Uninhibited Cocksucking

Published on Nov 15, 2011


Uninhibited Cocksucking - Part V

by Goo Gobbler googobbler@hotmail.com

We were soon on the highway, and I reached over and started rubbing Tommy's cock. I opened his zipper and pulled it out and started stroking it as he drove along the road. Then I leaned over into his lap and started sucking him as he drove, softly.

A few minutes later I heard a horn blasting and sat up and I saw a truck next to us with a few guys in the front and they were laughing... they'd been driving alongside watching me. So I sat up and Tommy put his cock away and we kept driving. Eventually he turned off the highway and made a few turns, and finally we pulled into a driveway and Tommy said 'We're here'. I fixed my lipstick in the mirror and then we got out and walked up to the front door and he rang the bell.

A tall guy with short dark hair opened the door and Tommy said 'Hi Jack' And his cousin said 'Hi Tommy... who's your friend?'

I said 'Christina' and we stepped inside. And I noticed Jack was staring at me and he said 'Are you...' and I quickly said 'I'm a boy. I've only done this once before when we were blasted on coke... and I had a tiny bit today so I dressed up. Tommy talke me into coming this way, is it OK?' I asked.

'Sure' he said 'I have a lot more coke... and you really do look very hot.' And I said thanks as we walked inside and into his living room.

'Some people should show up anytime... do you want to do a little more coke first?' 'Sure' I said, and he led me into the living room and showed me a very large pile on one of the end tables. 'Take as much as you want' Jack said, so I pulled out two large lines, about a half gram, and snorted them. And then Tommy and Jack did the same.

A few minutes later I was really wired, and Jack was staring at me... and then he asked 'Do you like to suck cocks?' And I replied 'I'm straight... but I do like sucking cocks when I'm fired up on coke' And Jack replied 'Like Now?' and I said 'Sure'

But just then the doorbell rang and Jack got up to answer it and I sat down on the couch. A few minutes later four guys walked into the room as I heard the doorbell ring again, and again, and within a few minutes the living room was half full of guys close to my age.

There were no women, though, and a lot of the guys were staring at me, and some looked confused.

The pile of coke on the side table was already huge but a few of the new guys dumped more and the pile was even bigger. Some of the guys started pulling out lines and I went over and said 'Hi... can I have a few lines?' One of the kids turned around and said 'Sure... I'm Tom. Are you a guy or a girl?' I said I was a guy, and someone else said 'You definitely look like a girl' and I leaned over the table and snorted down another large line in each nostril.

As the taste hit my throat I looked around and it seemed like everyone was staring at me... and I heard the doorbell a few times and the room was getting more crowded.

Jack came up to me and said 'I have Tommy answering the door for awhile... how about that blowjob?'

'Where?' I asked, and he said 'I'm OK with here'. So I looked around and in the middle of the room in front of the couches and chairs was an ottoman so I went over and sat down... and Jack came over in front of me and dropped his pants to the floor.

His cock was still soft but was large already, at least 6 inches soft and cut, and under it were a very large pair of hairy balls. I opened my mouth and he stepped in and I took him between my lips and got him really wet... and then I started sucking softly, pressing my tongue upwards against his cock, and started moving my lips up and down his shaft.

I heard a few guys commenting and Jack quickly got rock hard and his cock was now at least 7 inches long and fairly wide. My throat was numb so on one of the instrokes I let his cock slide into my throat, and I began deepthroating him. He started moving his cock in and out of my mouth so I stayed steady as he slowly fucked my throat. He groaned and hearing that I moaned myself and my cock got hard under my dress.

At one point he started thrusting hard and I gagged and he pulled back... and I stopped for a second and said 'I'll puke on you if you do that' and then I was back on his cock. And he kept fucking my mouth, but slow and steady, and he groaned again.

I just stayed there, totally immersed in the mouth fucking. My brain really wired, and his cock sliding against my lips and penetrating my throat slowly on each stroke was a total turn on... and I was steadily moaning softly.

I could hear some of the guys making comments, and as blasted as I was they turned me on even more.

I could sense that Jack was getting close when he reached down and held my head and pushed all the way into my throat and said 'Ohhhh'. And my throat got warm and I could feel the pulsing along his cock with my lips.

I breathed through my nose as his cum kept streaming into my throat, and when he was finally done he pulled out. The taste of his sperm got strong then, and I gulped down what was in my mouth... and I reached over and stroked his cock from base to tip with my hand, bringing out a few more drops which I licked off the end and swallowed that down.

