
By Unilever

Published on Oct 9, 1997



Unisex By Unilever

"The men's room doesn't have stalls."


"Not the kind with doors."

"Then I guess it's definitely the ladies'." She put a hand on his chest. "I'll make sure it's clear, OK?"

"Awww..." he complained. "Why can't we both...?"

"Be back in a sec. Keep it zipped."

She disappeared around the corner.

He leaned on the wall, slurping the jumbo gulp trapped in his folded arms. He eyed his watch anxiously while he pretended to take part in the ancient male ritual of waiting for his date to do her business.

With a polite smile, he glanced nervously again at the pimple-riddled teenager behind the candy counter. Good. The kid was still absorbed in his fantasy comic book. And the doors were around a bend anyway. He'd never know who was going where- not that keeping track of all fifteen people at a Monday night showing in the boonies was any challenge.

The blue door started calling to him again.

He stared at its freshly stenciled paint, wondering what lurked behind the white stick figure dressed in that fashionable little triangle. That guardian of the forbidden... He'd always wanted to see what it was like in there.

Molly's head poked out. She waved him in.

He followed her bouncing miniskirt into the porcelain unknown.


"What? You've never been in one before?"

"No. It's a lot bigger. And cleaner."

"That's why I picked it. The mens' are so disgusting... Don't sit on the couch," she urged, dragging him straight to the corner stall. "Someone might walk in."

"I can't even look?"

"Honestly. It's just a couch. It's not a lounge or anything." Teeth sank into his fleshy ear lobe as fingers fumbled with his shirt buttons. He pawed the steel door swinging behind her, vainly trying to close it and keep his balance at the same time. "I wish you'd said something about your deficient upbringing sooner. We could have done this before we got married... You're not supposed to keep secrets from your wife, you know." She thumped his chest. "What will we do with you?"

"It still would have been hard to top the merry-go-round..." he grinned.


The novelty of his new surroundings was already sinking in, as it was doomed to do. He reigned in her touch, finally corralled the door with a firm hand and pressed his yielding wife to the cold metal wall.

He peppered her lilac-scented neck with sloppy kisses and heard the last of his pearly snaps pop.

"Oh no." She pushed him away. "I forgot."

The door swung open, squeaking like a parrot and she headed for the couch after all, leaving him propped up with nothing but his disappointment.

What did she need shopping bags for?

"Can't have people seeing our feet," she whispered.

While she positioned the two shiny purchases strategically in front and to the side, he twisted the lock shut above her and playfully hiked up her skirt.

The white ones... He loved those panties. He ran a hand over the crease in her ass.

They were so silky smooth...

"That's got it," she announced.

"Always the planner..."

"Someone has to be responsible."

"This is hardly adult behavior."

"I know." Her eye gleamed as she returned to his tender ear again and meddled with his zipper. "We've got to get this out of the way before we have kids. What would they think?"

"If they found out their parents had sex?"

She giggled as he yanked off the flimsy fabric covering her waist.

"Good." She gripped his erect cock with a pleasant hum. "I won't have to blow you."


"Sorry. The tiles are hard on my knees. And cold."

She pushed him to the commode and straddled his legs, waving her thick black snatch in his face. He could smell each hot drop trickling out of her.

"Hey... what do you know? The seat's down," he joked.

"Mm. That's awfully considerate of you," she dripped.

Her tongue locked with his as her husband's strong hands rumpled the back of her blouse.

She ground her hips playfully against his belt buckle, piquing his interest. Their chins slipped past one another and she breathed sharp, quickening puffs into his ear the more he nibbled on hers.

"Is it in yet?" she teased, feigning impatience. "Is something wrong?" She looked at his side. "Why is the commode glowing?"

"What?" he asked.

"Good grief..."

She couldn't find anything to grab.

Her fingers searched frantically to help her familiar old friend to his target.


He wasn't just playing with her. She stepped back and straightened up.

Shit. Nothing but blonde curls sticking through his fly.

Blonde? He wasn't blonde. Her eyes shot up his torso.

He was blonde.

Or rather... she was!

His whole body had changed. When did that happen?

"What's going on?" he asked in a distressingly feminine squeak. He fumbled for his missing erection. "Fuck! It's a cunt!"

She joined the desperate chase in his pants but.... there was nothing to find. Their fingers only confirmed the worst, running back and forth over a definitely moist slit.


His hips bucked at the poking of unfamiliar and newly sensitive places. What a horrid thrill...

Molly pulled her hand out and sampled the odor.

That greasy gleam was pussy juice, all right. She sniffed. Leftover maxipads for sure.

"Well it goes with the new tits," she remarked dryly.

His tingling parts were so small now... impossibly small and strangely shaped-

Tits!? Shit! Of course...

They'd been in sight the whole time. He was too preoccupied with recent losses to sweat the minor additions.


He brushed the now huge lapels aside and two wonderfully pink, diamond hard spikes came into view, their surrounding disks crinkled into fine bumps.

He cupped the white mounds. They were so fucking huge.

And he was fucking tiny! Those hands! He could barely keep his wedding band on.

Molly loomed over him now.

When had that happened?

There wasn't any one moment when the world had become giant... no burst of smoke he could put a finger on, no flash of wrenching guts or other shocks. What was going on?

He flicked a long blonde strand from his face and looked up at her with a million questions in his doe-like eyes.

She shrugged. It was all she could do.

"If it's any consolation, you're really cute." Her lip slipped from her teeth.

"Why haven't I burst out of the stall screaming?" He frowned. "Why haven't you?"

"Maybe it's part of the spell."


But what else could it be?

He stood, frantically clutching his belt, and examined what appeared to be just another toilet.

There wasn't anything special about it. The black horseshoe no longer gave off that eerie green light. He touched it. It felt ordinary enough.

"I guess I should have left the lid up," he said quietly. For the hell of it, he popped the seat up and sat down. But the cold white surface only sent a shiver through him. "No wonder you yell at me," he whispered.

Even when she sat on his lap again, nothing happened.

She caressed the pretty blonde face that was now her husband's. "What are we going to do?" she whispered back.

The restroom door creaked open. They froze. A pair of heels clicked across the floor.

He put a finger to her mouth.

They sat together for an eternity while the faucet ran.

Then the far stall opened. They heard the rustling of clothes followed by a distant tinkling.

Wasn't this the thrill they'd been looking for?

Something wet trickled from his own groin... but he knew from the familar odor it wasn't urine. It was closer to sweat, though he'd never felt it coming out of that place before... that place within him...

He hadn't gotten to explore nearly enough just now... right then when his hips jerked...

His new parts did crave it so...

Instinctively, he plied her hand from his shoulder and guided it between his legs... moving in small delicate arcs over his new bullseye... that amazing new emptiness... In his wildest dreams he never imagined the sensations washing over him from that tiny bump of flesh would be like this... his small body feeling so big... warming everywhere... even in the strange cavity that shouldn't be inside him right there but was... and that rod within him, drawn up like an anchor... going nowhere but stiffening all the same...

Molly was grossly irritated but he kissed her anyway. What could she do with another woman in the room? If she caused a ruckus, they'd think they were a bunch of horny lesbians or something and call the cops. She silently cursed him for twisting her arm like this.

Then the realization stung her like a wasp.

Her fingers were running through another woman's pussy... for the first time in her life. She'd never before in any nightmare thought of doing something like this.

Sure, there was that gay girl in high school everyone gossiped about, but she'd never imagined what it might be like to have to touch another girl down there... to have to satisfy your love for someone like this...

Oddly enough, she didn't want to withdraw.

She wasn't gay now, was she? Had the damn gods of the bathroom done something to her too?

He tethered her sweet middle finger to his new clit, shuddering from the tiny circles of emotion, and ground his teeth softly into her neck. His eyes fell shut as his other hand wandered to her breast, squeezing tenderly with his love for her.

She did her best to guess his rhythm, trying to keep his faint heavy breath from rounding the corner into passionate moans.

And something in her wanted to explore. The textures seemed so much different from her own. The lips were somehow smaller. And it seemed to glow... like he had, before, when she gripped him... only differently...

Did it work like hers?

You heard stories from other girls about different styles and such. She didn't want any complaints...

What an odd thought.

She pried her other palm from the wall to gently explore the tiny folds that grew with each pass. As she brushed a thigh, they spread wider, almost of their own accord to accomodate her.

Those small flaps were silky smooth and inviting... barely little ridges... and moist too... It was unnerving for her fingers to feel warmth rising up from such familiar terrain and not have the reward buzzing in her own parts... She felt trapped on the other side of the mirror ten feet behind her.

Another odd thought hit her.

Why hadn't she done this before with another girl?

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine her husband as a man again.

She couldn't. She could see him that way, but not making love like this...

Come to think of it... she was kissing another girl too. There was no five o'clock shadow rubbing her cheeks as it had since she couldn't remember.

And his tongue was just as intriguing. So were those soft, pleasant cheeks and beautiful blue eyes. The giving breasts that pressed against her blouse... his intoxicating new smell... It was that perfume she'd passed on in the store last week because she thought it was too strong...

What a mistake...

A contented sigh floated over.

A belt jingled. A roll of toilet paper spun and a wad tore off. Then wiping. The commode flushed and silence returned with another creak of the door.

Molly tried to pull away but he held her hand.

"I gotta tell ya," he whispered. "Whatever's going on, I'm still horny. It's no great fantasy of mine to see you as a lesbian but could you indulge me just tonight?"

"We have to see what we can do to- "

"To what? We don't know what the hell happened to me. It could all end in five seconds." He let out a gasp as he moved her more rapidly. "I've got to know what it's like..." he begged in his lilting new voice.

How could she deny such a golden-throated creature?

Thoughts she had normally considered so repulsive were now so compelling. Was it part of whatever kept them from panicking?

"Fine. But you're going to soak those pants. If you walk out of the stall a man, you don't want a wet spot."

Molly stood and with no trouble at all the grossly oversized slacks dropped from her husband's delicate frame.

He lowered the seat back down with a captivating grin of his face and took the same position he had as a man a few minutes ago.

"Much better," she smiled. "You're not the kind of girl that looks good in boxers."

"Really? What kind of girl am I?" His head craned back and forth, trying to see all there was between his thighs. The fluorescent lighting wasn't very satisfactory. He could just make out that nice pink V hiding in the trim yellow forest.

But it was so tiny...

She stared down at it with him, imagining his curiosity as she remembered the frustration her own crotch had given her as a little girl.

"Don't worry. You won't get any complaints from me."

He grinned. "I hope not..." What was she going to do? Complain about size? He giggled. His serious look returned. "So it's pretty, then?"

It? She chuckled. Typical. He hadn't asked, 'Am I pretty?' Just about 'it.'

"Yeah. It kinda is," she said, surprised at her own reaction. She put a hand on her loosely hanging blouse. "I don't know what's come over me."

He leaned up to kiss her. "You don't know what's come over you?!"

Girlish giggling echoed in the room.

He couldn't believe how similar their voices were. The harmony...

"You want to see?" she asked.

He arched a fine eyebrow. "Yeah."

Molly found her purse in one of the bags and rummaged around for a compact. She popped it half-way and angled it at him, casting a spotlight across his sexy navel. She snickered silently when she noticed it had turned to an 'outie.'

He eagerly tracked the plastic clam shell as it hovered over the unknown... but it bobbed too much for him. She quickly gave up and placed it in his capable, if unsure hand.

It was as much fun watching the discovery in his face as it was seeing where his fingers went.

It took him a moment to fidget with his new pubic hair. Though it wasn't as bushy as it used to be, it kept getting in the way. He hadn't expected that.

Finally he parted the valley just right.

It still wasn't the view he was looking for. It all looked so small in that little circular mirror. Shouldn't it be bigger?


Only if his nose was stuck in it, he realized.

Was this why some women seemed disconnected from it? Or thought it was insignificant?

How exactly did women feel about their genitals? How did his wife?

He thought of periods and it dawned on him they could do some odd things. Was it love-hate?

They even popped babies out...

He brushed that throbbing fleshy lump to each side with his pinky. It was all so hard to examine on your own.

Was this why women treasured a good relationship with the gynecologist?

He was amazed he couldn't feel his phantom cock anymore. He remembered what it was like to be a man, to make love to his wife. That wasn't the problem. He would have thought he'd feel some sort of loss with something dramatic like this... but it all seemed perfectly natural, even if he didn't know what sensations to expect.

The tiny juncture... right where those two lines clung together... it seemed almost to shout back when he touched it too firmly. It didn't want pressure.

And it ran up so far inside him. That little ridge above it, disappearing... it wasn't just a single point but more like a... a what? A little fin? No. The flap was like an iceberg, lying in wait. Huh. He'd had no idea-

He gasped again. He'd have to be more careful with those long nails.

Pink? He finally noticed the pink nail polish. Shit what a strange thing to think about... especially when the slit you're fondling is between your own legs.

Ouch again. Boy that thing was touchy.

Maybe he should leave all this to her. She had more experience with these things than he did... Didn't she?

He looked up at his wife nervously, then parted his thin labia for a peek at the pink valley in between. He was careful to use the bottoms of his fingers now, like he'd seen her do on rare occasion in the bedroom.

There were so many patches with different textures down there. Some skin was smooth... were those wrinkles or ridges?... strange place for bumps... A depression. And another opposite it. Was that where he peed now?

He spread his fingers a little farther apart. A redish ring in the back took shape but he could barely make it out. Was that the...?

He brushed more pubes out of the way. Was it opening much?

He still couldn't see well in the dim fluorescent light.

Was it dim? Maybe there were just too many shadows down there.

He looked up again in frustration. "It's smaller than I thought."

"I know," she sighed. "You treat it like such a large part of the body."

He frowned. "Well it is... when my face is in it."

Molly chuckled. Then felt a twinge of fear that she might learn if he was right.

Satisfied this was the best he could do for now, he let his lips fall back together like relaxing rubber bands. Unexpectedly, he held on to the mirror and examined the bottom of his breasts, hoisting each by the nipple to see what was underneath.

Pinching the stiff tips sent more shivers through his spine. In fact they wanted him to pull on them more. Funny they should get the same urges his old erection had...

Or would again, he hoped.

So nipples were that thrilling? he wondered to himself. Women really did have complex wiring running all over. And the damn stuff was all interconnected.

Convinced the stretch marks meant they were real, he let his left tit bounce to a rest and passed the compact back. The way they pooled like pudding on his chest was just so fascinating... like they were contained in some tight freezer-bag of skin...

"Don't you want to see your face?" Molly asked. "You're very beautiful. You look nineteen, twenty tops."

"I completely forgot... I guess I really couldn't look the same there either."

"You feel the same?" she asked as she handed him the red disk again.

"I was just thinking that. I can remember what it was like having a boner a few minutes ago but... I don't really feel like it's been cut off or anything. It all feels strangely normal for some- Oh."

That silvery reflection.

Small or not, this face was positively gorgeous. The boy behind the cash register would jump him for sure. Five seconds flat.

The high cheeks and long lashes. There wasn't a hint of makeup on her and still... her lips were dark and full, her eyebrows delicately framed those big watery eyes... She could kill with just one look... she'd killed him all right... She was him.

Her lips pursed as his did. Her chin dimpled when he frowned. That voice... that wonderful cheerleader voice was his... All he needed now was a fuzzy blue cardigan and a stack of school books.

"Say..." he murmured, "that is gorgeous. I'm getting turned on just looking at her."

Molly smacked him.

"Unh!" He ran his delicate fingers along his aching jaw.

She regretted hitting him the instant she saw the hurt in that angelic face. She almost wanted to cry herself.

"Well it's true," he muttered sheepishly. "It's not like she's my dream girl. You are the only one I love."

He sounded just like her younger sister whining to dad why she missed curfew.

With frustration still on her lips, Molly leaned forward and kissed him. "Till death do us part, huh?" she quipped.

"Thank goodness there's no 'or what' clause."

"Yeah," she noted wryly.

Well. His self-inspection was over. He did want to get on to love-making with his wife, as they'd first planned... That hadn't changed, strangely enough... but...

He had no idea where to go.

"And you are the one I still want to make love too..." he whispered coyly, twirling one of her brunette curls.

She stared blankly at him.

He cleared his throat. "OK. So now what?"

"What?" she replied.

"Well, I... I've... got this need to make love to you but..." he cocked his head and hunched his shoulder to indicate his inexperience. "What do two women do together?"

How would she know?

Molly shrugged back and suppressed another urge to slap him. She knew he wasn't being cruel with her. He was in the dark about his new feelings like she was.

"Well... we could do what I like... what... you know... you and I do without... without the- you know... what you don't- "

"You mean foreplay?"


"Is it satisfying enough for you?"

"Sure." Was he concerned with her pleasure or with his? It was hard to tell now. "We'll just do it a little longer, that's all."

"It'll... it'll feel complete?" He didn't want to disappoint her, though he sensed tonight would top their adventure on the carousel for sure.

"What do you mean?"

"If we just... if we just did that stuff you could still feel as good?"

A sly grin appeared on her face. It was a catch-22 she could tease him mercilessly with for years to come.

"Welllllll..." Molly purred, "we can't quite replace what you're missing- " She waved a hand through the empty air above his flat crotch- "but... yeah. I'm sure I'll enjoy it."

"You'd do that?" he pouted. "Have fun without getting my rocks off?"

"They are off, dear. You don't have any more rocks to worry about."

"Oh. Right." He collected his scattered faculties and surveyed her body anxiously. "Well..." Surely she had the same throbbing body parts as his now? Surely hers wanted some attention too? "I'm not sure where to start, you know? I mean I'm sure I still know what to do with you, I just have no idea what to do it with." He shrugged. "You know?"

She kissed him. "Why don't we just pick up where we left off..."

She worked two fingers between his legs again, cajoling his clit back from its snug home.

They necked like they always had. Thank goodness he hadn't forgotten how to do that.

In fact... he drew the kisses out longer... even encouraging her to play with his softer, smaller form... those gentle hands cupping her face... pointed nipples brushing against hers... tilting his neck back, inviting her in.... His coyness aroused her more than usual at this stage.

At this stage...

She couldn't just expect him to go about his business and move down a series of checkpoints on her body. She had to do the same with him now.

She'd never made love to another woman. Could she even think in those terms? For some reason she very badly wanted his first time as a girl to be an enjoyable one.

And his last.

What was she supposed to do? she wondered, as their forceful hands thrashed through one another's hair.

Lord his shampoo was overpowering... she couldn't concentrate...

Should she even try? She didn't usually think about any of it... She rarely had to worry about turning him on. An occasional blow job. Sometimes he wanted a show, but like all men, when it came to his actual physical pleasure, there wasn't much to know. At least it didn't seem to be as frustrating for her as it did for him sometimes. He had a hard time finding his way around her body.

He was much better since the honeymoon... that had made for some lovely practice, she recalled wistfully. But still... even she didn't always know exactly what she wanted. And then she got so flustered with him when he asked.

She didn't want to be shouted at for not being a mind reader...

Oh fuck it.

She was worrying about a lot of nothing.

Let's have sex. He's getting into it. He'll tell me if I screw up. I always do with him. No head games. She did it enough to him in bed.

Two women would just multiply it if they weren't careful.

She giggled as she let go of his follicles.

Her hands snaked up his soft front, passing tenderly over each delicate rib. Everything about him was so much smaller... His back arched to greet her palms, just as a woman's would. She dutifully cupped and tweaked each of his nipples.

With a small moaning yelp pushed back on her in surprise, breaking off their long kiss. He looked down at himself, smiling.

"Great, aren't they?" she said.

"And all this time I thought you were just indulging me."

"No. I really mean it. I like you playing with my nipples."

"Oh yeah?" He went to work on her buttons. They'd wanted to stay at least partly dressed and make it a quickie but... missing the credits didn't seem all that bad now.

He slipped one of her straps off and tugged her wide, flat nipple from its cup.

Realizing what he'd just done, he gave his own bosom another self-conscious glance. "I guess I'm gonna need one of these things too." Would one of hers even fit?

"They don't sag much at all," she reassured him. "They're great. We'll worry about it later."


Would it be a problem later? For some reason he refused to get distressed about it. He didn't want to stay like this forever but...

She nudged him away before he snapped from whatever spell he had cast on himself and started playing with her breasts.

Inching forward with a steamy smile, she kissed his own pair, slowly ringing the twin knobs of flesh with her tongue...

He hardly noticed the pipe in his back.

Why didn't someone ever build a reclineable toilet? he wondered.

And why didn't women read more on the can? They certainly sat more.

And did strange thoughts like these occur to them when they made love? Was that why she giggled in bed when nothing really was going on?

Oh those teeth...! Shit! The way she bit his nipple... he had to have more. Yes! Finally a job for those sharp nails! He pinched furiously at the lonely twin, but his wife wouldn't allow any of it. She brushed him away and squeezed it between her own clear talons, rolling him under her fingers and yanking in every direction.

The points kept getting stiffer, as if their erection would have no end... crinkling like ice-cubes were on them... but it was heat welling up. How odd... It sent warm shivers through his crotch too.

Did his chest swell? It wasn't just the extra heaving of his lungs. His ribcage was too small, he realized, even if his width up top had multiplied. No... his tits actually felt bigger... warmer... her touch was changing them somehow.

His heart pounded.

How could things so soft and mushy be topped with points so hard and faraway? His old dick was anchored to something even harder but these floated on clouds... ethereal, jello clouds...

Molly pulled away, a nipple firmly trapped in her playful grin.

It drew into such a fine, thin peak...

Farther... he wanted more...

He never imagined it was safe to be so harsh with a woman's tits... but he didn't fear her biting anything off at all. He loved it. They were there to be bitten. He finally understood why she nibbled at him in bed...


They jiggled sweetly together on his chest. She'd stirred up such pleasant vibrations inside them. He brushed the skin on their bottoms, surprised at its sensitivity, cupping them for her as she turned her oral attentions to his other nipple.

He looked down at the glistening residue on his reddish spike, a wet oval mixed with hints of her smeared lip gloss. He'd never had fantasies of Molly with anyone else... but seeing his wife lap at another set of full, milky breasts was more erotic than he thought.

The smell of wet pussy had always aroused him... but now... now it frothed from his own loins, oozing from the very crotch that tingled at its scent. The more he smelled, the wetter he became and the stronger the fragrance in his bloom... The vicious circle set loose a veritable fountain of desire. It was unbearable.

He desperately needed something to rub on... anything...

There it was.

Whose hand was it?

It must be his. Hers plucked splendidly at his bosom like a suckling child.

That valley under his fingers was so thin and narrow... so small to his touch yet... so deep. Where did it all go? He searched for more on the surface, shocked at just how small those parts of him had shrunk... but... there was also so much under him opening up... something started to feel really big, even if he couldn't get to it all...

Molly was amazed the soft white skin of another woman's breasts could arouse her so... but these warm pillows were simply too much. Her own saliva poured out on them, anticipating the wetness growing between her own legs.

She loved his low, tender moans. She'd learned to like his little grunts in that big hard body but now... watching this passive streak come out as she played with his smaller form... The idea of having sex with someone who looked so young and innocent sent the itch even through her. This warm, soft girl would cuddle with her forever...

They would explore one another's intimate places... kiss all day or throw their legs back to lick at each other... whatever struck their fancy... make the other moan and scream... boss and dominate each other... relax and melt into each other's arms... kiss soft thighs... mesh breasts and let their tender flesh mingle with their devotion...

The fantasies rolled through her mind like a waterfall. She was shocked at the enjoyment they fed to her fluttering heart. Everything she'd ever been with her husband suddenly was washed away and turned around on her... and it felt so good... the thrill of disorientation... the novelty they'd come in looking for...

A thumb brushed her belly-button.

A nail scratched her.

She looked down at the wild gyrations between his legs.

His fuzzy yellow pubes flew back and forth like they were rooted in putty. The rubbery nothingness there drove home the truth of his new gender.

She brought the march of pliant wet flesh to a halt.

"Let me do that."

"Really?" He winked at her. "You don't want a show?"

"Sexy as you are and strangely attracted to you as I am... I still don't have the urge to see another woman friggin' herself off."

"Just me, huh?"

"Just you." She pinched his cheek. "I'll do it again tonight if you want..." she smirked, "or maybe you want me to leave you alone with the mirror?"

"No," he said with some embarrassment. "It's just... I couldn't wait anymore," he whispered.

"I know how it can get," she said, kissing him.

She stood and tried to massage the red streaks from the back of her thighs. Her feet prickled from lack of blood. How long had they been perched on the commode, making out? She looked at her watch. Twenty minutes. It flew by.

Sensing what she wanted as she backed away, he scooted his full bottom closer to the edge, letting it pour over the lip. He fought the stainless steel with his shoulders to no avail. There was just no way his back could get comfortable now.


The spray tickled his bottom.... that ass that was so unusually plump and wide. It made sitting so much easier and kept the thinner him from falling in. How could the rest of him be so small and yet some parts feel even larger than they were? He understood the breasts, but the hips too? The short legs he saw were so much smaller and narrower... so why did they feel fat?

Molly giggled at the water swirling under him. "Hard to get comfy?"


"Turn a little sideways. No... lean on the wall... Better?"

"Some," he said, further spreading his legs.

She looked down at the porcelain tiles. So she'd end up kneeling on them after all. Who would have thought this was how he'd talk her into it? He'd outdone himself.

He grinned as she pulled a thick towel from one of the bags and lay it down at his feet.

"Came prepared, huh?" he smirked.

She slapped his silky smooth thigh.

"Ah!" he yelped.

The plump limb did more than quiver. The shock traveled in an instant through his whole frame. His bottom almost went for a swim.

He lassoed an arm around the silver pipe.

This didn't bode well.

He had no idea what a female orgasm was like, but he didn't want to spoil it by sliding into the can at the worst possible moment.

Could he hold on well enough? How distracting would it be? Sometimes hers looked so powerful...

"What are you frowning about now?"

"My arm's not very strong."

"I know, sweetheart." She sighed in sympathy as she sat back on her haunches. "I'm sorry I hit you... both times. Can you open up a little wider?" She waved at his legs. "That's better. Scoot closer." She giggled. He had one shoulder on the wall and the other braced against the pipe. His toes fluttered as they tried to make it to the door. The poor thing was so short. "You look like a pretzel."

He frowned again. "It's cramped. Are you sure it'll work?"

"I'll help." She smiled and propped his leg on her shoulder.

She stared at the yellow triangle inches under her nose. The tip of his pink bud glistened... almost twinkled at her from its hiding place.

She knew what was next, though she'd never thought about it before. It would all be guesswork. That she wasn't filled with abject disgust about it still amazed her.

She absentmindedly wet her lips as she thought about it.

Her husband had trouble reading her blank expression. It wasn't her usual lustful anticipation. He wanted to reassure her but he just couldn't think of the proper thing to say.

'Don't worry, I won't think you're a lesbian'? 'I know you're still being faithful to me and when this is all sorted out we can get back to normal'? 'Thanks for doing something repulsive to please me'?

No. He'd used that one last week.

"I... I love you" was all that stammered out. That and a goofy grin.

"I know." She kissed his hand and grinned back in sympathy. She understood his dilemma. Like always, she seemed to know exactly what was going through his mind.

It was all so theoretical... Maybe he could be her guide. How did he always start out? She parted his blonde pubes under her fingers, taking several tries to sweep each to its proper side.

Then there it was, the small rosy bump that caused half the population such delightful fun... and occasionally such frustration.

Like now. What to do with it?

A fleshy half-circle rose up above it, trailing off to his groin like a ramp. And there was the definitely moist shine lower down...

He had such tiny pussy lips compared to hers, she thought as she spread them further apart. Three quarters laid end to end would overwhelm them. Two would give his slot a run for its money.

Why did they remind her of paper clips? They were pretty, though. So was the pink further inside. It was pleasant on the eyes. Her own parts were starting to lose that color, she realized with a tinge of envy.

What did the average pair look like? Should she ask him? She knew he hadn't been with many other women but his experience was still far wider than hers.

"Having second thoughts?" he whispered.

"Huh?" She looked up at him. "No. I was just thinking how cute it is."

"It does look nice, doesn't it?... I was wondering how it tasted when I first saw it..."

Molly grinned at his hint and finally leaned in for a sample, her long pointed tongue thrashing up and down like a serpent.

She snickered in surprise. "Not half-bad."

He was slightly different than she was. But they definitely shared that second chromosome. That musky flavor... salty but... otherwise indescribable. Speak of it... categorize it... and it would lose its power and mystery.

Suddenly it registered how odd it was to be familiar with her own taste at all. She'd never had any desire to savor her own juices, had she? It was just something that happened when she licked her fingers for more lubrication... though it was getting sexier in retrospect...

But it would never arouse her like this.

It was the smell every woman had to put up with. Nothing special. Hard to avoid once it became obvious.

But the taste.

Tasting was a choice... a choice that thrilled her...

"Not half-bad, huh?"

Her tongue dipped into him again, drawing a liquid sheet across his clit. She smiled and wrapped a delicate globule on her middle finger, offering it to him playfully.

"What's your opinion?" she lilted.

He sucked on the member pumping into his mouth and relished the friendly old aroma that he, impossibly enough, secreted all on his own. The independence of the act sent a double thrill through him.

And the unknown and throbbing alien parts between his legs signaled their approval by further unfolding. So weird... It felt... felt like the wrapper peeling off of a child's gift... the way the shiny paper crinkles up and tears...

"Like it?" she asked again.

"Yumph," he moaned.

"Yeah... you like it, don't you?" she teased. He always had, strangely enough. She never understood that... She'd never even cared much for the taste of semen so why did this of all things suddenly appeal to her?

What was going on with both of them?

She shrugged. So what if in the worst case she ended up sharing a bed with another lesbian? She couldn't think of much else sweeter than his glistening snatch right now.

Mmm... she inhaled the steam rising through her fingers. His pussy was calling to her tongue... she wanted to probe it again, discover what lay hidden inside... what part of herself...

