Uni Rugby

By Foxpark Foxpark

Published on Dec 3, 2012


Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between two consenting males of legal age (in the uk). If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Whilst it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind.

Part 3 where Dez springs his surprise on the unsuspeting fresher.

This story as well as others can now be found at the blog site: http://thefoxpark.blogspot.co.uk/

This series will continue here and at www.screeve.org.

I love to hear your comments- the good the bad and the damn right filthy- so keep em coming: foxpark@hotmail.co.uk

"A cam show?"

"That's what I said," Derren replied with a smile.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me- I'm not doing that!"

Derren had expected Cole to react like this. It didn't matter. He had gone over the idea a few times in his head and it was a win-win situation. Barton would be happy because his initiate would have been tested, Cole would be one step closer to getting on the rugby team and Derren... well Dez would have the un-enviable task of watching Cole strip off on webcam and perform for a bunch of strangers. "it's the hard end of the bargain, " he thought to himself as he walked home that day with a huge grin on his face, "but I guess I'll just have to do my best to enjoy it." All Cole had to do was have a wank on a cam site- he didn't even have to show his face. Dez would 'of course' be obligated to hold the webcam in position because it tended to slide about a bit and might film his face accidently. He hadn't told Cole about that part of the plan yet.

"Look the second lot of you charming rugby recruits are going to be put through their paces tonight. You'll have even more competition- so why not simply do this, laugh about how humiliating it all was, and get on to the next bit?"

"I don't want to do it- I don't want a load of creepy old perv's staring at me whilst I knock one out!"

"No one needs to see your face," Dez responded reassuringly. He couldn't believe it, this guy was even cuter when he got angry his face immediately went somewhere between a sulk and a pout.

"Look- you can't make me do this-"

"You are absolutely right- I can't. Nor will I try. This is your choice. You don't 'have' to join the rugby team either. But if you want to play fair and get into Barton's little group you will have to do this. These are the terms," Dez finished levelly and folded his arms. For a moment or two the young fresher couldn't meet his gaze. Dez decided it was best to leave the room and let him think about it.

It was a bit unfair when he really thought about it. This clearly hadn't been part of the 'new horizons' that students were told they'd explore at university. Still everybody had their rude awakening at some point- its just that his was coming early. It wasn't all doom and gloom, Dez reflected as he threw himself down on the sofa of the living room, once people accepted the fact that, whilst you'd get into some "really crazy shit" at uni it didn't mean you would enjoy it all, well- then they actually begun to have an adventure and had a bloody good time of it too.

Oh yes life had gotten... easier after Derren had learned to accept that 'outrageous experiences didn't always mean doing something you'd enjoy. Most of the time it was about doing things that pushed your boundaries. Most of the straight guys (and the sluttier girls) that came to university thought that their outrageous experience would include a lot of conventional sex and some heavy drinking. That was, as far as a hardened student was concerned, part of the day to day background for most uni students. They didn't think they'd wake-up in the morning next to someone they didn't fancy and hear that last night they snogged their best-friend for a bet. But once they accepted things would get out of hand and submitted to the idea that 'anything can happen' then they actually started living the Uni life. That's when the fun truly began.

*** When Dez was just a fresher he signed up to a lot of societies, as many freshers do. For some reason, that he couldn't fathom even today, he signed up to kick boxing. The head of the society was Terri Simpson a third year studying psychology. She wasn't your typical girly girl by any means, and yet there was something alluring about her. She was all woman- it was just that her lady-curves were packed with enough muscle to break bone with a high-kick.

This particular experience was at her house-party. At University a house party is a pretty standard occurrence so it not unusual for there to be a healthy amount of competition between neighbours and friends. As a result every other party tends to be themed or have some outrageous hook that people think has never been done before. This party was meant to be Mexican themed which, considering it was a November in England, was pretty bloody optimistic. What it boiled down to was a mass of people drinking tequila, wearing sombreros and listening to Shakira and any other kind of music that sounded vaguely Spanish/Mexican/Latin (it was a party- no one was marking them on authenticity).'Fresher Dez' had already hooked up at uni, got completely wasted, smoked something that may or may not have been legal etc- but they weren't really experiences you could say broke any boundaries. That was until three shots of tequila (that went down as gently as three lead weights) lowered everybody's inhibitions just a bit too much. Even to this day Dez was a little bit fuzzy on how he had ended up in Terri Simpson's bedroom chatting utter shit to her boyfriend but by 3 o'clock in the morning that's exactly where he was. At some point Terri joined them and said that everybody had crashed or taken cabs home and the party had officially run its course. They talked. Dez couldn't remember now what they had talked about but the conversation had veered toward sex. If he had been sober that night he would have easily spotted the side-ways glances that the kickboxing coach and her boyfriend were giving each other. "I like to watch gay porn- it's all about two guys together it really gets me off." When Terri had said that Dez hadn't thought "my god what is she on" or "where the hell did that come from" - he was drunk, and so he just laughed. He tried to focus in on her face as she was telling him how hot it would be to watch two guys getting off in front of her. She was saying how she fantasised about playing with her pussy whilst two guys fucked on her bed. Dez hadn't noticed her boyfriend moving closer to him until his hand was on Dez's thigh.

