
By knottedpup

Published on Jul 10, 2018


Three scout teams went out in three different directions looking for a safe place to settle. After several hours of searching they each found a cave system located underground.

Leaving two boys at the entrance of the cave system they found. The others went back to report the find to Alpha Bouche.

As the three scout teams arrived back. Each group reported there find.

It was decide that they would search each cave system in order to determine which would be the best choice to set up as their new home.

After searching for several hours it was decided that it would be best to use all three caves as, they haven't determine how far they actually went.

Zenith meanwhile had wandered off and found a hidden door. Going through it he discoverd it went to a back room that had a set of stairs leading downward. He then came to a dead end after only about 10 steps after the landing at the bottom of the stairs.

Frustrated he hit a wall that had this rod that was slightly sticking out. Curious Zenith moved the rod only to discover a panel that hid a secret latch. Pressing down on the latch Zenith first heard a click and then a hidden door popped open in the wall.

Before he could go investigate. The small boy that had been saved from the bad man that Alpha Bouche killed walked up behind him.

Zenith turned around spotting the small boy peaking around from behind the door.

Hi there little one, Zenith said. Are you lost or something?

No, I saw you walk off over here and wanted to help but no-one wants me to. They say I'm to little and will just get in the way.

This upset Zenith that they had said this to him. As he was also just a little boy.

Well I'm glad you showed up because I need someone to help me search this room.

The little boys face lite up with a very big smile when Zenith told him that.

What's your name.

I'm Trazer he said.

Nice to meet you Trazer, I'm Zenith.

Ok now keep your eyes open and be careful not to trip on anything. Let's see what we can find inside.

So the two boys entered the room after pushing the door open more.

Stepping inside they waited until their eyes adjusted to the low light conditions.

Now moving forward slowly they noticed that this was some sort of storage room. As they saw many shelves with boxes upon boxes stacked up as high as the ceiling. On another wall was shelves of cans with all sorts of different labels on them.

Picking one up and looking at the label. It said they were Pears and Peaches inside.

Trazer look around in those drawers and see if you can find something to carry some of these cans back with.

Trazer looked through several drawers when he found these old burlap bags in the bottom drawer..

He went to give them to Zenith when they both heard movement on the other side of the wall.

Ssshhhh Zenith said to Trazer as they both backed up slowly listening to the sound that they were hearing.

It sounded like several people walking around.

They stood there for several minutes but heard nothing else.

Being quiet they gathered up about 10 cans each and out them in the bags that Trazer found.

Backing out of the room. Zenith closed the door as well as the panel that hid the switch. As he was bringing his hand back down. He hit the rod and it fell to the ground.

Picking up the rod he noticed a small compartment panel had opened on the other wall when the rod fell out. It was located by the stairwell at the bottom of the steps.

Zenith went over and opened the door and noticed it had a hole the same size as the rod he now had in his hand.

Zenith took the small wooden rod and placed it in the hole. As he did the panel door closed hiding the rod from sight.

Upset that he lost the rod he needed to get into the room. Zenith hit the panel that had just closed.

When his hand came in contact with the panel it pushed inward then popped open.

Now knowing the secret how to retrieve the rod to enter the room. Zenith turned to Trazer and swore him to secrecy.

Trazer looked up to Zenith swearing his loyalty to him.

Zenith them stepped up to Trazer and hugged the boy that was no older then he was.

Trazer then hugged Zenith back.

Through the Pull, Solis felt some one else holding his Soul Mate and started to frantically to search for Zenith.

Bouche noticed the immediate change in his brother and linked with him to ask what's wrong.

Someone is trying to bond with my mate Solis screamed.

That attracted the attention of those around him.

Just as Solis was about to go through his change he caught sight of Zenith.

But then he saw the boy behind him. Solis with a speed greater than any human has ever seen took off after him.

Solis was just about upon the boy when Zenith intercepted Solis by grabbing him by the waist and turning him around in his arms.

Bouche had saw it but couldn't fathom how a mere human could have intercepted Solis the way Zenith had just did.

Linked now by their minds. Zenith spoke directly to Solis.

I have chosen Trazer to be my Second and as of such he is to be protected by the whole clan as you would protect me.

Solis slightly caught off guard by his Soul Mate's request. Could only do one thing and that was to honor him by accepting Trazer as his mate's second.

Trazer had no clue what had just transpired between the two boys. But he had a sneaking feeling that Zenith had just saved him from Solis.

Zenith reached out and grabbed Trazer by the hand and he walked them over to Bouche.

Once there Zenith knelt pulling Trazer down with him.

As everybody looked on.

Alpha Bouche, I Zenith proclaim the rights of your first protectors bond mate to declare Trazer my Second and to have your second train him to be able to fulfill his position and at such time to become as one of us.

Bouche stepped forward and placed his hands on either side of Zenith's shoulders. Bent over and kissed his forehead.

Rise Trazer, Alpha Bouche said.

Trazer almost turning white as a ghost by this point, rose to his feet. His knees were knocking together, he was so nervous.

No one this young had ever been requested to be a second. Let alone being human.

Trazer do you accept the responsibilities of being Zenith's Second and to carry out those responsibilities to the fullest of your ability.