His moans resumed as her tongue plunged into his moist depths and began a slow journey up from his vagina... parting the new wrinkles of flesh that touched in odd spots and seemed to dance around on each other. She circled his clit with what looked like a huge grin hidden under those yellow hairs.

He grabbed each of his nipples and twirled them under his thumbs' delight.

She thrust into him again, probing the odd ring she found with the tiny bristles of her feeler. He giggled as the coarse monster squirmed away and forced apart his increasingly slick walls.

The taste, so familiar to her and now slightly different as it poured from another woman... it became alluring, reinforced by his sweet sighs of pleasure and the fresh new textures greeting her tongue... flat and silky smooth, soft, wet, yielding flesh... the most sensitive, delicate part of a woman's body... her warmest... the wrinkles she'd felt on herself all these years but never savored... She had no idea he'd felt all these things with his mouth these many years... kissing her most intimate places as she did for him now. It connected them like never before.

He could feel his desire trickling down his wet canal, as natural as the stiffening of his old erection. Like some peculiar sweating the warmer the friction with her tongue made him.

Humidity wasn't something he'd ever associated with arousal there. Orgasm, sure. For a moment it did vaguely remind him of ending fun. Then everything was perfect again. He wanted to flood her mouth with juice... open up... pave the way... to something more... It was a beginning, not an end...

Her tongue marched on to other endeavors, replaced by an equally eager finger. He liked the way it slid around better, though he missed kissing her like that... missed her lips sucking at his sweet ring.

Her lithe, pumping knuckles rasped against his satiny folds enchantingly. He wished she'd add another... or this one would grow even bigger.

Did size really matter to women? How much?

Somewhere under all that pleasurable friction, the movement against that strange circular ridge was a bit irritating. Was that his vaginal ring? Did he have to loosen up more as things progressed. She always did. Was that why she was going slow?

She was right. It did take longer... but it was all the more sweeter...

She paddled his nubbin mercilessly, flicking it back and forth as delicately as she could. She'd never had to give much thought to being gentle with her husband in bed like this.

Was she getting it right?

She mumbled her unintelligible question.

"Yes," he whispered, "oh yes... don't stop..."... hurry... take your time... both... "Ah!" he laughed and sucked his lip in.

Like an expert she glided so softly over that sensitive spot... That wonderfully warm, wet visitor... its tiny bumps lapping sensuously over that bud... that bud that burned harder and harder but never changed size. How utterly impossible...

Instead... something- it maybe?- grew within him. His vaginal walls became more rigid as she bore down on them. Even the thin brackets warding off the pubic forests grew deeper... he could feel clearly the outline of that pouting donut as it swelled between his legs... the one he'd always loved seeing... but could see no longer... A wonderful, frustrating paradox to have...

He reveled in the tender, moist noises of her beautiful, half-submerged face. She looked so happy right now... those pretty eyes of hers... How could he feel guilty about any of it? The way she moaned in pleasure from it...

She? That had to be him... what a sexy new voice. The whole spectacle feed on itself, turneding him on the more of it he took it in.

The way she flicked faster and faster... then pausing to nurse again with her pretty lips... the louder slurping...

His whole body convulsed, unable to hold up under the impossibility of it all.

He grabbed on for all he was worth. His arms grew surprisingly strong and found new determination as the secret joys of femininity wracked them.

His palm turned red against the silver metal.

She wouldn't let up. That damn frustrating tongue that sent delightful explosions of irritation... surges of joy skipping over him... His heart exploded in his throat. His tits shook acutely and quivered in symphony with his thighs... those thighs trying to wring every ounce of pleasure from the head trapped between them... perhaps they could even suck her in... yes... she'd love it in there... he'd love having her...

The waves didn't stop... He bit painfully to keep from crying out. He whimpered in joy like the girl he'd snuck into a closet at school. Tears welled up just as they had in her.

Things were suddenly even wetter down there. Molly's cheeks glistened.

"Mhun," he gasped in feminine discomfort.

It was suddenly sensitive.

He mustered the strength to push her back, savoring the last contraction as it spread from her finger and rippled to every corner.

He sniffed back some mucus.

"Wow." He laughed weakly. "That was great."

She sat up and kissed him, sharing his salty musk once more.

She brushed his long hair to the side and curled it behind his ear.

"It's not as much fun when you can't kiss, is it?" he whispered.

She kissed him again. "No. It's not quite as satisfying."

"I wish we could have both."

"So do I, but the furniture here isn't accommodating."

His eyes dropped. "Thanks," he said sheepishly.

"Hey," she said softly. She cupped his chin and brought his gaze back to her. "I enjoyed doing it for you. It was very special." He beamed. "You've got that wonderful glow." She continued to stroke his long mane.

"Isn't it your turn?" he smirked.

Molly eyed the toilet with contempt. "I'm not sitting on that thing. Who knows what it'll do to me? I don't want to be a teenage bimbo again. I've had enough ass-pinching to last the rest of my life."

Ass-pinching? Was that what was in store for him?

He stood and rubbed his hindquarters. "You won't notice it when your butt's asleep," he shot. He stretched and forced her against the door.

"Damn. You really are short."

"I know..." he sighed. He frowned and twisted around, surprising himself with his flexibility. He looked down at those lovely thighs and savored that lusciously plump, if reddened, rear end. They were beautiful and well proportioned legs... but adult, all right. These gams wouldn't be getting any longer. "What am I going to do?" He could barely touch the top of the stall.

He turned and cupped her breasts. The nipples were eye-level.

"I'm sorry." She kissed his forehead.

He gazed up into her eyes and kissed a nipple in return. He nudged the rest of her blouse over her milky shoulders until it fell crumpled into the bag. He the eased the lacey blue cups lower and ran his lips delicately over the large disk that was revealed. Slowly he sucked at it, drawing it into a fine point.

The red pouting mouth, the strands of saliva connecting it with her nipple... she couldn't believe another woman- one so pretty, with those baby blue eyes- nursed at her like this.

She stroke his silky hair and smiled at him. He tugged at her so perfectly, just as he always had... but the smaller mouth was unfamiliar there... delightful but...

Those girlish eyes were so young and serious... so sad... What if he was trapped this way?

His face brightened. He smiled at her as he drew away, letting sticky strands snap back to the wet oval he'd made on her cozy chest.

"Well," he said playfully, "You know what they say. There's always one thing short chicks are good for..."

"You pig!" Molly smirked.

He sat on the towel and felt his plump bottom spread out again. He rubbed some fluid dripping down the inside of his thighs.

His big, plaintive eyes looked up at her. "Come on. You liked it when I did it as a guy..."

She tossed her brunette curls back with a smile. "I suppose I did. You're just so damn cute." And so short. She didn't want to say anything.

Slowly, silently she bent down, widening her knees.

"Don't tell me you never fantasized about abusing one of the prissy cheerleaders this way?" She chuckled and grabbed the back of his head. "That's the spirit."

"Lick me, you bitch in heat."

"I love it when you talkmumphunghfarl- "

Her vagina stabbed at his chin, doing its best to fuck it. He kneaded her cushiony ass between his fingers as his tongue plunged into her thick folds.

The fishy odor was over powering. Was she stronger today? It wasn't the right part of her period. And she'd showered after aerobics. He thought back to that brief moment she'd hovered over the male him in the stall.

No. His sense of smell must be stronger. That or his appreciation.

He took another deep breath of her. The waffle iron between his legs warmed. His own juices were flowing again, washing away the hardening stickiness.

Was his tongue longer too? It seemed more agile than before. Maybe he knew his way around better as a woman. He rolled her flaps from side to side, careful to brush its broad surface against her knobby clit. He curled the tip up and dipped into her honeypot, surprised at how well it flexed.

Low moans rose up in her. She began to thrash. The bag at his foot crumpled under her assault.

He brought her back to reality with a finger to her lips. He chuckled as he saw her bite down, just as he'd done.

He smiled proudly.

Could she tell with his nose covered in her dark curly hair? Yeah. She smiled back. He let go of the other half of her ass and latched onto a tit. Why were they still in her bra? How inconsiderate of him...

She brushed him off and pulled her broad nipples further out, until the surrounding mounds bulged over their supports. She clenched each cap madly in her thumbs.

"Suck it, slut," she whispered passionately.

He suppressed another girlish giggle and clamped down on her mons, shaking back and forth.

A hand dropped away from her tits and clawed desperately at the cold metal wall. The suction was simply too much. Her knees wobbled ever lower. She clutched at the back of his head.

A high pitched yelp got away from her. She quashed her cries into quiet grunts. The way he kept flicking his tongue... over exactly the right place... just the right pressure... the way his mouth pulled her flesh out like that... his lips were cutting off her circulation... her clit throbbed even harder. Two fingers plunged into her.

Her face lit up like a roman candle. He loved how her eyes squinted shut... the trembling lines of crows feet... the shivering line in her chin... even the bared tooth grinding into her lip.

Her hips bucked like a harem dancer.

She finally gasped for air.

Her vagina clutched at his finger for the last time then her released her from his grip.

Molly straightened until her knees brushed his neck. The sticky cobwebs snapping off from his lips were sexy as always... even if it was a petite blonde's saliva connected with her crotch.

Right about now they'd be getting down to some serious fucking.

But she didn't even own a dildo, much less have one in her purse. How else would they pull the feat off?

She hoped there weren't a lot of sex stores in their future.

But there were bigger problems than that.

Could they even stay married like this? He'd certainly never give her a child now. Was it a perverse world's way of punishing her for waiting too long?

They embraced and drifted back to more earthly concerns.

She found another reason to worry as they showered each other in affection . Her back hurt. He was too damn short like this. And she wasn't strong enough for it.

"Enough's enough," she said, breaking it off.

She pulled away and bent over for her clothes.

"I love seeing your ass like that."

"Yeah?" She found her blouse and stood back up. "Yours looks the same, remember?"

"Yeah?" He twisted around and surveyed his backside again. "I like the way it looks too." She frowned as her fingers slid through the cups, straightening them out. "Uhh..." he stammered. "I like yours better, of course... You're not going to get pissed at me for looking at another girl now are you? I mean if it's just me in the mirror?"

"You are cute," she sighed. "But let's see if we can't get you back to normal. I don't want to end up with a shaved head and 'born to lick' tattooed on my butt." Her lip snarled as she pulled up her skirt. "The men's room is one thing... I've never even been in a dyke bar."

He draped a limp hand on her half open blouse, stood on his toes and pulled her down to plant a kiss on her cheek. "You'd do that for me?"

"Do what?"

"Be a..." It sounded so harsh. "Be a lesbian. Stay with me this way?"

"Of course." She kissed him back as she finished the last button. "I love you... And like you said, there's no 'or what' clause. I don't want to get divorced like our parents did."

"I'd... I'd understand if- "

"Hey. I'm not going anywhere. We'll still be together. But we can talk about that later if we have to."

"It doesn't make you queasy? I know sex with a man would for me." Funny... It didn't right now. It did as a man but not as a woman...

He stroked his chin and stared at the perforated ceiling tiles.

"Hey." She put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine with it. I love you. Who knows? Maybe I'm changed too. But let's not bother with it yet. This could all end like that again." She snapped her fingers.

He turned to either side of the cubicle but there wasn't anywhere he could look away. He pushed it from his mind and glanced around the floor anxiously.

She was right. There were more immediate concerns.

What was he going to wear?

He sighed as he contemplated his nudity.

"I always knew women's fashions were difficult."

She chuckled. "Don't worry. Maybe we can get you back right away." His eyebrow arched while she thought a moment. "Wait here while I check the hallway, then come out of the stall and let's see if anything happens."

The door swung wide as Molly departed.

He saw the room's vast white spaces, immaculately clean and open. Out of instinct, he drew an arm across his warm breasts. It was chillier in here than before. He'd be so embarrassed if someone saw his nipples stiff like this.

Would he? What an alien thought. He drew a hand over his empty crotch as well, though there was no longer as much to hide. The hair worked for what little there was.

He'd never had this kind of modesty as a man.

He tiptoed out with the vague feeling he'd be betraying his true gender if he did come across other men.

'Other'? That hardly seemed to apply anymore.

Still, shouldn't he give them the full view they wanted of all these gentle curves and fatty dimples? He'd certainly be appreciative.

Yeah. Too appreciative.

He thought about the damn pimply-faced candy clerk he might have to dart past.

"All clear," she whispered.

Well, leaving the stall hadn't done any good.

He skipped to the door, quite unprepared for the jiggling that rippled through his newly soft parts. Damned buns and tits. Even his thighs had betrayed him. And his fucked up center of gravity was headed for China without him.

He probably looked like one of those stacked chicks they used to laugh at when the PE class went for a run.

"Ooooh!" Molly shot straight as he grabbed her back.

"Shhh!" he reminded her.

"You scared me," she whispered. It felt like child's hands gripping her waist. She looked over her shoulder at him, disappointed to find the same adorable blonde. "Maybe it's the bathroom itself." Molly walked cautiously into the lobby. She turned and caught him wedged in the half-opened door, shivering. "I know it's cold, honey." She put her palm up like a crossing-guard. "Just step out and if nothing happens step back in."

She realized she'd have to grab him if something did happen. She didn't want him walking back in there again as a man. Maybe she could shove him into the men's room and go back for his old clothes.

She took a look around the bend, just far enough to tell if someone was coming but not enough to catch the eye of the attendant. She curled her finger back.

He stepped out and let the door close behind him.


He looked down at himself and huffed.

OK. Now was the time to panic.

A few minutes of fun and he was fucked for the rest of his life.

He was getting an idea of how nervous women could get the 'morning after'... but pregnancy wasn't anywhere near his biggest concern.

"Ow- shit- !"

Molly crashed into him, throwing him against the swinging door. "Shhh!" She turned him around in a flash and dragged him, flailing breasts and all, into the far stall again.

What was...?

Shit! The door creaked again.

She put a finger to his lips and hastily rearranged her shiny white shopping bags. And once more the commode's black magnet kissed his cheeks as he pulled his knees to his chest. Then Molly stood with her back to him, feet firmly planted on each side, just in case.

He clutched his breasts between his folded arms.

He wasn't sure he liked this being a woman stuff so much. Not all the body parts were team players. He'd been helpless with these boobs flying around everywhere. No matter how firmly he pressed their soft bulges to his chest right now, he could still feel them bouncing out of control.

Was that why Molly was always in a bra?

And that storm of gold swarming over his eyes...

The woman took the middle stall and, noticing another person in with her, immediately went to gossiping like they were best friends.

So this is how a ladies room really worked...

He couldn't stop grinning.

"It's a damn strange movie if you ask me," the woman said.

He bit his lip again but Molly couldn't suppress a giggle. "Yeah. It is unusual. But my boyfriend likes it."

He pinched her.

"Sounds like you need a new boyfriend."

His jaw dropped open.

"I may have to start looking. You could be right about that." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Why are you watching it?"

"My cousin dragged me. Nothing else to do tonight."

"Tell me about it."

"Thank goodness I don't have to date him to boot."

"That sucks. I had to take mine to the prom once." She shrugged, indicating it was all made up.

"Those are the worst, aren't they? Pity dates?"

He couldn't hold it any longer. He let out a humorously squashed gurgle.

The sound of swirling water filled the room again.

"Are you all right in there?" the lady asked as she pulled her pants back on.

"I'll be fine. My date has this thing for chili dogs. Thanks for asking, though."

"From how you describe him, honey, you should hide in here all night."

"I'm thinking about it."

The woman laughed and they heard the door swing shut again.

"Whew," he sighed.

The immediacy of their dilemma returned. She faced him once more.

"Hey," he said. "I've got an idea. Straddle my hips again." This was roughly the position that had caused all the trouble.

She shrugged. "It's worth a shot."

Still nothing.

"Maybe I have to be in my old clothes."

That made progressively more sense.

They tried that.

Again nothing.

He sighed. "Maybe I have to be in your clothes."

Again nothing. Even when he coaxed her into sitting on the can, against all her best judgment. He'd almost twisted her arm off for that.

She peeked out from between her fingers when the green glow failed to rematerialize and rolled her palms over in the pale white light.

Thank goodness she wasn't a warthog or something.

"Ok." He sank to the tiles, still clad in her loose fitting skirt. "Now we're in deep shit."

"Maybe I should put your pants on?" she suggested.

"Oh who gives a fuck? We're hopelessly screwed."

She gave it a shot anyway, while he stewed on the floor. No luck even when he stood over her and unzipped the fly.

What the hell had they done to get it to work in the first place?

"Maybe it just takes time to wear off. Maybe you'll sit on the can at home and- " she snapped her fingers.

"Yeah," he sighed in dejection, sinking into the wall. "Maybe.... or I'm really fucked...."

"You mean 'we are.' We're in this together." She patted his shoulder. Her lip twitched into half a frown. "In the worst case... being a girl's not all bad... is it?"

"No," he sighed again, continuing to look at the floor. "I guess not... but what'll we do with our friends and families? Would anyone believe us if we told them the truth? They'd come in here and rip this place apart for sure. And then I might never get back."

He was right. It would be a lot more complicated than just that.

She absentmindedly fingered the wallet in his back pocket. It'd changed her. Had it changed the rest of the world too?

She pulled his billfold out and opened it with mild interest Her finger dawdled over his unaffected photo.

"Still me?" he asked.

"Yeah... the old you, at any rate," she sighed. "You were handsome. I want you to know I really liked the way you looked."

"Thanks." He kissed her hand. "But I always knew that."

"Well... It's not all bad. You're younger. Maybe we'll have an extra five years together." He scowled at her. "What? It's all I could think of. There're other pluses I'm sure." She stood and pulled the ill-fitting skirt from his waspy waist. She took a deep breath. "I guess now we make a run for the car and hope it wears off."

He took her blouse and bra off in silence and watched as she crawled back into them. He usually liked seeing her hop into a dress. But not tonight. Not after wearing it himself.

The bra had been strangely nice. He finally understood why she wore that thing. The support was good. He actually felt lighter with it. And less fat. It was almost sad feeling his new flesh slide from the cups and bulge out over his ribs. He was somehow less protected against the world. Still... something must have been wrong. Parts of it were oddly tight. And others weren't. It was clearly too loose for his frame.

He rubbed the sore spots on his shoulder left by the chafing straps and suddenly it registered. This was the first time he'd ever been in girl's clothing.

And it might not be the last.

Well... they felt normal enough on him, even if they didn't fit well. That was the strange thing about all this. He knew it was odd... and certainly novel... but nothing was out of place the way he'd expect it to feel. Disappointment. That was it. But not panic like the world had been set on fire, which his had.

But what can you really do without a fire exit?

He looked at his now useless slacks as she smoothed her blouse. No matter how tight he pulled his belt he'd still flop all over the extra fabric in the legs. Maybe he could roll them up.... No he'd need a needle and thread... And the crotch would look like the canvas on a sailboat.

"How can I get to the car like this? I can't go hide in the theater. And if there's not a time limit on this thing and I don't change back soon..." He bit his lower lip, too scared to state their biggest fear... They couldn't stay here forever just hoping for the best. What if the end of the picture rolled around and still nothing? They'd be trapped. "Is there anything in those bags I can put on?"

"Not unless you're Hindu." He arched an eyebrow. "I bought new sheets this afternoon."

"Oh. I suppose we'll need them," he sighed.

"Why?" Did he have something in mind?

"There may be two wet spots to sleep on now."

She chuckled.

Speaking of wet spots... her panties did feel kind of damp between her legs. Damn. She'd never shared her underwear with another girl. Now she knew why.

She rummaged through her purse. "I've got an extra pad if you need it."

Did he?

He probed around his crotch again, trying not to stir any new trouble up. His lust felt momentarily quenched but... you never knew with women. They could go again at any time or completely lose interest... right? Would he learn why? She never explained it well.

"I am kind of sticky down there." What did she do for it?

He watched as she opened a package and tore out a flat looking strip with bulges on the side. It vanished under her waistband while she fidgeted with her panties.

He'd never really seen her do this before. Not dressed like this in a public place. It seemed so ordinary. Not intimate like at home... not that he'd ever paid much attention before to what exactly happened. It grossed him out, like most guys he knew.

He tried to follow her as best he could, acutely that aware he might have to figure all this out for himself now.

What did he have to hold one in with? He peered in the bags. What could he do with those sheets? A big diaper, maybe?

She picked the towel up off the ground.

"I was thinking that myself. It's not going to do you much good without something to wear." She was silent a moment. "We've got those dirty gym clothes out in the car. I know mine won't fit you very well but it's better than nothing. You can always roll the legs and sleeve up." She handed him the towel. "Why don't you get yourself as dry as possible?"

Not wanting to soil the new towel, he went for the roll of tissue hanging on the side.

"Toilet paper may stick, sweetheart. Just use the towel since we've got it."

He dabbled it gingerly on the impossible void hanging between his legs.

"Sorry. I know how yucky you find it."

He shrugged. "It seems sort of normal. At least it doesn't make me uneasy like it used to."

"I know. Isn't it the strangest thing how we've both been affected?"

"Yeah... Let's not hang around to find out how I cope with periods."

She snorted.

How would he react to blood coming out of there all day? He pulled at the hairs, getting each as clean as he could... but the little reminders never stopped coming. From the way the surrounding skin tugged into little pyramids of flesh... but never down the middle... He knew for sure there was an unmistakable slit, even when he couldn't see it. It was always there.

He dragged the cloth along each side of his labia, wondering off-hand if they hadn't shrunk even more while he wasn't paying attention.

"Yours don't feel smaller now, do they?"

"My what?" She followed his eyes down to his crotch. "Oh. They do that... not as dramatically as a penis but they do change size." She cocked her head. She guessed he'd only ever seen them getting bigger. "Unless I think about it... sometimes it's like my vagina's not even there..."

"There's so much that's not there."

She chuckled. "I suppose it feels that way for you." She couldn't imagine what he must be going through... to have a proud set of balls one minute and flat nothing the next. He was handling it very well.

They both were, come to think of it. They were more adult about it than the two joking kids who'd first come in would have been.

He wiped away as much of the stickiness as he could from his new love tunnel. It was trying to stay shut for some reason... It did that? Tried to go away, like she'd said?... The coarse fabric was irritating but he wanted to get it all out. He was surprised at the way sensation dropped off the farther in his finger went...

"That's enough," she warned. "A little moisture's not a bad thing." She yanked the terrycloth from his fist. "You can rub yourself raw like that and not know it for a while... What you want is a douche, which I don't have on me..."

"Really? I never did that to you, did I?"


"Rubbed you raw?"

"Well..." Her eyes got very shy and the bridge of her nose wrinkled. "I learned a good lesson on her honeymoon..."


"It was my fault too." She put a hand on his shoulder. "It was kind of sweet in a way. Whenever we sat down to eat, I'd get sore again and smile at you..."

"So that's what that was about?" He patted her cheek. "Time to reminisce later." Reminiscing might be all they had... "You gotta get me out of here."

She gathered his clothes into one of the bags and with one of the white bed sheets, did her best to fashion him a toga. The kind of this that wouldn't look completely out of place on a teenage girl... particularly at a film like this.

Then it hit her. An so brilliant in its simplicity...

Maybe they'd been going about this all wrong.

What would the men's room do?

Should she calm her husband's fears with her hypothesis? If it worked he could-

No! If it worked she could...


Molly snapped out of it with a smirk.


"I thought of something that may work."

"What? A dress?" Wouldn't that take thread?

"No. Something to get the old you back. But I'll have to try it out first. You go wait in the car."

"By myself? Why? What is it?"

"I don't want to get your hopes up." She tasted blood as she struggled to keep a straight face. "It's probably nothing."

He looked at his watch. "The movie ends in twenty minutes. Everybody will be out. Whatever you've got in mind, we've got to get this fixed before then. This isn't a tiny problem here."

"I know. I can't risk having you around here dressed like that while I poke around. It may take a while. Just run to the car and find something that fits a little better. Take the bags. I'll be pop out in a bit and let you know." He frowned. "Look. There's no moon tonight and the parking lot's deserted. You should be fine. Take the rear fire exit so the soda jerk won't see you."

He frowned again and swept more golden hair from his face but it only floated back across his nose like a carrot teasing a horse. "Fuck! It's everywhere." He'd had enough of it. It was time to have this out!

He sighed. Fists weren't much good.

Darn. He flinched at the way she was watching him. "I mean it's cute and everything... It looks good in the mirror... but, um... how do you deal with it?"

"Mine's styled..." She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at him. "Here." She took one of the socks out of his shoe.

"Phew. Do you have any idea where- "

"Shut up, already." She scooped his mangled hair back and tied him off like an open loaf of bread. "Better?"

He tossed his head around.

It was more manageable. "Yuck." He crinkled his nose at the sock colliding with his face.

"Worth it?"


She slapped his ass. "Now get out of here, will you, before someone spots us..."


To Be Continued...

Unisex By Unilever


A naked man came running toward the car, hand over his crotch.

"Harry?" he whispered. "Hurry up. Let me in."

"Who the hell are you?" the petite woman asked, trembling under her makeshift blanket.

The man held a gold band in front of the window, a small one pinched between his large fingers...

"I'm your wife, dammit! Now let me in."

"How do I know you didn't hit her and-"

He pressed the side of his head to the glass, revealing one of her diamond studs in his ear... her ear? Oh no...

"I visited the damn men's room," she sputtered. "Now let me in, you turd, before someone sees a hairy ape with a giant erection knocking on a little woman's car!"

He laughed. It was her all right. She even kicked the side of the door.

He popped the lock and Molly almost pulled it off its hinges, flooding the car in light. He winced as her enormous prick collided on the steering wheel with a deep masculine "umph." Her furry mit shot instinctively over her groin again, drawing a parade of feminine giggles.

Nothing she did could keep it out of sight, not even the crumpled up miniskirt in her fist. The organ had to be at least eight or nine inches long. Maybe more. He'd never seen one so big. She'd become a stereotypical object of lust, just like he had.

The darkness returned with a slam of the door.

"Funny, huh?" It had bobbed around humorously when she hit it. And it was more shock than pain, though it obviously wasn't designed to bend sideways like that. "You make a silly little woman, you know that? Why didn't you let me in faster?"

"Well I was scared," he pouted. "You never know who's out here at night."

"Crap." She hit the dashboard with her fist. "Was that why you moved the damn car? The place is deserted. I told you that. I had a heart attack when I ran around from the fire exit. I thought you'd vanished into thin air as part of the curse."

Even with a hand over his full, ruby lips he couldn't stop the snickering. "You had to visit the men's room, didn't you? So, what...? you sat on the crapper and it happened?" He snapped his fingers in mockery.

"I looked down and it got so big, so fast..." Her eyes were wide open in a mixure of awe and terror.

He giggled uncontrollably. "Turned yourself on by looking in the mirror, huh?... Yeah. Been there done that." He giggled even harder.

"Yeah," she said, the frustration evident in her brow. "But I couldn't get it to go back down..." she drawled. "How do you get it to go back down? I started stroking it but... I didn't want to waste it. And I had to get back to you so I made a mad dash. And you had all the clothes that fit." She shook her useless, wadded up outfit in one of her fists. "I couldn't even get my elbow past the sleeve. This fellow's huge."

"And built like a brick shithouse, as they say... I can see why you got turned on." Harry cleared his throat and dug around in the backseat shadows for another sheet. "It's a good thing you have a hairy ass now. It's chilly out."

"Really? It feels warmer than when we first got here."

"It doesn't to me..."

"Why's the damn seat so cramped?" She fiddled with a lever until her proud new dick sprang free of the wheel.

"It was hard to reach the gas pedal," he whined, causing his wife to chuckle again. "Well, shit." He scowled at her and straightened up. "Enough of this. Now that we know it works, let's get back in there and get this over with."

She pinned his shoulder. "Come on. I gave you your fun. I don't even like women. Until now..." she mused. She winked at the luscious babe. "Admit it. You want to know what it's like."

"What?!" Real sex!? He turned pale. But it wasn't that he didn't want to... "What if... what if it's just a one time thing? What if we got to get back as fast as possible or it's permanent?"

"We'll adjust," she teased. "Don't forget that batch of cookies you've got to bake for Susan's birthday next week." Him in the kitchen. That would be funny to watch.

"I don't think your brother is expecting a blonde nymphet."

"Rats." She scowled herself. "Good point..." she sighed. "But what if we do change back and it never happens again? Or it does something even weirder? We still don't know exactly what it'll do to us..."

He pondered it a moment. For once found himself rather pleased with the possibility. "Hey! Maybe we'll just swap for what the other's got now." He eyed her erection. "Cool." That would be fun... and he'd beat her brother in their next pick-up game for sure.

"There's no way I'm going to be that short!" she protested.

Then she noticed the monster between her legs that held his rapt attention.

There was no way she was going to allow that in her, either.

Maybe in him...!

She got a sly grin.

A car started in the distance, drawing them both to the glowing clock on the dash.

"Yup. Here they come. We'll have to wait for sure now..." she teased. "You know you were right about no doors on the men's stalls. No way you could go in there as a woman, make it to one of the commodes and not have anyone notice."

So it was the crapper again and not the urinal, huh? He'd be sure to remember that...

"I'd rather be a man again than polite. Come on..."

"Just wait, will you? Maybe it doesn't work with on-lookers." She shook his tugging hand off and searched the bag for his car keys.

But there wasn't anything in his pockets other than his wallet.

Why the hell weren't they...

Of course. He'd left them in the ignition.

She was so stupid sometimes. She smacked her temple.


"Stronger than you remember, huh? Let me slap you next time. I promise you'll enjoy it more."

"Ha ha." She cranked the ignition and headed to the farthest, least lit corner of the nearly-empty mall.

"I notice you took the sock out, huh?"

"Yeah. It didn't look sexy in the mirror. Don't you think?"

"I like it all free like that. Be careful about tangling it." She started snickering. "So..." she sneered as she turned the wheel, "I see you're finally doing something different with your hair... Yeah, I like it... Yeah, it's good. Yeah, I mean I liked it before... oh no..." she whined, puckering her lips.

