University of Mans

By Mark mario

Published on Nov 3, 2022


Hello readers! This is Mark! I would like to thank you for enjoying my writing and would like you to remember to donate to Nifty so that we can keep this site going. Also if you would like to support me directly my cash app is $MarkStories. Any amount would be appreciated or send me a message of encouragement at Markniftystories@gmail... Anyway enjoy this and my other stories! Thanks again!

Character descriptions:

Angel: 21 5'1" 115 muscular lean body with copper latin skin black perfectly cut hair and a handsome face he constantly has light makeup on to accentuate his features.

Jason: 19 5'7" 150 longer brown surfer hair; deep dark eyes; wrestlers' physique.

Dante 18 5'7" Latino tan with short curly hair. Light fur on his chest and stomach but mostly smooth legs, arms, and ass. Coltish legs and swimmer build.

Joseph: 21 5'10" husk-ular leaning towards chubby hairy body with blonde hair and green eyes. Thick everywhere it is good and solid.

Dominic: 22 6'4" 260 with a lean bodybuilder physique handsome face and deep copper tan skin. A smile so warm and charming it puts you at ease.

Larion: 18 5'7" black twink with curvy hips and thick lips feminine in his gate but very much a boy.

Jason's POV:

Angel directed his boyfriend on the ladder where to put the decorations. The party for "New-Ps" was his idea, so it was up to him to get the place ready for that night, and if he had to force his boyfriend away from the gym or whatever video game to help get it done, so be it. The other members of LAD house were busy getting the drinks and other accoutrements while he and Jason were getting everything situated.

"Higher. More to the right. Yeah, that is good."

"Are you sure they are gonna understand it? New-ps? Why not just call them newbies?"

"Because that's not fun. And besides they are new Ps" He emphasized the P and grabbed onto his bf's dick through the wind shorts he was wearing.

"That is not a new P for you that is a cock and I think I deserve something for helping out all day" Jason said moving closer and towering over his little older lover. "I think you need to get on your knees and say thank you."

"Oh you do? Alright. Alright. Don't say I never thanked you properly after this then." Angel said as he sank to his knees becoming perfectly eye level with a rapidly growing bulge.

Jason didn't normally wear underwear, so angel found the head of his beautifully tapering cock peeking out of the obscenely short shorts. Angel grabbed the shaft and pumped it a couple times before putting it to his lips. He always said Jason had a great dick for beginners. It was smaller at the tip than the base while still having a ridge on the head for hitting the good spots. He sucked and pumped his boyfriend's cock before he began to expertly swallow his man.

Jason watched as Angel's lips slowly stretched. He loved that. Seeing a guy do that on his cock was always as fascinating to him as it was pleasurable. He felt Angel swirl his tongue around, cup and play with his balls, and bob as he jacked his thicker base.

"Mmm Fuck yes baby. You are so good at that my little angel." He wobbled a bit from the pleasure but caught his balance on the ladder that was just behind. Angel said nothing. Just sensually looked up with a knowing in his eyes and went back to work.

"we're back and we got drinks, honeys!" A couple of the boys that were out to get stuff for the party had come back. "Oh... sorry... don't let us stop you. We gonna put this stuff away. Hey Jay!"

"Hey guys. We'll be done in a minuet. MMmmm.... fuck yes." Jason started to hold the back of Angel's head but just to hold on. His little boyfriend was doing a great job on his own. He just watched the bubble butts walk by and into the kitchen and sighed happily. ____________________________________________________________

Dom's POV:

The movie was awesome! The guys were really bonding and having a great time. Dominic was especially happy he got such a slut for a little bro. He heard some stories that the newbies were not always on the easy side. He couldn't wait to tell Joe later all about how it went down. He would be happy to hear about it and share if maybe his new little bro seemed like the putting out type.

Dom loved their open relationship but sometimes it felt a bit one sided. He fucked nearly anything that moved with few exceptions, but his boyfriend Joe was so selective that if he wasn't fucking him often he would have thought his boyfriend was asexual. Either way he knew he was gonna fuck someone tonight at or after the party, he just hoped he would not be so wasted that he would have a hard time at the gym in the morning.

Dante's POV:

"No. No. No. You have to where something sexier. This is the first time you are officially going to a college party. Even the `Straight' guys that are there will be showing off, so you have to be looking awesome AF. I wont have my little brother going too comfortable." Joseph laughed. He was in short shorts and a crop top. If he had put on a pigtail wig Dante would not have been surprised. The theme was hoe-down and everyone was having wholesome farmer fun.

"Okay well what do you suggest? I am wearing flannel. I thought that would be enough." Dante had on a flannel and jeans with boots. What else was he supposed to do.

"I was hoping you would go with us as wizard of oz. Obviously I am Dorothy, so you could be my toto?" Joseph pulled out some puppy ears and a collar.

"Okay but not a slutty toto... I don't think I am ready to be that exposed yet. Maybe for Halloween." Dante blushed as he grabbed the gear from his Big Bro. He found a tighter grey shirt and some shorts that were not quite short shorts and kept the boots.

