Uni Rugby

By Foxpark Foxpark

Published on Dec 20, 2014


Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between consenting males of legal age (in the uk). If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Whilst it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind. Copyright remains with the author.


This was the day. The plan was set.

Cole couldn't help but feel nervous as he followed Derren down to the South college. Technically he was being rescued but at the same time he had been told nothing. What made it worse was that Derren kept on smiling to himself as they walked in almost total silence. Cole didn't think that Dez himself even noticed that he let out an occasional snort and giggle. Clearly something was amusing him.

*** Dez was already thoroughly enjoying himself. He could've let Cole in on the plan but then he wouldn't be able to enjoy the mix of nerves and pants-wetting fear that was radiating off of the fresher. Yes it was cruel of him to leave him hanging but his comment the evening before had annoyed him. Yes- he was the kind of person who would only do a favour for a favour. Yes- he was probably, maybe, possibly manoeuvring Cole into a position where he'd end up in his debt. It was just rude to call Dez out on it that was all.

When he had gone home last night he'd spent a happy hour making a few phone-calls to Barton and a few others. It had been a blatant abuse of power and would mean that several laws were about to be broken but that was all part of the fun. After all this was all about retribution for the crime of blackmail. The fact that it would give him a giggle was just a bonus. The only thing that had disturbed his otherwise pleasant evening were the unpleasant bits of his brain that had refused to shut down as he tried to sleep.

"He was right here," they said. "Right here in your bed naked and open."

"Vulnerable," said his conscience, "it would have been wrong to touch him."

Then he had stayed wide-awake for an hour with the image of Cole's sleeping body lying on his bed. He replayed Cole's cam show over and over again. Eventually he had gotten up, gone to his laptop and watched porn- wanking until he'd satisfied his raging hard-on. The more he thought about it the more he wondered why he hadn't already made a move on Cole. Technically he had been at his mercy. What made him so different from everyone else that Dez's better-self started nagging him to be nice?

That was last night. Now he was completely focused on the task at hand (or at least as focused as he could be with the gorgeous blonde rugby player walking next to him).

They finally made it to the South College's main entrance and stepped inside. The university itself was relatively modern. Rather than the crumbling brickwork or bulky masonry of older universities, this was one with glass fronts and bright colours. That being said the inside also contained a great many ragged and shaggy lecture theatres and seminar rooms that had been in use since the 70s. Most of them were only used for the odd class as lecturers preferred the more modern. It was because of this that, at certain times of the day, Entire sections of the South College would be abandoned. All one had to know was when and for how long. That kind of information wasn't generally accessible by students. It was mostly the Admin staff, pouring over an endless number of time-tables, that knew which rooms would be occupied when. You only had to know the right people and they could, for example, tell you that on this particular day the old South College would be pretty much abandoned in the late afternoon as most of the Seminars were being held in the newer colleges on campus.

Dez wondered what Cole would make of this particular experience. Would this be another slice of the wild life at university? Would he be appalled at how sordid it all was? Or would this be his moment- the epiphany where he would finally realise that shit-happens and even life's most vegan of personalities have broken a few eggs and eaten raw steak. There was only one way to find out. As he neared the end of a corridor he stopped to turn and face the nervous looking fresher. Not for the first (or last time) he wish he didn't have those eyes.

"Listen carefully. Just ahead is the side door to the Hemmingway Lecture Theatre. It's the oldest, but still one of the biggest on campus. When we go in we're gonna take a seat and enjoy the view without making a sound. Your friends are already in there, probably having a whale of a time. Do not speak until I tell you too- got that?"

Cole gave a wary nod, "alright but can I at least know what's going on?"

"No," Dez replied after a pause, "I don't want you having an attack of conscience just before we wrap this little episode up. Don't ask me why, I just get this feeling that you're going to be too nice of a person to enjoy this as much as everyone else. Just try to remember that someone is getting their comeuppance, yeah mate?"

With that said Dez patted the younger student on the shoulder and led the way to the double doors. Easing the doors quietly open he slipped through and held the door for Cole. As the younger guy passed into the dimly lit room he suddenly caught sight of what was going on. Down on the central bench (where lectures were usually given) the bitch who had been blackmailing him was getting the kind of fucking he had only ever seen in the most risqué porn films.

