University of Mans

By Mark mario

Published on Jan 1, 2022


Hey everyone, it is Mark Stories here. Just asking you to please donate to our favorite site Nifty. They are not a profit site so remember that even just 1-2 discreet dollars can go a long way. We do not have much out there like this. If you would like to support me the best way is feedback with my email Markniftystories AT gmail DOT com. This story is based on real events, but the names are changed. Hope you like this chapter and hope for many more.

Character descriptions:

Dante 18 5'7" Latino tan with short surly hair. Light fur on his chest and stomach but mostly smooth legs, arms, and ass. Coltish legs and swimmer build.

Joseph: 21 5'10" husk-ular leaning towards chubby hairy body with blonde hair and green eyes. Thick everywhere it is good and solid.

Garon 6'2" muscular black man. Bald with a beard but smooth all over. Not as big as a bodybuilder but very well proportioned.

This is a fantastical story that will eventually have multiple perspectives, of a very gay and hypersexual university. This story is aimed at hitting all those college desires and drama moments. Hope you enjoy.

The sign said, "Welcome to Miami Academy of Natural Sciences" but as far as Dante was concerned the small letters following the capitol ones made it look like "MANS". When he saw that he immediately smiled and a lot of the nerves he was feeling faded away as he sighed. The campus was immaculate. The grass was green. The trees look just like in the brochure pictures, and even more captivating, not a girl in sight. Boys playing football, men lugging bookbags, and bros being bros as far as he could see. The campus had lots of little park areas between buildings and the roads once you got in campus were a bit curvy but smooth. He saw the entrance to the Greek houses residential section but that is not where he was headed. Not this semester anyway. He pulled up his pickup, that his father had given him as a graduation present, to Dorm b and checked his map again just to be sure. The School had a large campus, but it wasn't a hugely populated one so there were only a few buildings and being in Florida, they all only had 2 or 3 stories at most. His room was Dorm b suite 220.

He felt his heart start to race again as the name on the information sheet caught his attention again, Big Bro Joseph. He remembered reading the packet and explaining to him about the Bro Code. Big Bros are juniors or above and Lil Bros are sophomore and below. The RA is called the Dorm Dad and only seniors or above can apply to be one. He was an only child but now he is being given a big brother and getting away from his shitty Georgia town? This was awesome but also very terrifying. What if his roommate was straight and did not want a faggot in his room? What if he got a boner and his Big Bro made fun of him? His anxiety rooted him to the spot.

Smack A frisbee knocked him out of his daze by hitting him in the head. "Sorry!" a voice called after him. He slowly knelt and picked it up. Rushing over to him in a sheen of sweat was a shirtless dark-skinned man. At least half a foot taller than him, the man had a full beard, some faded tattoos along his smooth glistening chest, and roughly 50 or more pounds of muscle. Looking up in awe at the man, Dante handed it to him as the man said, "Sorry Lil Bro. You new here? Need help?"

"My room..." Dante uttered just audible enough for the man to catch it.

"You got your paper in your had. Let me see." The Man got comfortably close to Dante and looked at his paper. "Oh! You are at the right building. Just go through that door, there will be an elevator and stairs in the lobby to the second floor, your room should be all the way in the back by the bathrooms. Your Big Bro will already be there too. Joseph is a good Bro. Tell him Garon helped you. See you later Lil Bro." He patted Dante's back and ran back to his friends waiting to keep playing. Dante watched him go and snapped fully back into reality. He gathered some of his things and headed up to meet his new Big Bro.

Moving day is always chaos in the college world but Dante was too zoned out to notice the goings on around him, except to move out of the way of someone or navigate the simple path to his new room. Once he got there with the little bit of stuff he can carry alone, he saw the door was open already and laying on his bed reading a book was another bit of perfect male specimen. Not much taller than Dante the boy on the bed was massive. Shirtless and hairy, he was a contrast to Dante's features. His thick body was covered in golden fur along his chest, stomach, forearms, and what he could see on his legs. He also had a beard but ts was shorter than Garon's and very closely kept but his hair was in a warrior style bun with a slightly more honey color to it. He looked up at the hesitant Dante and his grey eyes helped clam any fear Dante had. Those kind eyes would never make fun of him, he knew it.

"Lil Bro?" Joseph beamed, showing a bright smile as he set the book down and got up.

"H-Hi. I'm Dante. You must be Joseph?" Finding his courage Dante stretched out his hand to shake as hid Big Bro walked towards him.

"Nice to meet you, Dante. Here let me help you out." Joseph took one of the packs from Dante after shaking his hand with a firm grip. "Find the place okay? Got more stuff than this I hope."

"Yeah! Garon helped me. H-He said to tell you that." Dante felt a bit flushed. Must be the Miami heat.

