Uni Rugby

By Foxpark Foxpark

Published on Oct 20, 2012


Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between two consenting males of legal age (in the uk). If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Whilst it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind.

This is part 2 of the stroy- sorry this one has taken a while to write. Keep your comments and story ideas coming I try to get back to everyone. Thankyou everyone for all the encouragement you've gien so far.

This story as well as others can now be found at the new blog site: http://thefoxpark.blogspot.co.uk/

Happy Reading Foxpark


Uni Rugby- part 2

Main characters:

Derren 'Dez'- a 21-year-old postgrad- handsome- but lacking in moral character

Jack Barton- the good looking captain of the Rugby Team- completley straight but not narrow

Cole- 18 a young fresher who ends up in Derren's 'care'

Cole looked around the room for clues. This was a guys room. So that ruled out getting laid. Was he with one of the rugby lot? Shit. Just as he stood to find some underwear a man he didn't recognise apeared in the door way with a plate of bacon sandwiches and a cup of tea. Whilst he didn't recognise the stubbled face Cole somehow knew his voice as he said... "Oh your up then slaveboy- I think we need a chat."

Cole's first instinct was to shout back about the slave boy comment but the whole situation left him without a voice. He was naked in a strangers house. His mind was trying to pass him the facts through the fog of amnesia but they weren't coming fast enough. There was something about the way this stranger had called him "slaveboy". It wasn't menacing in any way, in fact it was quite plain as if it was a simple statement of the incontrivertible truth. His hang-over suddenly followed him from the bed and hit him square in the head. He felt queasy and needed to sit back down. The black-hands of shame begin to race into his mind- he could fill his eyes begin to water.

"C'mon we've already had that bit," said the other guy , putting the cup and plate on a sideboard.

"What?" was all Cole managed to mumble miserably.

"You don't remeber do you?" the guy said as he sat at the far end of the bed. "Well lets see. My name's Dez and I rescued you from the rugby initiations last night. Do you remember the bar crawl or the field?"

"Shit I failed didn't I?" Cole whined miserably, "this is so fucking embarassing, i'm so sorry."

"Hey, hey- like I said we've already done that bit. You're just hung-over you'll be laughing about all this tomorrow."

"What do you mean we've done all this?"

"You had a good grizzle when I got you home, don't worry it wasn't a full on cry," Dez added as he saw the younger lads face. "You haven't failed the initiation either. In fact you did very well," Dez smiled broadly as he saw a tentative grin on the blonde teens face.

Cole suddenly placed his hands over his genitals as if he'd only just realised he was naked. Of course he had- it was just his brain hadn't sent any messages to his body to do anything about it. He felt a little better knwoing he'd made it throught the initations but something still bugged him.


"Ah yeah," Dez went on as went for a dressing gown behind the door and through it to a grateful cole, "its like this. You survived the intitations but so did alot of others. There'd done everything they could do without pushing it to a dangerous level, and you were all already too drunk so I came up with a solution..."

"hang-on a sec I don't rember seeing you at the bar-crawl- what position do you play?"

If Dez had been in court, the guilt on his face would have set him up for an immediate life-sentence, "I'm not you see. I was performing a small favour for the captain of your team and I kind of got lumbered with you. Ya see the suggestion was that for the next 24 hours you lot would be slaves to the existing members of the rugby team. Trouble is there were more initiates than there were members of the rugby squad- some were still ferrying people home," ("or to hospital" he added to himself guiltily).

Cole had listened to this with a wide-eyed misery; it was a special blend of shame and guilt known only to those who were hearing "what really happened last night". So he had been this guys slave and still was. That was his task.

"Look," said Dez as if reading his mind,"you lucked out. Right now the other initiates are slaves to the rugby team- and i think you know full well that those guys have an incredible imagination when it comes to humiliating people. You got me, and you won't have to do anything, we'll just make something up and you can get in ok?"

Cole nodded slowly. This guy seemed genuine enough. But there was one more thing that was bugging him. "Why am I naked?" he asked. Then he listened to the long journey back to Dez's house when he'd been wearing just shoes and his underwear. How he'd spent a while with his head down the toilet, gently sobbing about how he was never drinking again etc etc. Then Dez had apparently sat him in the bottom of the shower and got him washed before putting him to bed. There was an embarressing silence as all of this sunk in. It wasn't that he'd been seen naked by another guy becasue from what he could remember (and he really wishe d he couldn't) there'd been alot of nudity out on the field last night. It was that someone had seen him naked and vulnerable. Cole thanked Dez as he passed him the cup of tea and told him his clothes had been washed and were just in the dryer. With that he got up and excused himself, closing the door behind him.

