Unless Darkness Falls parts one and two

By Mike Allegretto

Published on Feb 24, 1997



From alt.sex.stories.tg Mon Mar 3 23:04:15 1997 Path: nienor.IN-Berlin.DE!sauveur!IN-Berlin.DE!fub!fu-berlin.de!news.nacamar.de!howland.erols.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.infi.net!newsfeeder.servtech.com!post.servtech.com!not-for-mail ~~Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.tg ~~Organization: ServiceTech, Inc. ~Lines: 320 Message-ID: 3310e7f2.1070123@news.servtech.com NNTP-Posting-Host: hal.ceh.servtech.com X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.168

Hey Mike long time man, yeah it's a TG story but with werewolf stuff a major factor. Here's part one of the story, send me all of the ideas you want, I'm always looking for another story!

By the way, seen any good TG on TV lately? Last one I got was Synapse off Cinemax.....also check out Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy book 4.....Superman is turned into a beautiful teenage girl for some time and gets shot and killed saving Lois, who's now Wonder Woman (long story). As a woman she dies in Lois' arms and is reborn as a man again moments later!

Eddie Glover

Unless Darkness Falls

Marcus Klines frowned as he exited the gym after a close loss. He'd been horrible in the game before dozens of college recruiters.

Basketball had been his life forever....now it was slipping away....just like everything else in his life.

"God! Help me!", a woman screamed as he walked past the woods to his house.

Marcus frowned, any girl out this late was probably not a saint.....but he couldn't just ignore her.....his mother would never forgive him such a sin.

He charged through the brush, hearing more screams and then he heard it......

"AWOOOOOO!", a bestial howl went up as the woman's screams ended.

Marcus stopped cold, fear making his feet heavy as lead. That had not been a wolf.....no animal could make that noise......no animal that he knew of.

His mind reeled, the woman could be dying even as he stood rooted to the spot. Or perhaps she was already dead....and it was at least partially his fault.

"GROWWL!", a roar erupted as a nightmare made flesh erupted through the trees before him. He fell back in shock as it slashed towards him, ripping a chunk out of his arm.

Terror made his mind sharp, a gift his mother had always been quick to point would save him some day. He saw that this creature was man-sized....and so there was one point he could try.

Marcus struggled as the creature slammed him to the ground, the impact momentarily stunning him despite his tall, muscular form. He looked up into the face of a wolf......and a man. The creature's fangs dripped saliva onto him even as he brought up his knee...into the beast's groin.

He saw the werewolf's eyes widen in shock and pain then roll off for a moment. Marcus had no illusions of fighting the beast, despite his strength he'd be ripped apart, even now he was bleeding badly from his arm.

He tripped over something as he fled and fell hard to the dirt.

"Oh....oh shit!", he screamed as he saw a woman's dead eyes staring at him. She was chubby and not overly attractive....and very, very dead. This must have been the woman who'd screamed for help.

"What the fuck!?", he gasped upon seeing the uniform she wore...that of a sheriff's deputy. The uniform fit her badly, from the spots that the creature hadn't slashed through...in fact the body was surpisingly undamaged.....the werewolf had been very efficient in killing her...a slash through the jugular was the only mark he saw upon her capable of killing so quickly.

"GROWLLL!", the beast roared as it caught his scent again. It would be here in seconds...and this time it wouldn't wait to kill him.

He grabbed the woman's badge and gun then ran as swiftly as he still could, ignoring the numbing cold spreading throughout him.

He was close to the road now, he could hear the diesels easily. Then he saw the beast, perhaps a hundred yards away and closing, running so quickly he'd never make it the few yards he needed.

Then he remembered the gun.....only silver could kill movie werewolves.....maybe in reality that wasn't true.

He aimed it shakily with his good arm and fired. The beast caught a slug in the shoulder and fell for a moment....then rose.

Their eyes locked for a moment.....and he could see human intelligence there......an evil, malicious gleam in the eyes of this killing machine. He fired again, missing as he ran, his aim thrown well off.

He cleared the last trees and was on the road....the asphalt slapping beneath his feet....only there were no cars!

"SNARL!", the werewolf roared as it broke though the trees.

He raised the gun again only to see the creature's claws slash over his hand. The pain made him drop the gun, it's metal clattering upon the asphalt.

The beast grabbed him in arms that seemed to possess the strength of twenty men. The jaws loomed before him.....but didn't bite....yet.

Marcus felt another sensation as the beast held him....almost as if he were changing. His entire body seemed aflame with pain now and he screamed....in a voice that while still male seemed higher.

As he sagged a horn blared as a diesel rounded the turn behind them. Startled the creature dropped him aside.....just as it was slammed into by the massive machine.

Marcus watched from the shoulder as the werewolf was hurtled through the air to land with a sickening thud on the road. Then......it rose.....very slowly....he could see it's arm hanging uselessly, and the leg that seemed mangled. Blood poured from dozens of wounds.....but the beast lived.

He saw it glare at him for a moment then limp into the forest as the truck driver leaped out of his rig.

"Jesus Christ buddy!", the man cried as he saw Marcus lying wounded along the road.

"Get me out of here!", Marcus howled, his voice still seeming wrong.

The man picked him up and carried him to the rig, depositing him in the passenger's seat. He looked at Marcus for a moment, noticing how baggy the black man's clothes seemed.

"What WAS that thing I hit!?", the truck driver asked while starting the rig.

"You don't want to know....I have to get to the sheriff....I got this off a deputy that thing killed.", he held out the badge.

The driver saw the man's long nails and frowned, then he took the badge and his eyes widened.

