University of Mans

By Mark mario

Published on Jan 4, 2022


Hey everyone, it is Mark Stories here. Just asking you to please donate to our favorite site Nifty. They are not a profit site so remember that even just 1-2 discreet dollars can go a long way. We do not have much out there like this. If you would like to support me the best way is feedback with my email Markniftystories AT gmail DOT com. This story is based on real events, but the names are changed. Hope you like this chapter and hope for many more.

Character descriptions:

Dante 18 5'7" Latino tan with short surly hair. Light fur on his chest and stomach but mostly smooth legs, arms, and ass. Coltish legs and swimmer build.

Joseph: 21 5'10" husk-ular leaning towards chubby hairy body with blonde hair and green eyes. Thick everywhere it is good and solid.

Dominic: 22 6'4" 260 with a lean bodybuilder physique handsome face and deep copper tan skin. A smile so warm and charming it puts you at ease.

Larion: 18 5'7" black twink with curvy hips and thick lips feminine in his gate but very much a boy.

This is a fantastical story that will eventually have multiple perspectives, of a very gay and hypersexual university. This story is aimed at hitting all those college desires and drama moments. Hope you enjoy.

Broseph walked in with a towel that was too short to not be suggestive. It barely went around his thick thighs, and bubble ass. Dante could tell just by looking at him, he must play some sort of sport or be an avid gym attendee.

"Damn I lucked out getting him." Dante thought as he watched his new Big Bro. He tried to make himself look not obsessed with the naked man-boy in his presence, but it was hard not to stare.

When he took off his towel to start getting ready, Dante's eyes almost popped out of his head. Joseph's cock was accompanied by some nice hairless balls. His bush was shaved and all of him was a pale pink under that mass of golden fur. What was surprising was the gear on his cock. It looked like a little piece of armor. Broseph noticed and chuckled.

"First time seeing a cock cage Lil Bro?"

"Yeah! What is it? I am sorry for staring."

"That's okay. I am here to give you all sorts of education you won't get in class. This is a cage. It is something my boyfriend put on me so that I can't cum without his permission...well I can't get hard without his permission." Broseph winked at Dante.

"So, you are a bottom? I'm sorry...I just have sooo many questions now." He sighed with embarrassment.

"All in good time Lil Bro. Let's get some grub and we can get through all of them. I am starving!" He patted his belly after pulling up his shorts.

They finished getting ready and headed out to the cafeteria. Along the walk Broseph pointed out several things of interest. The Greek Road that led to the 4 frat houses on campus. The athletics center that housed the largest amount of gym equipment. Though both dorms have smaller basic gyms, the AC has a pool area, boxing and wrestling ring/mats, and a rock-climbing wall, complete with locker rooms. The other dorm was next to that, and there were 2 main buildings for classes as well as a green house and smaller building for the biology area. The cafeteria was its own building and was set up like a food court with various sponsored installments. They got their food and Broseph paid for Dante before they sat down to really hammer away at the questions swimming around in the Lil Bro's head.

"Okay so. Now that you have seen most of the campus and we have gotten some of the initial butterflies out of you. What else would you like to know?"

"Okay, Broseph. Is everyone here gay like us?"

"Who told you I was gay!?" His face was straight and only when Dante began to blush hard; did he crack and laugh. "I am just joking Lil Bro. Uh..No.. not EVERYONE is gay but like I said before most of us are and many of the ones that are not are also okay with it more than you might think.

"Okay!" Dante was a bit too excited, but Broseph understood. "How about the frats? I have always been curious about that. Are they hard to get into?"

"Well... No not hard to get into but they are very strict about their image. Each frat has an idea of what their members should be and if you don't fit that then you are not allowed in. They don't get too many members each year so that is why they all have sort of small houses. They do love throwing parties like in the movies though!"

"What do they think their members should be?"

"There are the Fem boys of LAD. They prefer petite boys that act stereo typically "fem gay". Only gay guys are allowed, and they are very pretentious. Then there are the GODs. They like athletics and sports medicine. Anyone can join if they agree to the diet and workout requirements. Next would be KAP, they are into the hard sciences, and you must be annoyingly smart to get into them. They have the fewest members because their standards are so high but if you can become one you will be guaranteed a high paying job after here. Lastly there is DOM. They are a minority focused frat. Their only real requirement is that you have 1 full blooded minority parent. They are the most inclusive and help you get lots of scholarships, but they do have a lot of semi mandatory activism their members take part in."

"Semi mandatory?"

"Yeah... It is not really required but they will use peer pressure to shame you into going to the next event."

"Oh... Well, I guess that isn't too bad if it means my college is paid for. How about you? You said you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah! His name is Dominic, and We can go see him after this. He is part of the GOD's Frat house, but he signed up to be a Big Bro with me. He has his own Lil Bro."

"Wow! That is cool and sweet that he would give up his frat house to do something with you like this. You are so cool!"

"Just don't freak out too much when you see him. He is very hot and takes pride in showing off. A lot of the GODs do and if you give them too much attention their heads might explode." They both laughed hard and began to finish up their food.

They got to the other dorm quickly. It seemed quite a bit emptier than Dante's, where it seemed like a stream of guys going in and out. In the lobby a short caramel skinned guy with black short hair and angular face came up to Broseph.