He punched her considerable bicep. "I do not say those kinds of things to you..."

She pinched him. "You're supposed to say 'Took you long enough to notice' before you get in a huff."

"Yeah..." He folded his arms with a big grin. "You're right of course."

They pulled between a set of parallel lines painted on the black asphalt. The headlights flicked off and the grassy field dissolved into the night again.

"We'll just wait here out of sight, OK?"

"Fine," he sighed.

He looked down and clutched the sheet tighter to his chest, deepening the twin dimples. Uneasy with the sight, he shifted an arm over his boobs for modesty's sake and found himself getting fascinated with their plush glow all over again.

He glanced at Molly. She hadn't done a thing with the sheet he'd given her. Why wasn't she more concerned about being naked? Particularly with that big sausage sticking up between her legs?

"Don't worry," she said. "We'll be safe. With the windows tinted, I couldn't see a thing from the outside. I'm sure no one'll spot us."

'Don't worry.'

It echoed in his head like her mantra for the evening. Wasn't he the happy-go-lucky one? She was the one always jumping on him to take out the garbage or balance the check book.

Where was that thing anyway...

Molly casually leaned over and draped a powerful arm around his alabaster shoulders. He looked so shy hiding under that cotton tent.

She ventured a kiss. Familiar stubble rubbed against a soft, young cheek.

She opened the glove compartment next to his knee and a dull white glow spread through the lower half of the car.

The shadows only added to the beauty of her lover's face. She kissed him again, surprised at how much more attractive he'd become since her own change.

A hand wandered over the top of the white fabric, coaxing it a bit lower. His arm loosened and her fingers worked their way into his warm bosom.

She couldn't get this sexy little bombshell's body out of her mind. It stayed there, glued to her skull. She imagined it in all sorts of obscene positions... imagined the sounds... no, the screams Harry would make and felt herself getting ever more rigid. She could feel the inside of that throbbing hardness she'd always loved... it was springing up on her... hers to direct... that spongy strength...

Her lips mashed against his with increasing force. She crowded him against the door handle, but he far from protested.

Did guys really think this way? What sort of thoughts were running through his mind right now?

She could probably make a guess if she focused on it... they did used to be hers... but it was too much fun being who she was now. Leave it to the woman to climb into her partner's head during sex. She didn't need to. There was only one thing on her mind right now.

Fondling all that soft sweet flesh...

They could love and communicate and all that crap later.ÊShe wanted some serious fucking.

She broke the tepid kiss off, but kept a sweaty palm wedged over his affectionate nipples, tweaking them ever so persuasively.

Harry's breath raced from the touch. He was surprised at the emotions running through him again... that he could feel such an attraction at all... This wasn't his wife... and yet it was...

"Please?" Molly cocked a bushy eyebrow.

The hot breath poured over his bare breasts... her new musky odor... He did love her. He did want to please her. The desire bubbling through him was the same from the stall... but different...

She was different.

He frowned. "What if you get me pregnant?" She didn't say a thing. "You wanted to do this authentically. You always make me wear a rubber."

"Come on... I agreed not to tonight so it would be special." She'd been on the pill long enough. Surely... Oh. She could see how the risk might be higher for him.... Oddly enough, the possibility didn't bother her much. It usually did. Were there any even in the car? Maybe in his wallet, but still... "I'm a little better endowed than you are- er, were, sweet meat." None of his would fit... Way to get him with perfect logic.

"No glove, no love." Harry folded his arms.

"So? We've always wanted a family someday. Besides, you don't even know when your period is."

"OK, smarty. You're so sure you understand the sense of humor of whoever's done this to us? What if you get me pregnant, we swap back and it turns out you're the one with child? Ready to give up the Martov account and take maternity leave?"

There went the 'Don't you love me?' angle- the one she always used to stay alert for.

Damn. Did she get him this frustrated?


Molly sighed.

Her eyes fanned out across the empty mall and fell on the only other set of lights.

An all-night pharmacy.

"Gimme your wallet."

"Thank you. I'd hate to get knocked up and force you to marry me."

She let out a low throaty chuckle. "Wow. Do I really sound like that?"

"Yeah..." he squeaked. "God, just listen to me..."

From the hand over his mouth she'd thought he just burped at a sorority mixer.

"You're such a baritone..." he kept giggling.

She shook her head at the foolishness and grabbed a pair of his rank sweat bottoms from the back. She held them off a bit, inspecting them with a whiff. They didn't smell as bad as before. She plopped them on the floor and arched her butt, amazed at how hard she could clench those cheeks.

It looked cute in the mirror but how could he live with such a small ass? It was hard sitting comfortably (especially on that can). How did he put up with it?

And the center of gravity was higher up. How did he keep from falling over? Like now. It was hard to get these-

"Careful..." he warned. "Knocking your nuts on the wheel is a whole lot different. Trust me. You've never known any pain like it. And I should know now."

"Really?" she said, hoisting the cotton waist up her legs. Shit. She usually hated any hair at all down there. Shouldn't she feel like a dyke now more than ever? She didn't though... "Hm... They say pregnancy hurts a lot too."

"You got me there... But in the normal course of events," he argued. "Trust me."

"I do," she assured him with a pat. "Let's hope neither of us finds out if you're wrong any time soon."

"Thank you. I'm sure that hurts too and I will be there for you." He kissed her marbled shoulder. "For now, just be careful. It's a big ouch, as nephew Freddy would say."

"I will, honey. Thanks for the warning." She struggled harder with the thick cotton fabric. The orbs dangling between her legs didn't seem all that sensitive, though they were definitely delicate. How could they be any good for feeling much on their own? Still... she didn't want to know exactly what he meant. She'd seen men doubled over before. It made her wince even as a woman. She rubbed his cheek with her thumb. "You're OK with this?"

"Yeah." Her palm was so reassuring. "I'd kind of like... to know what it's like... if you know what I mean," he said awkwardly.

"Good." She kissed her delightful princess on the forehead and finally coaxed him into a smile.

She looked at her crotch again and that floppy thing hanging out like celery from a grocery bag. She gave the sweats one last tug for insurance's sake, hoping they wouldn't split as the waistband dug into her hips.

Her hips... they were so much narrower. She didn't feel fat anymore. It was like being a girl again. She could really do things in this body.

No wonder he ran up and down a basketball court.

Would he enjoy the sidelines now, like she had?

She fumbled for the strings but they'd disappeared down the two holes in front.

And that huge erection still pressed out against her pants. Obscenely so. She couldn't even get the head in. At least three inches of meat was waving in the wind.

With a deft flick of his wrist, Harry tucked it sideways for her and slid it under the fabric.

That quick feel... The touch of it was so warm... warmer than he remembered. It sent a strange thrill through him again.

'Strange'? Why was it 'strange' again? Why wasn't it more normal after the-

"It's not comfortable at this angle."

"I know," he sighed. "You won't hurt anything, though." He contemplated the vulgar bulge a moment. It kind of resembled one of those kid's party balloons. "You're gonna need some underwear," he said matter-of-factly. "The cashier will take one look at you and that box of condoms and call the cops for sure."

"But they're too small. This is all that fits. And it's tight enough as it is."

"Well now you know why I got pissed when you shrank my last good pair of golf shorts last week."

Yeah, yeah... She stared down at the rude beast that demanded her every ounce of attention, filled her every thought with sex.

There was no way she could walk around like this...

"Gimme a blow job."

"What?" He was stunned. "Hardly... I want that sucker inside me," he finally confessed.

"That's not 'inside'?" she joked. He started to stammer. "I can't go out like this and it's the only thing that'll make it go down."

"Yeah. Maybe all night..."

"Come on. I licked you. I hate the way a pussy smells." She turned to the dusky window. "Funny... I don't right now... It's getting me harder. I wonder why that is?" It hadn't really been repulsive, either. Not back there in the ladies' room. And now she found herself actually wanting to do it.

The tip of her organ popped back out on its slow march to vertical again, pleasantly aggravated by the restraining touch of the fabric. She watched it in fascination, sighing into the palm that held her chin.

"Look. I have... funny... I'm not completely disgusted by the thought of sucking your dick either." He ran a nail along his improvised collar and looked her square in the eye. "But it's not your fondest part of love-making, is it?"

"What? Blowing you? No, not really. Feels like my face is being raped. I do it because you like it. And you like licking me. So I return the favor." She shrugged. "It's no big deal."

'Rape' wasn't a big deal?

Was she just being flippant about it?

What else did they each not like but did because they loved the other?

They sat in silence a while as they thought about it.

"But... if I did that you might lose all interest. Can't you just think of baseball or something?... Take those pants off. Let me think. There might be something we can wrap..." No. That wouldn't work... No, that would hurt his- er, her nuts...

She took his slender hand in her large, hairy paws. "I promise I'll get hard again. Trust me. I'm so damn horny right now..." She winked. "Hey. I'll lick your pussy until I can go again... Deal?" Harry smiled back at her, fascinated with the broad flat tongue sticking between her lips. "It's a lot bigger now." He tracked its every wag like a hawk. She could see the scales tipping in his mind. "Come on?... Wasn't I good at it?"

"You were..." he purred. "When I get back... trust me, you're going to enjoy being a woman again."

"Oh honey. Don't change a thing. You really do that very well. Every woman's a little bit different I hear. It's not like- " she pointed at her monster erection- "this thing." She stroked it awkwardly with her dry hand. "You were right. There's only one thing you have to know about this... There's just... I can't get over it. There really is JUST ONE THING on a man's body. It's all right here in my hand..." She couldn't stop touching herself. "Damn. No wonder we think you're so easy to manipulate in bed... It's so giant. I was just sitting there and it's like this extra part of my body unfolded..." Like a bloom... Or one of those boy scout tents...

'No wonder we think...' He giggled at her comments. Did she even realize what secrets she was spilling?

Shit. He could put the pieces together himself. He had the right parts for it, didn't he? They filled his mind with the same thoughts she'd had.

He watched her childlike face as she touched its glistening tip with her pinky. Her eyes opened wider, marveling at the clear line of stickiness she drew out.

Where was it coming from? It was coming out of her... she realized. She was making sperm. On her own. The texture was nothing new. She'd felt it leaking out of her before but now... it was somewhere percolating in her scrotum...

What would that tremendous surge feel like? The one she'd only gotten a hint of between her legs or pulsing down her mouth.

Her mouth...

Was this really fair? It was bigger than he'd ever been. And he was so much tinier than she was. "Are you sure you can...? I'm pretty big. I... I want you to know I didn't wish for this. It's not like- I mean I'm very pleased with your body. Size has never been a concern- "

"I know what you mean. It's not like I want you to be blonde and buxom. Or really short."

Buxom? "Yours are about the same size as mine."

"Really? They feel a lot bigger."

"They do? How would you know? Have you, like, taken mine out for a test spin or something? I don't think so."

"I'm not competing..." he mumbled apologetically. He cupped his soft mounds under the sheet. "My hands... my hands are smaller, I guess. I didn't think about that..."

But the more she thought about those marvelous lumps of flesh, the more her jealously evaporated and the harder she got. She couldn't wait to make them bounce and get her hands all over them... run her tongue over that rich network of blue veins... kiss those mounds of pearly white...

She definitely wanted them bigger than hers. She wanted them hanging to his navel. Wouldn't that be cruel? She'd fall over if hers were that big.

But if he had a set like that... things would be going up, she chuckled. "Hey, if you feel better about yourself thinking they're bigger, go ahead." She tweaked his nipple. "I think they're sexy whatever their size."

Wasn't that his line? Harry realized. Shoot. He just couldn't help himself. He cared about what she thought. "You really like them?" he asked.

"They're gorgeous. Let's take an opinion pole." She put a hand on top of her prick. "Yup. You score this high on the pole. Way up to here. Way better than I ever did." He burst out in girlish laughter. "Now blow me, sexy baby."

She cupped his happy, rosy cheeks- Oops. She shouldn't have said 'I ever did.'

She was relieved he didn't think she was insulting his old size. That was rule number one with men and their erections.

Then again, he was hardly a man now. She had to stop thinking in those terms and watch she said about his tits.



She'd feel vaguely insulted if he made a comment like that right now.

But who could ever call her small?

She chuckled...

Harry adjusted the knob to lean her seat back, then hovered over his wife's impossibly large crotch, contemplating the mechanics of it.

It was the only fair thing to do after the bathroom, right? She did deserve to get repaid. Licking her once didn't seem enough.

It was so big though... and so cute as it bobbed around. Like it was helpless without someone's fingers wrapped around it.

He had no idea how she'd managed on him, much less... something this size. What was it? Eight, maybe nine inches? But it was the width more than anything.

He bet it would feel good inside him... if it didn't split him in two.

He licked his chops.

But what would it feel like in his mouth?

He shrugged and screwed up his courage. He'd always liked this part himself, even if she didn't. Even if he might not now.

He owed it to her to make it as good as possible. Who knew? Maybe everything would return to normal and she'd have a wonderful memory that would pay dividends the rest of his life.


He eyed the glistening slit with a vague curiousity building about the taste. Her new odor, so familiar to him from years in the gym, was suddenly intoxicating. The smell emanating from his own naked thighs was pleasant, but this was so much better... more overpowering... more virile. Potent. It made his knees weak. He wanted to do whatever she asked.

She cupped his chin and brought his gaze up to hers.

She didn't like the anxiousness in that cute face. She wanted desperately to ask him something. She didn't know what. He'd already given his permission. Or seemed to.

"I love you, sweetie."

"You have a funny way of showing it."

She snorted a quick laugh as he gripped her prick.

Damn. It overwhelmed his delicate fingers. A hand job would have its difficulties too.

"If you want to do it that way... I'll understand."

"Hm? No. I'm fine. It's just so awesome. I guess it's my smaller size. Everything looks a lot bigger." He cupped her balls playfully. "They're big and furry, aren't they?" He ran the heavy globes through his fingers... the ones he didn't have anymore... the wrinkly, loose sack...

"It's so weird..." she sighed.

She tracked his every minute movement. All that strange shifting they did inside... Was she supposed to keep them from moving in certain directions? She couldn't twist them up could she? Should she ask? What did he do?...

Harry watched her every blink with amusement. Normally the guy looked the girl up, not himself. He did his best not to laugh at the way her eyes were riveted to that leathery pouch.

"They hang like two little breasts," she whispered.

He smirked and bit his lower lip. "There's nothing unmanly at all about them."

"I know but..." They weren't anything similar to her breasts. "It's like two eggs rolling around in there."

"Eggs?" he giggled. "I got the eggs." He thumped a boob proudly.

She laughed. "I sound silly don't I?"

"Not at all." Harry rubbed some saliva into the shaft. "There's nothing silly about the way that feels, I bet."

Her breathing changed right away. Was he that dramatic?

He pumped the shaft, amazed at how long the trip from top to bottom was. It was never that way with his. He added a second hand, making balancing on the seat a little harder. His lips pursed to the side. He cocked his head with resolve and continued to stroke at it with both palms.

It was so warm... and strangely soft too. Flexible kinda. The skin moved some. Particularly around the thick vein... that wrinkle at the top, just under the head...

Had he forgotten all that in the last hour?

It was just... the other feelings weren't there to go along with it. She was keeping all the delicious friction for herself. Stuff broke through now that the distracting part was out of the way. The textures and the hard sponginess...

He looked in her eyes. She was completely absorbed in the wonderful tingle. He bet she wanted to go faster too. This wasn't much of a pace. But even this was tiring his dainty hands.

He sighed.

She wasn't looking at him. He was never that rude, was he?

He squeezed around the base and made the head purple. Molly yelped. He kissed its opening playfully and grinned at her as he felt it throttle back with renewed stiffness.

"How does it feel?"

"Like a sausage about to burst in the oven."

"I guess it does. I never thought of that."

He relaxed his grip and let the blood drain from its turgid helmet.

But she kept staring at it...

This was getting irritating.

Well... he probably would have done the same in the stall... if only he could still see his genitals at all...

He frowned. The only way he'd get her attention was if he wrapped his mouth around it and stared back at her. Wasn't it?

He checked his memory. Yup. It would work for him.

He sat up on his knees, thinking over the proper angle.

"You sure?" she asked.

"I'm fine with it, honey. Really." He gazed deeply into her eyes. "Ooooo..." he purred sarcastically. "My, my. It's the biggest I've ever seen." His jaw dropped open and he drooled a bit.

She wanted to laugh at the theatrics but she was actually getting harder from all of it, popping up another fraction of an inch between his fingers.

The thing still amazed her. She'd had it all of fifteen minutes and she couldn't even recall what it was like deflated. It'd gone up right away, like some roadside emergency flare. She expected the huge firecracker to explode then and there, making a mess of the sink. Then she started touching it... and the friction... The way it looked in the mirror... and sticking impossibly from her waist when she looked down...

She'd sprouted another limb. And her body had sealed up down there. In fact it was positively hard when he touched her where her slit should be... it was gone. Fused closed. Her clit had sprouted into this monster, like a horrible science fiction movie.

Horrible? The stroking was fantastic...

Why was he stopping?

"Can you turn your hips a little more my way?"

She grimaced. It was the ballet of the commodes all over again. Whatever happens, don't slip on the horn, she reminded herself.

"I hope you know you're getting off easy, Mr. Linebacker. Last time I had a pipe stuck in my back."

She waved her huge dick back and forth. "Now it's in front of your face."

He sighed. "I never can win."

His face brightened, letting a little of the incomprehensible alien lust slip out. He had to get this just right. He couldn't forget the most important part- the show. He had to pant over it. A blowjob was nothing if it wasn't stylishly done.

Though it wasn't the fondest part of the evening so far, some small part of him did want to pant all over it, make that hairy guy happy. Drive her mad with lust. It wasn't hard to get into it once he let those strange new floodgates in him open.

"You're gonna need to lean back some more, big boy." Molly scanned her side with frustration. "Well scoot forward then. Give your love slave here some head room." She glanced down and sucked her stomach in. "That'll do..." He licked his lips. "Uncomfortable enough?"

"Yeah. The stick is poking my thigh and my ass is in the cup-holder."

"Good. Now I can pay you back properly."

She smirked. "OK, OK. I'm sure you had it worse." He licked the shaft. "Now please stop being such a tease." She hooked her thumb at the window. "There's a box of condoms out there with your name on it."

He giggled. "Make it quick, huh?" He stroked her rigid pipe. "Get it over with, huh?"

Renewed stiffness flowed through her. "No I mean- "

"Relax, stud. You're in good hands." He ran his other fingers through her curly chest hair and tweaked a now insensitive nipple. The dullness strangely didn't bother her. It turned her on how closely they clung to her bones. On that firm wad of muscle.

"Hope you won't forget to play with mine..." he crooned.

"Yeah... sure..." she gasped. "Whatever you say... ghunh." He was pumping faster now. "Wish you had bigger hands..."

"I know. So do I." He smirked again. "Part of me opens a lot bigger than this," he teased.

A bolt shot through her sausage and he yelped approvingly.

This was great, he thought. He did hold all her attention in the palm of his hand. He could try something and know right away if it worked. She was much easier to read.

She was right. There was a peculiar power to being a woman after all.


He'd felt a certain powerlessness when she lapped at his cunt.

Maybe it ran both ways, just a little different.

Did that difference which led both genders to create a mythology of power about the other? Because they couldn't understand it in themselves? The weakness sex made in them?

He opened his palm and licked the bottom of the shaft.

"Oh honey..." she gasped. "If you don't manage anything else tonight that feels soooo good..."

"I'm not that bad a husband. I'll get to the main course."

He rubbed the smooth spot on the back of her sack. She was so much better hung than he was... had been... would be again hopefully.

"That's nice," she sighed.

"Yeah," he piped up, "but it's kinda incidental to everything else, isn't it?"

She smiled. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she tried to pin down all the new pleasures surging through her. "It is... You sure there's nothing else that's gonna spring up on my body and feel fantastic? No secret switch you hide from all the girls?"

"No," he whispered. "That's about it. Sorry."

"Sorry!?" she laughed. "Oh sweetheart, there's nothing to apologize for. It's a great feeling. Keep that hand going... Uh," she grunted to herself. "It's so big..." There was so much more that tingled like that now. The area was larger, even if it wasn't as intense... Thank heavens it wasn't as intense as a clit. Her head would explode. No wonder men made the mistakes they did.

Harry frowned. It was so hard to see her brown irises from here. And he really wanted to for some reason but trying gave him a headache.

"What now?" she asked impatiently.

"I can't see your face well enough," he pouted. "I want to watch you." He pulled at her massive back. "Come on..."

She sighed. "Scoot forward. Lean back. You're a bossy bitch, I tell you."

He grinned devilishly. "Just don't call me a lesbo again."

"That was fun, wasn't it? You know it seems like even a bigger thrill in retrospect, now that I have to balls to appreciate it, so to speak."

"Isn't it peculiar? The way seeing two women like that gets you hard?" Her humongous organ leaned sideways in his hand.

"I still don't get it, but yeah. The memories are more than fun... I more than liked it..." She stiffened under his grip. "Too bad we're short a girl." She drifted off in fantasy. "I'd really like to see you- "

"No!" he said adamantly. "No third parties."

Her mind snapped back to earth.

Was she really thinking such vile things? And her body was responding to them? How did he control these urges? He did get them still, didn't he? It must be love, surely... "I'm kidding. This is dangerous enough. And you're more than enough for me, however you look... I love you very much." She sighed. She sounded like he did when she caught his eyes lingering over a naked woman at the movies. "Are we going to talk all night or what?"

"Sorry. I'm being a silly woman again." He grinned. "I know how much guys hate that."

He reveled in the glory of her new manhood one last time. The angular helmet looked so interesting from the bottom. Those thick veins flowing up... that line under it he'd never seen at this angle...

He drew a deep breath and took one last moment to make sure he could do it correctly. He needed to remember everything that would happen. No surprises. Teeth at the wrong time- at any time- would ruin a lot of hard work.

He closed his eyes.

Do that... do that... then... wait for that... be careful about...

Got it.

Yeah. He could do this. Better than her... make her want to give it a little extra effort next time she tried it...

Harry fell silent, convinced he'd mustered his courage. No more talking.

With a vixenish smile, he liked the bottom of her sack.

It didn't taste bad at all. It was hard to tell on the main shaft that he still pumped. So much of his own saliva coated it. But here... back in the hairy space between her legs was a source of that vague sweaty musk he liked... familiar since puberty but now other-worldly. Was it leftover from his warmups? Was it hers and he just couldn't tell them apart?

The thought it could be both made him want to rub his nipples on the dash.

Molly grabbed the steering wheel as he started batting her balls about with his tongue. That smooth spot was more sensitive than she'd thought.

Particularly when he kept stroking her dick this way. She put a hand on his to get him going faster but he slapped her back. Her slimy testicles plopped from his mouth.

"All in good time." He sucked his lollipops back up with a grin.

The little creatures drew closer to her body as he licked. She remembered how his did the same thing. But he seemed to be more gentle with this pair. Was that something she needed to change? Her balls didn't get much from moving around. It was a novel feeling at first, but then nothing more came of it. And she wasn't sure harder wouldn't somehow piss them off.

Strange that they'd be so sensitive yet not more of a turn on. Oh well, massaging his new set of ovaries- if she could ever get to them- probably wouldn't do much for him either.

Now that was much nicer.

He licked the soft depression where her nuts joined with the towering beast. They slipped even closer to her body, cords pulling tight.

They couldn't go all the way in, could they?

This was almost as sweet as that smooth spot on the back. He lapped at the cavity a few seconds more to harden her anticipation.

It was starting to get a little frustrating for Molly though. The damn thing kept surging and changing size, like he had her privates on a leash. It would lean over just the slightest... the fantasies in her head would get a little dull.... then he'd do something new... It was great feeling it grow bigger against that soft little palm. The world got sharp again. Just a look at those tiny white knuckles... the way he tripped over those long pink fingernails like all girls did...

She'd never thought such a petite woman could be so titillating. Was it because she looked closer to childhood and innocence? Those nimble hands were anything but innocent. The thought of boxing that blonde into one of the corners and fucking her brains out had her spellbound.

His brains... his brains... She was the she...

It was getting hard to keep straight as the erotic fog descended.

Harry moved up the shaft, engulfing it in a sideways kiss and dragging his fluttering tongue along its sensitive bottom.

He could barely get his lips around the thing without straining. This wasn't a good sign... though it was his teenage dream to do exactly this to some poor girl.

The gleam in her eye told him she'd appreciate it too.

He took a deep breath.

Well... here's to busting a lip...

He lapped the bottom of her prick one last time, then flicked over over the most tender part of its head, dancing around it to tease her and show off his skillful tongue. He even managed to curl it back to his nose.

He grinned playfully but she just grunted out her appreciation.


The curiosity finally got to him.

He kissed the one-eyed monster head on and vacuumed the glistening precum from its tip. He drew a clear, ropy bridge from her and rolled the sticky stuff around in his open mouth. That was always sexy.

Yeah. Molly liked it too. She swelled under hand, with a glimmer in her cheeks. Her ribs poked more with each slow, determined breath.


He sucked it toward the back of his mouth. It was sticky, and strangely slimy, but he already knew that. It was salty, too, but didn't quite taste as interesting as her new sweat. No. Not in the same way. It didn't-

"Doesn't taste real special, I know," she said.

"Really?" he perked up. Some part of him did vaguely like it. She was mostly right, of course... But he'd have to punish her for it, all the same. It was the worst possible thing to say about a man in bed. He stroked her poor erection lovingly. It had such a cruel master... "I like it," he murmured with the biggest doe-eyes he could muster. "You'll make some more, won't you?" He grinned like a minx. It worked all right. She quivered and hardened beneath his fingers. The thing had such an unpredictable mind of its own... he could see that now that he was finally disconnected from it... He pouted again. "There is more, isn't there?" She throbbed up. Another quarter inch? It lolled back down. He giggled. "Why does it get so hard when I ask that?" He kissed the salty head again.

Molly sank back as she felt his tongue swirling her swollen tip again. The strange mushroom was by far the most sensitive part. But the contact was almost irritating as he licked across the smooth, taut skin. It felt great... in fact it felt fantastic... So why was it the pleasant but less impressive stroking motion that really built things up? That lead to the orgasmic energy all too familiar to both genders? She could recognize that ramp anywhere.

It seemed funny that her body wouldn't let her sit and touch that smooth head all day. Why not, if it felt better? She didn't have to touch her nipples to get off. Her clit would do...and it wasn't quite picky like this, either. She had a lot more places on her body that felt almost this good. And she'd ignored them before and still gotten off.

So many odd contradictions to figure out... She sort of knew what to expect from what he liked in bed but actually feeling it... knowing why... actually understanding the logic only confused her. She knew if she asked him later he'd just shrug. Shoot, she did it with some of his questions too...

His tongue creeped down the soft underside again as his lips wrapped expertly around his teeth. Should he nip at her, just to show her how it spoiled things?

No. He adored that look in her face too much. The rigid concentration... her amazement... It was the only thing that made any of this fun at all.

The rest was interesting, but academic. Just anatomy.

Did she feel that way sometimes?

He had to stop thinking about this crap or he'd mess up for sure. He wanted desperately to get her all the way down and he had practice at all with it.

The tip was somewhere close to the back of his throat. Nothing new yet. He'd done this with popsicles.

As long as he breathed through his nose, he told himself, everything would be fine.

He coughed, but cleared his throat and quickly got a hold of his instincts.

"Are you OK? Take it slow."

He brushed her hand away and smiled.

What did she know about blowjobs? He'd never felt her tongue on his balls like she would tonight. And he was a lot smaller than this. Once he'd destroyed her meager record, then she'd make a better effort...

It brushed the back of his throat now, itching like a 24 hour flu bug.

Would bouncing take care of that? It'd never occurred to him to ever scratch there.

Regardless, he had to crane his neck. Her dick wouldn't bend enough. He smiled again as the rings in his throat made an impression on her.

He suppressed another need to cough.

Damn. He had to swallow too or he'd choke. He hadn't counted on that part. She'd never gotten far enough down to do it herself.

He made a little adjustment.

He had to stop thinking he was her, even if he did need guidance. He was on his own with this monster.

"You got it, honey?" She was amazed to see even those few inches of herself disappearing between those thinly stretched lips. "Mm. Oh... yesssss.... that's it sweetheart... I love you baby..."

He couldn't give her anything remotely resembling a smile now, but he relaxed the lines in his forehead. She got the message and replied with a loving grin, patting him on the head and stroking a lock of golden hair from his eye.

Another two inches vanished. His throat was so warm and silky... would his pussy feel better? she wondered. Or was it just different? Was that why he liked both? It was getting hard to think again. He was so smooth and enticing. The farther down, the tighter he got... those occasional swallows... pulsing down like a gerbil in a snake...

She want to grab hold of something now. Her nipples were useless in this state. She gave instinct a free reign and wound up latched to the back of his head, fingers jumbling his pretty hair. There might not be more pleasure centers to grab hold of but... this... she massaged his scalp as he bobbed over her thighs... this gave her such a power trip. Merely thinking about it heightened the pleasure...

She pulled him down to her, gently at first. She still didn't know her new strength. She realized she couldn't make him go any faster than was humanly possible... but she still wanted to encourage him, give him an extra push if he needed it.... help him along...

No. She wanted to fuck his face but good.

Her hips wanted in on the action too. They finally wanted to move. For the first time tonight.


No... Thrust! No more grinding for these babies...

"Hruny... hrun?" he mumbled desperately. He pushed weakly at one of her arms but he couldn't reach far enough back... and he kept getting tangled in his own hair. He should have left the damn sock in it. He coughed and managed to push her chin up. "Preeze?" Her fingers released their tearing grip and his world stopped hopping up and down. He blinked and regained his balance. "Franks." But she was leaving altogether. "Nur," he protested. He pawed one of her elbows. "Ifs fin."

