University Conspiracy

By moc.tlob@yobynnerb

Published on Apr 12, 2001



Please note: This is my first attempt at writing on the Internet, there may be mistakes or errors but I am trying my best. All characters and locations are fictional and any resemblance is purely coincidental.

This story contains sexual content of a homosexual nature (In other words gay fucking) So you don't like don't read. And if your too young I'm sorry I know how you feel but it is illegal for you to read this.

Enjoy the story.

University Conspiracy Chapter 1: Halls of Residence.

Hi I'm Terry, I'm 18 and this is the story of how I uncovered the biggest conspiracy Carnesworth Moore University ever had.

I suppose it started that first September day. The warm weather was leaving us and I had just started at Carnesworth studying Drama, a quite countryside university. I arrived at my Halls of residence and unpacked my belongings before going to meet my flatmates.

I knocked on the first two doors without any success, then came the third. I heard footstep behind it and when it opened I was greeted by the sexiest guy I had ever met in my life. I mean I have been with quite a few men but they where nothing compared to this boy. I just fell in love with this Raven haired Latino beauty.

"Hi, I'm Jared." He said grinning from ear to ear "You must be my flatmate."

Jared the name of a god with a Irish accent.


I couldn't find the words.

"Well are you gonna stand there, or you coming in?"

I entered the room trying to hide my stiffening cock.

"Sit down, I still gotta unpack aload of my stuff.." He bent over to pick up a bag giving me a perfect view of a perfect arse. "So, whats your name?"

"Terry" I said nervously.

I kept on thinking to myself how stupid I must look in front of this flatmate who was probably straight.

"And where you from?" He asked, that accent making me want to shoot right there.

I managed to get the word Liverpool out of me some how. I don't know why but things seemed to go so fast after that. Jared sat next to me. I must have been as red as a tomato because he asked if I was ok. I turned to him to say yes but was stopped by his lips on my mouth. I couldn't believe it, the first day and I had kissed my flat mate. He lay me on the bed and lay on top of me the broke the kiss.

"Thought so." He said then resumed the kissing.

I could feel his cock pushing through his pants and knew I had to hold it in my hand. I reached for it and grasped it through the cloth. He also had my tented pants in his hand. We lay there exploring each others mouths and massaging each others cocks.

Finally Jared started to unbutton my blue shirt and kissed the skin that was revieled every time a button became undone. He got the shirt of with no trouble and started working on my nipples sucking on them and then biting them gently. I moaned in ecstasy. He moved down and started on my jeans. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off (The zip was already down because it does it by itself for some reason.) Then he took hold of my boxers and pulled them down exposing my 7" cock.

Without any hesitation he went down on it. Taking the whole thing in his mouth in one gulp. I lay there in heaven as Jared deep throated me. I realised I hadn't done a thing so I got into a sixty-nine position and started working on his jeans. I opened them and found he wasn't wearing any underwear. I got them down and looked in amazement, there in front of me stood a 10" cock.

"Wow!" I said

Jared chuckled as he sucked on my cock, which sent more rushes of pleasure into me. I started licking around his cock head trying to decide whether to suck it or not. What the hell I went down on it, gagging after 6". I decided to move as it was too hard here to take his cock so I knelt beside the bed as he sat up. He ran his fingers through my golden brown hair as I sucked on his tool. I looked up and locked eyes with this amazing hunk. I took my mouth away.

"I want you inside me." I heard myself saying.

What the hell was I doing, this guy was 10" long and I was asking him to fuck me. He got off the bed and I lay on my stomach. He opened his bedside draw and produced a tube of lube.

"I see your ready for anything" I said. He chuckled again.

I felt him rub lube into my ass, probing it with a finger. Then another entered and another. It felt so good. I then realised I had four fingers up me. It didn't last long as I felt the fingers leaving my ass. Jared was on top of me, his weight pressing down on my body. His cock head entered my anus, I was amazed it didn't hurt that much, but then I did just have four of his fingers probing up there afew minutes ago. I felt it sliding in oh so slowly. Easing it way in. Until I felt Jared's balls against my ass.

"Oh Terry, your ass is so tight, I love it man. I feels so fucking good."

"Fuck me Jared." I screamed "Fuck me like you've never fucked anyone before."

He started pounding me, bucking away like nothing else. I felt him hitting my prostate over and over. I knew I was close to cumming.

"Oh shit Terry, I'm gonna... I gonna .... AAAAAAAHHHHH"

I felt hot cum gushing up my chute and my own cock exploded and Jareds sheets got a good wash. We collapsed in a heap, lying in each others arms. Not caring that our other room mates could be here any minute. As Jared fell asleep I glanced out the window. I saw a small glint of light from a window in another building. But I was too tired to care. I should have thought more of it but I just fell asleep in Jared's arms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you liked my story. Any comments, any suggestions will be welcome. Just send them to

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