Terri's boyfriend wasn't unattractive but there was nothing about him that really turned Dez on. If he'd been walking down the street Dez wouldn't have blinked let alone given him a second glance. But at gone three in the morning, with alcohol coursing through his body and another guy moving forward to kiss him whilst his own girlfriend watched: Dez responded and kissed back. It wasn't a good kiss- Dez remembered that much. Then the other guy's hands were in his hair and pushing, gently but firmly telling Dez where this was all going to go. "Take it out." And Dez did- wordlessly- completely wrapped up in the moment and apathetic to his situation. The guys dick hadn't been anything special- even if it had Dez was too far gone to care, He'd gone down on him- no licking or teasing; this was not about attraction as this guy was clearly on the straight side of the curiosity spectrum. "Fucking yes," this had come from Terri who was watching the whole show with a satisfied grin on her face. Then it all changed pace. Dez's face was grabbed roughly and the guy began to brutally fuck his face. To his shame- even to this day: Dez went with it. This was clearly about the pick showing his girlfriend that he was an alpha and his dick wouldn't exactly have troubled even a virgin cocksucker. IT wasn't as if this was a mammoth session either as despite even the hindering effects of the alcohol the guy began to unload into Dez's mouth. That had been a sobering experience. The guy could produce an unholy amount of spunk that filled Dez's mouth, overspillng and dripping down his chin. That was all that Dez could remember about that night- it wasn't until the following afternoon when he received a video of the nights events from Terri with a simple "thanks" that it really hit him. She'd been recording it on her phone! He'd been used as a sex toy in some weird couples' game. He'd been filmed sucking off a guy that he wouldn't have touched if he'd been sober. The worst part of it all? No one had forced him. They were just as drunk as he was- but the barriers had melted away and he'd gone with it. It'd taken him a month to get over the shame of it all. Yes- a big part of university life was exploring new horizons but that didn't automatically mean you'd enjoy it. Since then? Well he had already put a foot over the threshold and new experiences came thick and fast. They weren't all enjoyable but the answer to that was "fuck it. So what?" He had deleted the video Terri had sent him out of self-disgust. There would have been no point in torturing himself by watching some random guy fuck his face and spunk up in his mouth despite having as much sexual magnetism as an elbow. Some days- though very rarely- he thought, "if only I'd known then what I know now- maybe I would have still deleted it, but if I had kept it I'd always be able to look at the exact moment that I just let go and the adventure began."

Derren was shaken from his trip down memory lane by a polite but pointed cough from the doorway.

"Alright I'll do it but i'm not showing my face and I'm not doing more thant ten minutes-"

"15 minutes and you have to do as people ask, except if its about showing your face. Is there anything else?"

The young fresher looked uncertain for a moment. Dez watched his face contort as he fought with some unmentionable inner-demon. He ran a hand threw his hair and stared down at his bare feet, unable to meet the older student's gaze for a moment.

"I'm dyslexic..."

Dez waited to see if there was going to be any more to this but there didn't seem to be. "Is... that a problem?" he ventured.

"I know how these cam sites work, I can't read what they're saying and type back and... you know... not all at once. Your gonna need to read what they're saying to me and I want you to guarantee that they NEVER see my face."

Dez's cock jumped in his underwear, this couldn't have gone better if he- well he had planned it sought of, but this way meant he wasn't pushing Cole into it.

"And you won't tell anyone? I don't want it getting out unless I decide to tell someone-"

"I completely respect that," Dez responded quickly, "and like i said you don't really have to do this- it's your choice." But somewhere in the back of Dez's brain was a voice screaming at him to shut the fuck up and get this fit fresher naked as fast as possible.

Dez led the way back to his room and explained the set up to Cole. Cole would sit in a chair in just his boxers to starts with and Dez would be sitting in front of him with his laptop, reading and responding to people online and making sure the webcam didn't shift to hit the lads face. Cole was visibly trembling as he stepped out of his jeans and pulled his shirt over his head, but as he sat down in the chair he shot Dez a look of defiance so fierce that it gave Dez chills.

"Well?" Cole said- it was only then that Dez realised he'd been staring with his mouth open. "Let me know when we start- I'm setting a timer on my phone- 15 minutes and no more."

Dez logged on to the cam site and checked the position of the camera. In the small box on his screen was the full torso and groin shot of the gorgeous fresher- this alone was enough to get him salivating, but just above the edge of his laptop was the full image. The flawless face, the dirty blond hair and the sparkle of his eyes. That image alone was enough to capture Derrens full attention. Getting a hold of himself (not that way-but believe me he desperately needed to do that) he clicked the button to start broadcasting and gave the younger student a thumbs up to let him know they had begun. Cole started the timer on his phone and cast it aside, ready and waiting for the first instruction.