"Not so hard?" she finally asked. He batted his long lashes at her. "Got it." The feminine character of his protest stiffened her incredibly hard for a moment. Those whimpers.... She was probably turning purple somewhere deep inside him... deep down in his digestive tract in a place she'd never see... The thought sent her surging yet again.

He winked knowingly at her as she puffed up against his slick canal.

She imagined him choking on her member, white hot jism bubbling from his gagging lips. Such nasty images appealed to her now... invited her to form terrible little narratives with them... She gasped. She couldn't fight it... the thoughts were so arousing... they provided the pathway to ecstasy...

Harry's throat was a bit raw but he was too amazed to be bothered. He didn't think he had any kind of feeling deep in there. It was a bit like indigestion but nothing he couldn't cope with. And as long as she didn't choke him with it, he realized proudly, he had the hang of things. He carefully worked a little more in on each bounce. In a minute he'd get her all the way.

It wasn't the most pleasant work, but if you were determined about it... and ignored your neck muscles... And she stopped playing with his head the way he'd always wanted to himself...

"Oh..." she grunted. "You're a great little cocksucker." She stroked his hair back and gripped his skull firmly again. "Sorry I'm so lousy at it," she gasped. "You certainly aren't."

Yeah... too bad he couldn't sass her back with his mouth full. But then, that was the male thrill of it. He was helpless and she could say anything she wanted.

He had a desire to pull completely up until she promised to practice but this was simply too much fun. He liked a good challenge. And breaking the spell was so frustrating for men. He didn't want her first experience with balls to be blue.

Damn. He was only halfway and already his lips were tired.

He stretched them some and created a pocket of air around her. Good... He'd be able to fit all of her with room to spare. And the taste hadn't turned out that bad at all, either.

At least not yet...

He wished he could get to that stray pube in his mouth. It was getting irritating. Even if it did take his mind off things guessing where it'd go next. Hopefully not further down.

His own hair was bad enough. Where was that damn sock?

Did the falling edge tickle her stomach? He always liked that himself. He bet it made for a nice little golden shower... if he could just get it to one side so he could see her bet-

His eyes opened wide in surprise.

Fingertips pranced across his back.

"Maybe I can repay you..." Molly groaned.

Yeah. He liked that idea.

Could she reach anything from there?

She kneaded his ass cheeks. That was pleasant. It wouldn't get him off, but it was sweet of her to try.

And it was a peculiar turn on to have his exposed bottom waving back and forth in the air. He loved the way his back arched down to greet her hips. It wasn't uncomfortable at all.

And the thought of someone touching him now, when he was most vulnerable... where he was most vulnerable... only warmed the furnace in his honeypot. He couldn't tell where those fingers would go next. It was kind of erotic not knowing... More than it had been as a man...

He was amazed her long arms could reach that far. Damn. Either that or he was shorter than he thought. Maybe both.

She finally worked a finger in.

Wrong hole, dammit...

He muttered his disapproval.

But it was surprisingly nice there too... Thank goodness she didn't heed his garbled protest.

Another finger fumbled farther below.

She remembered enough not to give him an infection, didn't she? From the way she described them he didn't want-

She slipped in there too. Good. She had fingers to spare. The dual penetration was unexpectedly nice. He shuddered as she massaged the thin wall of flesh between the two orifices.

He blinked.

His hand was getting tired. He switched over and scratched at the back of her sack with his other set of nails.

Three more inches to go from the looks of things. Either that or his nose was getting longer.

Damn. Fondling his bottom had completely distracted him from his job. How naughty of her.

He rose up as high as he could and plunged back down. Molly gave out her deepest gasp yet.

He liked those unusual grunts coming from his wife. For some reason they were more erotic than the passionate squeals he'd coaxed from her just the other night. Even the squashed whimpers in the bathroom.

The fault of the change?

Whatever it was, he wanted more of them. They sounded so pleasant. Like a well deserved reward for him... like the hardness between his lips that told him what a good job he was doing.

Rats. Her fingers slipped back out.

He hoped she could remember which went where....

Well, it was her duty, not his. He sucked away, oblivious to whatever else she had in mind for him. This sweet thing was hers to boss around however it pleased her...

The amazing realization caused his parts in rear to bloom even more.

It was so damn strange... just to even be turned on by something like that. To want to give himself totally to a man's pleasure.

And the sensations within him that were stirred so deeply by the urge. He felt himself opening up again... but it was all beyond his conscious control. He could constrict his vagina when he thought about it but... the rest had a mind of its own. Going in the other direction, getting wider was a complete mystery...

Molly had completely lost her concentration. He was simply too good at it. Each time she leaned forward her stomach trembled all the more. How could he make such a strong guy so weak?

She sighed. She'd play with that part of him later. And the view would be better... though his face was enough fun right now.

Those feminine grunts were delightful. She didn't know which she liked more- that gurgle of polite discomfort bubbling out of his flared nostrils or those sucking 'pocks' in his throat each time he surfaced, that slurping sound that kept increasing behind the golden curtains on his face.

The noise appealed to some new need in her. She liked the idea that he didn't mind inconveniencing himself just to please her... that he was being put out or annoyed or she was overwhelming him... and he didn't mind the imposition.

Was that what men felt?

Yeah... but she'd enjoyed it as a woman too. The devoted way he licked at her snatch or brought flowers when he came home from work early. The same but different. The cues that turned her on had just changed... that poor tortured, stuffed face that looked so happy because she was so happy... and he knew he was the one making her happy...

She felt like the last guest lingering at a party, an inconsiderate friend who'd asked for one too many nightcaps... and she loved being 'inconvenient'... loved the way he gave himself over so totally and set himself aside to accommodate her.

He was never a thoughtless lover but the element here of power and worship was so astounding... She had to take him in every way imaginable before the night was over.

She renewed her attack from the bottom, working two fingers between his moist thighs. He arched to bring himself closer and spread his legs, almost slipping from his precarious position on the seat.

Ow. That would really hurt, he realized. He kept his jaw slack and regained his balance as quickly as he could.

He saw the flash of terror shoot through his wife as his arms got stiff and his weight momentarily shifted. She grabbed the back of his head again with her free hand.

Then the fear passed by as quickly as it welled up. Her pectorals relaxed under his fingers.

His beautiful, apologetic blue eyes begged her to pick where she'd left off.

At her discretion... she realized. The thought only added to her arousal. The fondling was all secondary. Mostly for her... those prancing fingers with nasty desires, they wanted to cop a feel for their own reasons more than his. Make him hump her... prove his desire...

Her hard jaw smirked- almost sneered down at him in its rigid pleasure.

She nodded and let his head go against all her best judgment and turned to tugging playfully at one of his stiff nipples. The soft feel of a woman's breasts in her big hand... They'd hung from her own chest just a few minutes ago but this turned her on so much more. Just the touch- she didn't need to feel the broad disks drawing to a tight point on her chest. In fact without it, it was all the more forbidden... She throbbed even more. Her cock jumped so much higher, prouder than those miniature little tips could ever get. Everything she had was bigger than him now. It got her so hard... The dents her fingertips made in his loose, hanging flesh. He yielded so much to her... it was the way he got pleasure now...

This was the only way she could touch these delightfully round creatures. Doing so signaled his complete acceptance of her... her authority... And she so wanted to squeeze them like putty... just as she wanted to knead and play with the rest of his well-padded body. And stick this monstrous thing in his every nook and cranny.

Would a titty-fuck be good? She'd never let him do it. She flinched at the thought of that stuff gushing on her face...

The thought of it on his...! Now that was something she had to see. The mere image worsened the pounding in her temple.

She had the hard body she lusted after as a teenager... and she ignored it. The well muscled bicep was erotic every time it came in to view but... that strength within her- having it seemed less important than using it. Harry provided her eyes with so much more- that silky skin... just the right amount of flab in all the right places... And that darling sweet face, lips stretched to the limit.

She saw that he felt exactly the same way about his new body. It was fun but they wanted the other so much more...

Was she waking up again? It seemed like an eternity to Harry. Why stir up trouble in his pussy like that and walk off? Did he glaze over like that? Her hands finally went back to work on his clit, albeit lazily.

Had she finally remembered she had hands again? And where she put them?

He laughed to himself.


He smiled as best he could at her.

It was funny. The faster he learned to suck her down, the quicker her fingers danced and the more it tingled between his own legs. It was some perverse echo, destined to come crashing down at the wrong moment but he still enjoyed it. She'd get nowhere near his orgasm in time to cause him problems.

Would he get sore? he wondered. Nah. She went to bed without orgasms and seemed pretty happy. He didn't like that but she didn't seem to mind.

Hey! He didn't mind either. The tingle was enough. That wasn't fair.

But it did satisfy him. He wasn't thrilled that it did. Could he get mad if different things made him happy? He didn't see how. But it was great they could both have some fun like this at the same time.

Too bad they couldn't try 69. The seats just weren't built for it. Maybe in the back, but it would be cramped. His leg would hang out the window. Someone would definitely see that.

They'd have to buy a motor home and come back tomorrow...

Was she forgetting her way around? Her fumbling was pretty awkward now.

There. He hit the base. Shoot... it took him long enough to figure out how to get there. Well, he'd do it better next time.

Next time?

Yeah, why not.

He paused and opened his sore jaw as wide as he could. She groaned as his tongue lapped again at the depression between her testicles.

He pulled back before the break in rhythm annoyed her.

Her hand fell away from his crotch again. She had that hazy look in her eye. He'd never seen it before in a man but he knew what it meant. He cupped her balls for any sign and sucked her to the roof of his mouth, bouncing as fast as he could now.

He tried to ignore the forceful hands creeping back into his long hair. Then he gave himself completely to her guidance, surprised at the speed he mustered.

The "schhhluschhhhluschhhhlu" was deafening. Slurping filled the cabin.

He couldn't tell who was more light-headed. She was hard to focus on at this pace.

Here it comes... he felt the twitch in her testicles and a split second later the inevitable... like castor oil.

The huge snake jittered in his throat.

Molly saw stars.

Uh! She panicked. Stuff was gushing out of her! She could feel it splashing the back of his throat! This wasn't...


His narrow fingers tugged at her curly chest hair and she saw the giant member still plunging down his throat.

This was supposed to happen...

He caught the momentary flash in her eyes and patted her firm muscles reassuringly. That's it big daddy- crlugh- give it all up...

He closed his eyes again.

Its hot pulses seemed to echo his own swallowing motion... only pushing something up, something inside him like a giant straw. The twitch running all along its shaft, jumping up from the huge testicles cupped in his small hand... the rhythms were fascinating... What would they feel like in his other end?

The idea sent a shock through him.

He'd never been able to pay attention to the spasms before, particularly not here... that way the cock wanted to jump away from him...


Keeping the motion up was getting problematic.

Damn. How much was in there!?

Worse. How much was in him?

He couldn't give up until the right moment. She'd complain. And he certainly didn't want it spurting all over the car. Or him, perish the thought.

He had to deal with the hot stickiness coating his throat, unpleasant as it was. The stuff gummed things up and was hard to keep down. He didn't want it spilling on her either...

He thought he'd been prepared for this. After all, he did it all the time... The sexual shudder was interesting but it was getting harder and harder to keep from...

Ugh. He shouldn't think of it lest it happen.

Relax, he told himself... Enjoy what you can of it... at least it's a free meal.

Molly settled back and let her clenching muscles take over. Her whole body grew rigid as it washed through her. That first peak had been the sweetest. She'd bungled that one. The next ones were nice. She could see the warm fuzzies coming at her from around the corner.


Hell, how much did she have in there?

It couldn't be a multiple orgasm. Guys didn't have them. And the intense plateau never dipped, it just stretched out with each new burst. Damn that stuff coming out was hot... it burned the tip where it entered the air...

It went on forever, dimming little with each new spurt. Her ass-cheeks still constricted. What was she trying to grab with them? Shit they were strong.

She'd never known a man had such muscles all over. And they could all flex at once. She'd seen him getting rigid before but now she could feel those tendons in her own thighs... that strange thing that ran across her strong ribs... so many invisible parts inside her lighting up like an X-ray. Not in ecstasy, like a woman going off, but tough. Hard. Strong.

There was nothing really there.

So why was she focusing on it? The bursts of joy were all in that giant fucking prick enveloped in his lips.

She shook off her feminine expectations.

The way the magnificent fire pulsed up from the very well of her loins, burning delightfully though every inch, up from her jerking sack out through its obscured tip... exploding like acid on the irritated peak when it brushed his throat. She'd seen it a million times but she wanted to see it again, now more than ever... see it spurting up from her proud behemoth... flying everywhere. It would be the most amazing thing to see stuff gleefully erupting from her...

But knowing where it vanished was just as peculiarly erotic... the way the suction sounds from his throat grew deeper... slower, drawing out their appreciation... She wanted to put it in him... give it up to him. Let him keep the proud treasure safe, as if only he knew its secret value...

He even gurgled around it in admiration for her...

So this was the big event. She'd forgotten about everything else on her body. That throbbing tower of flesh was all she was.

His motion slowed and finally stopped as her last bits bubbled out. He clamped down and slowly withdrew, trying his best not to think about the hot gooey substance wedged deep in him. Or the rest of the mess he couldn't help but smear on her in the last seconds.

He had to be cautious about this. Too fast and it might feel raw. Sperm wasn't the best lubricant. And she'd be getting tender right about now.

Sure enough. There a ginger hand fell on each of his cheeks. He gurgled again, trying his best not to gag on her generous fluids.

Was she getting turned on by those noises? Her flagging shaft stiffened a little with each.

He tried his best not to swallow, to save it up for the big finale but it kept sticking to his throat and sliding down. And he so wanted too anyway...

Thank goodness her swelling was going down too. That helped matters.

The way it contracted in his throat... getting thinner, shorter. He'd never felt it like that. It did give him satisfaction. That, coupled with the relief flowing from her... flowing into him.

And yet... It seemed broken now, like he'd done something wrong. He knew better of course but without feeling the power of the orgasm himself, he didn't really understand why his friend wasn't staying around to play more. Did she feel that way when they went this far?

She smiled lovingly at him.

No. That was enough to feel good about it. That erased any doubt or disappointment. He longed to please her more but he realized that would take time now.

Time... something about time...

Reality trickled back in.

Wasn't that what they'd done all this for? To buy more time?

Because they were short of it?

Sex had a peculiar logic, didn't it? To wind up doing this because... so they could later do...

He was relieved as the ridge of her phallus finally tickled the back of his mouth. He carefully slid it out, stealing the last of its pearly syrup.

Despite his best efforts, something snapped back and splattered him, but he kept his lips puckered together like a cat hiding a canary.

He coughed involuntarily. He scooped up whatever was dribbling down his cheek and drew it back in.

"Aren't you going to spit it out?... ugh..." She winced.

His neck arched and a bulge snaked down his throat. He cleaned his lips on the back of his wrist.

He took a deep, well deserved breath of fresh air. Could he ever get that taste out of his mouth? It wasn't disgusting but certainly wasn't palatable. And it hung around worse than peanut butter.

Why was she, of all people, looking at him like that?

"What?" he asked coyly. "I hate it when you spit it out." He cleared his throat.

"You do? It tastes so terrible."

He shrugged and rested a limp wrist on her chest. "I know. I just didn't want you feeling... you know," he trailed off shyly.

Her big masculine face grew sheepish. He kissed her chest, careful not to touch her lips until he got the rest of it off. He hated that too. His tongue rounded up the last of the webbing in his mouth. Hadn't this all been for something?

"Now hurry up. That thing could go again at any minute," he grinned.

She broke from the spell and looked at the blue clock nestled above the speedometer.

All of five minutes.

It didn't seem that short at all. Five minutes in the hay as a girl and she'd be damned disappointed. Was this the sort of hair trigger he was on after her period was over?

Probably, she chuckled to herself. She was twenty six and 'shooting her wad' for the first time. She hoped she could last longer the next time...

Man that tingle in her balls... right before it went off... that was sweet...

Why was his hand on his temple?

He blinked.

"Something wrong?"

"No I... I got a little dizzy is all. I'm fine really." All that bobbing up and down. He nuzzled her big chest with a smile. "Mm. Like it?"

"The best I ever had, baby." She stroked the back of his head.

Harry beamed proudly. She'd have a hard time finding another woman as determined as he'd been to make her feel that good. She knew it too.

She pinched his cheek and looked down with him at her satisfied, but flagging pole.

"It suddenly feels so numb," she complained. Her lip twitched. Harry reached out stole a playful stroke. She sucked down a gasp of air and pushed him away. That same hand had felt so good only a minute ago... "It's more sensitive than when you rub my clit the wrong way... Noooo. It's getting smaller."

And it was just as bad seeing it from this angle than any other. Only now it was touchy too... Was he right about it staying down the rest of the night? It didn't feel like it could ever go up again. Why was it doing this to her? She wanted to feel it inside his other parts too...

Fate was cruel.

Harry smirked while she was preoccupied. She reminded him of some big kid who hadn't gotten all the toys she wanted.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll get it back up in a few minutes. Trust me. It does that. Put it out of your mind." Should he tell her anxiety wasn't the best male aphrodisiac? No, that always made it worse. He sighed. "Do I have to put your pants on myself?... Yes, I know it's fascinating. Dry yourself off..." He handed her the wallet. "And remember. Use cash. Your photo won't match the one on my driver's license... and stop acting like you have long nails. You hold things funny."

He felt like her damn mother.

He even had to tug on her ear until she remembered to remove the crystal studs.

Molly heaved her ass up and swiveled back into the driving position.

He was right. There was other stuff to do.

Damn these sweats. They looked huge but even they didn't fit her well. What was she? 6'2" now? Taller? The elastic leg-band wouldn't go past mid-calf. And she kept bumping her head. Tall just wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Neither was wide.

"No, you don't need any underwear... Or a bra, silly. Leave that with me. I'll put it to good use." She giggled. "And act like a man in there. You giggle like that and he'll bean you with a board for sure."

She pulled at the tank top. "It won't stretch past my belly button." All that hair would stick out. "What do I say about that?"

"Just tell him your idiot girlfriend left them in the dryer too long."

He kissed her on the cheek.

"He'll buy that?"

He kissed her again.

"Tell him she's real sorry about ruining the whole load," he paused for another kiss, "and that's what the condoms are for." One last time for luck. "He'll buy that."

"Thanks. He will I bet."

"It's close enough to the truth." And he knew guys...

Harry sat up on his knees, eyeing every change in her expression as she dressed.

He didn't know why he felt so much closer to her all of a sudden. His face darted back and forth in front of hers, like a doting lover. He brushed the shiny spot of leftover kisses from her cheek.

He wasn't crowding her was he? He hated when she did that right after sex. Oh... that's exactly what-

"Mmmumph." She planted a big wet one square on his lips. "Thanks," she repeated. "I'll be back in a flash." She tasted a familiar residue on her lips... "Can I get you a coke or anything?"

"Thanks, sweetie. That would be great."

Would that be safe in the car? Did he need to go yet?

Didn't he have to keep track of his smaller bladder? When would that big gulp finish making its way through him? Had it disappeared along with all his other parts?

He didn't want to sit on another commode again until he was ready...

"Need anything else?"

"No. I guess I'm fine. Get whatever you like."

He sank back into the bucket seat and pulled the sheet up again as some strange form of contentment descended on him.

He watched silently as the door opened and his giant basketball player of a wife hoisted herself out like a broken marionette.

She still didn't have the moves down.

Neither did he, he sighed.

Shoes... she needed shoes. Oh well. It was ten o'clock at night. Maybe the clerk wouldn't notice.

The closing door swept another burst of fresh air in, diluting the stale odor of sex.

He giggled as he watched her butt getting smaller. She still couldn't get the hips right. And she moved like the sack between her legs was explosive.

Still... it was a nice, tight ass even if it wiggled funny...

And he was finally alone again.

Where was that mirror she always kept in her purse?


To Be Continued...

Unisex By Unilever



Here came the condoms.

And there was his wife, proudly sporting another boner under those tight pants... blushing and running with all the grace of a pair of pantyhose wrapped around her ankles.

Oo. One trip and that would hurt.

He couldn't hold it in any longer. He loved her but she was absurd.

Could he lose his womanly 'erection' by laughing too hard? He hoped not... What exactly was he supposed to do on his end for this to work? Did it even matter?

Well, she'd promised to lick him in any event...

From the looks of things, licking might be the only thing she got right as a man... ballet was definitely out...

"Stop cracking up and unlock the damn door! There's a cop around the corner. The more I think about it the worse it gets," she hissed, pointing to the tent in her crotch.

The lock popped up and he swung it open.

"What's so damn funny?" she demanded.

"You're never gonna laugh at the things that get me hard again."

She cracked a smile at his helpless giggling. "It's every little thing, isn't it?"

"You got it. Frustration only makes it worse." He sobered up and blinked.

Did he still have the same problem with laughing? Had he chased off that tingle?

"Speaking of little things..." Molly grunted. "You got a little something I want." She crushed the box in her ham hands and fidgeted unsuccessfully with one of the plastic wrappers raining all over the floor.

He took it from her out of habit and tore it open with a flick of his wrist. "You can't... I mean, laughing won't make me... Am I still wet? How do you know when you're turned on? You can't lose it can you?"

"Don't worry," she said, fumbling with the rolled up prophylactic. "We'll find out in a minute."

"Oh no you don't!" He yanked it back and shoved her hand aside. "You promised to lick my pussy again."

"But my rocket is back up and ready to go..." she pleaded.

Was she making fun of the way he talked in bed... or was she really wracked by the same desperation? "So? I need to warm up too, don't I?" he pouted. "Come on. I even swallowed."

She had enjoyed seeing that, she realized guiltily. Well it wasn't all bad, though she hated the idea of doing it herself now that she was a man.

When she switched back again... she could... probably adjust to doing it with a few days' practice...

The real question was, how would she cope with licking another pussy again?


She smirked. They were back to one by her count. And the mere thought of running her tongue or anything else through it was getting her hot beyond all belief.

Hot? She wasn't getting hot as a guy. Big and hard, yeah. Just erect, not hot all over. Not like that. Maybe her dick was where it all went.

She absentmindedly stroked the hard protrusion under the pants. Yeah. That's where-

She let go.

She was developing some strange habits. She always let him be the one to touch her there when he was around... unless he wanted her to.

That was fun too... More than fun. The thought of it sent hardness throbbing through her again. A woman playing with herself... her fingers flicking that little bud... dripping... waiting for... showing for...

She fantasized again about those tender white thighs spreading open... fondling that pink little flower... What was it about pussies that fascinated men?

She smirked. It would be fun trying to find out.

"OK," she agreed. "But I gotta warn you. I'm gonna take my time playing around."

"Deal." He grinned back. He knew exactly what she meant. "Enjoy the show." He pinched her cheek. "It's all yours. Play doctor all you want..." He cleared his throat, suddenly remembering something. "Oh. Just make it feel good too."

"I can still manage that. I'm not completely dim, you know."

He shrugged. "You do look like a big dumb jock. A really handsome dumb jock but all the same..."

"And you're my foxy little cheerleader."

She ripped his sheet away to the sounds of high-pitched giggles and fumbled with the lever until his seat fell flat.

"Ah!" he yelped in surprise.

Shit, she loved that bounce in his tits.

"Sssshhhh," she reminded him. "Not too loud, remember?"

But it was such a lovely screech to her male ears... maybe she could coax another out...

Her rough hands fell all over him, tickling his armpits. Would he do it again?

"Wait." He drew a protective arm across his chest.

"What now?" Was she too aggressive?

He pulled himself up by her broad back and peered over her shoulder.

"Can anyone see us out there?"

"No, I said. It's too dark and the windows are tinted. I think with the lights out we'll be fine..." There was light in here. Why was that? She looked by his leg. "What's the glove compartment still doing open? You're gonna burn the bulb out... Sniff... Sniff..." That smell was stronger than before... "You dog!" She pinched him as he closed it with his knee.

"It was messy," he whispered in the darkness. "I feel like I have taffy between my legs..."

She thumped his soft boob. "Well welcome to the club."

"Hm." He smirked.


"Club, huh?" He ran his slender palms under her tank top and tugged on her furry chest. "You're not a qualified greeter anymore. Lost your membership, remember?" He sighed. "But tell me... how did you put up with stuff always oozing out of you?"

"They're called maxipads," she muttered. "Please. Don't gross me out with female anatomy right now."

"You think I'm gross now?"

She had to admit, it did disgust the new her. It hadn't when she offered him one from her purse earlier. She could tolerate it better then.



She shivered.

How much of her had changed? If they had to stay this way, for whatever tragic reason... she hoped she could be sympathetic with him about something like that. She probably could in the long run... right? She wanted him to be that way with her and he'd done an OK job at it. She loved him more for it now that she understood they way it made him feel.

She sighed.

"You were a man. You know what I mean." She tried to put it from her mind. It wouldn't be a problem, she reassured herself. They had the trick figured out. Things would get flipped again in a few minutes. The only question was how?

Would they get their old selves back or would he be this hulk? Would she be a fuck-munchkin?

If it did work right maybe they could even slip back for another night of fun...

"You're still attracted to me, though, right? That sort of sticky doesn't bother you?"

She smiled. "Not at all. I find your smell really arousing." She moved his hand over the bulge in her crotch to offer proof.

"Yours is that way too. I can't get over it. Even my stinky old gym bag got me hot."

She pinched his bare side. "You had fun while I was away, didn't you?"

"Yeah..." he said softly. But he'd gotten her compact all slimy. She'd be pissed.

"How was it?"

"Good." He sighed and spread his hair out over the backseat. "I liked it. It took a while to figure the fingers out." He held them up and inspected their long nails. "You were... are probably still better at it."

Were these clumsy talons good for much other than turning men on?

He felt her smiling at him through the darkness. "Practice is fun isn't it...?"

He moved her hand to his crotch. "It is... yeah..." he sighed sweetly. He'd even lost track of the number of times...

"So if you're warmed up, why can't we jump to the main course, foxy?"

He pouted. "Please don't be that way..." he begged meekly.

The thought that she could get away with it if she twisted his arm enough secretly thrilled her.

Why? She'd been in his spot before...

Her knuckles brushed his cheek. "I'm just foolin. You've been very nice to me. I won't ever forget that."

He clasped her hand. "Thank you."

She surveyed the situation. It was her turn for a little planning.

"Can it work in here?" he asked.


"It's just that you're so tall now..."

She pinched him. "You can always sit on my face."

He giggled. "I wanted to lay on my back, though. I want to feel my legs in the air for some reason."

She tapped his cheek lovingly. "I know the urge sweetheart. We'll work something out." She planted a firm hand on each side of him and pushed herself up. "Go on and scoot under me into the driver's seat." She moved her left foot between his legs. "It'll work better from over there.... Come on, now..."

"You won't fall on me, will you?"

"Get real," she snickered. "Look who you're talking to. Have you felt these arms yet? Go on. I know how much it turns you on."

The hardness did feel unusually calming for him. Why did she think it would turn him on? It did sort of... but not quite in that way. Not the way her tight butt did. It was more like the 'Can you come help me move the refrigerator?' excitement.

'Help me.' The two most dangerous words a man's back could hear. Why didn't women ever just come out and say, "Hey, studly. Lift something for me. Prove your affection'?

"What are you giggling about now?"

"I was wondering... if you'd 'help me' move some furniture later."

"What happened to women's lib?" she laughed. "Now hurry up. Stop messin around."

Harry drew his legs into a tiny ball and crawled under her to the adjoining seat. Being shorter made it easier than he thought it would be.

Until she kicked him in the thigh.

"Augh!youreonmyleg..." he squealed.

Molly jumped up and quickly settled into the passenger side. "Sorry, baby. Are you all right?"

He replied with gasps and sniffles.

"I couldn't see you. Does it hurt? Where?"

He choked back a sob. It shouldn't be so painful but it was. "I guess... cough... I guess I didn't move as fast as I should've." He didn't think it would be like this. It looked like such a thick part of the body.

"Oh it's all my fault. I'm such an oaf. Where did I get you?" She felt along his right thigh until he whimpered. "There?" Right above the bone. "It hurts some?"

"Yeah," he sighed deeply. "Not a lot. It shouldn't spoil things..." He took another deep breath. "Just give me a minute." Try to be a man about it, he joked as he fought to keep the swelling water from bubbling out of his eyes.

She gingerly probed the extent of it. "Oh dear. It's not large but you'll have a nasty black bruise, I bet..."

"Really?" His tears were drying out. "Why from that?"

"Your skin's so fair, honey. Women bruise easily, don't you remember?"

"Yeah." He sniffled again. A blotch right there would make him look so ugly... "sorry..." his voice meekly trailed off.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. Honestly. I still can't work this big body right. It's fun, you know. But I don't want to spend my life this way."

He rubbed his thigh. "I know what you mean." He wasn't sure he wanted to sit courtside like she did just to avoid black spots on his shins...

Staying pretty was tough.

And what would she do when she broke a bone or something?

"Yeah... tonight we're getting mostly the fun parts." She stroked his hair. "I mean I'm sympathetic when a guy gets kicked in the nuts but I don't want to feel it myself, you know? I don't have to experience it to care if it happened to you." Her fingers caressed his cheek a moment. He put his hand over hers and kissed it. "I know it hurts, sweetie. It'll go away in a minute... Can I take your mind off it?"

"Sure... it's a... it's on a fairly unimportant part of the body. Just leave it alone a while."

"That's a trooper." She pushed something big behind his back. A lumpy but soft and round blob that smelled kind of bad.

The laundry bag?

She flattened it against the door. "Just lay back on that. It should make things a whole lot more comfortable."

It really did.

"Sorry I didn't think of it earlier," he whispered.

"Hey. I'm a guy. I don't mind being uncomfortable."

He chuckled lightly. Was she making fun of the sore back he'd gotten from grandma's couch? That time he gave her his old single bed?

