University Diaries

By Kevin Cox

Published on Jun 26, 2003


As he approached the door to his new apartment Adam, felt suddenly very nervous : all he knew about his future roommate was that he was studying in computer science and that he needed money bad enough that he was willing to share a place with only one bedroom. In fact, he had been really lucky to find an apartment so close to the university considering the fact that his last minute admission in architecture at McGill university left him with only a few days to find a decent apartment, not too far from the university. That's when he found Jack's ad on the internet , it said that he was looking for a roommate and when Adam looked at the address and realized how close it was to the school, he jumped on his cell phone and called. So now there he was now in a small hallway looking for apartment 6B.

Adam walked passed by two or three doors and found it. He knocked on the door of the apartment which was going to be his home for the next few months. As he thought about his future roommate being in computer science he started to imagine what he would look like: short, with big teeth sticking out of his mouth, big black glasses, never more than two feet away from his monitor...then his thoughts were interrupted when the door opened. In front of Adam was, who had to be the best looking guy the young man had ever seen. Jack didn't fit at all in the image Adam had made for him seconds ago.

The first thing he noticed was how buffed up his new roommate was. He had strong arms and legs, perfect washboard abs, he was smooth all over. The fact that the young man was wearing only tight black boxers facilitated Adam's inspection of Jack's build. He had shinny auburn hair cut to his ears, a beautiful face with a great smile, deep blue eyes and moist, sexy lips but what drew Adam's attention the most was what was hidden by his underwear, sure he couldn't see it but he had a very good idea of what it was like since the fabric of the boxers was outlining it so well.

  • "Hey! You're early! You must be Adam, my roommate... as you can see I wasn't excepting you so soon...I'm Jack by the way", said the handsome young man holding his hand forward.

  • "Nice to meet you Jack", said Adam grabbing Jack's hand, still checking out his body, " that's our place...", he continued now checking all around him.

-"Yeah, I know I think it was designed it so we'd have the less space possible!"

-"Let me show you around", continued Jack after a small pause," we presently are in the lobby slash living room slash dinning room, walk three steps to your right you're in the kitchen and then there are the two doors : the one on the wall in front of you leads to the bathroom and the one on the wall to your left leads to my...well our bedroom." As he finished Jack walked to the bedroom door and opened it to show the room to Adam. It would have been a fairly big room, for one person, but with furniture for two it was a bit packed.

-"I know there's not much space but we'll try to rearrange later." Said Jack seeing Adam's reaction when he entered the room.

-"Yeah we'll have to!" replied Adam, "A little less space and we'd have to sleep in the same bed!"

Jack laughed at Adam's remark, but Adam couldn't know for sure if it was a nervous laugh or not. Jack then added: "Yeah and we don't want that!" with the cutest smile. "Oh! Yes I do" said Adam to himself, he surely wouldn't mind having to share a bed with this sexy boy. He wandered if Jack slept in the nude, after a day of walking around with his cock tightly squeezed in those boxers, he probably would want it loose at night...

-"Hey...Where d'you go, what are you thinking about?" asked Jack snapping Adam out of his fantasies.

-"Nothing, nothing...mmm...where do I put my things?"

-"Here let me take these, I'll slide this under your bed and we'll talk about this later..."

As Jack bended to slide the boxes under the bed, Adam had a perfect view on Jack's firm butt, he wanted to feel it, take off those darn boxers and fuck his tight hole. Adam's hormones were going crazy, he was getting a serious hard on. He had to calm down fast so he took a long deep breath to make all those foolish ideas out fly out of his head.

Then Jack offered to go and have a beer or two at the pub a couple of blocks away from the apartment. Adam accepted and had a great time talking with Jack. He learned to his big disappointment that the hunk had a girlfriend who was waiting for him back home, Adam told him he had no girlfriend but didn't mention he was gay, not sure what Jack's reaction would be. After the drinks Jack said he was going to meet some friends, Adam decided to return to the apartment to get his stuff were it belonged.

