
By knottedpup

Published on Oct 18, 2018


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Second ( Lampard) his First is Alpha Bouche

Second (Trazer) his First Zenith Alpha Bouche's mate Zathur

Prince Silos mate Zenith

Once Zenith was laid down next to his older brother Zathur, cocoons began to form around the two of them.

Holtz, one of Zenith's guardians linked with his Prince Silos and Alpha Bouche.

"Prince Silos, Alpha Bouche, come quickly to the transformation chamber". "Something strange is happening to your Soul Mates"

With Portals Gates set up in different locations around their new base camp, Prince Silos and Alpha Bouche were there in seconds.

I can't explain why these cocoons have form around your bonded soul mates. I've checked the scrolls and found only two other such cases. But it involves two completely different species. One species has been extinct for more then 10 millennium. The other species hasn't been seen for more thn 5 millennium.

Alpha Bouche moved forward with his brother Prince Silos at his side. They both examined the cocoons that had formed around their Mates. They could hear them breathing but were unable to see them through cocoons. This worried both of them deeply. This had never happened before in their known history.

Holtz what are the two species that your referring too?

They are the Starlight Children and Phazoids. It's said they became extinct when 5 Black Holes collided with each other and their home world's were destroyed. The two species lived in harmony with each other as well as drew from each others strengths.

Hapose spoke of the Starlight Children when he examined Zathur, Alpha Bouche said to the group.

He also said that Zathur has a star chart somewhere on him that would show the way back to our home world.

"Zenith is that you"?

"Yes Zathur it's me". "Your Bonded Soul Mate, Alpha Bouche saved me from the Children's Mental Illness Hospital". "Now like you, I'm going through my change". "Prince Silos is my Bonded Soul Mate". "Zenith, I'm so happy for you. I'm also happy that we are together again"

"Yes Zathur I feel the same way"

"Zathur, how long will it take for us to go through our transformation"

"I don't know Zenith". "I've been like this for over a year now". "I've woken up a few times in that time period. These cocoons that have formed around us are new".

"Maybe Zathur, we needed to come together first in order to complete the cycle"

Holtz, I want you to document all of this and everything that has happened since Zathur has come to be with us.

Alpha Bouche, as my father was keeper of the scrolls, I've taken it upon myself and started several new scrolls to document our life from the first day we were stranded on that planet called Earth.

I've also started separate scrolls for both Zathur and Zenith since they've become apart of us. These scrolls include Prince Silos and your Bonding with your Soul Mates. In addition Alpha, I also have film documentation of each Soul Mates Bonding Ritual.

Very good Holtz.

Mind linking with the colony. Alpha Bouche broadcasted.

"Let it be known, that from this day forward, Holtz is our Official Historian and Keeper of the Scrolls". Holtz, I need you to find out everything that you can about those two species especially their powers.

Yes Alpha Bouche, I'll get on it right away.

Good Holtz but don't let it interfere with your responsibilities.

I won't Alpha.

King Hapose, We've searched everywhere. The entire base camp has been abandoned.

Is there no trace of where they went.

Our team did find one abandoned gate. When we sent a probe through to check where it went, it collapsed on itself.

It's apparent that it was booby trapped and it imploded on itself.

Is there anyway to clear it out.

We have a team clearing it as we speak.

We also searched for the frequency of the tracker device that you implanted in your sons soul mate. But as yet, we have not found any trace.

Ok Melpha keep me posted.

Yes King.

Dalso reported to Alpha Bouche, that someone attempted to use our escape portal gate. The explosives that we put in place there, were set off.

Dalso I need you to send back an explosive device that will erase all traces of our whereabouts and fully collapse the portal gate.

Yes Alpha.

Dalso linked with his team. "Meet me at the portal gate and bring the two remote detonation explosive devices"

After meeting up with his team. They armed both explosives. They sent the first explosive device back to the first portal gate. The second one back to the relay gate. After they detonated the first explosive, it resulted in fully collapsing the original portal gate. The second explosive device totally destroy all three of the relay portal gates.

King Hapose's second Melpha linked with him.