"That fuckin' dude." Joseph laughed "I bet he did. Now let's go get your things so you can get settled. Then we can maybe get lunch and I can show you around."

"I would love that Joseph, thank you."

"Call me Broseph. I am your Big Bro after all." He threw his thick arm around Dante and led him down the hall.

They made a couple trips and went down for one last round, when Dante noticed two boys making out in the lobby. Joseph took note of this and after they had cleared the lobby started with, "Yeah there will be a lot of that here. I mean it is an ALL male school and you are in college, so people want to experiment right?" He clapped his hand on Dante's back to try to shake him out of his embarrassment. "You don't have a problem with gay stuff, do you?"

"What!? NO! its not that..." Dante shot out.

"Are you gay Lil Bro?" The dread on his face was all the answer Joseph needed but he waited for the response.

Feeling a welling of resolve Dante nodded. "Yes. I am gay!" he said a bit too loud and immediately felt embarrassed. That was the first time he had spoken it out loud to more than just himself.

"That is great Lil Bro! Me too. You will find a lot of us are here. Students and staff." He smiled as he grabbed the last of the stuff.

"Staff too?"

"Oh yeah. Like Garon. He teaches Biology." Joseph winked.

"Him!?" Dante looked over to the last place he saw Garon, but they had move on to somewhere or something else. Joseph laughed at his lack of discretion.

"Yeah and many, many more Lil Bro. Now let's put this stuff away and I will show you around a bit but let's clean up first. Now you know why the team is called the Miami Heat." Both were dripping with sweat now, so Dante agreed.

"Okay Joseph-"

"Broseph, Lil Bro." He corrected.

"Broseph." Dante flushed. It would take some time to get used to calling people by these new terms, but it was kind of fun too. "Where do we shower and stuff?"

"Grab your stuff and I'll show you Lil Bro." They both gathered their towels and some toiletries. Dante kind of knew what to expect from tv, so he felt a little prepared and excited. "This way."

Dante followed and even though they were right next to the bathrooms he had plenty of time to check our Joseph's big beefy ass in his tight jean shorts. He realized he must be wearing a jock, because the top strap was poking out just above the now slightly sagging shorts. His ass was a bit exposed and from the inch Dante could see of it, it did not look as furry as the rest of him. Not a hard bar to get under though since the matting of golden fur on Joseph's chest only let his pink nipples through. It honestly looked like a roman breast plate now that he was all sweaty. Entering the bathroom, there were sinks for brushing and washing at, then the stalls and urinals, followed by benches that split a wide area into two. There were no curtains but there were walls that made little cubicles that were hard to look into. They didn't go to the ceiling, but it would take someone taller than Garon for you to see the top of their head.

Dante and Joseph took cubicles next to each other and showered. As the water hit him, he thought back to Garon, and how he looked running up to get the frisbee. He must have been at least in his 30s, but his body was so fit. Dante's cock grew as he tried to remember every detail of this man he just met. So tall, with lean muscle beneath smooth taught dark skin. Dante grabbed his cock as it reached it's full length of 6 inches and began stroking, while he let his imagination take over.

"Hey boy." Garon said in his sultry voice, pushing Dante against his car door. He could smell the man's scent. Sweat, grass, and bark smells filled his nose as this large man pressed his basketball shorts bulge into Dante's.

"Need some help" He leaned in and whispered before nibbling on an earlobe. His hands relieved Dante of his papers and tossed the frisbee aside. Then they grabbed his hips and gently pulled their hard bulges together. The pressure was driving him wild. He let out a moan and bit his lips.

"What's wrong boy? I asked if you needed some help." He moved from the ear and kisses Dante with his full lips forcefully. The boy gasped and Garon's thick tongue darted in to claim his mouth. More pressure on the boy's throbbing cock. He could feel himself leaking and getting close.

"mmmm Please Mr. Garon..." He got out when they broke the kiss but before he could finish the though he felt Garon's hand reach under his shirt and pinch his nipple, causing him to cut off with another moan.

"I know what you need." Garon undulated and rhythmically ground their cocks together.

"P-p-lease...Mr...Im gonna..." He began to shoot rope after rope of cum onto the shower floor. He shot 7 times before his cock released his body from convulsions and he let out a long-needed sigh of relief.

Heart still pounding. Legs still shaking. He soaped up and cleaned off, to finish up and get back to the room so that Broseph could show him around and take him to lunch. He turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and went back to the room to wait on his Big Bro. He was still feeling general anxiety, but the more he was around Broseph, the more he relaxed. Finally busting a load also helped him settle into this new chapter of his life. As he watched the parade of men going in and out of the bathroom, he accepted that he was home.

Next: Chapter 2

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