Once he was done putting his clothes in the drawers, Adam picked up his cell phone and press the first autodial button: he was calling Tommy, his ex-boyfriend and now best friend, he wanted to give him a quick review of his day.

When he heard the phone ringing, Tommy knew it was Adam calling him to talk about his new place and roommate but still he checked his phone screen to make sure and then answered:

-"Hey there, handsome! So tell me all about your computer geek!"

-"Hey Tom! Okay, first of all I think we have to review the stereotypes about computer guys 'cause this one is definitely not like that!"

-"Really! I'm intrigued, tell me more!"

-" remember Steve in high school?"

-"How could I forget, he was the reason I never showered after gym class! Man! he was hot and what a cock!"

-"Yeah! ... I know!" said Adam with a small laugh.

-"Why do you always have to rub that in my face! I still can't believe you were lucky enough to fuck him at the after prom party..."

-"I didn't fuck him...but I sucked the hell out of his dick though...and it wasn't luck, he was so drunk, he must have mistaken me for his girlfriend...anyways my point is that Jack is at least as good looking as Steve and he has a brain which makes him even better!"


-"What? There's no but..." replied Adam a little annoyed that Tommy immediate knew there was indeed a problem.

-"Sure there is one...he's a psychotic homophobe right?"

-"I have no idea about that but he has a girlfriend..."

-"Like that ever stopped you before!" Tommy replied with a laugh.

-"Okay...okay but it's not the same here! His girlfriend seems like a nice girl, they been together a long time and he's still mad about her."

-"Poor little you! I think I'm gonna cry..."

-"Why do I keep talking to you... you're always beating me down...some friend!"

-"You couldn't live without me! You know that, but now you will have to forget about me for a couple of hours 'cause I have someone at the door..."

-"Pfff, a couple of hours my ass! A couple of minutes would be more accurate!"

-"Very funny dumbass! Why don't you go jack off in the bathroom while I'm enjoying my man."

-"Maybe I'll do that...", said Adam with a sigh, "well have fun , love ya!"

-"Love ya too! Bye"

Adam closed his phone and let himself fall down on his bed. Tommy was right, again, so what if he couldn't get Jack, it wasn't like he couldn't get another guy and he had just met Jack maybe he wasn't as straight as he looked.

-"I thought you didn't have a girlfriend!" said Jack entering the room.

-"'re here...mmm...have you been listening for a long time?" , said Adam trying to know if Jack had heard something important.

-"Well I got the "love ya", which got me to think you were talking to your girl!" answered Jack with the cutest smile.

-"I don't have a girlfriend like I told was a close friend."

-"Oh! I see...and by the way I didn't mean to eavesdrop you know...the door was opened and I didn't know..."

-"Don't worry Jack, I guess I'm not used to living with someone, it's my fault and it's not like you caught me badmouthing you on the phone!" replied Adam.

-"Yeah well, maybe next time!... I have to get up early tomorrow so I better get to bed now." Jack said while removing his shirt.

Then came the young man's kaki short and once again Adam had the pleasure of seeing Jack in his tight black boxers. Adam stripped down to his boxers too and after he had brushed his teeth, he slid the underwear off and got into bed. Adam watched closely as Jack made his way to his bed hoping the hot dude would get those boxers down so he could see what was under them. Adam's wishes were answered, Jack took off his boxers just a couples of seconds before he shut the light which allowed Adam to get a quick peek at Jack's manhood: it was quite long, thick and uncut, he had lots of pubic hair and big balls, Adam was unbelievably excited by it, he wandered how big it was when he had an erection, how his precum tasted, how much cum he could shoot with those huge balls. Adam sighed silently in the darkness of the bedroom, he was roommate with the best looking guy in the world and he had to be straight, life was cruel to him.

So that's it for Chapter One, I hope you guys (and girls) liked it! The next chapter is well under way so it won't be too long before I add to this story. If you have comments or feedback to give me don't hezitate my e-mail is, I'll be waiting to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 2

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