"Better! Now come on lets get to the party." Joseph grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room to head out. "I cant wait to show everyone my lil bro!"

As they walked over it became very apparent that almost everyone was going to this party. As we got a couple houses away we finally met up with Dom and Larion. Dom was the tin man basically for the excuse to ware as little as possible with a bit of silver paint and glitter. Lar was a munchkin which apparently equaled bright rainbow overalls and short form fitting shorts like Joseph's and similar glitter on him. Dante wondered if they had fucked after getting into costume but quickly discarded that thought.

"You guys look good! Babe you look extra sexy in those shorts." Lar glared as Dom spoke but he eyes darted around looking at all the others now swarming the LAD house we were close to. You could hear the music much clearer now as the crowed got denser. Dante was feeling anxious. More than when he had caught Dom and Lar or when that hot teacher bumped into him on his first few minuetes. He felt Joseph's hand on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, lil bro. Trust me." Simple words but needed ones as the got to the door and finally walked in.

The music was not too much louder. It seemed like just every window and door was wide open to let it out. Most of the dancing was in a large room with lots of decorations, with the kitchen on the opposite side, and a lot of the rest of the house was renovated into dorms including an upstairs.

"Hi I am Angel and this is Jason." He leaned in and shook Dante's hand while still hanging off of his boyfriend.

"Hey" Jason just gave Dante a nod and then another to Larion.

"Hi...Uh... Awesome party!" Dante was nervous but it wasn't his first party just the largest he'd been too. "I can see you put a lot of effort into it."

"Well I had the design sense, honey, but my man here helped with the muscle." Angel laughed and Jason flexed an arm. They were very similar to how Dom and Joe were with each other but with something off that Dante couldn't put his finger on.

"I am Larion and this is Dante. Forgive his manners for not introducing us. These are our big bros Dom and Joe. Aren't you just the cutest girl in the hoe down." Larion's confidence threw off Angel's expectations enough that he didn't notice the last comment was more for Jason than himself.

"Oh! Yes I have heard about you from the grape vine. That you might want to join us LAD's?" Dante watched Jason's eye check out of the conversation.

"Babe I am gonna get a drink." Was all he said before leaving them to chat.

"Let me come too." Dante said quickly and followed.

It was much quieter in the kitchen but only in comparison to the front door that was open to the dancing area directly. Less people there too. Jason showed him the drinks and the snacks as Dom came in to join them. They all began a short conversation about the marvel universe and how they were excited for the next movie of the franchise, but Dom had to cut it short to get Lar and Joe their drinks.

"Oh there you are Jason. Angel has been looking for you." Larion pointed out as he came into the kitchen now.

"I literally told him I was getting a drink. Where is he?" Jason seemed annoyed but unsurprised. "See ya dude. Say high if we get a class together." He waved and sauntered off with Lar.

Unable to figure out what to do next Dante wandered. He saw some familiar faces. Lots of kissing and fooling around. Dancing and drinking as the night wore on. After being there for over an hour he was starting to get lonely. It is awkward being in a new town out of high school and going to a new place so packed with people that you don't know what to do.

"Yo! Nightcrawler! What you been up to all night? Enjoying yourself?" It was Jason sauntering towards him at the wall of the dance hall. He had clearly had more drinks than Dante at this point, which was saying something cause that was all Dante had been doing to that point.

"Yeah... you know just taking it all in." They had to be really close in this room in order to hear clearly. Jason smelled like beer but also like old spice body wash. "You smell good dude."

"Haha! Thanks bro. Have you danced yet?" Jason smirked and nodded to the mass of guys going at it. Dante shook his head no. "Come on I'll be your first. Angel would want me to make sure all you newbies had a good time." He made an exaggerated frown.

"Oh okay yeah! F...For Angel...Not the x-man Angel." They both laughed cause it was a dumb thing for Dante to say, but they made their way into the mass of guys a bit for the dance.

As they danced, it was clear neither of them were in a state to move much between the alcohol and lots of other guys, so the just moved a bit in unison staying close together. They got closer and closer as the song went on. Dante started to brush up against Jason's hard wrestlers body as more people got into the room. Jason grabbed the little collar on his neck and pulled him closer. The song changed.

"Did I tell you you smell great?" Jason laughed in his ear and shivers went down his neck.

"Yeah you did. Did I ask you if you were having fun?" It wasn't a whisper but the effect was similar. Dante was confused and excited. His heart was pounding.

"Yeah you did. I am!" He didn't know what was happening or if it was just the drinks but he sure was enjoying it.

The song ended and Jason grabbed his hand to go back to the kitchen. They were laughing and joking the whole way. When they got there, Angel and the others were there. Dante immediately deflated as he remembered Jason was taken. Why did that suddenly hurt? He had just met the guy. They started joking and talking again with everyone and Angel seemed to make a performance of hanging all over Jason. Hard to tell though from the drinking. Dom had both Larion and Joseph on him too.

Reminding himself it was literally just his first day, Dante proceeded to enjoy the night. Nothing bad had happened to him yet and he had made a few potential friends. Next up is actual college. Hopefully his classes and teachers were just as fun as his first day.

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