"You on the other hand deserve the best bed I can give you. You're my girl." She tweaked his cheek. "Can't have any bruises on that sexy ass of yours."

He blushed. He hoped she couldn't tell in this darkness.

"What are you doing now?"

"Just let me get these damn pants off. I feel like a male prostitute they're on so tight." That's what the cashier had thought too until she laid Harry's story on him. She'd mixed in enough grunts and body-scratching to make it work- oddly enough she'd had the urge to do that anyway...

And it did work like a charm. Hard to believe that sexpot next to her still understood men better than this gorilla.

She groaned as the tight elastic slipped from her ankle and went to massaging the irregular rings left on her calves. "There. That's better. Everything can breath free."

He giggled.

Was he finally feeling better, she wondered?

Hearing him cry had been the worst thing to hit her in a long time. She didn't think it could affect her now that she was big and strong... but it did. Like a ton of bricks. It wasn't just her love for him. Something about hearing those soft, high pitched whimpers struck a chord in the darkness.

"Just be careful what I told you about your nuts. I don't want you losing interest."

"Oh yeah? That's real selfish of you."

"You know what I mean. It would hurt a lot."

"Yeah mom. So you keep saying."

"I'm not your mother." He tracked the tall sausage-like outline thrusting up from her waist. "And you're certainly a big boy..." The hypnotic way it bobbed around... "but I'll stop nagging all the same..."

She slid the tank top off for good measure. Now they were both completely naked.

He'd been nude most of the time, hadn't he? Nothing of hers fit him very well.

She was sort of sad he hadn't been dressed in anything better this evening. Clothes were such a big part of being a woman. He'd probably find that fun too...

Oddly enough, she could care less about it now. She felt really comfortable without a stitch of clothing. She usually wasn't that way on these public expeditions of theirs. That's why it was such a big part of the thrill for her.

And now he looked so modest, those thin limbs crossed on his stomach for warmth. Those goose bumps on the side of his ribs that prickled her fingers. He would like clothes, she realized. Any clothes at all.

And the way he'd clutched that sheet... just like her mother had that time when she was eight...

She frowned as she listened to his quiet breathing. It was so much shallower now.

But that wasn't it.

Her erection kept reminding her of something, like a warning beacon. Something about his dark outline...

The fact that it was dark.

It was all she could see of him and her eyes wanted more.

Something was missing with the lights out... and it wouldn't be the look on her husband's face. She wanted a peek at that pussy again.

Why was that?

Did he still feel that way about the dark?

"You don't mind the lights being out?" she asked.

"Not really. It's kind of sweet."

"It's just that you usually complain."

Without a word, he popped open the glove compartment with his toe.

They smiled at each other.

She had a view that prized pink flower again.

He was right, though, about bad lighting spoiling it. She made a note to get another 'reading' lamp for the bedroom.

She placed a towel under the cup holder and delicately lifted his plump cheeks.

"Whoooaa..." he sighed. "You are strong."

She shrugged. "You're pretty skinny."

"You think so?" He felt so fat.

"You can't be more than a hundred... 105, tops."

"Dang. Even I could lift that."

She pinched his all-too-thin arm. "Not anymore..." He frowned as her fingers went straight to the bone "But what you got is lots better..." She wagged her giant prick at him. "See? Look what it can lift now."

He giggled. He still had no idea what that thing would do to him.

It would fit, right? Curiosity was eating away at him. Nature worried about all that stuff for you, didn't it? Ahead of time? Evolution or something? That's what they said in those silly biology textbooks. Surely those didn't lie.

She observed the seriousness in her husband's face, wondering why he suddenly went from bubbling over to biting his lip? Had she said or done something? She was beginning to understand the male frustration with moodiness.

She raised a bushy eyebrow but he didn't notice. He wouldn't take his eyes off her crotch.

"It'll fit, won't it?" he whispered under his breath.

"Yeah." She grinned slyly. "It'll fit." She'd get to find out if being tight measured up to all the male gossip. Rotten bit of luck with the condoms though...

"But it'll be tight, won't it?"

"Sure... Tight is good, isn't it?"

"I guess..." He kept staring at it. Tight would certainly be good for her.... Him too, right?

He was strangely happy it would at least be for her.

She winked and put her thumb above his clit, snapping him out of it.

"Ahem." He cuddled his breasts. "My pom-poms?" He jiggled them around. "You're skipping foreplay again. You guys are always doing that..."

"This isn't foreplay?" She frowned. "You're the one who wanted to hurry up so we could get changed back."

"I never said that... not exactly that..."

"Women," she huffed. "Always changing their minds."

"Weeeeeeelll," he slapped her shoulder. "Are you going to jabber all day or what?"

"Just tell me what you want, here."

"Mmmm." He fidgeted. "I don't know... Aren't you supposed to?... Just don't start there." His nose twitched. He cocked his head to the side. She wasn't mad was she? He brushed his hair back and pulled it into a long tail.

Molly sighed. She was supposed to know, dammit. But her mind kept getting clouded with all those things she'd never seen before, jumping ahead like a carnal jackrabbit.

A 'checklist.'

That thing he'd joked about at home. Like before taking off.

That's what he meant?

She shook her head. It's what she was supposed to be wanting herself right now, wasn't it? Yeah. That was it. She snorted back a laugh. And he was flirting on that borderline where he didn't know quite what he wanted. Or where to start. One of the two. She knew all about those days in bed. It must be from hitting his thigh...

"Whhhaaaattt?" he lilted coyly. Why was she snorting at him?

She punched the lock behind his ear. "Don't want you running off on me, sweet thing."

"You don't have to worry about that..." he purred, wrapping his devoted arms around her.

She relaxed and the totality of her weight pressed all around him for the first time. It was so comforting having a larger lover. His breasts flattened like the pillow behind him, their hard points growing excited as they brushed her firm muscles.

She found them soft and consoling too, didn't she? He hoped so. He wanted her to sink into him and enjoy his newfound softness. It didn't mean much if he couldn't share it. Having her here reminded him how chilly the air had become. She made it all warm again.

His arms circled her like a belt and he ran his hands up the fans of muscles on her broad back. She pulled up just a bit and he craned his neck to kiss the tangled hairs on her chest, straightening their various kinks with his pink fingertips.

There were one or two odd spots where they'd matted together. Something sticky encrusted... where he'd rested his head...

He put a palm on her marbled stomach as she tried to kiss him.


"What now?" she sighed impatiently.

Why was she being that way? He was just thinking of her. "Did you get a coke like I asked?"

"Yes of course I got you the coke like you asked. It's probably still cold. You want it?"


She climbed off him. The air was so cold again. He was almost sorry he brought it up.

The plastic bag rustled on the floor.


He fumbled with the cap. The thing was too slippery.

Was there a towel around? A can opener maybe? The wouldn't work.

He scowled and searched in the back seat.

His eyes fell back to the hands that had just passed it to him. They bristled with fine black hairs.

He tried again. "I can't get it." He pursed his lips and offered her the soda.

"Huh?... Oh." Another pause. "No problem." She grabbed the thing. It clicked and fizzed pleasantly on the first turn. She smiled politely and passed it back.

He unscrewed it the rest of the way just to show her he could do it... but not without some difficulty.

With a deep breath, he glared at his irritatingly dainty hands. And then he noticed her watching him intently. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders shyly.

There. Finally. He craddle the huge cap carefully between two fingers and took a drink.

It was the details of all things that kept getting to Molly. Their whole worlds were different. How did they ever come together?

Here she was pissed at him for putting on the breaks, yet again- and then she enjoys loosening the top for him. In fact she was unusually proud about it. Was it like pulling a chair out for a woman or something? Had he manipulated her into it to calm her down? Or had he tried to do something, gotten in over his head and needed her help? It seemed the later... and it appealed to an unknown part of herself. She actually wanted to help him with minor items like that.

It was silly. He could get it himself if she weren't around.

Was that why it was so sweet?...

She shook her head. He was carrying this feminine mystique thing too far. Let's get to the sex.

Harry took a sip and swished it around his mouth. He looked around for a place to spit it out. He didn't want to take any chances with his bladder.

Or the lady's room again, for that matter.

But she kept watching him. Spitting wouldn't be the most ladylike thing to do. He wanted her to think he was pretty. So he simply swallowed it and breathed a sigh of relief.

His probing tongue made the cutest little bulges in his cheeks...

"Sorry," she said, finally realizing why he'd gone to the trouble. "I forgot the taste isn't much fun."

"No. I didn't mind at all. It wasn't until you tried to kiss me I remembered about it."

He gingerly fished a pubic hair out with his pinky. He'd forgotten about that. He looked at her with some embarrassment and quickly flicked it away.

Ow. He'd scratched his gums too. He kept forgetting about these nails. He thought he was being careful...

He was taking quite a beating tonight.

Another cool sip went down his throat, then he screwed the cap back on and let the bottle roll across the dash, fizzing merrily.

She brushed his cheek. "You didn't have to do that. I've tasted it before. It doesn't really bother me."

"It bothers me..." He frowned. "I mean I liked it," he quickly added. "That wasn't it. I just don't think you should have to taste it too. That's all."

"That's what bothered you?"

"Sort of. But it wasn't really me. And it didn't have anything to do with you, you know?"

"Yeah." She knew. "You're very sweet."

He finally let her plant a kiss on his cola-flavored lips.

He pulled at her back again, trying to draw her in closer.

She held off and pointed to his pussy, then looked at the bubbles still swirling in the bottle. "Should I take a swig after this?"

"No." It was touching that she'd ask. "I don't mind it... The thought of you as a woman does still turn me on. I guess it's the man left in me." She'd take that the right way, wouldn't she? He didn't want her thinking she wasn't manly right now.

"'Left in you'? You don't want to stay that way do you? You're not going over to the enemy?"

"No... It's fun for a while but... it's where you belong, I think. Though you are doing a wonderful job as a guy. Don't think you aren't."

"It's not that. It's just... your mannerisms have gotten a lot more feminine since the restroom."

"Oh that." He giggled. Why was she worried about that? Didn't it turn her on? "I think I got carried away with the blow job is all. You like it don't you?"

"Yeah. It's sexy."

"That's the only reason I'm doing it... I mean it doesn't feel unnatural or anything. It's kind of easy. It just doesn't quite feel right when I try acting like a guy... though I still know how. I'm still a guy under here..." He still loved her as a woman. As his woman. "You shouldn't worry when we go back- "

She placed two fingers on his small, pouting lips. "Shut the fuck up and enjoy it."

He grinned broadly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Both of me?"

"Both of you."

"Both of me love both of you too."

He giggled. He didn't really feel like two different people. He didn't see her that way either, despite being able to imagine her in these two vastly different shapes. He suspected she was the same way about it.

She rested part of her weight on him again... just enough to press those pert temples into cozy pancakes.

His lips parted, inviting her in at last. Hers mashed with his and wrestled in undulating ridges.

Were hers bigger than his now? Funny. They hadn't been, not even before when she was shorter than him. She could swallow his whole mouth in hers now.

Why had their differences been so exaggerated?

His tongue plunged its point lithely into her cavernous maw. She smiled and opened wider to savor its wetness, allowing his delicate warmth to probe over her, licking at every corner of her mouth for any morsel of juice. He flicked the hanging thing at the back of her throat and she grinned in amazement. He smiled playfully back at her, impressed with his own dexterity.

Then she set free her broad, flat monster, tossing his aside and filling his mouth.

It was overwhelming. She could almost reach each cheek at once. She did, as he puckered and gave her a kittenish suck. It curved into a tube to make it easier for him.

How did she know to do that? Neither of them had ever done that before...

He worked his own tongue around the side of hers, stroking its soft underbelly. She wrestled again with him and lifted his to the top, where she let him gently fuck her long cylinder.

His lip curled in a smile as she embraced him in yet another way.

His scent was so intoxicating. The sweetness on his shallow breath and in his hair. The way his cute, flaring nostrils poured over her heavier air, mixing with hers to bless their wet embrace.

She usually skipped past those obnoxious salesladies but now... smelling it on him... the samples on the counter didn't seem half as outrageous...

The odor from his silky golden locks... she'd have to change that too. What was it? Did he know the shampoo?

She snorted as she considered the absurdity. Sharing beauty tips with her transformed husband. The one she was about the fuck.

"It's very warm."

"What?" she asked, smacking her lips.

"Your cock. I like the way it throbs on my stomach when you hold me."

"It likes your stomach too."

The sound of clashing moisture filled the air again as they resumed the kiss.

Again her hot prick pressed against him. She couldn't resist the urge to slowly rub it into that satiny skin, mirroring the dance he'd done on her so many times...

The top of his fuzzy pubic hair tickled her balls. The head stretched almost to the bottom of his breasts... pressing in softly when she poked one of the bulges.

She was right when she said it would fit, wasn't she? Could a vagina stretch that much?

It would be fun finding out...

He giggled as her organ straightened and stiffened, its purple head making an imprint on his bosom once again.

What was she thinking about? Him? Was he doing all that to her? His heart fluttered. He liked the pressure it made on the feminine bulge circling his waist.

It was so different when it was dry like this. There was something reassuring about its heat, no slickness demanding his attention. He could simply hold it, be near it.

His neck was tired of bending up to her. And she smothered him in that french kiss. It was sweet to be filled up like that, but a girl had to breath.

He relaxed and sank back to the makeshift cushion, pecing her proud Adam's apple. He moved lower to lick her hairy collar bone.

Twft. He spit a hair out. Maybe not the best idea.

"Aren't you gonna swallow that too?"

"What?" he laughed. "I feel like a cat coughing up a hairball."

"You are a very sexy kitten." She nibbled at his smooth neck so she could take in the artistry of its thin bones and lovely tendons.

Harry arched his spine, her nipping teeth drawing him up like some magnet, eager to greet her solid steel.

Why was her mouth so marvelous there? The stubble on her chin tickled just right.

And what she'd just said to him...

The warm flush flowed through him again, as if her strong hands slowly opened a faucet. He saw the soda bottle still bubbling in the corner of his eye. Where was his cap? The one he couldn't open himself? He couldn't tell... it moved... she was an expert... it was everywhere... each place she touched him... then it disappeared when she moved on...

Her powerful fingers made another impression on his soft skin... and it turned a little more...

The wetness between his legs was unmistakable, like a child's runny nose. It itched, too... She held the only relief between her legs, pressing seductively into his smooth stomach.

The furry balls on his bare skin reminded him of his youth before he'd sprouted hair there. But there was nothing boyish about this sleek skin. Nothing about her nice tickle made him think he'd lost anything. Only gained...

The long hard sign of her affection moved slowly down with the rest of her, creating lazy, delicious friction. Its warm anticipation snagged on his navel and made her own, if smaller, wet spot apparent, a slick trail of seduction streaming from its tip, like a spider laying a web.

She shifted further and then her huge palms engulfed his tender breasts, squeezing just enough. Their sensuous, fatty curves pressed through her fingers for escape.

He kissed the top of her sweaty black hair as she kneaded and plucked his diamond hard nipples.

This stronger mouth of hers was so much better there. She pulled up a column of flesh through those wonderful sucking lips... Oh what they could do for him so much lower... That large tongue... it covered everything like a paint roller. His nipples loved the hot slobber... drinking up the tepid musk of man wafting from her ...

He wished she'd bought some cologne in the store. It would add just the right touch to all this. But her tangy sweat was nice in its own way... something raw and natural...

The sloppy glimmer on his breasts should have appealed to him more... those little ropes of saliva... but he closed his eyes and enjoyed it just as much. Not knowing where she moved next was such a delight... a cozy little game of trust...

The smile on his face broadened and he sighed contentedly, melting even more under her hands. How could he feel even softer in her grip and so turned on? But he did... skin more plush than before... every inch of him alive and touching something... yielding ever more...

The head of her organ slipped even lower, pressing against his flat, bushy crotch and stirring through his wiry forest.

He brushed it away. "Shoo... You're not properly dressed." He couldn't take any chances. You could never tell. Just a little in his curly pubes and...

Molly chuckled lightly and pinned her erection under his thigh. The softness there was just as nice.

She reached up and pinched his cheek. Even his joking made her harder.

She turned her affections once more to his glistening orbs. They were perfectly formed, nicely round... dropping just enough into a teardrop but still high and firm like a young woman's should be.

His older age and experience had always appealed to her but now she savored his youth... and appreciated the youth he saw in her. It was so fleeting, she knew...

It nagged her still.

But they had so much more than that. Surely they'd look back on this night as grandparents and still love one another... whoever was the woman...

But while they had them to share... so high and pert... Breasts were such lovely playmates... She didn't think it could be this enjoyable, but the mere sight of their fullness... something about their cushiony touch stirred her. She had to savor their satiny smooth skin... suckle at them, like all men did.

So it had been more than just devotion all those times in bed... he really was drawn to these parts of her...

They were such a source of relief now. She'd felt snug with him resting his head there all these years... and now just touching his bosom brought that same warmth back.

They'd be more fun to watch in full motion, though...

She snickered at her pornographic mind and moved lower, kissing a rib and licking that gentle, womanly curve rising below his navel. She'd soon knock on the entrance of the very thing it hid... before they ever left the car again...

She sat up and gingerly nudged his thighs back.

He missed the glow of her firm muscles. It was so vulnerable like this. So much air flowing over such much of nothing... flat, smooth skin that hadn't been hours ago.

"What are you- ?"

"I've got to move this chair back to sit on the floor..." She winked. "So I can get my face close enough..."

"Good," he beamed. "Let's see if you're right about that bigger tongue of yours."

She played with another lever and the bottom dropped three inches. Her toes pushed into the floor and it jerked all the way to the back. The seat jumped up at an angle again as it hit the rear cushions.

She eyed the two metal tracks that came into view. They didn't appear too fearsome. She bent her knees and slowly crouched down. "Uhf." He was right about nuts.

"You OK?"

"Fine. Just getting settled." She'd shaved a good inch off her excitement with that maneuver.

Light vanished as her shoulder squeezed the glove box shut.

That was no good.

"Maybe if we switch again," he suggested in the darkness.

"No." She fidgeted with its hinge but she couldn't get more than a paltry white wedge out.

There was a click and the overheads came on. Harry had his thumb on the headlights.

"Someone might see."

"Mm, I don't care," he mumbled. She deserved to.

She'd enjoy it, wouldn't she? She had in the bathroom. Or seemed to.

He felt a tinge of guilt.

Did she like this part like he had? He knew some guys didn't.

His head dipped lower under the window. "I'll stay down, OK?"

"OK. We'll switch back to the other later."

"Sure," he nodded. "Whatever."

She kept staring at his crotch, at the wet parts between his legs he couldn't find himself without a mirror.

He chewed up his lip. "It's not all gross, is it?"

"No. I like it. I'm just appreciating it a moment."

"Show me the opinion pole again?"

She chuckled. "Later, sweetie. Believe me, it's up. I can't get to it like this."

"OK..." he said coyly. "I believe you."

He still didn't know how she was going to bend those final few inches. Sitting on the floor hadn't quite-

"Yah!" He grabbed the steering column. His butt was in the air with her fingers digging into his soft rear.

Harry swiped at the back of the chair to no avail. His head hit the bag with a muted thunk, sliding forward, helplessly as her fat tongue abused him.

She flash a devilish grin.

"Please..." he whimpered, flailing at the bag under him.

Molly smoothed it into a makeshift platform and let him settle from the surprise before bridging the last bit of distance on her own. A bone popped in her shoulder, driving home just how much she'd tortured herself into a pretzel to let him be on his back.

A shiver ran through his every fiber. His flat palms fought the empty air.

"Gen..." he gasped, "gently honey." He felt embarrassed for saying anything at all.


"No you're wonderful," he sighed, stroking her cheek. "A little too much wonderful at once. Yeah?"

"Sorry." She winked. "I should know better." She tucked her tongue away for the time being and let her fingers roam.

With a single hand, she cupped his mons and spread his velvety bristles back. She was amazed her fingers could reach all the way past his bottom. They were so big and his parts seemed even smaller than back in the stall.

Would it be harder to be precise? Precision was so important...

He was tiny. Just a slit hidden in two round fatty edges. Those weren't much bigger themselves, even puffy like this.

"It's a beautiful pussy," she commented.

"Isn't it?" he sighed in contentment. "I mean I like yours better..."

She petted his stomach.

"No... Yours is the prettiest at the ball tonight."

He twinkled at her. "Thank you," he murmured.

She shrugged. "Mine'll just be pretty tomorrow night."

He was too tickled to register.

It was well shaped.

Why had it taken tonight for her to look on another one with lust? That hidden pink tenderness... so soft and delicate... So many shades of the same color too...

She moved her fingers wider, tugging his pouch apart effortlessly. She replaced one with her thumb and shifted her wrist to come in closer.

There was that moisture she'd smelled... even stronger now. A clear stream trickling into the crack of his ass. The musky odor of femininity was all around her... What had bothered her so much in the past now made her salivate. A pad seemed such a terrible waste of it.

Was that the male fascination with panties, in a nutshell?

Panties with a wet spot... that would be even nicer... French, with lace... Her thwarted organ struggled in its cramped quarters while she took a mental stroll through her own underwear drawer.

She nudged him wider and brushed the slick, smooth surfaces with her thumb. The puckered tunnel reminded her vaguely of the raw oysters they'd had for dinner. Only it sat in a triangular, peach-colored shell.

There was that ring-like covering again.

He'd be in for a surprise later...

She dabbled her index finger in him and watched the wet tightrope she drew out break in two. She licked the fleck of moisture from her nail. "Mmm." It was the exact same as before... So how could he taste even better?

"Do it again..." he whispered huskily.

She repeated the motion and he plucked her shiny knuckle to his face, engulfing it and nursing at her seductively. He let her go, trailing his cupped tongue sensuously under her long digit.

"Fuck me."


She let his yellow fur fall back together, fascinated with the movements and fascinated with herself for taking such an interest. She stroked the spaces between his fine lips with a pinky until the entire slit glisten.

Touching him there was so much easier without long nails to battle.

She fumbled at his clit with her thumb, eager to watch the expressions on his face.

She could have both, couldn't she?

Yeah. She drew within sneezing distance of his snatch, then twisted herself closer until his mammaries rose up like mountains on the horizon, flanking each side of the fuzzy yellow dawn under her nose.

It was so tiny. That bump of joy underhand. Even a kiss brought a gasp.

She kissed it again. "Nice to meet you madam."

He smiled sweetly a moment. Then his determined grimace reappeared. His chin jutted forward as his neck arched. She pushed two fingers up past his bottom and spread him open like drawing curtains apart.

As she pinched his vulva back, she watched the frailer membranes inside tremble. Awkwardly with a finger from above, she separated them, careful to keep the small arcs going on his clit. She coated his labia with more moisture and brushed each flat.

"A pretty little flower," she whispered. "Isn't it fun being open like this?"

She puffed hot air on him as he sighed in appreciation.

She was glad he'd pleaded for this. It heightened her appreciation for the main act. And quenched the peculiar anatomical addiction developing within her.

Women were so fascinating... their parts were so hidden away... how could anyone have a flat crotch like that?

She giggled at herself. She was getting carried away in the role too.

Well why not?

"Ahhh," she chuckled. The nymph was pinching his greasy nipples without her. "Did I get them slippery enough?"

"Huh?" He noticed the saliva under his fingers. "Yeah... Why are you still talking? Was I this rude during your blowjob?"

"It's so big," she pouted. "I can't get my hands all the way around it," she complained. "Do I have to use my mouth? Can't I just stroke it?"

He snorted in soft laughter. The jelly jiggling on his chest stiffened her prick.

She'd do it both ways.

Why not? Once with her fingers to watch. Once more for the taste. He deserved it twice.

It wasn't like he'd deflate like she had... boy was that like letting the air out of tires. He hadn't prepared her for that.

The whole world changed in a split second. She didn't look at anything the same. Not even those lovely tits. It was so depressing.

And then it came back with a vengeance...

Yeah. Twice. He wouldn't deflate.

And there wouldn't be anything to spit out, either.

Or swallow.

She was still sheepish about what he'd done. Why couldn't she relax and savor the image like her body wanted to? It's not like he'd been trying to punish her for past sins...

He drew a deep breath and straightened his back. He observed her hands attentively with a straining neck, then flashed a smile and closed his eyes.

"Am I getting it right?"

He sighed and gave her another grin. "Sure," he said coyly. "Do what you like."

"Dammit. Don't be frustrating like that and do to me what I always do to you. Am I getting it right?" she repeated sternly.

"Yes. Everything about tonight is right." She let out a huff. Harry parried it with a giggle. "You won't ask me when I've come, will you?"

They both laughed. "No. That I should recognize." She winked. "I've seen it before." Then she snickered. "Did you miss mine the last time?" She had almost expected him to ask. It was so common of him.

"No," he laughed....

But was it funny? What if he did miss hers with the condom on? He wouldn't feel it squirting in him again, like he wanted, so how could he tell?

He remembered her eyes. It was all a blur those last moments but... yeah. He'd be able to tell. Everything in her would turn to rock.

But he felt that way in the car by himself a few minutes ago. An earthquake. How could that be hard to miss?

It suddenly seemed impossible to do, like defying gravity or some other law of nature. How could a man not know?

But sometimes he hadn't.

It was perplexing.

Women did think of strange things at times like this. At least this one did. Right about now every dirty fantasy and picture would be going through his mind as he frigged his wife's open twat.

But he couldn't stop thinking about how they thought of each other.

"You've got it fine, honey," he reassured her.

He shut his eyelids again.

She was right. Dark could be nice. He enjoyed her fingers playing at him like a flute. The sweet tingling circles... She knew to pick up the rhythm right at the end, didn't she? Yeah... She'd done well in the restroom.

He sank further into their makeshift 'bed.'

Would she take him here? he wondered. Could he get his legs as high as he wanted? The passenger side perhaps... Both... why not both? He deserved it all tonight...

He frowned. Would he have to teach her a little self-control, too...? He didn't want to spoil her fun... but he wanted his as well... Was that asking too much?

She wouldn't roll off, leaving him unsatisfied, would she? Worse... would he have that same peculiar urge to say he'd loved it anyway? Yeah... he just might. The evening had gone so well already. He loved her more with each passing minute.

He wished he could kiss her from here... or just hold her...

"Nnnnunh," he moaned.

She couldn't get that clittie any bigger, no matter how much she teased it.

It was smaller than hers to start with. Maybe it wouldn't grow much. Maybe this was it.

His flesh had grown firmer underneath her hand. Had she missed seeing it?

Funny. She could usually tell when hers got bigger.

Could she? She'd felt it, but never paid much attention visually. She just knew when it popped up.

His lips hadn't sprouted much either. They ruffled together a bit, fluttering side to side as she stroked them.

She crooked her middle finger into his hot, sloshy tunnel and he let loose another moan. His pussy lips writhed as she pumped him, their dainty ruffles fitting her like cuffs on a sleeve.

She wanted to add another... his face really wanted it... but more wouldn't be prudent.

"That's it. Take it you little slut..."

"Pump me big daddy," he giggled. "Oh... please," he panted, "slide it all in. Nnnnnnn... It's soooo bigggg..." He yanked his nipples into long points and made his beautiful titties dance.

She hardened against her leg. He really knew how to embellish.

His face was turning red in the dim light, fair skin bubbling like a basting turkey.

She fingered him even faster, feeding as much of it as she could... increasing the pressure above his tender nub, inching down, ever closer to it...


She loved those whimpers. It really was like playing a musical instrument. Wiggle one way and get one set of sounds... another from another way. She thought he'd been joking all these years. What a delicious symphony of softness falling on her ears... hers to compose... and knowing the kind of pleasure he felt only increased her own desire for him.


Maybe he had a different range... Was there actually a place you could touch a woman and make her howl like a dog?

Seeing him like this... She was starting to buy into the myth.

They'd searched for her g-spot for years to no avail.

She'd have to hurry before he went off. Not long now...

Who was she kidding? Like an extra orgasm would really piss him off...

She curled her finger and started looking for the lost treasure.

Where exactly was it supposed to be again?

Ah, the book was just a bunch of-

His jaw quivered. Pink nails thrashed into his boobs, burning a glowing trail on that alabaster skin.

That spot...

Everything in him went limp. She'd cut his every tendon...

So why were they straining?

That surge... building... more powerful than before...

He was helpless with joy. She kept throwing hidden switches in him, making this female flesh march to her bidding. And with just two fingers... It was all so effortless for her.

It didn't seem fair. She'd kept his hands full.

And mouth...

The mere thought of that huge organ straining under his tongue brought the wave...

Here came the crest... higher than before... now the flood of juice...

His left hand sprung loose from his tit, leaving it to tremble in loneliness while he clawed helplessly at the steering column.

Molly felt his quivering tunnel finally spasm around her finger. She could even see the pretty little ring contract. His hips bucked. Grayish cream spewed out of him, coating her finger.

And that free tit bounced with such life.

What a sight. It was all she could do from leaping up and slipping it in.

Her thumb ground ever harder, now at the end of its downward migration, almost on top of that little red bump. It pulsed and trembled against her.... that tiny speck... so small... even the ridges of her fingerprints excited it...

The way he gasped and lashed out. Was she ever this theatrical?

She hoped so. It was a gas.

It made the fever all the more contagious. She wanted to stick him more than ever.


And it seemed like just another smooth spot under her finger, a little firmer than the rest. Something at the front of his vagina she'd never had.

She marked it for future reference and scratched her scraggly chin.

So the damn thing did exist. It wasn't all a lot of bs.

At least in some women.

At least in this one.

She frowned.

She wanted one too... It looked like a blast.

A warm glow rose up from Harry. He smiled pleasantly as Molly continued to soothe his thigh.

"Damn bitch. You got my whole arm wet."

He flinched. Was it an aftershock? "Please don't call me that. Not like that." She arched an eyebrow and rubbed her sticky mitt on his thigh. "I don't think I like the word." He curled a lock of hair around his bruised knuckle. "I never say things like that to you in bed."