" Someone sent back an explosive device and destroyed the portal gate. We immediately scanned afterwards and found enough trace elements to identify the type of explosive device used. It matches the type we gave Dalso and his team. But unfortunately they sent back another explosive device that destroyed the relay gates".

"Was anyone hurt in the explosion".

" Nothing that we haven't healed from already".

" Check the Star Gate charts and see if you can determine where they went".

Alpha, all gates are destroyed, as well as the relay gates. We also removed the entrance gate to this realm. Even if they do figure out which way we went, they won't be able to slip stream into this realm without us reactivating the portal gate first.

Good job Dalso. Tell your team that their Alpha is very proud of them.

Yes Alpha.

The human families that had decided to leave earth and come with Alpha Bouche and his group, were slowly settling in. Now they had shelter and enough steady food to feed their families. Also a garden was growing.

There were still a small group of men wanting to play with little Trazer's body.

I noticed that Trazer goes to the pond in the morning to bath. But he has two of those weird boys with him at all times.

We need to keep an eye out for him. The first chance we get him alone, we'll take him and venture out on our own.

Okay sounds good. We will need to collect anything we can use for weapons, some food and survival gear.

Let's volunteer for the search details in the morning. This way we can scout the area to find our own shelter as well as a place we will keep our play thing.

I'll check with my brother Scott to see if he wants to join us.

Good, that will make it five cause he will bring his son Scotty with him.

He's another boy toy to play with. How old is he?

Scotty just turned 10. He's the same age as Trazer.

Oh yes I'd loved to play with my nephew Scotty again. He's such a shy and submissive boy who does as he's told.

Okay sounds like a plan.

Unbeknownst to the group of men, Scott had heard their whole conversation. He was furious that his brother had admitted to being sexual with his son.

It took every fiber of his being not to marcharch in there and confront his brother at that very moment. But he was loyal to Lampard who had employed him when he was down on his luck. As well as provided shelter for him and his boy Scotty.

Scott could build almost anything out of the limited supplies that they had. He had already constructed several hammocks, lean-to's and fire pits for cooking.

He had engineered a conduit to transfer fresh water from a spring that was discovered in one of the caves. It bought necessary water to a holding well so everyone could access the water easier.

Scott decided that he would go to his friend Lampard and inform him of his brothers and his friends plan.

Lampard had been training Trazer for over a month now. He was very impressed with the young boys abilities and quick learning skills. He had already mastered their language and had read most of the Aquatic Vampyre Ancient Scrolls.

Trazer was now well versed in weapons, tactical assault, offensive and defensive strategies, martial arts, telepathically and esp since his bonding with Zenith.

Lampard had made sure that Trazer had at least two guards with him at all times. Even though he could more then likely take care of himself.

Lampard also had Scott and Scott Jr. moved into his tent system. After Scott related to him what his brother and friends had planned.

Lzter reported to Lampard.

"How can I help you Lzter" Lampard mind thought.

"Zenith alerted me to protect Scott Jr"

Excitedly Lampard thought, " He's awake"

" No Second Lampard, Zenith mind linked with me and ordered me to protect Scott Jr at all cost"

"Okay Lzter, you do what your Prince's Bonded Soul Mate told you to do"

"Thank you Second Lampard"

Alpha Bouche and his brother, Prince Silos had been looking over the scrolls for any clues to this strange phenomenon that was in progress with their Bonded Soul Mates transformations.

Alpha, Holtz Is correct.

The Phaziod species will form a cocoon when a younglings goes through his first transition from a toddler to a Phaziod yearling at an age equal of a ten year old human boy. Then again when a yearling transitions in to an adult, at an age equal to a 75 year old human. Starlight Children babies are inside the female of the species for the first 6 months. Then they mature inside of the male for 6 more months. When the Starlight child is born, a cocoon forms around them. Then for the next year, the baby feeds off the nutrients inside the coccon. This completes the rest of the Phaziod babies transformation.

"Alpha, I appreciate what you did for Holtz. I know it was hard for him to leave his father." Silos linked.