Sally Reed had no idea she was being watched and whilst she was only doing this so that she could get a M.C. form forged and boost her scores, she had to admit the slimy bastard currently pistoning in and out of her knew how to fuck. Elliott McGrath did know he was being watched and it turned him on all the more. The gullible bitch beneath him had come up with this arrangement 'all by herself' (after some gentle nudging, obvious hints and bald proposals). He had never actually said he worked for the theatre department as such, he had simply popped along to see a colleague and happened to be behind the desk when she came in. It was one of Dez's computer-whiz mates that had forged an email to her inviting her to come in and talk about her disappointing performance in assignments with a member of staff. As he pumped away at the velvet walls of her cunt he couldn't help but think that this was one of the better favours he'd ever been asked to do.

Cole's cock had hardened to full length and strained against his jeans. He was broken out of his trance as Dez pushed him along and into a row of seats. It was only then that he noticed the others. In the relative gloom of the lecture theatre he could make out Barton and some of the other boys from the rugby team watching the show intently. At least two of them were recording it, or so he guessed by the lights given off from the screens of their mobiles.

Dez had not failed to notice that the scene in front of them was having quite the effect on Cole. Even in this light he could make out the prominent mound of teenage cock desperately calling out for attention. Dez so wanted to drop something and accidently pass his hand over it or just say fuck it and jump on Cole. But no. He was here on business. Even so he took a moment to enjoy the sight in front of him. In all truth the girl did nothing for him but he appreciated Elliot's efforts and allowed himself a moments reminiscence, thinking about the times he had been on the end of it.

As Elliot reached his climax and Sally faked hers (dramatic as she was) the members of the rugby team erupted into a roar of applause and wolf whistles. With surprising agility for someone who had just had a power fucking, Sally was on her feet and glaring at the players in the seats. Elliott merely smiled to himself and began re-dressing. Dez had to hand it to Sally, most people would have froze on the spot or broken-down but she seemed to pass straight through startled and go straight for angry. Her hand shaking with rage, she pointed a finger at a bewildered Cole and demanded to know what was going on.

The silence that followed was brought about by Barton who merely had to raise a hand to call for it. Though Dez would have loved to step in and take the credit this was team business; Barton was in charge.

"Actually Sally, Cole had no idea what was going on until he stepped through that door. If he had known anything he probably would have tried to stop us doing what we're doing now. He's nice like that isn't he? But you see that makes what's happening all the more important. You tried to blackmail him into sleeping with you- know personally I would have taken you up on that because as we all now know you fuck like you're possessed-"

"-Who the fuck-" Sally began.

"DON'T interrupt me!" Barton waited for the message to sink in and then continued, "I am Jack Barton, captain of the rugby team. Cole is one of my new players. Now if you mess with any one of my boys you mess with me, the team and half the fucking university. So here's how this is going to go. Several of us have your little session recorded on our phones. You are going to back off of Cole or we are going to let this get around. We will send it to everyone. Should you drop out of Uni and decide that you're now free to keep blackmailing him you should know that there are enough techno whizzes on this campus to hunt you down and send a copy of this video to your future employer, or your friends or even your family. This is over. No swearing revenge or trying anything stupid. You have learned something and hopefully Cole has too."

A deathly silence followed. Sally stood trembling her eyes darting between Barton and Cole. For a brief moment Dez thought she might be stupid enough to try to save face by shouting at Barton or swearing that vengeance would be hers, but she was intelligent enough to know that she had lost. With all the dignity she could muster she turned and walked out of the side door, not once glancing at Elliot.

"Thank-you boys- the rest of the day is yours," Barton said sounding a little tired, "Dez, Cole- a word please."

"Oh am I dismissed too?" Elliot shouted up.

"Yes, thank-you Elliot," Barton said stiffly.

"and my... er... payment?"

"Should be waiting for you at the time and place you requested."