Trazer looked as if he was going to faint at any moment. Spoke so softly that only Alpha Bouche, Solis and Zenith heard him.

Yes Alpha Bouche I will proudly serve as Zenith's Second and do with my fullest ability to carry out my appointed position.

Alpha Bouche then placed his hands on Trazer's shoulder and kissed his forehead.

Solis then stepped forward and repeated what Alpha Bouche had just said and done. Then he kissed Trazer's forehead as well.

Then Zenith turned to face Trazer and pulled him into himself as he kissed Trazer on the lips with such passion and love that caused Solis to slowly start to tremble.

Bouche linked with Solis. Saying this is our way. You are not to interfere with this mating or you will forever lose your Soul Mate.

I know Alpha but this is just so painful to watch. The Pull is upon me.

Separating Zenith lead Trazer over to Alpha Bouche's make shift tent and went inside to be followed by Solis, Alpha Bouche and his Second Lampard.

Zenith pulled Trazer to the ground and continued to kiss him. Introducing his tongue to the boy.

As the others looked on. They watched Zenith removed his clothes and that of Trazer's.

Now both naked Zenith lowered his mouth to Trazer's hard little 3" cock taking it into his mouth and licking it with his tongue.

Zenith on his knees turned his body so his own 4" cock was moving towards Trazer's mouth.

Trazer was experiencing the most intense feelings of his young life that he had ever thought possible. Scared beyond belief that he was in the presents of the 3 most powerful people of this clan. Naked on the floor getting his cock sucked and about to do the same thing as well to the only person who showed him any kindness.

Trazer felt the cock touch his lips and with out pause opened his mouth and tried to copy what Zenith was doing to him.

Licking at the head of Trazer's cock. Zenith pulled his head back and lifting Trazer's legs up and spreading the apart. Buried his tongue into the moist pink hole of the boys most private spot.

As painful as it was Solis was mind linked and giving Zenith the directions that he needed to follow to complete Trazer's Bonding Ritual. This was so that Trazer can fully take his place as Second to Zenith.

Removing his tongue from Trazer's boy hole, Zenith pulled his cock from Trazer's mouth.

Kneeling behind Trazer, Zenith placed his legs on his own shoulders and lined his cock up to Trazer's boy hole.

With out ceremony, Zenith drove his hard 4" boy cock into Trazer's moist hot boy hole.

Trazer feeling himself being bent in two. Didn't have to wait long as he felt Zenith plunged his cock into his boy hole. Thinking he would only feel pain was very surprised when he let out a deep groaning moan that everybody outside the tent heard.

Zenith meanwhile had pulled back and then went in again. Over and over and over he pounded Trazer who was lost in his own ecstasy of pleasure.

Solis had now removed his clothes and was eating out Zenith's boy pussy as that is what it was called.

Unable to wait any longer Solis rammed his 4" cock into Zenith's boy pussy and began piston fucking Zenith as Zenith continued to pump his cock into Trazer's boy pussy. Zenith and Trazer were passionately kissing each other as Solis went through his change.

With one final plunged Zenith had his orgasm and actually produced two small drops of Cum that went into Trazer's boy pussy and immediately absorbed into his body as did a part of Zenith.

Trazer heard Zenith speak in his mind.

We are now Linked and Bonded Trazer. You will be trained by Lampard to be my Second.

Then Trazer's own orgasm hit with such an intensity that he passed out. Solis knew that the Bonding was complete as he pulled Zenith out of Trazer and flipped him over only to impale him once more.

Zenith was in a trance like state as his body began to lightly glow.

Alpha Bouche and his Second noticed this but couldn't interfere with the Soul Mate's Bonding Ritual.

Trazer had come back to consciousness after passing out from his intense orgasm. Now at Lampard's feet Trazer opened his mouth and began sucking his cock into his mouth. As this was still part of the Seconds Bonding Ritual.

Solis had fully transformed into his Aqua Vampyre Self as Zenith glowed brighter and brighter.

Lampard was now driving his 7" cock in and out of Trazer's tight throat. Trazer could be heard gagging but he also could be heard moaning.

Suddenly Lampard grabbed Trazer's head and started shooting his Cum into his new Apprentice's throat.

Trazer swallowing it all as fast as he could looked up at Lampard to see a smile cross his face.

That would be the only time that Lampard would get pleasured by Trazer as it was part of the Ritual.

Lampard would now train Trazer on weapons, fighting, the history and their ways. When he completed his training he would be Zenith's first protection against harm.

Solis and Zenith were in a passionate kiss when Solis pulled back and sank his 2" fangs into Zenith's jugular vein as he unloaded a steady stream of greenish cum into his now Bonded Soul Mate's boy pussy. The loud roar that came from the tent could be heard by those outside as everyone had now gathered around the tent.

Solis linked with his chosen five to entered naked into the tent.

Outside the tent five young boys stripped naked and entered the tent.

Removing his fangs from his Soul Mate's neck, each boy sank in his own fangs and sucked up a mouthful of Zenith's blood.

After all five had done this, they went to Zenith's head and jerked off one by one into his mouth ensuring that Zenith drank all that they offered.