" You didn't know this Silos but Holtz's dad came to me and asked if I would take Holtz with us".

" He wanted Holtz to have his own life. There was a reason that he wouldn't go into. He wanted to get his son as far away from our dad as he could get him."

"About dad Bouche. Why was he so interested in your Mate Zathur?"

"Remember when he said something about Star Chart and Starlight Children".

"Yes" "Well dad thinks Zathur has a some kind of a map that will lead him to our home world."

" Both of our Bonded Soul Mate's have strange powers, that they are now developing."

"According to the archives that Holtz uncovered." "They will develop strong psychic abilities and other wonderful powers unknown to our species".

"Alpha Bouche, you better come quickly"

Prince Silos and Alpha Bouche stepped through the rooms portal gate. They appeared in the security center that had been set up in the deepest part of the Alpha's Cave.

"Alpha, I was archiving the recorded films from security and noted this"

Looking upon the screen. Alpha Bouche was kind of surprised to see his father Hapose examining a comatose Zathur.

Right there Alpha, Holtz said aloud.

Holtz zoomed in on the scene that was unfolding before him. He froze the imagine of King Hapose. He was injecting a needle into the shoulder of Alpha Bouche's Bonded Soul Mate.

"So he injected Zathur with a needle".

"Alpha thats a tracking injector needle" "King Hapose put a frequency tracking device inside of Zathur's right shoulder muscle"

"I had Keltz scan the cocoons and he was able to pick up the tracking device". "Keltz also was able to pin point the frequency"

" And "

"It's your fathers security frequency" Holtz relayed.

" Keltz was able to jam the frequency and Dr. Bolize will extract the tracking device once Zathur's transformation is completed".

"That's great work Holtz"

"Thanks Alpha".

It now had been 3 months since the cocoons had formed around Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos Bonded Soul Mate's.

In that time, the search parties had discovered two caves that connected to each other and exited in two different places. Several other entrances were also discovered and the extent of the caves haven't been fully searched. The tunnel system was being mapped out by Pultz and Xtrex.

The cave system that housed most of the humans went another 3 miles under the mountain before it ended at a super smooth rock face. The caves showed signs of being used recently. As several tools, cooking items and handmade weapons were found.

Another cave system was found that had been mapped 8 miles into the mountain so far. It had many different tunnels branching off from it.

Security cameras and video surveillance systems were set up throughout all the cave systems as well as portal gates at designated areas.

These portal gates could only be accessed by Aqua Vampyres or those trusted humans who knew how to activate the gates.

The earthen chamber where Zathur and Zenith had been moved too was more like a jungle now. The cocoons had grown buds that had blossomedinto an green house like chamber. The boys cocoons couldn't even be seen anymore. The vines and roots and folage were everywhere now. It was impossible to move even a foot before coming in contact with some form of vegetarian.

Second Lampard was very proud of his apprentice Trazer and his accomplishments.

Trazer had completed his training to become Zenith's Second. Trazer was now fully trained and a force to be reckoned with.

Lzter continued to watch Scotty. The two of them formed a bound of friendship between them. But they both knew it was leading to more then that.

Lzter, I want you to know that I've never had a friend like you before, Scotty said.

I like you also Scotty, Lzter said back.

Scotty closed the space between them. Then he did something he never thought he'd ever do. He hugged another boy. Not a hug you'd give a friend but a hug you'd give to someone you loved.

Lzter felt the arms of Scotty wrap around his body. It took all his strength not to devour this young boy.

Lzter had very strong feelings for Scotty. But he couldn't allow his feelings to cloud his duties of protecting the boy in his charge.

Lzter knew that the Pull was being subdued, only because his obligations overrode his needs. But once his obligations were met. The Pull would consume Lzter every breath and thought.

Scotty looked into Lzter eye's as he continued to hug him. Something inside of him changed at that moment.

Before they parted, Scott Sr walked into the room.

Looking over to the two boys as they hugged each other, had bought a smile to his face.

Scott had known his boy was gay at a very young age.

The day that Lzter was assigned to his son, Scott's only hope was that his boy didn't get hurt. Not bodily but emotionally.