"But you want to, don't you?" she grinned.

"Not really... I understand you got carried away, though... Just... please don't."

"I thought you liked it when I talked dirty..."

He frowned, not understanding it himself. "I know... it wasn't the word so much... just... right then. That way... It felt like you meant something else."

"Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was just trying to turn you on."

"Oh... you did more than that," he purred. "I'm drained."

His arms went out to her.

Why was she moving back down?

"What are you- aren't you ready to- ?"

"Once more. This time with feeling." She wiggled her huge tongue.

He smiled. "You're gonna kill me with kindness..."

The simple vision of that slobbery beast hanging from her mouth gave him a rush. It could cover his every new part down there. He was just so incredibly tiny... parts so secret and hidden away... His own private g-string bikini descended on him...

He chuckled. "You're finally getting all of me in your mouth." Shoot. He shouldn't have said that. He always made it a point not to criticize her efforts in bed.

Molly winked. "I'll figure out how to fit you in then too..."

He grinned in surprise. "Ooooh!" he lilted. She was everywhere with that thing... no matter how wide her fingers spread his lips... not an inch of him could escape...

No... wait...

"Honey... sweetie..."

Fingers massaged her scalp.

"Erasing your clit again?"

"Sort of," he giggled. "Nice way to put it."

"I've had it happen often enough."

"Me?" he asked.

"Rarely." She kissed his thigh. "But I've done it to myself too. Sometimes it's a difficult art."

"They do seem finicky."

"All pussies are," she joked. "Sorry. This huge tongue takes some getting used to."

"Oh no." He stroked her cheek. "It covers so much more. I like it."

"Ha. I thought size wasn't important."

"And how would I know yet?" His indignant hand left her head and headed for his hip.

Her mouth puckered, impressed with his newfound wit.

The red carpet unrolled once more, carefully probing apart each of his lips. She lapped up the thick juices from his box. It wasn't the tastiest treat she'd ever had but the musky aroma was quite arousing.


Harry sighed and patted her on the head, pausing things to work his own fingers between his legs. He plied back his thick muff for her and when Molly pulled back to give him more room... the image froze in his mind.

That flat, carpeted crotch... the target of his every male fantasy... those delicate pink nails dividing it down the middle... Pink dimples rising up where the follicles strained...

He bucked his hips to get just a hint of that red wishbone and delicately glistening dot.

There was that man's face perched just above it, plastered with a broad dirty grin. She had the view he so often wanted... tasted the things he wanted to...

He threw in his second hand, stretching everything as wide as possible.

"Stop staring," he frowned.

It made him jealous.

He snickered as Molly curled her tongue up into another giant egg roll.

She was going to...


She was fucking him with it. Finally. He couldn't decide to moan or giggle.

Her hands slithered to his nipples while she pumped as much saliva into him as she could.

She pulled out and suddenly her wet edges brushing his knuckles while she lapped generously over his small box, grazing his clit just enough as that powerful tongue of hers paddled deep between his lips.

He waited for an opening, then shifted a finger over and plied one of her hands from his breasts. Raising it high in the air, he meshed his fingers with hers.

She bent the wrist back and pressed him to the cold glass.

His legs spread even further, arching after her mouth.

"Yeah," she sighed playfully. He was coming to her now, grinding into her raspy surface at his own pace, hips rising under her...

It was such a trip to taste each of his tiny surfaces. That salty sexuality. Sniffing his excitement. Her mouth watered and poured its juices with his as she ironed out all the short rumples.

She grabbed his other hand and pushed it to the window, letting him savor his helplessness in the face of her assault.

His stomach billowed up, ribs poking at the tight skin encasing them.

He cried out in the night.

His knees pulled higher in the air. His bottom shook in a frenzy.

She finally released him. His hands fell about her head like hammers, tugging and massaging her short black hair as she parted his thatch again.

She plunged a finger in and moved back for one quick look at the glistening sea beneath her.

Now came the test of her true strength.

She went directly to his clitoris, thumping it with her wet feeler. She found it unaccustomedly hard to flutter like that.

She met less resistance flicking it side to side. The speed was better too.

Yeah. Much better. Better than her fingers, she saw on his face.

Would his head pop off?

Time to rub that sweet spot again.

She curled the finger lodged in his juicy flesh.

She chuckled and peeled his hand from the horn.

Giving it all the pressure she could, she pinch his clit and vagina closer together.

His long scream went up another octave.

She couldn't press much more with her tongue. She was tiring out.

Finally... she sighed to herself. His fever broke.

He blinked and looked down at her, batting his long lashes.

"What is that?" he panted. "That spot you rubbed that made me go weak in the knees??" Spot...? Oh. 'Spot.' He drew another deep breath. "Did we finally find a g-spot?"

"I think," she laughed.

"Imagine that... Gasp. Still want your money back on the book?"

"No. It's an incredible orgasm all right."

"It's fucking fantastic. I wish you could do it. Thank you." He cupped her face. "Ooooohhhh."

"I wish I could too," she muttered. She wasn't sure she wanted all of her old parts back. She squeezed his cheek. "And don't honk the horn next time." She couldn't hear all his screeches. How inconsiderate...

"I'll apologize to the neighbors in the morning."

She crawled above him and stared in his eyes while he caught his breath.

Was she going to do it here? he wondered.

No. Her hardness dangled comfortably over his stomach.

She stroked his bangs back.

He was anxious to go forward but just as strangely content to sit here like this and just be with her.

Was she preoccupied by the same thoughts that had gone through his mind after the blow job?

"What are you thinking about?" she whispered.

"About us. How much I love you."

"Yeah. I thought so."

He giggled. "Women are strange..." He straightened up. "So'd you like the view?"

"We're strange?... Yeah," she chuckled back. "I did like the view. Strange is fun."

"It is fun, isn't it? Now you know why I enjoy it so much."

"Yeah. You're such a pervert." She scratched her stubble. "Only it doesn't feel perverted. It's... erotic. A part of my love that I can't separate now. Like they're fighting to be on top."

"Mm. It is odd. I like those thoughts too.... I mean I have them as a man, but it's like it's upside down right now. Whenever I thought of you it was... I see you but I see your parts too, you know?... your anatomy, your pretty face. It kind of rises to the top when I'm thinking of sex like this. Now it's just..."

She flopped on him. "You want to hold me," she chuckled.

"Yeah." He grinned. "It's funny understanding each other like this."

"Yeah, it is. It's nice. I hope it lasts."

"Lasts?! I want my old perverted mind back." He pecked her cheek and pinched her. "These are weird instincts. You know when you mentioned cookies, I started thinking about the kitchen..." His jaw dropped open. "I realized I didn't have the faintest idea how to cook. I almost cried. I started wondering if I couldn't make them somehow on the backyard barbecue." She laughed. "Weeeelllll..." He pursed. "It was the only place I'd never screwed food up."

"Yeah," she chuckled. "I know. I've got this urge to belch and swill beer."

He giggled as she gave him a warm, wet kiss. "I've got that one too..." He fumbled for the overhead light switch. As darkness descended, he licked the luscious residue from his lips. The musky mustache she'd given him would drive him nuts the rest of the night.

Molly sighed in the shadows. She jiggled the glove compartment again and soft light washed over his peachy cheeks.

"I just meant I hope we always understand each other like this. I want what I had too. It's what I'm used to." She thumped her chest. "I don't think too many people would adjust well to calling this guy 'Molly.'" She pinched his side. "Or you Harry. There's nothing hairy about you." Thank goodness. She hated a hairy woman.

He grinned. Then he plucked at his bushy pubes brushing her side. She looked down with him at them.

"Even so... they could be trimmer," he complained.

Just like a woman. "I'll shave you tonight."

"You will not!" He slapped her cheek. "I itch enough down there."

"Not so hot for it when it's you, huh?" Got him again....

"OK," he replied quietly.


"You can shave them if you really want... not here of course. Later... if, you know," he shrugged, "it turns out things don't work back out."

"What? So you can get me to shave tomorrow night?"

"Huh? No... A guy would look stupid without it. Besides, yours really isn't hiding anything like mine."

Oh... she realized. If. He wasn't trying to blackmail her. "That's sweet of you."

He arched an eyebrow. Yeah, so? The itch would be pretty minor next to all his... her other problems. He'd be permanently stuck a 'her', wouldn't he? Who'd care about pubic hair? They'd both be out of jobs.

And he'd have to learn to cook.


He tugged at her chest hairs, not really knowing why it'd become one of his favorite way of touching her.

"I'm horny again."

"Good. I was beginning to worry you were sliding back into your old male habits."

"Was that why you stopped everything? I thought you were being sweet and just wanted to talk."

The eyes rolled back in her head. She started to pant and flap her palms up and down like wings. She moaned and let loose a falsetto yell. He pinched her and she broke out in smiles. "The way you looked thrashing around... I thought it took it all out of you."

"I really look like that?" He blushed. "Some are worse than others, I guess."

"What? Habits?"

"No. Orgasms. But I'm fine, really. Let's get down to business. My pussy's hungry and feeding on your finger wasn't enough."

"Got the ache, huh?"

"Yeah." Was that what women called it?

Harry reached into the pile that had spilled on the floor, grabbed one of the plastic squares and ripped it open.

That old familiar surgical smell greeted his nostrils.

His thighs warmed again.

Molly pulled her seat forward enough to get its back down once again. She locked it into place and spread a thick towel over it.

She sat back on her powerful haunches and faced him, her proud, broad pole pointing at him like a cannon.

"Here." Harry leaned over with a thumb on each end of the rolled-up condom, working it over her head.

Damn. He couldn't even get an OK sign around her, it was so big.

Why was she pulling his hands up?

He jerked an elbow angrily back, struggling to get out of her insistent grip.

"But I wanted to try," she complained. "We don't know how long this is going to last and I wanted to know what it was like for you."

He sighed.

Hadn't she done it enough?

Well maybe not from his side. "No." He rolled it the rest of the way off for her. "I'll get a new one. We got plenty." He didn't want to take any chances. He frowned as he fumbled with the remains of the pharmacy bag again. "You should have bought a diaphragm too. Or a spermicide."

She looked down at her monstrous erection, then over at her husband's narrow waist.

Should she tell him about the problems with large men? She'd thought about getting him a diaphragm, but it probably wouldn't fit right. Even then, it might not stay on well if this thing started banging his womb...

Well... It'd been a long time since she'd had a man who could abuse her uterus like that. She didn't miss it at all but... there had been times she got so lost in passion such stuff didn't bother her. Hopefully it would be the same with him. Once or twice... at just the right times it was strangely nice...

"Well? What are you waiting for? Forget how? Put it on, big man."

"Huh? Oh..." The rubber circle looked like half a pair of rolled up pantyhose... Had she said as much? "Why are you laughing? Well it does. It goes on the same way."

It felt so strange going over those wrinkled veins... Thin too. Sort of like a second skin...

"I'm sorry the feel won't be as good."

She cupped his face. "It'll be fantastic. Like it has been so far." She kissed him. "It's a small price to pay." She sat down on the seat and spread her knees apart, patting her tummy out of habit.

"I don't want to be on top," he pouted. "I want to be on the bottom, I said. Remember?"

She sighed. She had to stop thinking like the girl. "OK. Let's switch then."

"Why do we need to switch?"

"So you can get in the seat. It's the only one that goes back all the way."

"So? You're gonna be on top of me anyway. Why do you have to move?"

"You're right. I just..." She hadn't fully realized that. "I don't want to squash you." Again... she grimaced.

"I know. I worry about the same thing but I figure... men and women have been doing this for thousands of years. It'll have to work out." Right...? He stroked his bushy pubes. "Why else would my body want it...? You do want to be on top, don't you?"

"Honey, I want to be everywhere all over you."

He snorted. "Yeah. I know that feeling too..." He sighed. "Though... if you've got something else you prefer we can- "

"Nononono. I want to be on top. You're not getting out of it that easily."

He grinned. "Good... And I don't want out of anything. In, in..." He poked her hard chest emphatically.

She did another push up and swept an inviting hand under herself. "Madam... your seat is ready."

"Thank you."

Harry did another awkward crawl across the car, wondering if the rest of him wouldn't end up black and blue from what they were about to do.

He searched around for a piece of clothing and slid it under the joint in the seat.

Molly pulled his head up and placed some crumpled sheets under him. He spread his hair over rear cushions with a pleasant smile.

"More comfy?"

"A lot. You've got real style."

"All the ladies say I know how to show them a good time."

"I bet... Ready?" He batted the narrow bulb of air in the front of her condom.

"You're, uh... gonna be in for a little shock."

"I know. Just put it in."

"Not that. I mean... you've got some... I think there's a bit of a hymen down there. Not much. If it is one, it's pretty thin." She shrugged. "Sorry. I don't know for sure. Yours is only the second pussy I've seen up close. And I haven't ever really seen a hymen anyway. You couldn't feel it when my fingers went in but with this monster between my legs..."

It did feel a bit tight around the edges when she probed him... He shrugged back. "Ah, don't worry about it. I always wanted to pop one anyway." He giggled and patted her butt.

"You pervert... I guess this will be the first for both of us." He shot her a funny look. "I never really had one, remember? Didn't I tell you?"

"No. You told me about when you lost your virginity. I always assumed..."

"Yeah, but I didn't have a hymen. Some girls aren't born with much of one. My mom said it varies a lot. Maybe I did something to it as a girl. Who knows?"

"It's not important," he said, patting her cheek.

"Yeah. It's not. I just didn't want you to think anything was wrong."


What did he mean it's not important?

Rats. She had his dirty mind all right. It was important.

"What?! What are you grinning about now?"

"Your new friend thinks it's important."

He grinned with her and wrapped his hand around its throbbing stiffness. "Yeah. He is getting harder. He likes cherries... So it turns you on, huh?"

She winked. "Hope you have one every night we come out here."

"We'll see," he smirked. "Now do the deed."

"Guide me in, baby. I'm all yours."

"Oh yeah. I keep forgetting about my part." Yeah. That's where it was... The hollow rubber tip grazed his valley. He spread himself open with his other hand. Where was everything again? The parts were so small but there was another spot he definitely didn't want it- Her rear tensed. "Wait it's not quite- unghhhh..."

A popping vibrated through his supple thighs like ripples in a bath. The whole ring snapped apart. He could feel each segment breaking all at once.

He forced his head to the seat and gritted his teeth.

Molly knew from her own experience not to stop. And she honestly tried taking it gingerly but... her butt moved with a mind of its own. The rhythm came so naturally to her... the thrusting... She had to feed that enormous phallus.

"Are you OK, sweetie?"

His head shook positively. He still wouldn't open his eyes.

"It'll pass fairly quickly." She hoped...

A gasp escaped him. The lines in his neck strained.

He'd taken so much of her that first thrust.

She worked half-way out of him. He was so damned tight. It was great, meeting resistance from those slick, narrow walls... forcing them open with her tip... feeling them fall back as she retreated... the delicious tension lighting up her tingling rod...

She'd half expected the feeling to drop off when she plunged in... just out of habit but it didn't. She could feel all those hidden parts of him, parts he'd never feel himself. The warm slick silk was delightful. What a shame women couldn't sense all of it as well. He fit like a wonderful calfskin glove...

How far could she go?

There she was. Bottoming out. He could get seven inches in? She was astonished.

And a little displeased. She wanted more. She wanted all the way. He'd gotten it all in his mouth...

Maybe after he stretched a little...

Something else wasn't quite right.

Was he too tight?

"My rod feels a little sore, sweetie. Am I doing something wrong?"

"YOU feel sore? Uh." His eyes peeked open. "NNNNNNunh. You're fuckin'... uh... huge..." What? Oh... "Relax. Uh... It's your second... NNNNN... time."

Second time for what? Oh that. "It gets worse each time?..." Shoot. "You must have been dying on our honeymoon."

"I thought I... UNH... broke it... you got no... Ooooh! right to complain... aaahh... that's it..."

"I got the rhythm, huh?"

"Yeah." His trashed snatch was finally warming to her invader.

"You're so fuckin' tight, sweet meat."

Harry couldn't do anything but smile back. His head fell sideways as he gnawed his knuckles. "How come you're having trouble talking? Grunt. It's never been a problem for me from either end."

He put a hand up against her big hairy chest.

"So... big... uhh!"

"You feel any pain deep inside?" Was that the tip of his cervix she kept punching?

"Don't... unh! worry... fine..." he whispered.

"Just fuck your brains out, huh?"

He nodded weakly and bit his lip. He spread his limp hands over his head. He just didn't have it in him to play with his bouncing tits. Their liquid movement alone was overwhelming him.

Could she do it? Molly wondered. Just how strong were these arms?

She shifted her weight to one elbow and reached down between his legs.

Where was that tiny thing? All that damn hair. Shit it was hard to find when it wasn't on you...

He whelped.

"Sorry. Did I hurt you?"

He shook his head and smiled. Beads of sweat rolled through his matted hair.

She found it under her thumb again and slowly massaged the hood, immediately setting loose all sorts of whimpers from her husband.

Damn. His pussy was so compact, her dick was already dragging on his clit. Her thumb just sandwiched it. No wonder he whined.

How was she supposed to tell what felt good for him if he kept making sounds like that? Did she do that to him too? The hard to read thing again?

She gazed into his eyes. She was definitely getting it right. The way his chin dimpled and flinched with each thrust...

It turned her on. The fact that she couldn't tell if she was hurting or pleasuring him... the ambiguity actually turned her on.


The way his delicate fingers pressed hopelessly against her muscular chest as she quenched her desires in him. It was so arousing... those funny red splotches on his neck and chest.

It was wonderful. He really couldn't stop her from having her way with him.


She could.

She couldn't move fast enough like this.

That blowjob really had been as perfect as it'd felt. She was having to work for this bit of delight.

No wonder he liked oral sex. Women had this part easy.

Easy? That darling face was certainly getting a workout. Pain and joy... was it both?

What a thrill...

She put her palms over his and pinned him to the seat. She could pound him even harder stretched out like this.

His powerlessness and vulnerability... the arms twisting under her... all that female flesh quivering below...

Her prick further stiffened at the sight of his weakness.

She was shocked at the urges bubbling up. She had to pound those prancing tits harder... faster... she wanted all those corny things men said in bed to come true... and she knew he wanted them too... so amazing two people could want completely different things... and they turned out to be the same..

Her balls sloshed back and forth under her. They pounded nicely on his soft butt, almost tickling that sweet spot between them.

They wouldn't hurt after this would they?

His feet curled around her firm bottom, a knee wedged uncomfortably over the door lock.

He moaned and arched his bottom up.

Damn! He was off the seat! Sliding closer...

"Gnugh... gnugh..." she boomed. Those baritone grunts she loved bellowed from her own lungs now...

His insides were scorching. She'd never thought it would get this warm so deep inside.

He gasped even harder. Great. She loved making him sound like that...

"Nuynh.... nunhoh. Oh. Ow. Honey... ooh!... honey... unh... you're on my... ow... hair."

She relaxed her grip. He folded his hands under his shuddering puddles while she swept his tousled mane to the side. Those sizable tits flopped back and forth over his arms like water spilling from a cup.

Her arms went rigid over his head again.

Shoot. She'd forgotten all about his clit. Did he need it rubbed? She liked having her body stiff as a board like this. Could she manage it with one hand? She didn't want his butt to drop again.


"Rub yourself." His eye perked up. "Go on. Do it you little tart."

His frazzled face managed a faint grin.

Obediently, his right arm slithered between his legs.

"Yeah... your tits look even better..."Their soft jelly was bouncing uncontrollably now. " grunt... with just one arm... uh... holding them."

His first instinct was to circle her shaft... feel its condom-covered hardness passing through his fingers... passing into him...

He felt the raw space where she entered, its dull throb all but subsumed by the surrounding pleasure. It was still a little irritated... but the rest felt so good.

She sucked his flesh into a cone when she pulled out... then turned it back into a crater on the next stroke... making those sucking, squishy noises he could actually feel...

It was huge, he realized. The thing going into him was huge. No wonder it felt like he was passing a Mac truck.

And yet it was delicious. The wider the better.

He wished he had more feeling up in his vagina. She hadn't prepared him for that disappointment... that spot where the universe slipped away into nothing... vanishing dully...

And yet it was so good anyway, even in those few inches.

And there was a charming knock deeper in the darkness... something brushing him... a pressure farther inside... some delicious thing quenching that sweet ache...

His own parts suddenly felt so big, like they stretched up in him forever, pressed further and further by all that friction. He'd never realized it would be as much length-wise as sideways. But it was. He kept feeling it go there too... She pulled him in every direction... the thinner his skin the better it felt...

"Come on, pretty baby. Play with yourself for me..."

He sighed and managed another smile.

He brought his fingers back up.

A streak of dark pink.


She'd been right.

A thrill shot through him, opening his legs further to his wife.

Take it all, baby...

He twiddled limply at his clit. The nails were such a bother... and he couldn't risk a slash to her rubber skin.

He missed those hands again, that weight bearing down on his wrists. It was marvelous when she held him that way.

He left his breasts to their merry journey and sensuously snaked his other arm up to hers, stroking her wrists and pulling suggestively at her elbows.

Her eyes were so dull.

"Please," he murmured, running a nail under her tough palms. She lifted each and pinned him again, brightening his face. "Thanks," he grunted.

So he loved being held down too... she realized.

She looked at their joined crotches and reveled at the paradox of it all. They were finally doing what they'd had in mind at the ticket window.

Only she was sinking an impossibly huge torpedo into him...

It kept disappearing and reappearing like magic... into that tight pink ring his pussy had collapsed into.

"Come on. Play, honey. I want it to be good for you too."

It was good, he frowned. That broad, tingling friction on the tense skin running up into him...

Could he survive 'better'?

He massaged his prissy eraser stub. She almost sucked it down with all his other flesh... she was right on it... those tiny lips that bent in and out under her onslaught... kept tugging... he couldn't pull up enough... his weak arms were sure to loose the war.

The stretching... why did the stretching...

He couldn't think.

"NNNNNNNNNNNN." He shuddered. His thighs strengthened their lock on her, hips shooting stiff.

The shocks threw his hand from his crotch. He flexed it out above him, begging her arms to get under their embrace.

The blood rushed to his head.

She wouldn't stop... wouldn't let up... The constant drilling only sharpened the throb.

A pause... please, a pause...

His fussy bud was super-sensitive... please...

Could he stop her? She pinned both his hands again... and he he'd forgotten speech...

No... not again...

Another surge.

His bit his lip, smothering yet another squeak.

Having his body extended like this... arms straight out... it heightened the exhilaration...

His golden mane lurched in wild abandonment.

She felt him spasm one last time. His muscles seemed so much weaker than before. Did she fill him that much? He'd certainly been snug for her finger.

She still couldn't believe she was making all the suction noises. Usually she just lay there, letting them come to her like some secret language she tried to read... but now they marked time at her discretion. It was her thrusting, her rhythm. He moved to it, all from her cues.

And he was absolutely amazing. His ass still hovered in the air, locked around her. He ground against her bushy pubes every chance she gave him, every time she pushed deep. She'd nudge his womb and he'd arch even higher, desperately trying to carve out an extra bit of space inside himself. But still she banged that cervix and still he whimpered pleasantly.

She hoped he wouldn't get sore from this. But it was something she couldn't stop. She finally had all the control and her dick wanted to go harder and faster. It had all the control.

His body grew quiet again and tensed for another orgasm. He yelped, dimples aquiver again. His hands labored to escape.

She particularly loved it when he did that.

Shit. He was having them all over the place.

And she wasn't having any. It was taking longer this time.

Was she incompetent about some part of it? Where was the clock? It didn't seem like it'd been as long.

And the head of her dick didn't feel as large. What was with that?

The power trip was beginning to lose its luster.

Did guys get bored easily with the same position?

She let his hands go and scooped up his shoulders. He opened his eyes in surprise as she slowly she lowered their intertwined pelvises back to earth.


She fell on top of him, flattening his warm breasts like shock absorbers. He smiled at her a moment as their liquid march stopped. Then his sexual grimace returned.


She could hold him but they couldn't kiss. He could only nibble meekly at her shoulder.

It was touching the way he kissed at her small, dull nipples.

His soft hand fell from her back again. He gasped more.

What was this? Three? Four now?

All the oral attention must have put him on that plateau.

She wanted to see his eyes...

She twisted her back as much as she could.

Shoot. This being a man thing was tougher than she thought. Even with muscles.

She cupped his face and turned him to her. He reached up and took hers in his own hands, running his finger through the fine black carpet on her scalp.

She finally came forward for a kiss, cocking his cute blonde head to the side. They locked lips.

Muffling them only made his moans more seductive.

His strong perfume mixed with the male sweat and residual musk on her lip, further arousing their confused noses.

His pretty blue irises stared deeply into her, gluing her to the wide black dots trapped within.

They'd changed so much in size tonight... hers were about to change too...

Faster... just a little longer... there it came again... the surge... not quite as forceful as before, but sweeter and more diffuse... all those sore, hard working muscles in her back tingled too...

Then it washed over her, flushing the sweat from her skin. Every pore jumped alive this time.

Her bicep jittered.

She broke the kiss off as the shudder overtook her jaw. Her head slumped to his shoulder, filling his ear with strained grunts. Nails dug gently into her tense back.

"I love you," he whispered.

The cum bubbled from her balls again. He gasped as she plunged her twitching cock to the hilt.

She had to get it all in him... She finally understood why her butt clenched so much...

Damn, she sighed. The condom. She just made a mess of herself. Again.

She wanted it in him...

Her cheek trembled next to his as she drained into him. She felt so weak at this moment. The muscles in her stomach buckled. The surge was taking it all out of her again... sapping...

How could she feel so vulnerable, so helpless... yet so safe? Wasn't she the strong one now?

His hands... those small but caring hands wrapped around her...

Where did her new strength go?

The shallow peaks of tension became smaller and smaller.

The ramming slowly drew to a close on its own, as nature released the two lovers from her grip.

Molly collapsed on him, calling forth another polite 'uhf.'

There was a long period of silence, broken only by quiet breathing.

Neither moved.

Both stared into the distance, totally spent.


To Be Continued...

Unisex By Unilever


Slowly he began to pet and stroke her neck.

The warm breath left his ear. His breasts sprang back to shape as the weight of her hard chest lifted.

She looked him square in the eye.

Every line in their faces was calm. Each was too awed to smile.

They kissed for several minutes, filling the void with wet sounds of tenderness.

He could feel her gently sliding from him. Finally. The softening brought him much needed relief.

Was she right about getting raw? Maybe she should have gotten some lubrication with the condoms. His felt tired out.


He remembered why he was sore.

She finally sat up on her elbows and smiled down, daring to break the comfortable impression their bodies had formed together.

Her back stretched out, sending he soaring above him. The last of her slipped away.

He missed it.

His walls fell shut. The strange new sphincter between his thighs closed rapidly... empty...

He smiled back at her.

How could being suddenly left like that make him feel so close with her?

"Did you come?" he asked. "Was it good for you?"

She chuckled and pinched his cheek. "Yeah," she sighed. "Want to taste this batch too?"

He felt her reaching for the rubber. She was so much smaller against his thigh.

"No. Let me."


"Whaaa..." He embraced her waist again with his legs. A thick, hairy arm worked behind his back. Why was she collecting him like this? She pushed back from the seat and in a flash, she'd spun them around like a tornado and flopped on the cushions.

Damn. He'd have another bruise for his knee.... but he could never tell her that, not after just now.

"My back needs the rest," she explained, sighing from the effort.

"It's OK. I wanted to be on top next time anyway."

"Next time?!" she protested. It was worse than before. Every part of her was in full retreat. Especially her gonads. She'd wind up with a flat crotch again for sure.

She closed her eyes and actually saw an orange basketball in her hands.

This was bad.

She heard a rubbery thwack as the white pouch slipped from her cowered organ. Her all too short member bounced with a sticky flop.

"Guess you were right," he said.

Huh? "Oh gross." She pushed his hand away.

"It's just a little blood." Some big man. "Isn't that what you always say?" he teased.

"Yeah. It's not so bad in this context. In fact... it's kinda..." She smiled and eyed his navel as she tried to sort out the strange, warm feelings floating through her.

"I know." They kissed again. "You lost your virginity too, you know."

"Yeah. Thanks sweetie." She kissed him. "I'm glad it didn't break anything on me though." Though... maybe it had. She looked down at her cock again and plucked at its increasingly limp form with a frown. Maybe men always broke something during sex. Like Frankenstein running out of juice. "It's wilting again."

"What?!" he laughed. "I guess that's one way of looking at it."

"It's like someone let the air out of my tires."

"Well you wouldn't want to run around all day with it like that, would you? What would the neighbors think?" He put a hand on the dash and waved out the window with another. "Hey, Al! How are ya? Just mowin' the lawn today. Whoops. Sorry I blinded your kid there..."

She punched him. "Stop!... It's like it keeps going to sleep on me."

He rubbed his shoulder. "I thought you were done putting black spots on me."

"Sorry. I'll try to be more of a gentleman."

"Oh, you were..." He fell on her in a shower of kisses.

But he couldn't get past the feeling of a child monkeying around on top of some living jungle gym. She could turn over any minute and toss him to the floor like the bag from the store.

"It's like it's got a mind of its own."

"Huh?" Oh. She was still pondering the shriveling between her legs. "No it doesn't." He thumped her temple. "It's the same dirty mind... Didn't you always say guys were single-minded?... now boobs..." He tugged at a nipple until the surrounding flesh rippled. "Boobs have a mind of their own. Definitely. Running off everywhere without asking." His jaw dropped. "And they get so stiff... but they never get hard... like all the rest of me. Like I broke something..."

"Erections in your tits?" she said with sarcasm. "I'd certainly be blind by now."

Shoot. He still had it in his hand. He set the pink-streaked condom down on the gym bag by her head, looking over the blood on it again.

Did he need to clean up between his legs? Before the juices got cold and stale? Would he need a tampon for blood like that?