Elliot bowed theatrically and sauntered out of the side door with a smile on his face. Cole and Dez came to stand next to Barton. Cole hadn't uttered a single word and he now hung his head, unable to meet the gaze of wither of the older men.

"no need to look like that," Dez said cheerfully, "You're off the hook. It's done."

"It just feels... harsh... that's all."

"And if we hadn't have stepped in? What then? Would you have slept with her or would you have risked embarrassment. When it comes to retribution you can have justice or mercy but not both."

Barton chuckled at Dez's sudden eloquence and put a friendly hand on the blondes shoulder, "all sorted now piss-off and go be a student. Go enjoy yourself and don't worry about anything else."

Both men watched the blonde go before walking through the building together. They didn't speak which was a sure sign that Barton had something to say. Dez knew him as a simple kind of guy who would say what he was thinking if he had anything to say at all. When there was a drawn out pause he was struggling with something. For now Dez was content to wait while Barton thought whatever it was through. He had always enjoyed Barton's company in a weird way. They would never have said they were best-friends but they took comfort in each-others company from time to time. It was lonely at the top. Both men had to 'network' , give orders to people that didn't respect them, work for charities they didn't give a shit about and put a finger in every damn pie, all so that they could stay ahead of everybody else. Dez liked Barton because he was a solid and calm person who didn't really need to scheme or plot- it was nice to interact with someone without trying to guess their next move. Barton, though he'd never admit it, knew that Dez was just a little bit sharper than he was and liked having him on his side even if they did have barely anything else in common.

In one movement Barton was suddenly in front of Dez who nearly walked straight into him. If the intense stare was anything to go by the Barton was still trying to way up the pros and cons of saying whatever it was that was on his mind but, now that he had stopped Dez in his tracks, he was committed to it.

"I'm... look..."

Dez waited but there didn't seem to be anything else coming. He chose to take a shot in the dark and guess what the issue was.

"Is this about Elliot? Look he's an arsehole but he's discreet for the right price. What did you promise him anyway? He told me he wanted to deal with you directly."

Barton suddenly looked very uncomfortable. His lips moved to say something but no sound came out.

"What?" asked Dez.

"A player," Barton said quietly, "he wanted a player."

Dez blood suddenly ran cold, "what! who?"

"That doesn't matter, it's done."

"Look you can't just force people into-"

"- I didn't force anyone to do anything!" Barton cut in angrily, "I asked them and they went of their own free will."

"Who was it?"

"That's none of your business it was just a team mate who has a flexible attitude when it comes to his own sexuality."

They stood in silence for a while Barton still felt a certain level of indignation that Dez would think he could force someone into Sex. Dez was desperately trying to line up a set of questions in his head. he needed to make sure that the team mate in question wasn't Cole without giving himself away.

"Look... the player-"

"Is none of your business," Barton said more calmly, "he's a second year and his sexuality isn't a secret but I'm not happy putting it to use like this. Anyway that's not what I wanted to talk about."

Thank God thought Dez, "Oh, what's on your mind then," he asked a little more cheerfully."


"What about him?"

Barton was suddenly very, very close. It wasn't threatening but it was enough to make the hairs on the back of Dez's neck begin to rise.

"I've seen how you look at him. He's a nice looking kid but he's also a nice guy generally. Stay away from him."

Now it was Dez's turn to get angry, "What do you mean?"

"I'm saying he's too nice and too soft to get mixed up in all this kind of shit. He's also too straight."

"How do you know and why do you care?"

"I care because he's my responsibility. I know because its already been discussed."

"What do you mean it's already been discussed?"

"He asked about you, he felt uncomfortable with you staring at him like some hungry dog. He's straight. So I'm saying, as a friend, let this one go."

"You've got some nerve- what makes you think I even like him?"

"I know"

"And what difference does it make!?!"

"There are other people out there, you know, it s just your too fucking thick to see it. You get so caught up in the next big scheme or the next pointless conquest that you don't see when someone actually wants you for you."


"See- so stubborn. You know not everyone wears their bollocks out on display. Some people don't just say the first thing that pops in their head. But you won't give anyone a chance to get close enough- you won't listen when someone's trying to tell you something."