These two boys were in love. He knew love when he saw it. What was he thinking? Scotty was only 10 but Lzter may only look like a 10 year old boy. But he was really over 70 years old. But still he could see the love between the two of them. He wouldn't interfere unless of course Scotty was hurt.

Scotty blushed when his dad entered the room and saw him hugging Lzter.

It's okay Scotty, I'm glad you found someone who seems to care very much for you.

Dad, your embarrassing me.

Lzter, all I ask is that you don't hurt my boy.

Sir, I care very much for Scotty and will allow no harm to come to him.

That's not what I meant, Lzter. I know that you care more for Scotty, then just his bodyguard.

I do sir but until my obligations are complete. I will do everything in my power to protect him. But once my obligations are over. I hope, I have your blessings to pursue your son.

Yes, you have my permission. .

Thank you sir.

But I think it's Scotty who you need to ask.

Ask me what Daddy?

Trazer was now Zenith's Second. He sought out his First in the Earthen Chamber. He finally made it over to where Zenith laid buried under all the growth.

Zathur was also buried beneath the undergrowth on the other side of Trazer.

"Prince Silos come quickly, Zenith is awakening" Trazer linked Rolzer in the security center detected movement from the tracking device embedded in Zathur's shoulder.

Prince Silos clawed his way to Zenith's side.

"Alpha Bouche, Zathur's tracking device is moving" Rolzer linked.

The portal gate inside the earthen chamber was entangle with vines and roots making it inoperable. This forced Alpha Bouche to use the portal gate at the entrance of the cave.

Alpha Bouche arrived in time to notice that there was a lot of movement coming from the underbrush.

" Help me Trazer, I can't get out of this cocoon," Zenith linked

Silos watched Trazer pull out his knife and started cutting the vines and roots away from his First cocoon encased body. Silos was now able to see his Mate's cocoon for the first time in more then three months. Using his hands, he tore a big hole in the side of the cocoon. Silos reached inside and touch his Soul Mate's body.

Trazer rolled over next to Zathur's cocoon. With the knife still in his hands, cut the vines and roots away.

Both Zenith and Zathur's bodies were now struggling from within the cocoons. Desperately trying to break free of the confines that presently held them.

Alpha Bouche kneeling next to Zathur's body, used his Alpha strength to rip through the cocoons walls to free his Bonded Soul Mate's body.

Silos with Trazer's help finished cutting Zenith free.

Zathur and Zenith emerged covered in a green and blue slime. It was all over both boys entire body.

On instinct, Trazer and Silos started licking up all the green and blue after birth off of Zenith's body.

Alpha Bouche was already licking Zathur's body free of his green and blue slime after birth also. With Zenith's body now clean, Trazer helped lick the remaining after birth off of his Alpha's Bonded Soul Mate's body. Looking at each of their Mates faces. They noticed that both of their eyes were still closed.

Leaning forward Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos tenderly kissed their Mates lips. As they continued to stare, the closed eyes showed signs of opening. When they saw the first set of lids open fully. The Aqua Vampyres eyelids were still protecting the boys new set of glowing blue, green and red eyes.

A smile came to Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos faces. They knew that these beautiful eyes would be looking at them for many millennium to come.

Both Zathur and Zenith's hair color had changed to pure white. It blended in with the boys now pale skin tone.

Both boys now sported a set of two inch fangs as they were unable to retract them.

Looking under the boys jaws, two sets of gills were plain to see on their necks.

During the boys transformation, their muscles gained noticeable definition. But that wasn't the only part that had changed.

Zathur's cock shaft had lengthened by more than two inches and more than 1" around. Twelve year old Zathur now sported a 7" x 3" cock when hard.

Alpha Bouche licked his lips knowing that his Mate's Cock complimented his own hard 8" x 4" cock.

Where ten year old Zenith sported a hard 5" x 2" cock.

Silos couldn't wait to wrap his lips around his Bonded Soul Mate's cock that was a mirror image of his own. Both boys hands and feet were now webbed. They had longer and sharper nails on both of their fingers and toes.

