Uninhibited Cocksucking

Published on Nov 11, 2011


Uninhibited Cocksucking Part IV

by Goo Gobbler googobbler@hotmail.com

The next morning I woke up with another stomach ache, and feeling very depressed again. And looking in the mirror I again realized how much I'd fucked up. I again gel'd my bangs back and went into the kitchen for some coffee and my mom was at the table. She looked at me and said 'What's with the earrings?' and I replied 'I don't know, it seemed like a good idea'. And as I drank the coffee I kept looking over to see her staring, probably at my eyebrows, but she didn't say anything. I watched TV for awhile and then I got up and went into the bathroom and snorted some coke... and when my brain fired up a few minutes later I told my mom I was going out for awhile and I got in the car and left.

I drove right over to the bookstore but I found it closed... it was only 10AM and the sign said it opened at noon on weekdays. I had really wanted to suck some cocks now I had a few hours to kill. So instead I went over to the K Mart again and went shopping. I bought a few summer dresses and tried them on in the mens dressing room, and then I went over and bought a few bra's and panties. I bought some large balloons in the toy dept, figuring I could use them for breast filler, and then I went to the makeup dept. and bought a few more eyeshadows, another lipstick and nail polish, and I also bought some nail polish remover, some eye makeup remover pads, and a few packages of wet wipes. I paid for them while the clerk gave me an odd look and then I drove over to the bookstore.

It had just opened but there were a half dozen cars in the lot already, so I snorted some more coke and went in, and the booth with the hole was open so I went in there and threw the catch, and fed some dollar bills in and started watching a shemale video with the tranny sucking a really huge cock. And a minute later I heard someone enter the booth next door and I went over to look through and a cock came through the hole. I was right down on my knees, my mouth around the cock, and I started sucking and slurping on it wetly, using my tongue and stroking it with my mouth slowly. And after a few minutes he knocked and I moved my lips out and took his cum on my tongue, draining him before he pulled out and I gulped it down.

A few minutes later another cock came through and I sucked that one dry, and 3 more followed in a row. And with my brain fired up I was lost in what I was doing, and the cocks felt so nice in my mouth as I serviced them till they ejaculated on my tongue. And then there was nothing for awhile and i opened the door to find the place empty. I went out to the counter and said to the clerk 'It's really dead back there' and he replied 'It always is on weekdays except for lunchtime.' I went home, and stayed there for the rest of the day, with cocks and cum dancing through my head.

Tuesday was very similar, I snorted some coke and got there right at noon. The blowjob booth was closed with a light so I took another one and spent the next hour on my knees, sucking off whatever cocks came to me while other guys watched and commented. And like the day before, it went from busy to dead in minutes and I left. I went back home and thought about going out to the bookstore later but I didn't do any more coke and like I knew it would, the urge went away. And I stayed home and watched TV.

On Wednesday I got a few calls from people asking about coke, so I called a few more people till I found someone who wanted a quarter... and then I picked up the ounce and dropped off the coke to everyone, and had another quarter ounce for myself... plus the 2 grams and about a vial and a half of crack. I otherwise stayed home, and my parents reminded me they were going on vacation down the shore early on Thursday night... and would be gone for a long week. They asked me if I wanted to go and like the first time I said I'd rather stay home... and again I said I'd rather stay home.

On Thursday Tommy dropped by and I didn't say anything about the coke at all. We went out to the park to smoke a joint and were just talking like nothing had happened. But he did notice the earrings and eyebrows and commented, and I just shrugged. He told me he was going to a party the next night at his cousin Jack's house (since his parents were also gone on vacation) and he asked me if I wanted to go. 'What kind of party?' I asked, and he replied 'A wild one with lots of coke' I said sure, and he said he'd come get me tomorrow at around 6 PM and he'd drive since his cousin was over an hour away.

The next morning I woke up with my parents already gone. I got up and had some coffee and some toast, and then snorted some coke. When I satrted getting blasted I thought about going over to the bookstore but having the house alone I instead I went and got my girl stuff out of hiding. I laid out all my makeup on my desk in front of the window. And borrowing my mothers makeup book I took a shaving mirror and sat at my desk and experimented with makeup.