Zenith feeling his life slip away from him.

Felt Solis wrist pressed up tight against his mouth. In his head Solis told him to drink the elixir of life.

Zenith started sucking the sweet tasting liquid that flowed in to his mouth.

One by one each chosen boy opened up his wrist and pressed it to Zenith's mouth for him to drink from them. This act would for ever bond them together.

After the last boy had removed his wrist which instantly healed again.

Solis began to fuck Zenith once more. Solis knew it wouldn't be long now as he felt his cock swell to the point of bursting.

As Solis was sinking his fangs in one last time. He shot off five blast of greenish cum into his Soul Mate's boy pussy.

Zenith feeling Solis cum and bite his neck one last time had his fourth orgasm of the night as he blacked out.

Solis picked up Zenith and carried him out of the tent following Alpha Bouche who was followed by his Second then Solis and Zenith's five protectors.

Alpha Bouche spoke tonight Solis has Bonded with his Soul Mate, Zenith who has decreed that Trazer become his Second. From this day forward Trazer is under the protection of this Clan. I present to you Trazer Second to Zenith who Soul Mated to Solis with his five protectors. Cradre, Krarx, Holtz, Xtrez and Lzter.

Trazer limped out of the tent totally naked as was everybody but Alpha Bouche and Lampard.

Several men looked upon Trazer with lustful thoughts. They all knew that they would all get the chance to breed this young one soon.

What they hadn't realized was the fact that Zathur heard these men's thoughts even though he was still unconscious.

Solis carried Zenith down to the cavern area that had been set up for him and his group at the wing of one of the Three cave systems that had been discovered.

Solis laid Zenith down and got him as comfortable as possible for he would be out until his transformation was completed.

Alpha Bouche had his tent set up in the other outside cave putting all the human families between them for protection.

The scouting parties were able to kill several small creatures that inhabited this planet that they were now on.

Fires set up for the food to be cooked as sleeping areas were prepared.

Alpha Bouche set up a rotating guard as well as two scouting teams to search the cave system to try and make a map of the underground cave chamber's.

Trazer bowed to Solis as he approached.

There is no need to bow down to me Trazer. You are my Soul Mate's Second and that is a position of Honor.

Prince Solis. Zenith and I found a secret room that holds many cans of good eats.

We hid the two bags that we filled in the back of this cave.

Show me Trazer.

Trazer took off running to where he had the bags and showed Solis what they had found.

Solis reached inside and pulled out a can of corn. Then a can of pears and peaches.

Trazer go get Alpha Bouche we must show him this great discovery.

Trazer still naked took off running out of the cave towards Alpha Bouche's tent. When he crossed paths with three men who lusted after the young boy.

Come here Trazer one shouted.

Sorry I can't I'm on an important assignment for my Prince.

The men ran after Trazer catching up with him just as he was at Alpha Bouche's tent entrance.

Let me go I must see my Alpha Trazer said.

Boy you talk as of your one of these strange creatures yourself.

Leave me alone. I'm under the protection of the clan.

Haha haha they all laughed.

Just then Lampard stepped outside the cave.

Is there a problem here Trazer.

These men won't let me pass as I have a message for our Alpha.

Lampard was a little irritated that these men were going against his Alpha's commands.

Looking at Lampard you would see a boy about 18 years old but in truth be was over 1700 years old.

You three are here by warned. If you cross this Seconds path again. Your punishment will be severe and swift.

Not wanting a confrontation. The three me apologized saying they were only playing with the boy.

Trazer and Lampard left together. If those men ever bother you again, you are to tell me immediately.

Yes sir. Lampard is fine Trazer. And I wanted to thank you for that amazing blowjob you gave me, thank you.

Alpha Bouche, Prince Solis has sent me to get you.

Trazer how do you know that Solis is a Prince.

Since your our Alpha King and Solis is now Bonded to his Soul Mate. Hasn't he gained the title of Prince.

That is true but how did you find out.

I heard the others in your clan congratulate Solis on obtaining his title and Bonding with his Soul Mate.

Who personally told you this.

I don't know Alpha. I heard it in my head when the other's were mind speaking.

Looking directly at Trazer, Alpha Bouche mind spoke. Not another one.

Trazer looked up and said aloud. Not another what Alpha.

So you can hear us also.

Yes Alpha, ever since Zenith came in me I've experienced several changes Alpha.

Zenith mind linked and told me we were now linked and Bonded.

Well I can also hear our clan members thoughts. I can hear Zathur and Zenith talking to each other. And I feel like someone's going to try and hurt me.

Ok let go see what Solis needs.

It's not what he needs. It's what Zenith and I found today.

Alpha arrived at the other cave and saw Solis searching through two brown cloth like bags.

Alpha my Mate and his Second may have discovered a good food source for most of us, Solis said.

Bouche reached into the bag and began to pull out can after can of different kinds of can goods.

Can you show me where you found these Trazer.

I'm sorry Alpha Bouche but Zenith swore me to Secrecy.

Very good Trazer. Your going to make an outstanding Second with loyalty like that.

We will just have to wait until Zenith wakes up to locate the stockpile.

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Next: Chapter 3

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