured into my house. I walked into my house alone quite often and it there was nothing new about it. I guess I've gotten used to this way of life. I could make dinner for myself and I could go swimming in the buff whenever I wanted, and as much as I wanted to strip down and go swimming to escape the 110 degree heat right now, I figured I should go apologize to Ben first.

After I threw on some comfortable after school clothes, I walked outside into the warm desert heat over to his house. I didn't know what I was going to say and figured it would come to me when I saw him. I cautiously walked up his driveway to his grand two story house. Grey and black rocks lined the bottom of the lower wall of his outside house. A sitting area outside was waiting to greet tomorrow with another cup of coffee, longing to be used again. "Wow. This house is nice." I thought to myself as I reached for the doorbell. Hesitantly I pushed the sun bleached button. I was greeted with the usual ding dong. I stood outside waiting for an answer. I didn't hear anyone coming so I turned around and was about to walk away when suddenly the door opened.

"Oh. It's you," Ben stated sadly when he opened the door. I could tell that he had been busy because his face was all red. It could have been from crying or it might have been something else but it didn't really matter.

"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be. Listen. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings today. My mind has just been busy today," I apologized. He didn't know half of the things that were going through my mind right now and I hoped he wouldn't ask.

"Do you...do you want to come inside?" he invited.

"Maybe later. I have some things I have to do," I lied to avoid going inside.

"Oh. Okay. Maybe some other time then," he stated lowly. I could hear the disappointment in his voice. The last thing I wanted was to make him upset with me again.

"Well maybe a few minutes won't kill me," I said half-heartedly. I was looking forward to the inside of his house. It would be fun.

He ended up giving me a tour of his house. It was almost identical to mine except it was a mirrored version and it was clean. He showed me to the living room and kitchen and he asked if I wanted anything to drink. I agreed on a simple glass of water. We continued the tour and he took me up to his room. One of the first things that I noticed was that his window looked right into mine.

"Hey, your window is in a funny spot. You could spy on me if you wanted to," I laughed hoping that he hasn't spied on me. Certain things needed to stay a secret.

He let out a chuckle, "Yeah. I guess I could if I wanted to, but don't worry. I won't."

We made some light talk like what our favorite subjects were, where we came from, and other small talk subjects. Soon he asked me, "What do you think about gay people?" Caught off guard, I let out a small cough since I was mid sip of my drink. "Oh. I see. So you probably hate me then," he uttered

"What was he saying? Did he just come out to me on the first day that I've known him? What should I say? How should I react?" I thought to myself. "I think I'd better go," I said in a hurry, walking out of his room and out the front door.

"Ty. Wait. Please," Ben pleaded from the balcony ledge upstairs. I picked my head up and he stated, "Please don't tell anyone my secret."

I ignored him and left. I was too confused to say anything at that moment. I went home and I took a nap that lasted all night.

Next: Chapter 7

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