The boys ears came to a point at the tip which would now act as antennas, enhancing the boys hearing.

Zathur's guards helped carry him to Dr. Bolize's shelter which was off one of the junction points in Alpha Bouche cave.

Trazer with the help from Zenith's guards carried him also to Dr Bolize shelter to be checked out.

The immediate problem was that the boys needed blood. So during the boys three month long transformation, the good doctor had collected a pint of blood from every healthy human once a week.

The Dr kept all the blood in cold storage during that time.

Zathur and Zenith caught the scent of the blood that was put out as soon as it was placed on the table besides each of them.

Before anyone saw the two boys move. They each drained fourteen pint bags of blood in less then a mInute that had been put out for them.

All of the boys in the room couldn't believe how fast they had moved just.

Zathur and Zenith looked up with shit eating grins on both of their faces.

Trazer was leaning over his First [Zenith]. Seeing the blood dripping off of his chin, he licked up all the blood that was there.

Both boys were now fully sated after satisfying their hunger.

Dr Bolize began examining each boy in succession. He took several DNA tissue samples, checked their eyes, hearing and all bodily functions. He identified that the boys were full Aqua Vampyres but they also had other traits that he had never seen or heard of before.

Giving Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos his full report, he cleared the boys as being healthy.

He wasn't able to identify all of their abilities. But was certain in time that they would reveal themselves.

Zathur was picked up by his Alpha and carried off to his personal quarters with strict orders to not be disturbed.

Lampard positioned Zathur's five guardians strategically around their Alpha's Quarters. Giving them their orders, that no one was to enter without his permission.

Solis didn't even get two steps before Zenith had him flat on his back. Right there on the floor of the doctor's office.

As Trazer turned to leave. " Don't go anywhere Second as we will be bonding with you when were through satisfying our hunger for each other" Solis linked.

Alpha Bouche had Zathur's legs bent backwards exposing his boy pussy. He had his face pressed between his Mate's butt cheeks. His tongue was speared deep inside his boy hole.

Zathur was moaning as he pushed his ass back into his Mate's face. Needing to get that tongue deeper into his willing hole.

" Bouche take me, I need you to breed me" Zathur linked.

" Lampard report to my quarters immediately" Bouche linked.

Lampard had waited for this day to come for many Eons. He knew that he was going to be mated by both his Alpha and his Alpha's Bonded Soul Mate.

This was the greatest honor that could be given to an Aqua Vampyre that wasn't of Royal Blood. This Ritual also would seal his fate as well.

Only a Second can obtain this Honor. But it was an commitment that could last an Eternity.

Once the Bonding was completed. The Seconds every thought and action would demand complete devotion to your First and his Mate. Failure would result in your death.

Alpha Bouche had just penetrated Zathur's boy pussy when Lampard entered.

"Join us Lampard and receive your Honor for the Eons of loyalty" Bouche linked.

Lampard stripped off the few clothes he was wearing. He stood naked in front of his Alpha and Zathur.

Leaning forward Bouche kissed Lampard hard on his lips while he continued to thrust his cock inside of his Mate's boy pussy.

Zenith was getting royally fucked by Solis as Trazer was sucking and getting sucked by Zenith.

The boys were approaching their second orgasm when suddenly Solis cried out and started to empty his ball's into his Mate's boy pussy. This triggered both Zenith and Trazer's orgasm to erupt from their own cocks in to each other's mouths.

The three boys emptied themselves in to each other's orifices.

Neither Zenith or Solis softened from their second cum.

Trazer was half limp after his second explosion but didn't resist when his Prince had on sit on his cockhead.

Only having been fucked once by Zenith, Trazer slowly descended down onto Prince Solis cock shaft. Feeling the pubic hairs touching his butt cheeks, Trazer knew he had all of his Prince's Cock inside of him.

Solis was feeling the tight confines of Trazer's boy pussy sliding down his cock shaft. He pulled Trazer down until they were face to face.

It was more of a reaction then a thought, when Trazer pressed his lips against his Prince's mouth.

They kissed each other hungerly.