Jack said 'That was unbelievable... probably the best blowjob I've ever gotten. You are a real pro.'

And I replied 'Thanks, but I've only sucked a few cocks in my life, and only recently'

Jack stepped back and I found myself sitting there surrounded by guys who had been watching the whole thing. But before anyone could step in I stood up and went to the table and snorted a few more lines... and as the taste numbed my throat I sat back down on the ottoman. And another guy stepped up in front of me with his cock out and I began sucking that.

I lost track at that point, cock after cock was put in front of me and I sucked them one after another, and swallowed countless loads of sperm. Some of the guys wanted me to suck them actively and others wanted to fuck my mouth, and I liked it all. I was so blasted on the coke that there was nothing else on my mind except the cock in my mouth, and the tastes, smells and sounds.

My mouth had a constant taste of sperm, each load tasting differently and then blending together, there was both a smell and a taste of urine as each cock pushed into my mouth and the smell from their groins, and the sounds alone were constant. The moans and groans from the guys as I blew them, the slurping sound my mouth made over their cocks, and all the background noises, lots of guys commenting on me and just lots of erroneous noises from the large party.. and it was like I was in a dream.

I started crashing a little and stood up and went over to the table and pulled out 2 lines of almost a half gram each and snorted them and then I headed to the bathroom and waited outside the door till it was empty.

Inside the bathroom I sat for a moment. The rush to my brain was huge and I had to sit there for a few minutes as the taste hit my throat and I caught my breath. Then I opened my purse and fixed my makeup, which wasn't bad except for my lips and nose... and then headed into the kitchen to get a drink.

Tommy was at the table, and I hadn't seen him since we got there. 'Hi' I said 'Where have you been' and he replied 'All over, but I've been stopping by every now and then to watch you... you are really something' 'It's all the coke, and I am blasted'

'Me too' he said 'How about a blowjob?'

'Sure' I replied, and he opened and dropped his slacks right there and I sat on a kitchen chair and engulfed his cock with my mouth.

I started sucking him really slowly, keeping his cock really wet, and sliding my mouth slowly over his shaft. Tommy moaned, which made me moan in return, and I kept up the deep soft blowjob.

Then Tommy pulled out and said 'Open your mouth' and when I did he said 'Stick out your tongue' and I did that also. Then he laid the tip of his cock on my tongue and stroked himself a few times and groaned and I felt his cum pulsing onto my tongue, and overflowing into my mouth itself.

I heard someone say, loudly 'Gross... that is so nasty' and a few other voices agreed. But I sat there till he was done and then Tommy said 'Show me' and I opened my mouth wide, showing the cum pooled there.

And I noticed a small crowd staring at me, and closing my mouth I swallowed it down.

'Thanks, that was so cool' Tommy said, and I blushed a little but was so blasted on the coke. And then I went back into the living room.

The living room was filled with guys and when I walked in it got a little quieter and many of the kids turned to look at me. My brain was still really wired from the last large lines I'd done, but I went and snorted another few lines anyway and it fired up my brain even more. I went into the center of the room and kneeled on the carpet instead of sitting on the ottoman. I liked the position better but it was also easier to adjust my mouth to different height cocks from a kneeling position.

As soon as I was in that position one of the kids walked over and unzippered and a fairly large cock came out and I leaned forward to take it inside my mouth.

As I serviced it with my lips and tongue I saw from the sides of my eyes that I was surrounded by a crowd who were watching me and waiting their turn.

The cock in my mouth ejaculated as the guy moaned and my mouth filled with sperm. And as he stepped away I swallowed and opened my mouth for the next guy. I stayed on my knees and sucked off cock after cock, the cum was steadily sliding down my throat towards my belly. Then a guy stepped in front of me with a really large cock, about 10 inches and wide, and I took him in my mouth and got him wet. He started fucking my mouth and when he entered my throat I gagged. Though my throat was numb the position wasn't right, so I pulled back a little and said 'Let's try something else'

I stood up and went to the table and snorted a few more large lines and looking around the room I saw that one of the couches was low with a padded back and I walked over there, said 'Excuse me' to the guys sitting, and laid across the back of the couch with my head backwards over the side. And then I waited.