"Like when?"

"like Now."

"About Cole?"

"About me!"

Those last words hung in the air like the echo of dying thunder. Dez physically winced as he tried to figure out if he was really hearing what he thought he was hearing. Barton hung his head, suddenly unable to look at Dez in the growing silence.

"This is why you're suddenly so dead against me fancying Cole?"

"I didn't realise you'd end up liking him like that..."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"because you sleeping around with people is one thing, but you got fixated on him. you wanted something with him."

Dez took a deep breath and tried to digest what he had heard.

"So you're...?"

"I don't know."

"What about your girlfriend?"

"We broke up a few months ago. We haven't really told anyone yet. Carla's still my best friend and we still see each other every day."

The anger Dez had felt at having Barton pry into his personal life had completely dissipated. In his heart he knew he could never have made something happen with Cole. He was straight and every time he'd considered doing something with him or trying to get him into a vulnerable position (again) something had stopped him. It wouldn't have been right.

"Look," Barton continued his deep voice cracking slightly, "I understand if you don't feel the same way. Can we just forget I said anything. Friends?"

"I never said I didn't feel anything," Dez said calmly, "I just never thought about you. You were never an option for me so I just accepted that we would be friends and just friends."


"so... I don't know... why didn't you ever say anything?"

"I'm the captain of the Rugby team, I wanted to get ahead as a sportsman, its important to me. Don't give me any of that 'this is the 21st century' crap- we both know not everything has moved on. Carla and me tried to make it work but we both knew it wasn't right."

Dez looked at Barton as if for the first time. He was an Adonis in his own right and standing as he was, looking vulnerable, he was actually quite cute. Dez did like Barton he'd just never really examined that word much. Maybe now was the time.

"7 o'clock."


"7 O'clock. I'm going to come to your place. You're going to arrange dinner and a DVD, I'm going to bring a bottle or two of wine and then we're going to talk properly without worrying about anyone listening."

"Like who."

"Like the cleaning lady."

Barton looked down the hall at a grinning lady with curly grey hair. She'd clearly been enjoying the free theatre. Winking at them both she walked away chuckling to herself. The two students burst out laughing.



*** A few hours after Barton's completely random outburst the pair had finished dinner and were having a whale of a time ignoring a DVD whilst they sat at either end of a Barton's bed, staring each other down. Barton hadn't really said anything that Dez hadn't already figured out for himself. Barton was neither straight nor Gay; he didn't have a label because he'd never had to label himself before. It was only after splitting up with Carla that he'd really begun to think about that other side of his sexuality. Carla was hot (even Dez had to admit that) and Barton was faithful, Carla was also a bit of a nympho which meant that Barton's desires were pretty much satisfied on a permanent basis.

"So why me?" Dez would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying having the upper- hand. It wasn't anything malicious but he loved being able to openly flirt with Barton and the way he squirmed and blushed. It was actually quite cute.

"Well... your hot," said Barton quietly, "and we've always been friends."

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Whenever I ask you a direct question you suddenly become interested in the DVD. Look at me."

Barton looked up, his face a picture of misery. He had no idea how to interact. Now he'd exposed his feelings he was suddenly embarrassed; unable to meet Dez's steady gaze.

"I Just don't know how to do this..."

"Try relaxing and being yourself," Dez said with a gentle grin, "You've done the hard part, you've said how you feel. It would help if you were a little more flirtatious but to be honest I'm happy to sit here and enjoy the view whilst you work out how."

This caused Barton to blush crimson again but at least it was accompanied by a sheepish grin. "To be honest I don't know to flirt with a guy. I can tell you how fucking fit I think you are..."

"That's more flattery but I'll take it. Would it help if I helped you?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well it seems your nervous about this situation and you're trying too hard to guess what you're supposed to do and how I'm going to react. I'm going to simplify it. You said you like me. Well I like you to. You could try flirting but that's a bit redundant now. What you can do," and with this Dez slid closer to Barton," is shut-your eyes, stop thinking and enjoy it."

"Enjoy wha..." but Barton said no more because Dez was kissing him.

The End

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