Trazer's mind was totally occupied with the feelings he was getting from the slow pistoning cock going in and out of his boy pussy as well as the intense kiss he was getting from his Prince.

When the unexpected happened.

Zenith had crawled over behind Trazer and impaled his already stuffed boy pussy with his own cock. Zenith pushed until he was fully embedded into Trazer's boy pussy right next to his Mate's Cock.

Trazer let out blood curdling cry as he felt his boy pussy stretch more then he thought possible.

Feeling the pain receding, Trazer flexed his boy pussy around the two cocks that were now deeply embedded in side of his boy pussy.

The three of them linked.

"Trazer we are ready to claim you fully but we need your permission first" Solis linked.

Trazer was moving his hips from side to side. "Yes please claim me as both of yours" "I swear complete loyalty to you both as well as the welfare of the Pack"

" Trazer are you sure cause if you betray us or the Pack, your punishment will be death" Solis linked.

" I have never wanted anything more in my life then what I'm about to receive"

On that statement Solis and Zenith worked in unison and began fucking Trazer's boy pussy. Long, deep and hard thrust were given by both of the mated boys.

In Alpha Bouche's chamber's Lampard had just shot off six volleys of cum into Zathur's mouth and throat.

Alpha Bouche's cum started squeezing out of Zathur's boy pussy as he continued pistoning his pulsing cock inside of him.

"Assume the position, Lampard" Bouche linked.

Getting up on all fours Lampard opened his mouth and relaxed his tongue. It had been centuries since how had been penetrated.

Feeling pressure on his tight boy hole, Lampard willed himself to relax.

"Lampard do you fully accept the position of Honor and freely give us your total loyalty" Alpha Bouche linked.

"Yes Alpha, I've waited for this my entire life"

Aaaawwwww yelled Lampard as he felt all 8" of his Alpha's cock sink into him.

As his mouth opened to scream, Zathur impaled all 7" of his cock down Lampard's throat.

Aqua Vampyres don't have a gag reflex. So sucking cock is a natural activity.

Alpha Bouche was holding on to Lampard's hips as he hammered his cock in and out of Lampard's boy hole.

At the same time Zathur had grabbed Lampard's head and was pistoning his cock repeatedly in and out of Lampard's throat.

Lampard could be heard moaning around the cock in his mouth as well as pushing his tight boy pussy back onto his Alpha's massive Cock.

With a mighty roar both Zathur and Alpha Bouche came inside of Lampard's holes.

Quickly pulling out the Alpha Bouche and Zathur switched places as their Cocks continued dripping cum.

Not waiting, Zathur thrust his cock in Lampard's boy pussy and started ramming his hard Cock in and out.

Alpha Bouche teased Lampard with his hard dripping cock before plunging into his Seconds mouth.

The mate's fucked Lampard from both ends as they rapidly approached another orgasm.

Aaaaawww cried Alpha Bouche and Zathur in unison as their Cocks pumped out more cum into Lampard's boy hole and mouth. Flooding both to overflowing.

Pulling their cocks out of Lampard, the mate's helped Lampard to stand.

With Lampard standing in between both Alpha Bouche and Zathur.

They drove their fangs into the jugular vein of Lampard's neck. Drinking a small amount of blood before they withdrew from his neck. Each cutting one of their wrist, they pressed them against the sucking mouth of Lampard.

Getting three good pulls from both Alpha Bouche and Zathur's blood, Lampard's system was suddenly overwhelmed by the intense energy level he received. This caused his body short circuit as he passed out.

Solis and Zenith had worked up a good sweat as they were thrusting in and out of Trazer's boy pussy.

"Do you give yourself freely to us Trazer. Knowing the punishment is death if you ever cross us or the Pack" Solis linked

" Yes please take me"

Zenith's fangs were already extended since he came out of his cocoon. He watched his Soul Mate's fangs come out of his gums matching his own.


Aaaawwwww yelled Trazer as he felt both sides of his neck being bitten by his First and Prince.

As the blood drained from Trazer, he felt everything around him going black. The last thing he remembered was two wrist being pressed to his mouth as he slipped off in to nothingness.


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