The chat screen erupted.

It was now early evening so there weren't that many 'performers' of note online. The image of a young fit body, muscles rippling as his hands stroked his chest was enough to entice people by their hundreds in an instant. That- and the little heading "18 year old Rugby student" that Derren had decided to place in the status box.

"They want you to play with your nipples."

Cole swallowed loudly and it looked for a second as if he was about to get up and call of the whole thing but slowly, ever so slowly, his hand traced its way over the toned flesh of his stomach and his fingers began to graze the darker skin of his nipple. Once more a volley of comments lit up the screen. Cole looked at Derren with a raised eyebrow, his look still demonstrating his reluctance to go with this easily.

"They want you to start wanking your cock."

Cole shot Derren another look but let his hand slide back down his abs and begin to play with the soft flesh contained within his underwear. By this point Derren was practically dribbling and struggling to concentrate as his own hard cock demanded attention as it ground against his jeans. He risked a glance at the time on his laptop- 3 minutes had already passed!

"They keep demanding that you take it out."

Dez had expected Cole to struggle with this bit but he pulled out the most perfect cock Derren had ever seen. It made sense- at 18 even a situation like this couldn't have competed with the fact that any sexual situation would ignite the throbbing beast that is male sexuality. Cole's cock was- well perfect. The dark flesh of his manhood must have been at least eight maybe eight and a half inches. Lads like Cole weren't made by some organic process- they had to be hand crafted by sime gifted sculptor- had to be.

Dez watched- mouth open- as the fresher began to pump his hand up and down his cock, slowing every now and then to pass his palm over the sensitive engorged head. He took a good look t the endless trail of obscene messages that appeared on screen. People were really enjoying the show.

"They want you to take out your balls"

Cole was now in the moment and stretched his underwear lower to release a heavy set of boy balls. He rolled the soft love eggs in one hang whilst the other continued its ministrations on his 18 year old dick. Only Dez could appreciate the look on the younger student's face as he shut his eyes and bit down on his lower lip, succumbing to the pleasure and forgetting his position momentarily..

The resolution on the camera was too low for the online audience to appreciate it- but Derren could clearly make out a clear drop of precum forming at the tip of Cole's cock. Derren's own mind was filled with nothing but filth- if he'd been in a position to put his thoughts into words he would have shocked himself with the hideously lustfulness of their nature.

It shouldn't have happened, he didn't sense it coming but he sneezed. Briefly- ever so briefly the camera was shook and turned upwards to catch a glimpse of the fresher's face contorting in ecstasy. Dez's hand shot forward and corrected it in an instant, withdrawing it just as Cole opened his eyes to see what the sudden commotion was about. It wouldn't have been long enough for anybody to recognise who he was and it was highly unlikely that any of his straight mates were watching the show online. That thought passed through Dez's head in an instant, it had to because all the higher functions of his brain shut down once more as it gave way to the raging lust that was watching the show before him. The sweet smell of precum and sex had found its way to Dez's already tortured senses as he fought down his desire to lick and nibble every inch of the masturbating Adonis in front of him.

If there was a god of homosexual men then he had heard Dez's wordless prayers as a request blinked onto the screen.

"They want you to lift your legs and show them your feet."

It was a typical request for straight boys. They'd think nothing of showing their feet but in that position it would their man cunt. Dez was practically panting at the mere thought of what he was about to see. Looking a little weirded out by the request Cole complied and slowly began to raise his feet...

...and then the alarm on his phone sounded, signalling that fifteen minutes had indeed passed. Cole instantly dropped his feet and covered himself as best as he could with his boxers. Dez audibly sighed as the dark pink flesh was hidden from view. Responding to the hand gestures Cole was making he stopped the camera feed.

"That's it you've passed and I'll tell Barton you've done so," Derren tried to sound as friendly and non-plussed as possible to cut away the tension in the room.

Cole smiled, visibly relieved- "thanks, and you won't tell anyone right?"

"Right, now- not being impolite but get the hell out of here you've been here since god knows when in the morning."

This got a smile from Cole who dressed hurriedly.

"Have you seen my necklace mate? it was a present."

"erm na," Derren replied hurriedly kicking the pendent under his desk (he would congratulate himself for this bit of quick thinking later), "I tell ya what give me your number and if it turns up i'll give you a call."

Success- after exchanging numbers and saying a rather awkward goodbye Cole left. It had gone pretty smoothly. "Sure," Dez thought to himself, "later on I'll kick myself for not recording it but I won't forget it- it couldn't have gone better." His hard-on had softened somewhat since saying goodbye to Cole but he gave it a quick pull through his jeans. He'd left his laptop on and strolled towards it to shut it down.

He had stopped the show but the page was still up and running.

There at the bottom of the comments feed were four words that sent a spiteful chill down his spine.

[Cole is that you?]

That's all for now more to come soon. Keep your comments coming and remember your donationas to nifty.

Next: Chapter 4

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