What was it she did in the bathroom again? How did all that work?

Maybe he could get it later with a towel. It wasn't going anywhere. He wanted to lay here with her.

With a finger dawdling in her short chest hairs, he daydreamed about what it would be like spending all day with a string hanging between his legs.

Could you feel it while you were walking?

"Do you miss yours?"

"My what?"


"It's next week. How could I miss it yet?"

"Oh.... Well is it something you think you'd miss? Would it make it hard to keep track of time or something?"

"That's what clocks are for silly..." She tickled him. "No, I wouldn't be walking around two weeks from now with a set of big hairy balls worrying if I'm pregnant."

He giggled. "It wasn't what I meant."

"I know." She winked. "Ask again in two weeks." Her head cocked to the side. "Did you put make-up on while I was gone?"

"Just a little of the lipstick I found in your purse."

"The gloss, you mean?"

"Yeah. You're not upset, are you?"

"Not at all. You look even cuter."

"Thaaaaanks..." he said meekly. "Just noticing, huh?" He smirked. "Typical."

"No," she chuckled. "I noticed earlier. I was just too damn horny. You kept putting the breaks on things and I wanted to get going."

"I know. Usually... usually we're good about not bringing all that stuff into the bedroom but... I don't know. Tonight it seems there's so much to talk about."

"I know." She stroked his soft shoulders. "I feel it too... Sorry about landing on your hair." She straightened some of the wet clumps. "Did you really enjoy me pinning you down like that? You know. Holding your arms up?"

"Oh yes, sweetie. Something about... I don't know. Feeling weak under you?" Was that how she felt? But it wasn't domination so much...

"I thought you might like it. Call it women's intuition." He pinched her for that remark. "I need to buy you a comb... Oh that's silly. There's one in my purse. Can you hand it to me?"

"Yes, I know," he sighed. He yanked at his tangled strands. "I'll work on it some more."

"Sorry, honey. If we had longer I'd braid it for you."

"I hope you'll take it the right way, but I hope we don't have the time."

"I know..."ÊShe kissed him. "Want your sock back?"

He rummaged around the floor and pulled a blue one out of her shoes. "The color's better."

She laughed. "It's fuckin' ten at night in a dark car and I'll be the only one who ever sees you. Shit you're getting into this role."

Harry propped a hand on his hip. "And so are you," he complained, hitting her with the sock.

"OK. OK." She sighed. "I wish I'd worn pink. Oh, well. A blue bow for the boy who's not a boy anymore." He pivoted and sat on her stomach, letting her comb out his silky long hair. She winced at a knot that broke off in the teeth.

He only sighed more agreeably.

He wished he could lie back against her while those strong fingers plowed deliciously through his locks.

"It didn't hurt did it?"

"What?" he asked.

"When I got on your hair?"

"I'm fine... more than fine..." he hummed.

She frowned. She knew she wouldn't get a straight answer out of him. His perky cheeks had that glow.

"There." It looked close enough to a bow. But would he like it?

He tossed his ponytail playfully about and pecked her in gratitude.

"So when can we go again?"

She snickered. "It's gonna be a while... I'm not even sure..." Her voice trailed off into hesitation.

"Ssshh." He patted her shoulder. "Nothing to feel bad about, big boy." He doodled around her nipple. "I mean, I rarely get past two anymore. It doesn't mean I don't love you."

"I want to and everything..."

"Of course... we'll just wait and see what nature intended for tonight." She sighed. "Relax..." he whispered. "I love you. You've already given me more than enough fun..."

He wished he'd never said anything about it. It wasn't her fault.

The emotions running through her must be as quirky to her as those in him. She knew in the abstract what was inevitable but actually feeling it... losing interest like that, even when you didn't want to... particularly when he hadn't just now... bodies forcing you to do things...

He was so sad about all those times he was just too worn out...

Should he be?

He was ready to go again but... he didn't necessarily need to. He wasn't lying. The fun they'd had was more than adequate. Just being held in her strong arms was enough now... just to lie here together, hiding out from the world for a while...

She propped her broad leg up on the dash and stroked its short curls back and forth. He turned on his side and joined in. It moved like grass in the wind...

"I am definitely NOT helping you shave those suckers."

"I was just thinking that," she laughed. "So you don't like my new legs?"

"I like them fine." He fluffed up the wool on her washboard stomach. "I'm just not helping you shave anymore."

"I am a big hairy ape. Even for my tastes."

"You're fucking King Kong." He wiggled her limp weenie, still unusually large. "You're so big everywhere... I used to run from guys like that. They beat the hell out of you in high school."

"Yeah," she sighed. "But it was a delightful beating..."


"I know what you mean" she smirked.

"Yoouuuu!" He sat up on his elbow. "You never told me about that..."

"I love you way too much... but one girl to another," she snickered. "We never got past heavy petting, unfortunately. I was still a virgin. And he was so aggressive he kind of scared me. But... for years I wondered what it would have been like to fuck his brains out..."

"And now...?"

"And now I know."

They burst out in laughter.

"I really do love you." She patted his well-rounded thigh. "It was never a fantasy of mine and I've got no complaints in bed."

"Ditto..." He broke out in smiles again. "But he was a good fuck..."

"Did I get it right? You had fun didn't you?"

"Several times," he purred. "You did fine for a virgin."

"So did you."

"I wasn't really a virgin. I was a lesbian," he corrected her with a pinch. "You showed me the error of my ways. Saved a maiden from a fate worse than death." He gave her a kiss.

She chuckled. "Even that wasn't so bad... I wouldn't mind doing it again if we figure the trick out..."

"Yeah. It was sweet too."

"It's funny. I like it more in retrospect for some reason."

"Yeah. It's lost a bit of appeal for me... But I'd still like to do it... something on the side... not the main course." He stared at the dark velvet on the ceiling. "We should get out of the bathroom though. Find a place we can make out... lie down... I think I'd like that as a woman... you would too..."

"Yeah." She stroked his ponytail. "Got any desire to visit the men's room together?"

"Ugh. Not really."

"Me neither. Doesn't quite seem equitable but... Yeah, I know what you mean."

Maybe if he'd gone with her like in the ladies room she'd feel different.

Oh well...

Where was he going now?

He reached over her and made a stab at one of his gym bags.

Molly had to laugh. His arms were so short, his soft globes dangled across her side, tickling the both of them. She held onto his back to give him balance.

With a triumphant gasp he finally grabbed the two shoes he was looking for.

Why was he pulling on the laces like that?

"What are you doing?"

"Huh?" He sighed as leaned back on her stomach.

Rats. She missed that tickle.

"Where's your ring?" he asked.

"What? Uh... in my purse, I think. Why?"

"Good. I was hoping you wouldn't say your wallet. I mean my wallet. No telling what the toilet sprite might do if we got them mixed up."

"Want to find out?" she teased.

"Not really..." He fumbled on the floor by her legs. "Where is it? Oh. Never mind... Here. Pull the string out of this one for me, will you?"

"What's the matter? Can't get it all by yourself?"

"Please. It's just a shoelace. It's not like one of those child-proof soda bottles." He grinned. "I'm sure you can handle it fine on your own... But if the shoe fights back, let me know. I'll defend you. I hear women are good with shoes... Is that really true?" He took it from her and peered inside it. "Yeah. I think it's properly intimidated. It won't give you any trouble."

"All right," she chuckled.

The cosmetics in her handbag rustled around. "Got it.... Hold your wrist up?"

"Well which do you want? Screw with the shoe or- "

"Men," he huffed. "Just give me your hand... No. The other one." He yanked the white string tight between his fingers, twirling her golden band on it. He circled it around her wrist, looping it through the ring and carefully tying it with a double knot.

"I know they don't fit our fingers anymore, but I thought we should wear them just the same." He smirked. "You know what mom thinks of sex out of wedlock."

What would she think of sex out of body? He giggled uncontrollably.


"Oh nothing."

"What did I do?"

"It's not got anything to do with you."

"Chicks," she sighed.

"Oh honestly. I was simply thinking about mother. She'd flip if she saw us like this."

"She would... Maybe we should sneak your folks into the ladies room."

He frowned. "Even my old dirty mind's not that dirty." His lips pursed. "Besides. They'd never go in the same one. Even if you switched the signs. And could get the both of them in the same building. You know how they are... but why are you picking on my folks? Yours are pretty stodgy too."

"Yeah... That got it? Is it going to stay?"

"Oh yeah."

"Will it come off easily too?"

"It should. Especially when your hand shrinks back."

She pulled the last of the string from his other shoe. "Oh... we'd probably better not do that with you."

"Why?" he pouted.

"I don't want your hand to get cut off or anything when you change."

"Oh." Wait. That didn't... "Well did you exactly burst out of your bra when you changed? I mean your clothes don't look destroyed or anything."

"Have you looked at my blouse? Would you like to know where the buttons are?"

"It really did that?"

"Yup..." She'd taken her ring off in advance but was too stupid to... "But for some reason my bra became unhooked..." she mused. "Hmm. Maybe it isn't..."

"It's Ok. A necklace or something else would be just as nice."

"No. Give me your hand... We, uh... we should both take them off before... you know. I mean, I could end up even bigger or something. Who knows?"

He frowned. "Big is nice but... um..." His eyes drifted down her chest in dejection.

"Any more differences and I'll get arrested for child molestation."

"Yeah," he snorted.

"How do you like it? Is it too tight?"

"No." He twirled his wrist. The gold band glimmered as it flipped back and forth. "I like it. Thanks."

"It was your idea." She kissed him. "Thank you."

"You like it?"

"It's pretty. Yeah. Reminds me of the jewelry we used to cook up at slumber parties." He giggled. "Where are you going? Don't. Just... Can we just lay here a minute?"

"Sure. I was... never mind." He sighed. "Scoot over a little?... Thanks. It's hard to lay on top of you like that. They get pinched." He shifted one of his mammaries as he settled into the crack between her and the doors. "I haven't figured them all out yet."

"They can do that when you try to lie on your stomach... Hey. I guess I can do that now myself."

"Why don't you try it?" He'd never seen her sleeping on her stomach. Even those rare nights when work kept her tossing and turning.

"Maybe later. I like having your head on my shoulder." She stroked his soft belly.

"I could give you a back rub?" he offered.

"I'd enjoy that."

Her hands kept returning to the line in his cleavage. She hoped he didn't think it was sexual. Their tender vitality simply drew her in.

"Mmm. Miss them?" he asked.

"Kind of.... Do you like them?"

"I do..." he hummed. "It's... it isn't always fun being so vulnerable there... like when you had me running back to the bathroom and they flopped everywhere. And they bump stuff but... but it's nice feeling your hand on them. Cozy somehow." He lifted his head off her chest and looked at her. "They comfort things. And things comfort them back." He frowned. "Does that make sense?"

"More than you know... more than..." More now that she didn't have them. "They're nice."

"Yeah. They are."

He shifted them around again like worry beads and she took the opportunity to slip a palm between them.

"You don't mind, do you?"

"No," he sighed. "I like feeling you there..." As long as she didn't squeeze. She seemed to remember enough not to do that. "They wouldn't be much use in pumping iron, though. Why is it everything about women seems to be designed for the bedroom?"

She arched an eyebrow. "Not everything... It's just that your body's..." Saying that to him might be cruel. "Not all women are like that. A lot of strength comes from inside." She tapped the top of his sternum with one of her trapped fingers. "Babies take strength too."

"I guess they do... Did you want to talk about it again?"

"No. Not tonight. Not with everything else going on." She stroked his hair. "But soon. Tomorrow."

"I'm sorry you won't get to play sports or anything. It's fun being strong and running around."

She chuckled. "I know it is. Believe me, I've had a good taste."

"I forgot." He started giggling again. "I guess I count as fair game... Was it good- scoring with me?"

"Yeah." She looked at the roof while she caressed him and started laughing herself. "Vulnerable? You think you're vulnerable with tits. Have any idea what it's like with a nine inch pole wagging around in front of you? The more embarrassed about it I got the more turned on I got. It was infuriating. And I kept getting excited about the idea of a man stranded out in the open like that with a huge erection. And it was me. That was the kicker... I got so stiff it felt like a solid rock, which only made me harder... knowing what it's like inside all that hardness..." she murmured. "I can't imagine what real men do when it just goes up on its own when they're standing in the grocery checkout or something. And sports... what would- "

"Trust me. When you're getting some on a regular basis, it's not a bother. You're just an under-sexed guy. We'll take care of that for you."

"'Gettin some.'" She laughed. Her voice sank even lower. "Yeah I got me some last night," she swaggered. "I got me a little pussy," puckering her lips with an accent on the P.

He giggled. "That's the doctor's remedy to keep it in check... Only when you're a teenager or your wife's out of town a week..."


"I know. Nothing you could do about it."

They cradled each other in silence.

"Still... it's so damned embarrassing getting excited as a man. Everyone knows. How do you put up with it?"

He kissed her. "You're the only one who knows because you're the only one I get that kind of 'excited' around anymore... you know?"

"Sorry... I guess I- "

"Hey. Nothing to worry about. Every guy goes through what you are. It takes some time to, um, get comfortable... handle a body with years of maturity. We're both just a bunch of horny kids trying to cope with new feelings. That's all."

"Because I didn't want you to think- "

"I know you love me. Stop worrying about it. I mean, these tits make me feel fat sometimes but I know you don't think I'm fat. I look in the mirror and I don't think I'm fat even though that weight around my hips takes some getting used to."

She chuckled. "I know. I miss it. I still can't sit right. Your asses are so tiny."

"You'll do fine as long as you never cross your legs."

"Big ouch?"

"With that meat? You bet."

She continued to caress his bosom.

"Blue veins."

"What?" His eyebrow perked up.

"Your skin is so fair. I like the blue veins in your breasts. The way they come to the surface right around your nipples."

"Why thanks. I suppose they are nice."

"Don't you like the thick one running down my left breast?"

"Where? Oh." On her old body. "It's attractive. Sure."

"Different guys are attracted to different things with stuff like that, right?"

"Sure. It's that way with women and men too. Why? Wondering how you got your eye for the ladies?"

She chuckled. "Something like that."

He kissed her chest. "You're different from any other woman I've ever known and you're still the prettiest to me."

"I still am?" She tugged at her chest hair.

"Nooooo." He kissed her again. "I meant the old you... but yeah, this one too, I suppose... It's fun watching you figure it all out. I can see it's still you under there."

He struggled to find that vein flowing from her nipple, but to no avail. He shrugged. Guys would look funny with them.

She didn't think he looked funny with them, did she?

No. She'd just said she liked them.

It's just that they... they seemed to change in odd ways- milky and translucent when the light hit them right. And other times they vanished.

His leg shifted. Some of those hairs were matting together. His rocked his pelvis lightly. Things weren't as comfortable as they had been. It was getting clammy down there.

And sore. It hadn't really stopped being sore.

Oh... sore...

Did he need to do something with that?

"Want me to run out and buy you a douche?" she asked.

"Huh?" Shoot. Was he really scratching his vulva? He glanced back up at her. "Is that what I need?" And were they finished yet? "I can't reach the other bag. Can you pull one of those fresh towels out for me? Thanks. No, a dark one."

He didn't want to erase the warm wrinkles she made in his side. Could he do it still laying here in her arms?

He propped his leg up. "You might want to close your eyes for this."


"I just need a minute to clean up. It's, um... I don't... think I'm still bleeding. But there was a little. I should wipe it off, shouldn't I? Is it safe to just leave it like that? I mean OK, but I don't want to make a mess either." She took the rag from him. "No. I can- "

"Don't be silly. Come on. Sit up."

He frowned as the skin on their sweaty sides snapped apart like a zipper, leaving the world suddenly cooler.

"I don't mind. Really. I'm sorry about what I said earlier. You're not gross."

"No," he whispered. "I wasn't bothered by that... It just feels cold without you near me."

"You're sweet." She plucked his cheek. "Just lay back on me and I'll take care of it all."

"I feel kind of guilty getting you to do this for me."

"Nonsense... spread your legs a little more... I told you I'm fine with it... there. It's hardly noticeable."

"I just meant it's something I ought to be able to do, you know? On my own. I feel totally helpless when it comes to some things."

"We both do. That's why we have each other." She sighed as she pulled apart his labia, exposing the red-streaked grayish foam of leftover sex. She dabbled the towel around his irritated little ring, smearing some saliva in to clean it off. "It's not thick or snotty at all. It's nothing like that. It's mostly pink in fact. In fact... it looks..." She made a complete circle. There was some in his curly hairs that wouldn't come out. That would take soap. "It looks like lipstick." She smiled. "Maybe I left some on you in the bathroom. You think?... There... It looks healed. Does it still hurt?"

"Not as much. More of that 'raw' feeling you talked about..." Did it take girls a few days to adjust to being 'opened'? "Could you feel it break when you first went in?"

"I think so. It actually did feel like a little pop. Nothing you could hear, mind you but... like something had torn open." She let his pussy collapse. "Anything else?"

"No. That's got it." He sat up and crawled back into her arms. "Thanks." He kissed her. "Enjoy the view?"

"Yeah. I'm starting to enjoy it again. Maybe in a few minutes..." she hinted. "So did you enjoy it?"

"The sex? It was wonderful, of course. I doubt we've been this fresh to each other since that first week in the sack."

"Good. What about losing your cherry? What was it like?"

Oh. She'd never done it, had she? "Like you said. A pop. I kind of felt it everywhere, like a vibration. I could feel some little ring or something splitting apart. It was sore some. Then it... it did get better. You were right about that part."

"I'm sorry." She kissed him. "I'm so big too."

"It had to be done," he sighed. "I..." It had hurt... but there was something vaguely satisfying in an emotional sense about it, of surrendering it to her. "I was kind of touched by it. And the size was OK, too. I did get looser eventually." He propped his head up under a hand. "You know, I don't think I every really understood what you meant when you said you didn't have feeling up in there. It was so strange. It felt like a part of my body disappearing. And there was a deeper pressure... a twinge of some kind when you went deep... something about that was nice too, though... but it's hard to say how much was actually pleasure, you know?"

"Yeah. Sometimes it's uncomfortable, but nice anyway."

"Yeah... I keep forgetting how much of this is old hat for you."

She smiled. "Your end was good too."

"I'm glad. So how is virgin wool? Really? Is being tight as good as they say?"

"You!" She punched his side. "I'm plenty tight and you know it."

"Stop!" he giggled.

"Not until you tell me if size is really important."

"Ah! Unh! Stop! I'm just... ah... a defenseless little... girl..." She finally relented with the tickling. Why was she mildly embarrassed? "In the interest of peace between our two genders and on behalf of men everywhere let me say out of my own self-interest, size is not important. And a tight pussy only matters- stop, wait!- if it's between your own legs" he hurried.

Molly scowled at him. "OK. Humph. Men. Always confusing love and anatomy." A broad smile crossed her lips. "But it is as good as they say..." She braced for an onslaught of nails and wagging fingers.

"Thanks. You're sweet," he simply said. "I'm glad." Then the frisky expression she'd expected washed over him as he sat up and straddled her hips. "I think you're ready again. You've got far too much energy."

"You may be right. Check the dipstick."

"Yeah. It feels a little bigger." He took in a deep breath and gazed around the cabin. "Well. I for one am glad we bought American."

"OK. I admit. If we'd waited another model year like I wanted we'd be in deep shit."

He shrugged. "At least it's a stick shift." He looked at the long gear thrusting up from the floor and giggled. "I've always dreamed of fucking you in the car and seeing you slip onto the stick by mistake. Now I'm in position to actually do something about it."

"You've got such a dirty mind, you know that?"

"You gotta admit. The thought of me screwing the transmission gets you hot now, doesn't it? Come on..." he tickled.

"It does. Damn. I've got your dirty mind too..." But it seemed a little sluggish right now. Those free flowing fantasies... they need some conscious stirring along. "Why don't go ahead and put on a show while I rest a little more..." She winked. "Fuck the gearshift for papa?"

Harry gave it a serious second look, the confused battle of perversion and prudence plainly evident on his face. He finally frowned. "It's too hard. I'd probably hurt myself."

"I'm joking. And yes you would. Don't try it at home. Leave it to the professionals... And no I'm not gonna do it either. We'd never get the smell out."

"I know," he grinned. "Oh well." It was still a nice fantasy. He shouldn't let reality spoil it. "Here. Put your finger in me."

"Why just one? I can get so many more in now. Maybe all of them? Yeah. That's getting you wet between the legs, isn't?"


He raised his hips to give her more access, but it was frustrating from this position. His legs wanted to spread more when she touched him. That clit was so close to her pumping digits. Was that why he'd had so many orgasms with her? He wished it was that enjoyable for Molly.

Well... one or two was enough for each of them every night. Sometimes marriage was about parity.

But he could tell she wasn't intent on getting him off just yet. She was playing... doing what all guys did when they got a girl to open her legs.

Oh well. Maybe it would get her hard again in a minute.

Something white caught his eye in the dim light. The rubber he'd discarded on the bags by her head.

Why was he suddenly drawn to it again as she fingered him?

He picked it up and watched in fascination the way it dripped from the rumpled plastic. He'd seen it a million times before but... this stuff wasn't his... not anymore...

He dropped cum-filled condom on the floor.

"I want to feel it in me."


"You heard me.... I want to feel you cum inside me. Don't you still carry that... diaphragm or whatever in there for old time's sake?"

"Yeah. But it probably won't fit exactly right."

"I don't care."

"What? After you made me go to all the fucking trouble of buying the condoms?"

"I changed my mind."

"Isn't that just like a woman?"

"Come on. I want to know what it's like. It'll feel better for you too."

'Better' wasn't on her mind right now. She was sore and the big fella was irritated, though she wouldn't feel good telling him that.

Damn. Why was it men were so strong... and they couldn't keep up with women in this, of all things? His juices were flowing copiously again, but she on the other hand...

Shoot. He was serious about this.

"I think it's a really bad idea," she said slowly and surely. "It's how little girls end up barefoot and pregnant. Come on, now. Don't be that way. You were right about not knowing what unprotected sex could do to either one of us when we switch back... IF we switch back... Besides, let's leave a little something to look forward to the next time we try it. We can't do it all tonight." The cloud finally started to lift from him. "I'll get you a spermicide, maybe or a douche that will take care of it. I can guess at your size and get you a diaphragm. Any number of things. OK?"

"Hm. OK."

"We'll even go into the city for some dyke toys."

He giggled. "I'd look funny walking in there as a man."

"Who said I'd let you go in there as a man? Maybe I'll leave you this way overnight... say you're Jed's cousin staying with us one weekend."

"Yeah," he purred. "That might be fun. In our own bed..." Hm. But it still didn't answer his question. "Can you feel it when I cum inside you?"

She smiled. So that's what this was about. "Not really. I wish I could, but I don't have that kind of feeling in there. I mean I can feel you in my arms. I know when it happens and it's wonderful to watch... but down there... things just get a little slicker... you slow down. Eventually I feel it drip out, of course."

"What's that like?"

"Uhf." Didn't he know? He'd been oozing all night. "It's a little thicker than the rest. Kind of drips slow. It dries up and sticks to stuff if you're not careful... Like when sometimes I'm so worn out I just fall asleep... I think somehow it's absorbed or something when it's been deep in there a while. But not on the outside." She threw her palms up. "Oh I don't know. Like changing motor oil I guess."

He giggled.

"If you really want to know I'll get that coke over there and shake it real hard. It'll feel a hell of a lot more interesting than sperm going in. Now just shut up about it."

Would it?

Now that she brought it up, there was something appealing about the soda. He sort of did want to know what it was like gushing down there. Something about it had that 'fresh' quality all those feminine hygiene commercials talked about. He knew it'd leave a sticky residue... but he wanted 'fresh', whatever that was.

Would a coke really clean him out?

Vaginas needed so much care. He didn't have the vaguest notion where to start.

"OK. I'll cooperate. I don't want to make you a daddy against your will." He smirked. "You'll probably throw like a girl anyway. What a bad example that would be for a son." He checked behind him. "Hey. You're getting hard again."

"What I'm getting is sore."

"I know." He massaged the muscular domes on her chest. "I'll get it up for you. Another blowjob?"

"Sure," she grinned. "Clean me up like I did you."


He surveyed the situation.

"69?" they asked simultaneously.

They broke into laughter.

"You were thinking it too, huh?"

"Yeah. Your hand couldn't get far enough around my butt. It made me want to be even shorter. Yuck."

"Spin around. I'll get it right this time."

"Not just playing?"

"No. I promise."

"I'm not sure... I don't know if I can suck your dick and still get close enough..."

"I'm a big boy. My neck bends. We'll work it out." Her wet fingers pulled out and tapped his rear end. "I'll make your ass messy again. Promise."

And what a lovely ass it was...

He shifted his knees around, hoping he could do this without giving her any bruises...

"Yaa..." Why did she grab his thigh like that? "I'm not a wishbone, you know."

So why did it feel so nice?

There was his old friend, parked right in front of his face.

And on the wrong body.

"Abusing them steroids again, huh?" He spit into his palm and loosened its hardening fluids. "You like that, don't you boy? Yeah... Long time no see, fella. Nice of you to come back..."

It was like being at a urinal with it, only it had to be out loud since they couldn't read each other's minds anymore. Well, he liked it when she played this game. Getting her harder was an obvious side benefit of his effort at communication.

Her sighs shifted to groans as he tickled her tight balls. "Breasts, huh? Eggs? Was that what she called you? You look big and strong to me, guys. I appreciate you..." He embellished with a giggle. "Pity about your new owner, though... But don't sweat it. You're in good hands." He took a full slurp of her pole. "Pantyhose, huh? I'll put you in something much sexier. How's my mouth?"

"Finally..." she sniped.

That wasn't a kind thing to say considering he had her genitals between his teeth. He pulled all the way up and giggled. "You promise to practice more?"


"This. On me."

"Yeah. Anything."

She saw what he was about to do and smiled at his bared teeth. Her rod shot even higher... until he took his playful nip.

"Ah!" She frowned. "Don't."

He glanced back between his legs. "No fun, is it?" She shook her head. "Now you know why I'll love you even more when you're old and toothless."

She grinned. "And when I sag?"

"Down to your knees, baby." She surged in his hand. "Ah! You want to see me doing that too, you dirty old man." He tossed his honey mane over a shoulder and looked back at her again. "Like my hanging titties, do you?" He shook his chest until she cupped them and rolled his dangling flesh back and forth in circles. "Finally giving me some attention, big boy."

Giving him attention? she wondered. Just feeling his tits was bringing her dick back to life. Molly felt like she was doing it all for her own curiosity.

Was he that way? Had her pleasure always just be wonderful side-effect of some quest for carnal knowledge?

The strangest things drew lovers together...

Yeah... she was coming to appreciate the view again... There was too much hair in the way, though.

"Aawwph," he mumbled. Her hands had deserted him again.

He rubbed his hard points sideways into her hips.

The fingers reappeared on his bottom, pressing into his soft cheeks and parting him open.

Yeah... they were more divine there...

He spread his legs wider and humped one of her pectorals, circling like a vulture hungry for leftovers.

Molly pulled out to lick her fingers and watched that cute bubbly butt grinding away into her. The glistening fluids trickled through his hairs as they tangled with hers. The heat from him was getting her chest sweaty. And the smell of that steam rising out of him... that tang on her fingers...

Her perverted mind was back on track.

Time to fondle some little girls, she chuckled to herself as she plunged back in.

Ah! She bent her wrist up to accomodate him. He kept forcing her knuckles down when he scratched his clit on her.

Mm. It was good to be all the way down his throat again. Hear that muzzled slurping... have those painted nails fluttering against her heavy balls. The angle was a lot easier on both of them. She wasn't getting twisted up inside and he could take her straight down.

"Gnuh... Mm."

She wiggled her pinky deeper in his warm asshole, embolded by his inarticulate approval.

"Yeah. You like that, don't you?" The damn hole was just as hot and slimy as his other one. Tighter even. "You might finally talk me into a little anal sex tonight," Molly laughed.

"Ngurrrr..." Not with that thing! Her gooey prick flopped on her stomach with a messy slap. "Hell no. In fact... you know what I think?" His furry slit, stuffed full of her knuckles inched closer to her chin. "I think you're talking too much back there. You promised to use that wonderful mouth of yours again."

"Wait! Let me get my fingers- " Owwwt. He twisted her tendons. "Mpmp." Pussy everywhere. It suddenly wasn't nearly small enough. Her face was buried in fur and butt cheeks.

He giggled as he sat up.

"Yeah! I think I like this position better. I can talk back to you and if I don't like what I hear..." he smothered her in muff. "I can shut you up."


"Stop talking and get to work... On second thought... talk some more. That was great."

Her greasy fingers groped their way up his front to cup his tits, tweaking his hard nipples and spreading the musky smell ever closer to his nose.

Finally. All of him was getting proper attention.

Now if they could only find a way to kiss like this...

He plucked her giant sausage between his dainty hands and started stroking her again, much faster.

"Nnnunh. Yeah," he lilted sexily. "Great idea. Put that nose up my butt."

Molly frowned. It wasn't her idea. It just happened.

She couldn't see a damn thing except those white shoulder blades jiggling up and down with the motion of his arms.

"Ah!" She'd bit him! On the thigh, thank goodness. What was that for?... Did she know he'd like it...? "Do it again? No. Ah! Not there! On my pussy. Yeah. Ee!... mmmm... you know how to please a girl..."

Molly tickled him with the warm puffs of her muffled laughter.

"Annnnh! That's no fair!" Why was she yanking him around by his arms? Again.

"I want to see what I'm licking, you overeager beaver."

He giggled as the teeth in his ass. "Ah!... I like that. Bite me again... Yeah! Ow! Hey..." he protested.

She smacked his butt again. It was such a turn on to watch it ripple like that. "You're such a naughty little girl."

"Then spank me!... Ah!"

Finally she got back to work.

His elbows dug into her stomach, trying to support his pumping hands.

