

Published on Dec 30, 2017




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Important Disclaimers:

1.1 The events described in this story are fictitious;

1.2 Both the setting of this story and the author are based in England (United Kingdom) where the legal age of consent for sexual activity is sixteen (16) years of age. When writing, the author is working within the laws of England (United Kingdom);

1.3 Although it is anticipated that most characters in this story will be eighteen (18) years old or older, it cannot be guaranteed that there will be no characters of sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years of age;

1.4 Therefore, as a precaution, if sexual activity involving sixteen (16) year olds (or any other age above this) is illegal in your place of residency or where you are currently accessing the internet and this story from, please do not continue to read this story.

1.5 If you (the reader) are below the age of eighteen (18) years old, or this story could be deemed illegal in your country for any other reasons, then please do not continue reading.

Also keep in mind that in the UK we sometimes use words in a different meaning when compared with other countries. For example, our mobile phones' are the equivalent of American cell phones and our football' is the equivalent of American soccer.

This story took place some years ago when I was studying for my postgraduate qualification and living in University again for a year.

I finished unpacking the last of my belongings and looked at my watch. It had just turned 7:05pm on Saturday night.

Here I was, stood in my new postgraduate accommodation, over two hundred miles North of my home back in London. I wasn't particularly looking forward to the year ahead living in a new city where I didn't have any friends or family, however since graduating with my undergraduate degree I'd spent the last few years going between low paid jobs; I didn't see the harm in taking a year out to try and improve my future prospects with a Masters qualification.

I'm Joe, by the way, and I was 26 years old at the time of these events. I'd aged pretty well and, although I didn't look much younger than 26, I had a good complexion which was complimented by my groomed blond hair, skinny build and slightly preppy look. In terms of my personality, I could probably be described as your typical `boy next door' - friendly, mostly innocent, sweet and sometimes shy. Basically the type of guy that many girls (or, in my case, boys) would be proud to take home to their parents.

At first, the thought of going back to university made me feel totally out of place. My age meant that I was over 8 years older than the first year undergraduates and 5 years older than some of the youngest postgraduates.

I felt much more comfortable though when, a few days earlier, after being dropped off by my mum, dad and younger step-brother, I met my new flat mate for the very first time. 28 year old Calvin was even older than I. He was studying for his Masters qualification in Advanced Policing; apparently he was a popular and successful Police Constable who had been given a year out by the force, fully funded, to go and further his qualifications, with the promise of a fast track for promotion on his return.

It didn't surprise me that Calvin was destined for a life of success, as statistics show that the better looking you are the better your life prospects are as well. And, damn, was Calvin good looking.

He was mixed race with a dark skin complex, had a body that was toned but not too toned, had short jet black hair and a smile to die for. He was your typical jock and, perhaps hottest of all, he had a hint of arrogance about him. As though he knew just what a stud he was.

Looking back, I'm surprised that I didn't throw a full hard on the first time I laid my eyes on him.

Anyway, back to the story.

I left my room and went in to our communal area. Calvin was stood at one of the kitchen counters in a smart pair of jeans and a t-shirt that really showed off his abs.

"`Hey! Fancy a beer, man?", he asked me, opening a new one for himself. He already had a few empties on the side.

"Sure", I said. "Thanks!"

He opened another and passed it to me.

"So I heard we won't be getting a third roommate after all, man, well at the least not for another few weeks or so. Apparently he pulled his application for study last minute and they haven't found anybody to replace him just yet."

"That sounds fine to me", I said, not wanting to sound too eager. "I mean, more space for us."

As postgraduate students of the university, we benefited from more spacious accommodation. Our apartment included three large double bedrooms with study desks and en-suite bathrooms; a spacious lounge and kitchen area with a table and couple of sofas; and a communal toilet for any guests we had over so that they didn't need to go in to our bedrooms. To make it even better, the rent was subsidised by the university and included all of our bills.

"Works for me too, dude. Hey, you going out tonight?", he asked, taking another large gulp of his beer.

"I'm staying in.", I said. "I haven't really got to know anybody yet with being completely new to the city and only being here for a few days.", I added, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Aww, that's too bad man. Tell you what, we'll go out for some proper beers one night next week and I'll show you around. I can't tonight as I'm going out for dinner and a few drinks with Jess, but definitely another night if that sounds good to you, bro?", Calvin asked.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome thank y--", I nearly finished saying.

Knock Knock. The door interrupted me.

"That's probably her now, actually", Calvin said, walking over and opening the door.

"Hey, step in babe. I'll be two minutes", he said to her.

In she came, looking like a supermodel with her long blond hair, perfect figure and pretty face. They were clearly made for each other, and from what Calvin had told me they'd been together for well over a year now - something I thought was probably a rarity for this ladies man.