I put on all my makeup, then washed it off, snorted a little more coke, put on more makeup, tried different eye colors, etc., snorted a little more coke, and washed it off and started again. By this time I was doing OK with it, and when I was done it looked really good. It was now noon so I went into the bathroom and filled the tub and laying in the warm water I shaved my entire body again. And then I put lotion all over myself and laid down on my bed. And the coke soon wore off and I nodded out for awhile and then woke up and made a sandwich. It was now 2PM and I went into the bathroom and shaved my face really close and washed my hair. And after I dried off I decided to do a little more coke so snorted another line and then put a lump of crack in the pipe and smoked that, inhaling deeply, and my brain was immediately fired up.

I then I sat down at my desk and began to put makeup on. I carefully applied liquid foundation, used a sponge to smooth it, powdered over it to set it. Then liquid eyeliner (no mistakes), eyeshadow in various purple and blue tones, 3 coats of black mascara, and eyebrow pencil to define my eyebrows. Powder blush was next and then I pencilled in my lips and used a deep pink lipstick. I dressed in new black panties and bra, and then went into the bathroom and filled 2 of the ballons with water till they were tit size... and put them in the bra... and they felt great, the weight made a big difference. And then I stepped into one of the new dresses, a short flowered halter top.

I went over to the mirror and took out the ear studs and replaced them with some hoops I'd bought, and put on a bracelet. And finally brushed out my hair, and brushed the bangs down... and looking in the mirror it was really odd... it was like I was looking at someone else. I was still feeling the coke, and I went into my room and painted my nails in a dark pink that matched my lipstick, and as they were drying I went over to my PC and brought up the sound recorder. I started talking into the microphone in different voices and listening back to them. I tried various falsettos and they sounded ridiculous. But then I hit on a voice that was my own but slightly higher and playing it back it sounded somewhat feminine... so I practiced that and found it was easy to fall into without thinking too much. And by then my nails were dry so I pulled on thigh high stockings I'd bought and pulled on my dress sandals.

It was now a little after 4, and I was thinking about masturbating, but I was thirsty and went down to the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice. And as soon as I sat at the table there was a knocking at the back door. I ignored it, staying very quiet, and then I heard Tommy say 'It's me, open the door'. So I went to the door and unlocked it and Tommy walked in. And as soon as he saw me he said 'Holy Crap! Look at you!' 'I got a little coke and was just playing around... do you want to do some?' And Tommy said 'You look unbelievable! Even your voice almost sounds like a girls voice'

I went and got some coke and dumped it on the kitchen table, and we each did a very large line. Then I pulled out my pipe and took the remaining 2 pieces from the first vial and put one in the pipe and heated it up and smoked it slowly and deeply. 'Want your dick sucked while you get stoned?' I asked, and he said 'Sure' So I sat on a kitchen chair and he stood in front of me and I took his dick into my mouth and quickly sucked it hard. And then I began giving him a wet soft blowjob, and as I slid my lips over his shaft I looked up at him to see him watching me. 'You really do look hot!' he said, and as I kept sucking him he smoked the last piece of crack. And his eyes got wide and were looking into mine as I softly nursed on his cock. And then he said 'Keep doing that' and I moved my mouth over his cock a few more times and he said 'Ohhh' as his sperm exploded into my mouth... and I slurped it down till he stopped cumming and pulled away.

I sat upright and he sat in a chair, and a few minutes later I said 'I'm going to change for the party' and I got up. But Tommy said 'Why don't you come dressed like that... it's going to be a wild party. And you won't know anyone there' I thought about it for a full minute and said 'If you're sure it'll be OK', and he said 'Absolutely' So I went into my room and fixed my makeup (mostly just my lipstick) and I put some coke and the pipe in my purse. Then I put in my wallet and most of my makeup and I came back out to the kitchen. It was now 5:30 and Tommy said 'Do you have any more coke?' I told him I still had a gram left, which we snorted... and a few minutes later, with our brains racing, we both went out to his car and got in and he started driving to his cousins house.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 5

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