Uninhibited Cocksucking

Published on Jul 4, 2010


Uninhibited Cocksucking

by Goo Gobbler googobbler@hotmail.com

I've always considered myself straight... but I had always wanted to suck someone's dick, since my earliest years. It started when I first heard rumors about it when I was really young. And when some of the other kids showed up with magazines of women sucking on dicks, the pictures looked so dirty... and my desire to suck someone's cock increased. But here I was, just turned 18, and just graduated from high school, and my mouth was still virgin.

I'm 5'8, 135 lbs., with blue grey eyes and long dirty blond hair which I kept in a ponytail. And I've always been straight in almost all senses of the word. I had girlfriends, I loved sex with girls, I had absolutely no attraction to men themselves. And I especially loved getting my dick sucked by girls, and loved cumming in their mouths.

In the last few years I've had more than a few gay guys, and some bisexual guys as well, come on to me and ask if they could suck my cock. Which completely turned me off... and even grossed me out a little. I had no desire to have my cock sucked by a man, nor was I looking for a mutual blowjob session.

My fantasies were always of me sucking off a straight guy, period, no touching except for my mouth around their cocks, no affection, just me on my knees blowing them till they ejaculated in my mouth, and then me swallowing it... that was it. And though I couldn't figure a safe way to do that my desire to suck a cock wouldn't go away.

I was mostly just scared of getting caught. And over the years other boys who sucked someone off got found out and their lives were ruined. A few times, though, I'd snorted a little coke and when the taste hit my throat and the coke hit my brain my desire to suck almost anyone's dick got really strong. Almost strong enough to overcome my fears... but not quite. And I mostly avoided coke completely because it just made me really frustrated. Then one day things changed.

Some friends had been asking me if I knew where to get some coke, and I did know someone who dealt it. So I talked to him and he gave me a deal on an ounce. I sold 3 quarters quickly and had a quarter ounce left over for free.

It was early afternoon on a Saturday in early July, and I pulled about 2 grams out and called up my friend Tommy and told him I had a little coke and to come over (I was still living home). He showed up a little while later and we went down the basement where we usually hung out. I showed him the coke, but then Tommy went into his pocket and pulled out a few small vials and a glass pipe. 'It's crack' Tommy said 'I've done it a few times with my cousin Jack and it's unbelievable'

'I've never done that' I said 'Let's do some lines first' and I dumped the two grams on the table and split it into 6 very large lines.

We each snorted a line, and sat back, and that taste hit my throat right away... and then the coke started hitting my brain. And as soon as it did I immediately thought about sucking a cock. Then Tommy dumped out one of the vials and there were a few whitish lumps and he took one and put it in the pipe and holding a lighter under it he took a large long hit. I watched him carefully and immediately he started breathing deep and slow and his eyes got wide... and then he sort of moaned softly. 'What's it like?' I asked and he said 'Incredible... wanna try it?'

'OK' I said tentatively, and he handed me the pipe and I fired it up and took a long large hit myself.

Instantly I got this really, really strong chemical taste back in my throat and it was like nothing I'd ever felt. I started breathing deep and then my brain just fired up, and I was instantly and totally blasted, and felt really warm.

'Fuck' I said 'I didn't expect that' and he said 'It is something else, isn't it?'

He sat also, and I started rambling about everything and nothing. And the next thing I knew my cock was rock hard. 'Fuck, I am so horny' I said 'does it always do that?' and he replied 'Always'

'I can see where people would do things they normally wouldn't' I said 'it's like I feel a power that makes everything OK'

Tommy was mostly just nodding along, and then he said 'You're right about that. I've seen girls who'd do anything for some coke. I even once let a guy suck my cock when we were both blasted'

I was thinking of a way to comment on that but Tommy handed me the pipe and we each took another hit and my brain fired up again, plus the coke we'd snorted was now kicking in. Continuing the conversation I said 'But he was gay, wasn't he', and Tommy replied 'No, he was straight. It was just the coke... and curiosity'

'And what did you think about it?' I asked, and he replied 'It felt really great... because of the coke he was much more into it than any chick who's ever sucked my cock.'

I was silent for a moment and then I felt the coke rush starting to wear off a little and said so. Tommy said 'Lets do another line first' and we snorted another large line each... and then Tommy put another chunk of crack into the pipe and I took a really huge hit. He took one himself, and then I took another large hit

The urges came even harder this time, and I sat back down and was silent for a moment as the taste filled my senses and my brain was completely fired up, and then my cocksucking urges came into my head like a train... I was silent till Tommy said 'What are you thinking?' and though I never would have otherwise, I said 'I am so horny...at this moment I can see why someone would want a blowjob from anyone... and might even want to see what it's like to suck a cock.'

Tommy stayed quiet, just looking at me, and I continued 'If I sucked your cock would it stay between us?'

Still staring at me he said 'I couldn't return the favor... but if you want to anyway, I'd never say anything to anyone.'

The next thing I knew I was kneeling on the basement floor, waiting, and as Tommy opened his belt and dropped his pants there was nothing else on my mind than getting his cock into my mouth and sucking on it. He came over in front of me and for the first time I noticed his cock in detail. It was about 6 inches long, medium width, and had a tapered mushroom head. And under it his balls were large.

I leaned forward and engulfed his cock in my mouth, and the feeling against my lips and tongue was electric. It was so warm, and soft, and silky and I started using my tongue on it and sucked softly. The feel of that tube of flesh in my mouth was nothing I ever fantasized. Tommy groaned, and hearing that I involuntarily moaned. The coke was racing through my brain and there was nothing on my mind but the feeling of the cock in my mouth. So I started moving my lips in and out over his shaft slowly, like a few girls had done to me, and I'd liked it a lot when they had.