She smiled at me and said hello. I smiled back, trying to hide the jealousy from my face.

"Anyway, man, we're off. Enjoy your night in and help yourself to some of my beers!", he slapped my back as he walked past.

And then they were gone.

I slumped down on the sofa and turned the television on. Calvin had been watching the sports channel and a new football game had just started - something I had never really cared for. I lowered the volume a little.

A small lump had started to form in my jeans. It was probably a mixture of seeing Calvin looking like such a hunk; along with the fact that I hadn't had any action myself in a good couple of weeks due to the stress and time required to finish at my old job, pack and say goodbye to my friends and family.

I lowered the zipper on my jeans and pulled my dick out. At five inches it wasn't tiny but it also wasn't big. In fact, I'd heard that five inches was actually the average penis size, though I hadn't met any sexual partners with a dick as small as mine. Luckily though, being a bottom, guys didn't have much use for my dick anyway - they were much more interested in my mouth and ass - which suited me just fine.

That wasn't to say that I was a slut, though, as I was far from it. I enjoyed a healthy sex life back home but it was all with the same couple of local guys who had turned in to regular fuck buddies'. My real number' was still at a level where I could claim a lot of dignity for my age.

I wrapped my hand around my dick and began to stroke, watching the football players run around on the screen.

But then I had a better idea. I picked my iPhone out of my pocket.

I'd downloaded Grindr again when I got to the city but I hadn't really used it yet with still settling in.

I figured now that my couple of fuck-buddies were hundreds of miles away, I could do with finding another regular guy over here as soon as possible, if not only to keep me sane when living with a hunk like Calvin.

I added a more recent photograph to my profile and started to scroll down the list of small tiles. Damn, this place had its share of quality.

But it was a small tile only a couple of thousand feet away that really caught my attention with its name: "Str8 Jock".

I clicked on it and looked at the stats.

21 years old.



"Straight lad on here for one night only."

Hmm, why would a straight guy download Grindr? I'd seen profiles similar to this one before but I'd always assumed that they were either closet-gays or gay guys just trying to make themselves look more attractive to other gay guys (after all, what is hotter to a gay man than the thought of pulling a straight man?).

Plus, at 21 he was more than a few years younger than me. Did I really want all of this hassle when there were plenty of good looking gay guys on here who I knew I could have?

Still, that little lump in my pants was turning in to a bigger lump. Fuck it. I started a conversation with him.

Me: Hey. You're close.

Him: Yo.

Me: How're you doing?

Him: Good thanks, bro. How're you?

We chatted for a little while longer. I told him about how I was new in town and didn't really know anybody yet. He told me how he'd lived here for the last few years and was studying for his final year of sports coaching at the university.

Him: Doing much this weekend, bro? Me: No, I'm just relaxing inside. What about you? Him: Not much. Had a poker tournament with the boys yesterday and just got back from our first football practice.

Our conversation soon moved on to why he was actually on Grindr. He told me he didn't care for guys whatsoever and just needed to clear up a rumour amongst his friends on whether, in his own words, "faggots or chicks smoke pole best".

My dick stirred again. Why did I like his vulgar terms and cockiness so much?

I shouldn't really like the idea of giving an anonymous straight guy a blowjob with nothing in return. After all, what could I possibly get from it myself? But there was something about this guy.

Me: I'd be happy to help you decide. And I have a free place now.

Him: Good lad. No emotional or gay shit though. I'm literally coming to get my end away. Got that?

Looking back, maybe that was the point where I should have said no. The point that I should have told him I had more self-respect for myself than to just give a straight guy a warm mouth to unload in. That I could easily find a guy who would also fuck my ass and give me some attention back.

But I didn't. And chatting to this guy, mixed with days of seeing Calvin strutting around our apartment, was making me more horny than I had felt for a long time.

Me: Deal, no friendly stuff. In fact, you're not too far away. How about I just get on my knees right now and wait for you to let yourself in?

Him: Shit, dude. You're kidding, right? You'd actually let a random guy walk in to you already on your knees?

No, this is something that I DEFINITELY wouldn't usually do. But there was something about this `random guy' that was getting me so horny and slutty.

I told him that I wasn't kidding and gave him the address.

As promised, I lowered myself to my knees and crawled over to the hallway, not far from the door, waiting for him to arrive.

My small dick felt bigger than it ever had.

To Be Continued.

The next few chapters are pretty much planned out, however any feedback or suggestions are welcome at

Also, please keep in mind that because of my very busy schedule, I may not be able to reply to all emails. Chapters may also sometimes take me a long while to get out.

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