The guy with the large cock came over and I opened my mouth and he slid his cock inside me. And then he pushed all the way in and I could feel his cock slide down my throat deep and his balls were pushed against my eyes. Then he started fucking my throat steadily and in that position his cock slid right in, and even when he began to pump my mouth fast it still didn't bother me. And then he pushed all the way in with his cock deep in my throat and moaned and I felt the warmth as his cockhead pulsed inside me and spewed sperm directly into my gullet. And then he pulled out and some of his sperm slid back into my mouth and the taste hit me. But in that position I couldn't swallow so I had to let that part of his load slide from my upside down lips over my face, and a small amount went into my nostrils where I blew it back out and some landed in my eye socket.

Right away I was staring at another pair of balls as a different cock slid into my mouth, and he started fucking my throat in a steady rhythm. It was partly the coke and partly the position but I was getting really turned on and my cock got hard as the coke slid past my lips in and out of my throat. Then he started thrusting fast and furious and his balls were bouncing off my forehead till he pushed in completely and groaned as his cock spewed into my throat. And again, when he pulled out the taste hit me strong and I had to let most of his cum slide out between my lips and this time it filled my eye sockets so I couldn't see.

I stayed in that position as cock after cock penetrated my throat, fucking it like a pussy and as the 5th or 6th cock spermed my throat and he groaned, I couldn't hold back and moaned around his cock as my own cock started ejaculating into my panties.

After this I got up from the couch and went to the bathroom where I cleaned off my cock and dried my panties as best I could, then dabbed most of the sperm off my face and hair where it had settled. Then I fixed my makeup as well as I could and left the bathroom.

Since I had just cum and the coke was wearing off my desire to suck cock had dwindled so I went over to the table and snorted 2 huge lines and went out to the kitchen where Tommy was still hanging out. 'You are something' he said 'I've never seen anything like that' 'It's the coke' I replied, and he said 'I know it is - but how about another blowjob?'

The coke had kicked in by then and my brain was again wired so I said 'Sure'. And sitting at a kitchen chair with the room packed Tommy pulled down his pants and let his cock out and I took it into my still slippery mouth. I sucked him off slow and deep as he moaned softly, and his cock got rock hard in my mouth. And then he pulled out and said 'Open your mouth' and I did, and he stroked himself twice and most of his sperm hit me direct in my eyes and then he finished cumming onto my tongue. I squeegied my eye sockets with my index finger and sucked the cum off my finger and swallowed it down. And immediately I was surrounded and 3 different guys were jerking off in front of me.

I opened my mouth and stayed there and one guy stepped in a little and spewed mostly into my mouth but before he even finished the guy on my left stroked and shot his load onto my forehead and the front of my hair and the guy on my right ejaculated into my eye and then moved his aim down so he finished on my tongue. My face was covered, but before I could even reach up and wipe anything off there were three more guys in front of me furiously stroking their cocks and the first pushed between my lips and my mouth filled with sperm as blasts of cum hit my face from both sides at once and my eyes were now completely covered and I felt the cum dripping down my face.

I saw a flash through the cum haze, and then another, and then another cock pushed between my lips and covered my tongue with sperm, and I felt another blast hit my cheek and saw another couple of flashes.

I reached up and wiped my eye sockets clean and saw Tommy standing there taking pictures of me... and then I started feeling down so I stood up, covered in cum, and went into the bathroom. I carefully wiped my face and chin with a paper towel and fixed my makeup.

When I came back out I looked for Tommy and found him in the kitchen. 'Why were you taking pictures of me?' I asked him. He said 'I didn't think you'd care, no one would recognize you anyway'. and I said 'Fine, then. But I want to see them before you show anyone else.'

Back in the living room the crowd seemed to be thinning a little, and I went over and snorted a really big line. And as it was hitting me I saw Tommy and said 'Keep taking pictures if you want' And then I kneeled in the center of the room and started sucking off whatever guys wanted a blowjob. About every 6th cock I'd snort some more coke, and eventually there was no one waiting. So I stood up and went into the bathroom and locked the door and started cleaning myself off as well as I could.

There was cum all over me, my clothes, hair, face, and I took a damp washcloth and wiped what I could off my clothes, the cum in my hair was dry so I brushed it out quite a few times, and then I cleaned my face off and fixed my makeup... but at this point I could only do so much.

Leaving the bathroom I looked for Tommy and said I wanted to leave, and he said fine, so we went to find Jack in the living room, and I snorted a huge line and said goodbye. And Jack asked me if I wanted to come back the next time there was a party.

'Sure' I said, and then we left and Tommy drove me home.

And once in the house I stripped down and threw all my clothes in the washing machine and then jumped in the shower... where I washed off myself completely.

And then I got into bed - physically clean but my throat still had a strong taste of cum. And with a bellyache I finally fell asleep.

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