In my fantasies it'd always been just me, and the cock had just been anonymous, but this was completely different. The cock in my mouth was so warm, and alive, and I could feel it pulsing gently against my lips and tongue. I closed my eyes and the sounds were unexpected... my mouth was making wet slurping noises as I sucked, licked, and stroked with it and Tommy was making soft noises as well. And there was also the smell, a sweaty muskiness of Tommy's crotch and I was entranced.

With my mouth still full of his cock I looked up at Tommy and his eyes were closed and he was making soft moaning noises as I moved my mouth wetly back and forth over his dick, my tongue pressed against the bottom. His cock got even harder and I started moaning, and then I heard Tommy say 'I'm going to cum soon if you want to stop'

But I kept the same rhythm, my wet mouth sliding over his cock and then he stiffened up and a large wet blast spewed onto my tongue.

The taste was strong, but not nasty, and I kept my lips around his cockhead and started licking across his pisshole as another blast landed on my tongue, then another, and finally his cock started getting soft in my mouth. He pulled out and I closed my lips, my mouth was full of his sperm, and I was sort of swirling it around in my mouth, tasting it and feeling the slimy texture and then without a thought I gulped it down and the cum taste was really strong in my mouth. And then Tommy said 'Wow... that was probably the best blowjob I've ever gotten'

And all of a sudden I felt very weird about the whole thing and quickly stood up and sat in the chair.

Tommy said 'Chris, don't worry about it. It's just the coke. And what happens with the coke stays with the coke' and I felt a little less weird. 'Did you like it?' he asked, and I replied 'Yeah, I did... a lot... and I'm not sure why'

And we both sat there silently for a short while. I went upstairs and got a couple of sodas and came back down, and we started talking... and then a little while later the coke started wearing off very quickly and I was starting to come down really fast.

'Let's finish off the coke' I said, and Tommy agreed. So we both snorted the last 2 piles of coke and a few minutes later I could feel my brain firing up. 'Have you ever smoked crack while someone was sucking your cock?' I asked, and he replied 'No, but I'll bet that would be something'

'Want to try it?' I asked and he said 'Sure'. He dumped out the second vial and there were 2 decent size chunks of crack... so I took one and put it in the pipe and took a really large hit... then another, and a final hit and finished off the crack in the bowl. And immediately I was completely wired up and ready for another load of cum in my mouth.

I dropped to my knees, Tommy stood up and dropped his pants, and I started softly sucking his cock. It again felt wonderfully soft, silky, and warm and got firm but not completely hard. But it felt great on my tongue and against my lips and I slowly stroked his cock with my wet mouth and softly sucked, my tongue sliding across his cock head on the outstrokes. 'That feels so good' he said, and his cock got rock hard.

Tommy was holding the pipe with the last large chunk in it, and with his cock still in my mouth I looked up at him and watched as took a large hit. My mouth still working, I watched him take another hit, and then then a final hit, and he groaned. Then, looking down into my eyes as I sucked him he started moaning steadily and increasingly louder and looking back into his eyes I kept my tongue moving over his cock, my mouth wet and sloppy... and after a few minutes he said 'Here it is' and with our eyes meeting his cum spewed into my mouth, warm and slimy, with that wonderful taste. We both moaned at the same time as his sperm kept streaming onto my tongue, and when he stopped cumming and started getting soft he pulled out, and after swirling his sperm around in my mouth I swallowed. And as his cum slid down my throat the taste mixed with the coke taste still there and I moaned again.

He sat down, his pants still down, and said 'I have never felt anything like that... it was unreal' And then I said 'Can I suck on your cock softly and jerk myself off?'

'Sure' he said 'But really soft' So I opened my pants and still kneeling I spit in my palm and started stroking my own cock as I softly sucked on his. And with the sperm taste still strong in my mouth and his warm soft cock filling my mouth it was only a few seconds before I moaned loudly and my cum started rising towards my cockhead. And when I ejaculated it was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had and I caught it in my left hand but kept my mouth around his cock till I was done. And for the first time in my life I was still horny right after shooting my load... and I lifted my palm to my mouth and slurped my own cum off it. The taste was sort of nasty but I swallowed it anyway.

I knew Tommy was done for awhile, so we both got up and I asked Tommy if he could get some more crack... and he said anytime... and then he said that he had a little extra in the car that he could sell me... as well as a spare pipe. 'I don't have any money but I have another gram of coke I can trade you' I said So I went to my room and made up a gram of coke and walked him to the car and he gave me two small vials in return... and then he said 'Don't worry Chris... I will never say a word to anyone about what happened. But they were the best blowjobs I've ever gotten'

I didn't know what to say, but he said 'I have to go... talk to you tomorrow'. And he got in his car and drove off.

I was still really blasted but the highest point was past. I had a strong urge to keep going with the coke and crack but I knew if I did it wouldn't be as intense and I'd just be wasting it. So I went upstairs and into my room where I laid in my bed. My brain was still wired, though, and I kept thinking about how the coke high and the crack rush had felt, but even more about what Tommy's cock had felt like in my mouth, and the feeling when he'd groaned and his sperm had flooded my mouth. And most of all the taste, on my tongue and in my throat as I gulped it down. Eventually, though, the coke wore off and I got up and ate something... and looking at the clock saw that it was just 4PM.

... to be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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