He couldn't get to it with his mouth... Maybe if he leaned her meat back... that was a more comfortable position for guys anyway. Yeah... he could only get a few inches of her down. He couldn't bounce to produce enough friction. He could just swirl his tongue around it or suck his cheeks in like he was working on a popsicle.

He could pump the shaft with his hand too... gave her one of those limp- wristed, half-hearted blow jobs she was always pushing on him.

Oh yeah... now her swirling tongue... please... stick it in me again... that's it... a little more now... circle that thumb harder... Please? I'll move my hand faster... will that encourage you?

"Honey." A gentle hand fell over his. Shit! She started to panic. "Stop! It's- "

He immediately let go.

Could she hold it back?

"Feeling it build?"

"Yeah. Give me a minute...." he twisted up to look at her. Her teeth ground together under that wonderful, if pained smile. "Gnuh... ah... That's the first time" she gasped, "I've ever had to stop an orgasm." He eyed her abandoned pole in terror, looking for any sign of that juicy twitch. "Damn... that was... that was unsatisfying," she sighed. "How do you do it?"

"I try not to go there in the first place. It turns your balls blue."

"Does it ever."

"Sorry. I guess I got carried away. I was almost there myself."

"Was that why you- ? Come on. Sit on my face again. I'll go the rest of the way with you."

"Thanks honey."

It still wouldn't be quite as fun without her thing in his hand, though.

Why was it such a turn on tasting her that way? Feeling all that pleasure in his grip, like some reassuring handle on her he could grab hold of.

He whelped again, falling forward and throwing his golden locks over her crotch. His pink nails dug into her thigh. His clit bumped deliciously against her hard chin as the shudder rolled through him once more.

"Dang. You pop off at the drop of a hat."

He sighed. "Sorry." He swiveled to embrace her again.

"What's to be sorry about? I love that sound."

"Really? It's just... you can't anymore, you know. Not as much like that."

"So? I'm still having plenty of fun. I've got... I've got this sense of power now... not that you ever pushed me around in bed but..."

"I know." He patted her chest. "I make you feel like a man."

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Big and strong... So I do that for you? Even after you've lost a game or something?"

"Always. I love you for it."

"It's funny because I felt so weak now right when I- "

"Shh. I know. Let's not talk about it just now." He straightened up. "Are you- "

He didn't know the word for it. He knew she'd almost come and needed time to settle down touch would be satisfying again...

But he'd never had to tell her about it before. 'Just wait' had always been enough. What was the word for it?

He frowned.

"Yeah," she smiled. "I feel ready again. I don't know what to call it but whatever it was went away."

"You're fine now?"

"Yeah... Almost. Well, it's a bit more sore than before." She frowned back at him. "You didn't say it would get sore like this. It doesn't feel quite as sharp either."

He winked. "That's my part of our honeymoon secret."

"It's why you didn't have the goofy grin like I did when we sat down to dinner?"

"You got it.

"Jeez. What happens after... what? Five of them?"

His jaw dropped. "You want to do that tonight?" he giggled. "With moi? I'm honored."

"No," she grinned. "I mean unless you think I can..." He was teasing, right? "I was just curious... what it must have been like for you... you know, on that night."

He made a space about the size of a quarter between his thumb and forefinger. "It got this tiny," he chuckled. "I thought it was gonna disappear. Yours would get maybe this big." He doubled the size, then pinched her with it. "I wanted to watch twelve hours straight of basketball, sleep a day and then shoot pool or something... anything... All with you of course, just no more... you know. That stuff." He kissed her. "Just hang that 'Do Not Disturb' sign on my dick instead of the door."

"Wow. It must have been love. I still don't see how you could have had that kind of stamina."

"A guy gets these urges after a week. I'm not saying they're always good for him, mind you. That's why I wanted to abstain. You don't know how hard it was keeping my hands off you those nine days. I know. I counted."

"You mean you didn't- " How to put it?- "'jack off' at all?" The phrase didn't seem as childish now that she had the prerequisite parts.

"No," he laughed. "Why do you think I asked us to wait? I wanted it to be fun... It was too much fun, unfortunately." He sentimentally rubbed that part of his crotch that no longer existed. "Hell... I think I'd rather be raw and happy."

"Me too. It's a real rush that first one but... when you have too many of them, they get normal."

"I had a few of those tonight. It's not just being a guy. It happens."

"Didn't I make you feel special?" she pouted. It was a strange look for a guy that well built.

"Always..." he purred. "Though I thought we agreed never to do that to each other in bed... I mean, I know there are nights when it's not fantastic for you either. That's life. We still love each other. We're busy people too."

"Sorry." She kissed him. "It's just... as a man I suddenly have this desire that... every time be your best." She scowled at herself. "No. That's not quite truthful. That I be your best... every time." Her voiced piped up a few octaves. "I used to always get annoyed at that with guys."

"You want me to roll over and kiss you and tell you how good it was?"


"Relax. I was like that in high school. You get used to it. You're only a day old... I'm sure you'll mature..." He tickled her ribs and peered at her like a cat crouching on its paws. "Besides, tonight really was the best for me... and that's no lie... but let's see what else you got. Ready again?"

"Damn. Women are insatiable."

"We can be when you stir us up."

"Are you sure it's going to work? It doesn't seem to be as hard as it was before."

"I know."

"It won't feel as good."

He hoped not. That'd hurt some. "Sure it will."

"You want to do it in the dark this time? It's fun too, you know."

"I know..." he grinned. "I thought you deserved one last look at me before I get that ugly bruise."


"Hey. I said it was my fault. I meant it. I'm not just trying to make you feel good."

"I know... So, do you want to do it in the dark this time or not? I always found it kind of relaxing."

"You'll miss the view."

"So?" she shrugged again. "I've had plenty of view already. So now I'm offering. There's still a part of me that likes it, you know? Don't start feeling guilty thinking this man here is having certain urges..."

"OK," he smirked. "I guess I can do without the view myself for once."

He closed the glove compartment with a toe, amazed at how nimbly he could maintain his balance on her.

Shoot. The rubbers.

He leaned over.

The gearshift poked one of his tits in the dark. He could see how their little bit of fun could wind up costing him a lot of inconvenience in the day- to-day swing of things. He sighed as he latched onto another plastic square in the pile.

"Sorry," Molly said as she heard rustling on the floor. "Should have thought of that first."

"No. Don't worry about it..." He wished she'd let him-

"You do it this time," she said as she pushed his hand away. "Please?"

"Thanks," he whispered.

Would it give her the same silly grin he got when she did it for him?

Yeah. There was something sweet about it as his tiny, clumsy hands unfurled the artificial white skin.

"Forgetting your way around?" she asked to his turned back.

"It's too big," he complained. "Everything's too big." He sighed and planted his ass down on her.

Now he could give it his full attention. He cracked the glove compartment for a bit of light.

"Don't tear it with those nails..." she teased.

"I know."

"Don't- "

"Just shut up before I screw that damned cap on you instead."

She laughed as he continued to fuss with it, getting harder from his awkward movements. "I think I know why you like it."

"Like what?"

"When I do this for you."

"Good. It's, uh..."


"Yeah. Sort of." It was a little raunchier than that.

She pinched his butt. Yeah, she was onto that bit too.

Would he have any secrets after tonight?

Maybe it wouldn't matter...

She felt him wiggling her unseen weenie. "Got it?"

"Yeah." His bottom arched into the air.


He sighed. Why were her hands holding his hips down? Did he ever push her around like that?

"I'll let you be on top but first... It just occurred to me... just in case we can't figure the trick out again."

"What?" he prodded.

"Those tits really want to get fucked doggy style." He mulled it over quietly. "You'll love the motion, trust me."

He smiled. He would. He was getting wet just thinking about it. "But not to- "

"I'll switch in time. You'll enjoy the ride up top too. I promise to practice some self-control."

"That shouldn't be a problem. It, uh.... it gets harder to get off each time... in fact... you'll probably find it a bit frustrating."

But would it hurt more from that angle?

It was leaning more than it had been but it was still incredibly large by any stretch of the imagination. If his back arched and he...

Molly caught the way he was looking at her crotch again. "I promise. This one's just for you. I won't go too deep this time."

"Oh. You didn't... I mean it wasn't..." He didn't want her to feel hurt about earlier... "Thanks," he said with a hand on her furry chest.

"You won't mind being on your hands and knees? You won't say it's degrading or anything?"

"No," he chuckled. "You can degrade me all you want tonight." He surveyed the cabin. "How, uh... how are we gonna manage it this time?"

"Just hold on tight..."

"Yaaa...!" He grabbed the dashboard. "Would you please stop doing that to me tonight! It's really not fun anymore!"

She chuckled. "What's wrong with a little- " Oh. He was serious. "Sorry. I won't do it again."

"Please ask first. That's all I'm saying."


"I mean I know it's fun for you... for me too sometimes but- "

"Say no more."

"Uh." She was in him again. His nails dug into the shelf.

"Do I need permission for that too?"

"No... just some... uh... warning."

His tits did swing nicely like this...

"Avast ye scurvy maidens. Prepared to be violated."

He giggled. "It's... ooh..." He sighed. "It's... uh... nnnnnnnnn..."

She could hear the sloshing in his chest lurking under his stabs at speech.

"Nice is the word you're looking for."

"Yeah," he gulped.

His head pulled up to the ledge with a sigh so his breasts could slap gently at it. He twisted sideways crumpling his ear on the dash.

She could feel the heat building in his cheeks again as she stuck it to him. If only there were enough light to watch him biting on his lip as he groaned. She could just make out its wet outline.

She latched onto his nipples just enough to tweak them without disturbing their dance, letting them lap at her palms like hungry warm pudding. The tips swung in larger circles than the rest in that inexplicable way breasts do.

Harry's arm spread out across the dark surface.

She loved the way his hand pressed against the glass... those little fingers flexing and curling like a kitten plucking at string, showing off his delicate frustration.

Hm. Where was its companion?

Why that...

"Diddling yourself again, I see?"

"Uh... yeah... mmm..."

"I'm not enough for you?"

"No I- UH!"

Her balls finally knocked against his nails.

"You... uh prom...ised..."

"Don't go as deep?" she asked. "Is that what you want?"

"Mmmm," he hummed.

"All you have to do is ask."

His face was getting that warm flush.

"Mrumph," he whimpered in protest.

"Please..." she whispered lovingly. "Let me."

He stretched his newly freed arm across the vinyl surface with a sigh. Those scampering tits were wonderful. They almost played with themselves.

And her hand was almost as good as his. She finally knew her way around down there... completely... how different was his from hers? he wondered. The timing and all that? Would he ever have a clear enough head to remember...

He arched his back and let loose his vocal cords. She went so much deeper now... that strange echo welled up in that place where he wasn't supposed to feel...

She pulled back on his hair at just the right time. His neck... he wanted that delicious white curve of his throat exposed even more... stretched like a rack for her...

Then just as suddenly the surge and its moans skipped off.

He slapped at her hand.

"Sorry," she apologized. "I didn't think it would get sensitive right after."

"Me neither... I don't have it... grunt... figured out yet."

"Ah. Pussies. They have a mind of their own."

"Don't they?" He grabbed fruitlessly at her hips. "Can we, uh... uh, switch around? Ooh. I'd kinda like to- "

"Feel me on top while I drill you?"

But weren't they- Hey. That sounded good too... "Yeah," he grunted.

Shoot. She was out of him again.

Why did you have to apply the breaks to pleasure in order to get more sometimes?

"I'm gonna lean back, OK? No... you're coming with me... come on... cooperate..."

Yippe. She was in again.

"That ought to keep you in line." Her strong arm wound itself under his breasts.

"Are you sure we should..."

"Relax. Just sit on my hips as your weight shifts. You won't hurt me... Yes, I know. Watch for the big ouch."

He giggled.


Why did she have to say that? He felt chubby sitting on top of her now.

And this... he wasn't on the bottom either. Why had he let her talk him into-

"OK baby. I'm going to roll you to the side, OK?"

He sucked in his lower lip. It didn't help his anxiety knowing what she was going to do in advance.

"No." He put an arm against the window. "You'll mash my boobs that way."

"You're right," she groaned. "OK. Other way then." Didn't he know he'd just asked for them to get mashed? Oh well... maybe he'd like sex on his stomach anyway...


"What now?"

"Is it fun from the side too?"

"Honey, it's fun from every angle."

He giggled.

"You're doing a lot of that tonight."

"Sorry," he said coyly as he stroked her thigh. "You bring it out in me."

Her stiff erection throbbed even more between his legs. He giggled again.

"OK. We'll stop here a minute."

He wasn't wearing her patience out was he? She got upset sometimes when he talked her into new positions. He couldn't help what he felt at the spur of the moment. Not then or now.

Oh. Was he the one supposed to be getting upset about that sort of thing? Funny. He didn't feel that way. Was that one of the things they'd managed to keep with them on the trip?

He propped his leg up. It was awkward getting his knee just right. And he couldn't really do anything with his other one.

He reached back and tickled her balls. They felt so silly lying on the side like that, one stacked on the other.

They weren't moving much either. She was having much luck as a Romeo this way.

"It's hard," she complained. "I may have saved your boobs but now my butt's mashed against the door handle."

"Don't fall out," he tittered.

"I'll take you with me."

He toyed lazily with the rubber lip circling the base of her cock. The way it rolled and unrolled fascinated him.

"Do you need your leg up like that?" she asked.

"Yeah. It feels better for some reason. I tried closing it like you do but..."

"I hear it varies with some women."

He dragged her hand down with his to their joined crotches.

"Doesn't it feel so strange and wonderful... you going into me. It's still amazing..."

It did feel odd to her. Her fingers knew the sort of wet heat springing from their hairy parts... the turgid member, plunging in and out. The occasional popping and squishing noises. But the sensations were all turned around. She kissed the top of his temple. "Yeah. It's great."

He frowned. "You're so articulate."

"Is this where you complain I don't read you love poetry in bed?" He frowned again. "As soon as I get a bed for you..." she joked. Why was he suddenly behaving this way? He wasn't before. "You're talking too much."

"Well your hand isn't doing anything."

"And neither is my prick, huh?"

"I didn't say that..." he said sheepishly. "I mean as long as you enjoy it it's- "

"Yeah yeah." Her pinky brushed across that smooth dot of flesh causing him to draw a sharp breath. Did he get that way with her? It'd happened too many times tonight to even apologize about. "Why don't you show me what you like, sweetie?" She nudged her knuckles under his. "That's it... right here?"

"Mmm. Press down more... perfect."

"Rub in a small arc? Like this?"


It was so tiny. That's what was getting him off all night?

No wonder he was having orgasms left and right. He'd slipped into the body of a nymphomaniac.

"Huh? Nympho?" Was that what she'd whispered? The mere mention usually got him hard.

But now... he wasn't sure he completely liked it.

Of course he wanted to put out for his wife and all, but... he didn't want a reputation or-.

"Shhh. I won't tell anyone else our little secret. You're my private sex kitten."

Was it her or were his moods changing like a yoyo? She sounded so silly right then. Funny... in retrospect they'd both said some dumb sounding things tonight.

Was his mind getting off track? Damn. It was.

He pulled his leg higher until his foot rested on the window sill. He yanked back on his thigh.

"Hey..." she protested. "You're supposed to show me..."

"You're doing... uh... fine... mmmyour own..."

There it was again.

Damn. They came so fast now. He was a nympho.

She watched that devilish grin spread across his face. She tried to wipe it off by flicking at him even harder.

Yeah. There was that dimple in his chin once more. The shudder wringing his body... causing that tight pussy to finally put up a fight against her huge cock. She loved those little spasms... so polite and dainty... and helpless and futile... just like he was now.


She pushed up on her side.

"Come on. This maneuver takes two."

"Hhuh?" he panted. "Give a girl a..." Did he really need a minute? No. That one had been sort of shallow.

"You do all the moving and I'll follow your lead, ok?"

"Sure." He draped an arm over his breasts and slowly turned, marveling at the way gravity tugged on his skin. Each glob sliding past the other as they fell in line with the bidding of their only true master.

He could feel her making room behind him in the darkness.

He brushed his plump thigh back and felt a hairy leg give way. Where could she possibly be going?

"Uf." Right on top of him. "Don't I get to sit up?"

"Sure. We can start that way."


Their hips bounced up together in one fluid motion.

His butt was flying apart again. Those delicious ripples... Was that what the whole cushion was for? A rear fender for her pounding hips?

The waves washed over every inch of him. His tits shook harder than ever before. It was utterly enchanting.

That was definitely not fat gyrating on his chest. He'd had his doubts but the pleasure inside completely won him over.

That funny way she shifted her weight and they knocked together... or then when they went in opposite directions like gears... how did she do...

"You know what? We've already done this. I'm tired."

Her entire weight pressed him to the seat.

Dang these things could pinch.

He tried running a thumb under each. It was like that tight bra all over again.

She pulled back a little. "Let me know when you're comfortable."

He sighed. And just when he'd suddenly lost all desire to have a flat chest again.

This wasn't much fun.

He made a few adjustments and then waved her forward. "You know... usually I don't mind you being on top...."

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It's kind of sweet..." Even if he couldn't breathe.

She kneed his legs more apart, then pounded it into him.

If his hips ground with hers at just the right moment... yeah... he didn't miss her hand there at all...

He felt like a beached whale, though, rocking back and forth with his legs bent in the air, squishing his mammaries on the rough towel. Strange he hadn't felt that way on his back several minutes ago.

He'd loved this position as a guy... those one or two times he weaseled her into it.

It wasn't that it was lonely for him now...

He twisted his neck. He just couldn't see her well.

She pecked his cheek. He grinned and held his wrists up above his head.

"Do you trust me?"

He giggled. "I've got King Kong stuffed up my cunt and he asks if I trust him..."

"Ok then, reach back behind you... go on, give me your wrists... say something if it starts to hurt..."

She crossed them and bore down even harder.

He felt so defenseless with his shoulders pinned like this. That strong arm above his head, supporting her against the seat was reassuring.

He could barely grind his pubic bone anymore. She kept pulling him up with that giant piston of hers.

But it wasn't just a male fantasy... something about those hairy muscles digging into him... her fist against the small of his back. He was utterly helplessness against her assault... the way she pressed ever deeper... ever harder...

The dull sparkle in her eye... Could he tell in the darkness? No. It had to be her breathing too.

"Hon... hon... unh... are you sure? You're... uh... you've got that look... Can we switch...? It's not..."

He wanted to be patient but four would kill her... they didn't have all night.

Shoot. There was nothing he could do to stop her from this position either. It really did take a lot of trust.

Was this something of what women worried about with rape? The powerlessness? She was inside him, pumping into his most intimate place and there was nothing he could do...

Still... it didn't bother him. Just the opposite. He'd be thrilled to feel her come again from any angle... just to know he'd made her feel good like that.... to feel wanted...

"Hurts?" she finally grunted.

"No, hon. But..." He pinched her belly.

"Huh?... oh..." Things came to a stop. "I did promise, didn't I. Sorry. Got carried away again."

"I know how it goes. It's a blast not having to worry about self-control anymore."

She chuckled. "Yeah it is... And I hope you don't forget..." she stressed.

"I won't. It's not frustrating is it? I don't mean to be that way... It's always pleasant for me when I draw it out..."

"Yeah... it's a... a sweet kind of ache." It was frustrating, though, knowing she couldn't have the whole thing that went with it.

Who said men didn't worry about practicing safe sex? There was more to this than she thought.

She was out of him again. Her hard, slimy cock pressed his spine, like an image in a mirror.

"You ready to turn over?" she asked.

"Sure. Just don't add to my collection of bruises."

"Am I really doing that to you?" she winced.

"No," he sighed. "It's mostly me... I'm gonna end up one butt-ugly broad."

"Yeah. You think it's funny but it's me they'll arrest for child abuse."

He giggled as she clutched his shoulder. "All right. One last time..."

"Turn over then and grab hold."

He wormed his way onto his back and then punched at her stomach. "You're like a big old skyscraper up there." He lassoed her thick neck as she hoisted him up like a mother carrying her young.

Molly sighed. He giggled endlessly. What was it this time?

It pissed her off that it didn't piss her off. She always wanted to turn around and slap those kind of girls in class.

Now she was getting her jollies fucking one of them.

And the high-pitched sounds only made her harder...

She smiled and kissed his forehead.


"Yeah mom."

"What?" She smirked as she reared up. "Any new bruises?"

"Not yet." Her powerful legs flexed beneath him as she turned them around. The tendons of her arms danced in the sides of his breasts. "Ooo..." he lilted. "I feel like one of those bears clinging to momma."

"Momma, huh? Momma's got ten inches waiting for you baby."


"Careful now..." She slowly reclined. "You ok? Ah... I can finally get some rest..."

Harry pushed at her firm chest. She wasn't lying all the way down. "Go on... get those elbows out of the way..."

"If I do that my neck will break."

"Oh. Here silly." He grabbed one of the bags for her. "Put this behind you."

She glanced over and added an extra.


She let out a deep sigh. "Now all I need is a beer and a ball game."

"You better not go into the stall thinking that!"

"Why? Don't think you'd like life as a pizza?"

"Hm. I hope I'd come back with a lot of anchovies."

"Good." She licked her lips. "I've acquired a taste for fish, thanks to you."

"Humph. It's not enough just having your woman bounce on you? You gotta have a TV remote too?"

"You know it... what you frowning about now, sexy?"

"Come on. Are you gonna help me get it in or what?"

"Hey. I got an idea. You do it. I don't do anything from this position."

"You don't, huh? If that's what you think then..."

What? Had she figured it out wrong? He always seemed so relaxed lying like this...

"Hm. It makes a certain sense I do all the hard work to wrap this up," he said sarcastically. "After all, it was my blow job that got all this started."

"Ahem." She poked him. "It started with me licking you."

"Umf. Yeah.... I guess I still owe you."

"I think we've canceled our debts here."

He slapped her hands away from his titties. "No. Just sit there and be a lazy bum if you want."

"Ok. OK." She slapped him back. "I'll do a little work..."

"I bet you'll leave me with all the dishes now too huh?"

She just burped her response as he fidgeted with her prick.

He started snickering. "Wait until you have to clean the rat trap."

"Ugh." She stuck her big flat tongue out.

"Or a stopped up commode."

"Ugh ugh."

"That's my caveman."

Now how did this position work? Like a trampoline, right? Yeah... Ride 'em cowboy... er, cowgirl... ah, who the hell cared...

"Ohf. Sweetie... sweetie... uh... my nuts. Remember them? I've got a pair now."

"Sorry. I got carried." He frowned and took stock of the situation.

"I know," she sighed. "I've been there." She chuckled. "You're getting back at me, aren't you?"

"No," he said coyly. "You never do that... but then mine don't hang as much... So what do I do?" he whispered.

"You can bounce, but not so hard... That's it... Can you go down a little more?"

"I don't know..." he pouted.

"Please? Don't if it hurts but..."

He lowered himself cautiously.

The crouching reminded him of the time he'd tried out for catcher in little league. Only the stick was supposed to be over the plate, not up his butt.

But he did love that turgid stretching. He'd never known she had felt this hard inside. He'd never had an inkling what she felt but he'd never guessed it was something like another erection.

How much was too much?

He couldn't tell. There was all that pleasant resistance inside there anyway.

"Can you tell when I'm hitting bottom?"

"My nuts are fine."

"Not yours. Mine. I don't want to hurt myself."

"You're doing fine, sweetie. You'll know if you do something you're not supposed to."

He sighed is disappointment. "It's harder than I thought..." Particularly if he couldn't bounce like before.

"Grind your pussy on me... that's it, baby... no, keep moving up and down on me too... yeah. Now you got it.... Good. See? It's not so hard keeping us both happy when you're in control, is it?"

"It is fun." He did feel a bit more control too. More than any other time tonight. But not like he used to. It was more mischievous for some reason. Wanton, maybe? No... what the girls called frolicking. Yeah... She was letting him have his way. "Is this your favorite one?" he asked.

She hummed a moment as she thought it over. "Not if I'm tired."

"Oh... Can I lean forward some? It think it might be easier that way."

"Sure. You don't need my permission."

"Oh. I guess you can't see much of my tits anyway..."

She yanked on one of his nipples. "That's your favorite part to this, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Yours bounce nice."


He leaned forward against her powerful arms and placed his elbows hesitantly on her ribs.

"Is that OK?"

"Sure. Come down just a little more so I can feel those soft titties... that's it."

His fine points scraped zigzags on her chest as her big palms spread out across his back.

His butt muscles were finally working again. It wasn't enough to slide up and down on her. He had to crouch down too to get the right contact on his clit, grind his pelvis at just the right moment... yeah... those wide hips were finally good for something... He could suck her rod into his sweetness as much as he wanted and finally direct that penetrating melody to his whims. She was in his grip.

But this could get tough. Did he have enough muscle for it?

His arms were already sore from stroking her and all the other fooling around. He'd never thought to pace himself with stuff as minor as opening a bottle. Would his back get tired too? She sometimes complained after a lot of sex. He really didn't want to sprain anything else tonight.

"How's that?" he asked.

"Great. You're doing just fine."

His lips fumbled around on her pointy Adam's apple. It was the closest he could get.

"Can we- "

The whole world moved beneath him as she shifted up against the backseat.

"Mummp. Much better..."

Her hands worked their way into his hair as his did into hers.

He lost track of how long they were coupled together, both ends of their bodies locked in harmony. He forgot how many waves of pleasure she sent through him. They seemed to come like the summer rain, showering over the two of them like his golden hair in the darkness. He knew they stopped and started but he couldn't remember where or when... or how long... he forgot if he moaned or if he yelled... or which were hers and which were his...

"Hey. Hey. Baby... baby..." Firm hands circled his hips. "Baby... it's... it's over... come on..."

"Oh." She heard a gust of air from him. "It was great," he said flatly.


"No. Really. It was fantastic. You tried me out."

It would be days before he could walk straight.

Her hands moved to his shoulders and pulled him even tighter. "Come here..."

Would she want him that close after a third time? Did she want distance? "Sure you don't mind?"

"Sure. I know you want to cuddle. Put your head on my chest."

"Thanks. I really do for some reason."

"You do because you're a woman... and the part of me that's a woman wants to do it for you." Some part of the man in her wanted it too. She patted his head as he nuzzled her. "I want you to know how wonderful it is."

"So I'll do it more with you?"

"Sure... I know we've both been exhausted from work lately but... even just falling asleep in your arms is nice enough for me."

"Let's not fall asleep here."

"No. I agree. But I'm doing it now with you so you'll know later. You know. Be better at that part."

He chuckled. "We've each done a lot of that tonight."

"I know..." she grinned. "I promise to get you all the way down my throat one of these days."

"Turns out it's not too hard if you're properly motivated..." he said with a nip.

"Yeah. I'm sure you're right... I never realized how different it was... I just always figured wherever a guy sticks it in he gets off, so what was the big deal? I mean I know sometimes a woman needs a little more- "

"Hey. We did all right by each other in bed up to now. Even I cuddle with you..." He pinched her again. "We did very little wrong because we care about each other. Sure we got some areas to work on, but they're no big deal."

"Thanks, coach."

"Now get up there and shoot some more hoops."

She frowned. "Four is definitely out of the question."

"I was just kidding. Tonight was..." He sighed in contentment. "I'll never forget tonight."

She chuckled. "Even if you're not you anymore?"

"Especially then." He shifted back down her chest a little, just enough to make kissing impossible. He knew her neck needed to relax.

Sure enough, she sank further into the cushions.

He sighed as the last of her penis flopped out of him, leaving a wet streak on the side of his butt. She reached over him and snapped the condom off, tossing it on the floor with the last one.

Molly pulled one of the wadded up sheets over them as he huddled against her in the darkness.

She could feel the lines of a smile forming in his face.

She stroked his hair back. When had he untied the sock again? She thought back a minute. It must have been when he hopped on top.

That was nice of him. His hair smelled sweet waving in her face.

She felt kind of embarrassed the third time hadn't felt as good.

Why? It was just her pleasure. It didn't affect him.

Did it?

Oh well...

Her poor, abused member felt rock hard. Was that quite it? Dense, maybe. Yeah. Really dense for some reason. It certainly wouldn't be getting hard any time soon.

A bit of nostalgia crawled over her.

Would that be the last time she ever felt it? What if they hadn't figured it out and the magic just wore off?

Oh well. Better not to ask too much from life. They already had each other. That was plenty.

She shifted her leg.

Now it was getting softer.


She knew from school it was blood that made the thing go but... it wasn't like she felt it circulating around in there like a vein in her neck. It showed up in odd ways.

His head moved up and down so much as she breathed. She still couldn't get used to the idea of her her ribs trying to poke out of her skin. She thought it would feel like there was nothing on her chest when she lost her boobs. But it didn't. She was encased in tough muscle. And it loved that soft cheek resting on it.

She scratched her stomach.

His breath tickled.

He groaned.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

His smile vanished. His head rose up from her fur, leaving a round hot spot on her chest.

"I'm already fantasizing about having your babies suck at my tits. Please... Let's fix this before it gets any worse."

"You're dreaming about that too after sex?" She smiled and stroke his honey blonde hair. "Sometimes I see myself pregnant when I'm in your arms."

"Really? That's how you feel? Then why do you want to wait to have... Argh! I can't take this anymore. I like being intimate with you but this is driving me crazy... It's... you don't have to justify yourself to me. Your thoughts should be your own. I love you for who you are."

"I know." She kissed his forehead. "I know we won't ever hold what we've learned against each other... If anything, I think I love you more."

"Yeah. It's nice to understand how we each feel." He sighed and propped himself up on an elbow. He eyed yet another crowd trickling out of the theater with growing depression. "Rats."

Would they ever get back in before it closed?

"Don't worry. I checked before I went in the men's room. I think we're safe." She winked. "There's a midnight showing... And it's the Rocky Horror Picture Show again..."



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