University Councillor

By james

Published on Oct 27, 2001


University Councillor pt 2

Part 2- (first part in a nut shell - lonely 19yr old virgin, new to university life gets friendly with councillor, one thing leads no another wham bam virgin no more, and certainly never again to be lonely as passion has now been awakened.

The evening began with my young friend telephoning to see if he and a friend could come by for a chat, I hope it to be of the same kind of chat we had had but wasn't sure if bringing a friend was a good idea, this was getting complicated, yet at the same time I was a horny as every when I heard his voice.

I had brought my self a video camera during the summer and was cleaning the equipment when I decided it might come in useful for this evening, if I could get them both on tape, if thing's turned bad later I could hopefully protect my-self with it, and at the same time when these youngsters had got bored with me, I would have a lasting memory.

Eight o'clock on the dot, and my door bell rang, there on my doorstep was my young friend, graham and his old school friend matt, to describe matt as a jock would be an understatement... if you catch my, was the only word that popped into my head.

After a few drinks and some pizza, graham mention the video camera, I tried to pass it off as my spring-cleaning.... Matt who had drunk more than both my self and graham, wanted to be filmed as he had never been on camera/television as he put it, ok I said, what did you two have in mind.

The two of them stood looking at each other as I walked over to the camera unsure of what to do next. Lets get our kit off! Matt called out to graham, I set the camera rolling. Matt on every sports team and well used to wearing his birthday suit in the locker room quickly started to strip off. He kicked off his shoes and socks then pulled his T-shirt over his head revealing his tanned well-built chest his firm six-pack already coated with a liberal helping of thick black hair. He dropped his tight jeans and stepped out of them showing off his thick muscular and very hairy legs and stood in his bulging striped boxer shorts. And what a bulge! Those shorts should have been baggy but he packed them right out and it didn't look like he had even started to grow yet. Graham shy as ever was slower in baring himself to the gaze of others. By now he had his shirt off to show his slim body and only a light dusting of hair under his armpits none on his chest or smooth stomach. Feeling matt's impatient stare he quickly took off his trousers exposing his smooth legs and a tight pair of red briefs. Neither of them seemed to want to go first. Matt wanted to assert his dominance and seniority by forcing Graham to show himself first and Graham was too scared of being the only one there naked, I knew this was all an act to get Matt to go first just in case he didn't want to play in our little games, so I played along and started o call out instructions. Oh come on I yelled. On the count of three. One. Two. Three! They took off their underwear as I finished the count. Graham stood slightly hunched pretending to be not too keen for us to see his short circumcised penis hanging lightly above a pair of small balls that were squirming around each other. Matt stood proud his dick framed by a thick black bush was more impressive, thick long with a nicely tapered foreskin hanging straight down over his bulging bollocks. Although only just nineteen Matt with his hard athletic and hairy body could have easily passed for 22 or 23 - especially if he was naked - while Graham only two months younger looked several years his junior.

It was not hard to see how Matt had got his reputation as a stud he had allegedly fucked half the girls in the town - most of those stories I'm sure were made up by matt him self - and I was dead sure he was still a virgin. But not for much longer. Get over here Matt demanded, the drink boosting his dominance over graham and wiping away any thoughts of straight life, he walked backwards to lean on the settee. Get your head down and start sucking! Graham complied what appeared meekly, but I saw him smile and lick his lips. He knelt down and took Matt's still limp cock into his mouth and started to work his tongue round it. This was clearly turning him on as his own knob quickly grew to stand 6 1/2inches rock hard curving up to his stomach. Matt's weapon was also filling out inside Graham's mouth Graham started to gag on it and tried to pull away but Matt grabbed his hair roughly and held him as I had done, I knew Graham would be loving this kind of treatment. Graham was impaled on Matt's erection and was struggling to breathe. As Matt relaxed his grip Graham jerked his head backwards gasping for air and I could see why he had been in difficulty. Matt's cock now fully engorged must have been ten inches long his cockhead huge and purple his shaft as straight as an arrow and thick as my wrist. Graham tried again but he could not take this monster right into his mouth now so he sucked and licked and sucked and licked around the top over the head down the sides back over the head. Matt was having a good time here and I knew this was the real thing for these two, they had obviously been dying to do this with each other for some time, I might not have been in the room for all they cared. After quarter of an hour Graham's mouth started to ache and his pleasuring was flagging Matt again grabbed him and started to pump his throbbing member in and out of Graham's gob face fucking him for another five minutes before he tensed and went into rapturous spasms as he pumped load after load of his warm sticky cum into Graham's mouth. He shot so much that as much as Graham was trying to swallow it most of it dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin landing in gooey lumps on the floor.