"Officer Parsons! I know Jimmy!", he gasped.

Marcus frowned, "Jimmy? This was a woman, plump....late thirties.....", he managed.

The man frowned, "Jimmy Parsons was thirty nine and chubby....but ain't know way he'd ever be confused with a woman!", the man snorted.

"Maybe it wasn't him....but she was in his uniform then....and this woman had big breasts to match her belly.", he said firmly.

"I passed Jimmy's squad car back there a ways...maybe he was gettin' laid in the woods....then that wolf got him....he was a good man...if he's dead.", the man seemed suspicious.

Marcus could feel his grip on consciousness weakening from the loss of blood but he wanted to stay awake....in case the creature somehow found him...in the darkness he'd never feel safe again.

Unless Darkness Falls part 2

Marcus woke as the man shook him. He knew that he'd been altered somewhat by the werewolf but now he could see the lust in the leering driver's eyes.

Marcus looked down into his large breasts and then saw the new sex of his body...why were his clothes gone!? Then he saw the driver begin to change...into the beast! He screamed...a woman's scream...as the beast's erection brushed against her groin.

"Buddy, wake up.....what the hell!?", the driver screamed...snapping Marcus out of the nightmare.

Marcus groaned and immediately looked down....no breasts...it had all been a dream...well at least the part of moments ago. The attack earlier in the night had been very real.

"Sorry....guess I'm still shook up.", he managed.

The driver smiled, "Hey buddy I understand, I'd be traumitized too if that reject from a horror movie had attacked me!".

Marcus noticed that his body had begun to resume it's normal appearance. Whatever the wolf had done to him to make him shrink in size and weight seemed to be fading...and his nails and body hair were going back to normal.

"You okay?", the chesty driver cooed as she stripped off her shirt, revealing her fine breasts.....

Marcus shook his head in wonder.....he was beginning to see things now! He'd actually seen the driver for a moment as...as a blonde with breast like something out of Playboy!

"I'm.....I'm fine...", Marcus lied...whatever the beast had done to him was driving him mad it seemed.

The truck driver's appearance didn't change to Marcus again as they reached the hospital.....and for a brief moment Marcus thought he'd dreamnt it all.....until he woke staring at a group of naked women, all panting lustily for him....all gorgeous and smiling. Then that vision cleared and he saw a male doctor and three deputies hovering above him.

"Marcus Klines?", a burly blonde man asked.

Marcus squeezed his eyes shut to clear away his delusions then answered weakly, "Y....yes.".

"I'm Deputy Gerald Lowens, we're here about the murder you witnessed last night.", the man seemed a bit jumpy Marcus noticed.

"I didn't actually see the werewolf kill her.....I just arrived as I ran from it myself.", he explained.

"A werewolf?", one of the other deputies scoffed.

The doctor frowned, "The claws marks torn in Mr. Klines' skin is consistent with those of a wolf.....and we have some form of animal blood on that truck driver's vehichle. What concerns me is the blood work we have for the Jane Doe. It....it matches that of your missing deputy.", he seemed stunned himself.

Lowens turned with a frown, "What exactly does that mean?".

"We've taken fingerprints, dental records.....and I'm telling you that the woman you found in the forest IS Jimmy Parsons.", the doctor said in disbelief.

"You're nuts!", the second deputy snapped.

Marcus managed to rise slightly, "I.....I don't doubt him. That creature grabbed me and it...changed me briefly. I'm still seeing things.".

"That could be the trauma Mr. Klines, we've informed your mother and she's on her way...in the meanwhile get some rest. The deputies will be hunting that creature throughout the rest of the night.", the doctor said.

"No....you can't, it's too powerful...even injured it might kill you!", Marcus said.

Lowens frowned, "Then I'll make sure to load up some silver bullets.", he said in a half-snarl.

After the deputies left Marcus fell asleep.

He woke to see the moon still up....and himself now a buxom woman! He hit the call button but the door splintered and in raced the werewolf, the middle-aged woman that had been the doctor hanging from one claw.

It grabbed Marcus and slammed him down, the sensation of his bouncing breasts reinforcing his terror....this was no dream! As the creature slipped into his new sex he screamed........and woke.

Marcus sobbed as he realized the nightmare was only that...a dream. But it seemed so real.....everything seemed so genuine...he could FEEL the weight of his breasts in the nightmare.....what was happening....was he going insane.

"No kid, you're not insane.", a woman sighed as she smoked her cigarette at the foot of his bed.

"What!? Who are you!?", he snapped in fear.

The woman clicked on the lights and Marcus gasped....she was gorgeous!

"Don't stare at the breasts...please.", the woman groaned as his eyes darted to her D-cup chest.

"Sorry....who are you...how'd you get into my room!?", he growled in fear and rage.

"Like this.", she smiled while her eyes....her eyes suddenly caught Marcus' and he froze.

"Snap out of it kid!", she laughed, breaking his trance.

"Who....what are you?", Marcus gasped.

"Let's just say I'm aware of the supernatural....and dabble from time to time. That creature you met in the forest was once someone important to me, I've finally tracked it down...and now I can end this.", she sighed.

"Was it your husband?", Marcus asked.

She smiled, "No.....a friend. Enough talk for now Marcus....I'll be watching over you......because the beast will not forget you......it will come......and I'll be waiting.", she said in a cold voice.

Marcus watched her leave and stared into the darkness outside his window...somewhere.....the beast was lurking......wanting him dead. Marcus left the lights on as he laid in bed, sleep was not an option he cared for, he'd seen enough darkness for two lifetimes.

end of part 2

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