"Hey Broseph! Come to check on Dom? His Lil Bro is adorable. Might even pledge LAD. Hey, can you check out my paper really quick? I just have it in my car outside. I need to know I am on the right track to get into the Graduate program." You could tell by his mannerisms and lilt of his voice that he would or could be in the LAD frat.

"Sure! By the way, this is my Lil Bro Dante. Dante this is Angel." Broseph turned to Dante "Dom has the same room as us but in this building. Just run up and tell him we are here. Don't be shy he knows we are headed over today and he will have a new Lil Bro too."

"Nice to meet you." He nodded at Angel before they all parted ways. He walked up the deserted hallway towards the back of the second floor and found the door that would be his room. He went to knock on the door until...

"You've done this before huh, Lil Bro? Suck that cock, Lil Bitch!" Once again Dante's Eyes grew wide. His heart started to pound, and he became frozen mid knock.

"mmm You are so big Dom..." Slowly he pressed his ear to the door. This wasn't right. Broseph was his boyfriend. He would be here any minuet. He should not be listening to what he was sure he was hearing. Could it be just a misunderstanding? Like coming into the middle of a conversation and misinterpreting. Dante needed to hear more that is all. That is why he had his ear pressed to listen to every moan and grunt.

"Now you know why everyone calls me Big D. Get on my lap so I can finish, and we can get dressed. My boy will be here soon."

"Yes sir."

"Call me Big D. If you get too used to Sir, I might have an issue with you in public."

"UGGGNNn...Yes B-Big D!"

"I knew your ass was tight in the shower but fuck! MMNNnngg take my dick boy." slap

It was all happening so fast. Dante was hard in his shorts, but he was frightened to take it out. He looked frantically around, expecting to see Broseph coming up the stairs. How long had it been? It felt like forever, but He knew better. That was the anxiety talking to him.

SLAP "Yes Lil Bitch! Fuck you are a pro!" Smack. Smack. smack

"Ugh! UGH! Please fuck me Big D. Harder!" Smack. Smack. Smack

"Sorry Lil Bitch. I need to bust. I will make it up to you tonight. Shut up and kiss my chest...that's it! Suck on my nipple while I fuck this load! Into! YOU!!!" The roar left no mistake to that last statement. Dante desperately wanted to cum too. He ran to the bathroom and after only a couple tugs, he exploded into the toilet.

Breathing ragged and feeling released, Dante composed himself and walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to check. Broseph was finally walking into the lobby again. He walked back towards the room, just as the door opened and a black boy about Dante's height but a few pounds liter came out and walked immediately to the bathroom like he was going to shower. When he got to the now open door, he saw him buttoning up his pants. A large, very tan, man with an open hoodie that showed off the physique he must have been working on for years, stood at what would be Broseph's bed in jeans that looked painted onto the thighs that seemed larger than Dante's waist. The man finally noticed Dante staring after he put back on a thin gold chain with a key on it and smiled a blindingly white charming smile.

"Oh! Hey, who are you? New here?" Dominic walked up to the door frame and leaned a little closer than he needed to. Dante's heart fluttered again.

"I'm Dante. Broseph sent me ahead of him and told me to introduce myself." It was both hard and easy to not look into Dominic's green eyes.

"Nice to meet you! I heard you guys were coming." Dominic hugged Dante and picked him up slightly with ease.

"Hey! That is my man!" Broseph shouted jokingly. "Sorry I took so long Lil Bro." As he clapped Dante on the back, Dominic shot him a knowing look and then winked at him.

"Yeah, we were just waiting for my Lil B to get done with his shower and we can all head out."

"Oh good! There is a movie I wanted us to catch and then maybe we could all head over to LAD? Angel said your Lil Bro might be a good fit for them."

"Oh yeah that would be cool! I don't think that would be such a bad idea. What about you Dante? You are thinking about any frats or loving dorm life already?"

"I think I need to see more, D-"

"Call me Big D. Everyone does." He flexed his bicep in Dante's face and smiled.

"See what I told you Lil Bro. He loves attention." Broseph kneeled in and kissed his boyfriend passionately. They were both big, but Broseph was nothing compared to the statuesque Dominic.

"Oh! Hello! You must be Joseph and his little bro. I'm Larion." The group turned to look at the small but supple black boy coming towards them from the showers. He had on a bright green cut off tank and matching shorts that hardly contained his curvy ass. His flawless dark skin made him look androgynous and young. He walked with a sway and had a happy excited demeanor to him.

"Yeah! I am Broseph and this is Dante. We were thinking of going to the movies and then later my friend Angel invited us all to a get together at the LAD house. Sound fun?"

"Fuck yeah! I can get into it!"

"Alright! That's the spirit! Who's driving?"

"I will! Some of you will have to get in the bed of the truck but I would love to." For the first time today, Dante took initiative and volunteered to do something.

"Very cool Lil Bro. You know what that means?" Dominic looked at his boyfriend lovingly. "SHOTGUN!" he yelled and raced down the hallway. He was so large that it seemed like he took 4 long strides before he was leaping down the stairs. Broseph rolled his eyes and motioned for the boys to come.

"You don't even know what his truck looks like!" Broseph called after him.

"I can't hear you past how much I am beating you all!"

"He has so much energy." Dante noted.

"Yeah, he does..." Larion sighed to himself. Dante got chills remembering what he just witnessed as if it was days ago, but it had only been minuets.

Next: Chapter 3

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