Matt directed Graham to lie down on the settee. He straddled him and sat down on his ankles leaning forward. As he did so his now drooping knob flopped against Graham's leg and still covered in his thick man juice dripped onto the settee, I'm so glad I had them scotch-guarded I laugh to my-self. Graham's own dick still hard was starting to ooze precum as Matt took it between his warm wet lips. He licked and he sucked with his hands he fingered Graham's balls and arse and after only a couple of minutes Graham's chest started to heave and he emptied his balls into Matt's waiting mouth. Matt easily swallowed the small load and licked Graham's cockhead clean. Your turn to fuck me now Matt said suddenly much to Grahams surprise Graham walked slowly and apprehensively to the table and started looking at the condoms not sure which one to choose. He picked up a cheap one and opened the packet when he realized a slight problem his dick was deflating and no way could he hold a rubber on it as it was. He looked up at me I shrugged my shoulders What did he want me to do? I left the camera running and leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth, I could taste a mixture of cum and matt's juices, graham moaned as my tongue went to work around his sensitive head. He looked up at Matt lounging against the wall who raised his dick to its full size in just seconds without even touching it. Graham's jaw dropped and he pushed my head away as he wanked himself towards a full hard on again. Eventually he was erect again and he quickly unwrapped the rubber and fumbling inexpertly put it over his cock. Matt seeing he was now ready again took the lead and lay face over the end of the settee they had used earlier his legs dangling over the side his huge dick squashed under his stomach resting in the pool of cum he had deposited in grahams mouth before, his firm arse raised in the air. Graham walked towards him then realized and went back for the lube. He put some on his hands and rubbed it into Matt's hairy crack sticking a finger up his hole.

He leaned forward until the top of his dick was pressing gently against Matt's arse and gingerly pushed. Matt grunted as Graham broke into his virgin ass. Graham looked at me and smiled, I never thought this night would be this good, my underwear were ready to rip open, if I got any hard, but I was busy with the camera any carried on filming. Despite his numerous sexual conquests Matt had only ever been with girls before and no one had ever entered his backside before. It was not too painful though as Graham's well-lubed cock moved slowly in and out The feeling of Matt's flesh pressing against him squeezing him was just too much he had dreamed of this for too long and now the reality of fucking his idol was pushing him over the edge and after only a few thrusts into his tight hole, his body convulsed and he shot his cum into the end of the rubber. He withdrew looking drained as his knob quickly shrank and he took the condom off and dropped it on the floor. Before he knew what was happening Matt grabbed him roughly and threw him down onto the settee so he was lying on his back in the growing pool of sticky semen Graham lay there quietly while Matt walked over to the table grabbed the largest rubber there and with a practiced hand rolled it down his thick piece of meat. He picked up Graham's legs and pushed them up and back towards his shoulders and started to lube his tight backside. He leaned forward and Graham could feel the huge swollen cockhead pressing against his bum and could feel Matt's warm coarse breath on his face. Matt eased forward pushing his head just inside Graham's anal ring. Graham cried out in pain as he felt his back passage being violated. Without waiting Matt plunged in burying his massive shaft in Grahams arse his enormous bollocks slapping against Graham's tender skin. Graham screamed as Matt mercilessly pounded in and out until the anguish subsided. Matt grabbed Graham's shrunken prick in his rough hand and his shrivelled balls in the other and toyed with them as he thrust his manhood into his best friend. It was not long before Graham was once again hard his prick pressing hard against Matt's pounding stomach tickled by the hairs. Matt carried on fucking Graham for nearly half an hour not once relenting until with tears in his eyes Graham came for the third time a few small spots of the white liquid dribbling into his belly button. As he did so Matt picked up the pace and his pulsating head exploded deep inside Graham filling the rubber almost to bursting point with load after load of his thick creamy man juice. He pulled the rubber off his still hard pole and tauntingly held it over Graham dribbling cum all over his face. Then as his hard-on subsided he bent forward and called out to me "time to switch off", I turned off the camera, and now he said you can cum and fuck me, I quickly stripped down to my boxers, and stepped up behind matt, his tight ass ready and waiting for my harder than hard cock, Graham knelt down beside me a lowered my shorts, taking my hard cock into his mouth and preparing it for entry, I had to stop my self from shooting ride then, but soon he had me ready and guided my cock to his friends waiting ass, I placed the head at his ring and pushed with one full trust until I hit bottom, Matt was a natural and only grunted YES!!! FUCK YES!!!...... to be continued....

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