Cole stared around the room with his bleary eyes. It appeared he had lucked out. He was gradually becoming aware of the aches and pains of his body. A twinge in his arms reminded him of the endless number of push-ups the rugby team had forced the initiates to do. This guy, Dez, was right. If he had been handed over to one of the team for humiliation he wasn't sure he could have taken whatever it was they were now dishing out to the others. What was it that was still bugging him? It was something about Dez- but he couldn't put his finger on it.

On the other side of the door Dez breathed out a sigh of relief and leant back on a wall. That had been every bit as difficult as it had been the night before. Eventually he'd had to toss the poor bastard a robe for the sake of his eyes. Cole was seriously fit! Last night he'd taken him back to the house on Jack Barton's orders. He'd started whinging as they got in. It was all a little incoherent. It wasn't anything dark, he didn't offer up his soul, it was just a drunk fresher lamenting his situation in a series of mumbles and whimpers. If it had been anyone else he would have took him back and left him with his head in the toilet before skipping off to bed, but it was those eyes. They were a bright green and they just did... something to Dez. They made him soften. He'd taken the younger guy back and had taken care of him. He'd got a god look at his equipment when he helped him shower but somehow it wasn't an erotic moment.

He didn't know why but when he finally laid the naked fresher out on his bed he sat for a while stroking his dirty blonde hair. That was when things got a little heated for him. He had just met this guy, he was gorgeous, he was naked and now he was in his bed unconscious. He'd sat on the edge of the bed watching the rhythmic movement of the eighteens years olds chest and listening to his heavy breathing. Dez was hard. His hand found its way into his underwear. But then he stopped. It was those damn eyes. He could have jumped him. Barton had handed him over as a slave. But he didn't want to.

Seeinghim just now had got Dez fully hard again. He traced the outline of his cock through his jeans and bit down on his lip to surpress a moan. It wasn't that he was over sexed at all- but this guy had got him seriously hot. But he was most probably straight. that was a problem. Knowing that it would only ever be a fantasy, Dez took his hand of his crotch and went downstairs to get Coles clothes out of the dryer.

When he returned the eighteen year-old had fallen back to sleep. He knew he had to get out of there. It may have been mad to leave what was technically a stranger in his house but if he stayed he was going to get into trouble. His hand had already found his dick again and all he could think about was shoving the tasy looking cock up his arse and riding it till it filled him with cum. Where was any of this coming from? He decided to leave a note telling Cole to stay put when he woke -up and see to the morning's buisness. First he had to go on to campus to a lecture on research skills but then he planned to take a detour and sort out his little problem.

Technically speaking Elliot McGrath had absolutley no power whatsoever. At 25 he had managed to secure himself a cushy job as an admin assitant in the acheology department. He was, in other words, a glorified secretary. Sweep all the usual arrogant assumptions aside however and you saw that secretarys were incredibly useful people. They had access to files, knew all the deadlines and had the ear of the lecturers. In other words they had a lot of sway and so it payed to keep them in a good mood. Elliot knew this, he knew that everybody else knew this and he used it to his advantage. A 25-year-old with moderatley good looks, surrounded by young and nubile students 24/7 will be bound to have to endure certain distractions. For Elliot the enjoyment of student bodies was a soul-consuming vice. Whilst every-where else in the world people look at universities as a place of enlightement, those places still deal in the worlds oldest form of currency.

Whilst he had many an undergrad willing to get him off, elliot wasn't liked. Yes he was quite god-looking and he kept in shape but he was, first and foremost, an utter, slimey, consciousless bastard. Today Dez had decided to pay homage to the not so humble Mr McGrath. Technically this would be a freeby for Elliot- there was nothing Dez wanted for the moment- but he needed to satify an urge.

That is why, that afternon. He found himself bent over the secretarys desk with his trousers and underwear at his ankles listening to Elliot spit on his cock. He felt his hole quiver with anticipation as th eolder man spat on his hole and he felt the saliva trickle down onto his balls. People like Elliot idnd't 'do' preparation even though Dez's ass was begging to be played wiht. Elliot simply lined up his 8 inch cock and speared the horned up postgrad straight away. Dez had been expecting this bit and had placed a ruler in his mouth so that he could bite down as he felt the secretary tear into him. The door may be locked but they still had to be wuiet. The desk shook as elliot went straight into a fucking rhythm. Dez's body quivered uncontrolably as his sphincter struggled to cope with the ruthless invasion.

"Elliot Slow down.." Dez panted as the pace increased.

"No fucking chance- this is the first arsehole i've had in months I've only had one freshers cunt so far and she weren't exactly tight.!"

Elliot grabbed a handful of dez's hair and pulled him up so that Dez could feel his hot breath on the back of his neck. The bastard secretary had been so horny he hadn't even bothered removing his trousers. He had literally just taken his hard cock out and drove it into Dez twithcing hole. Dez could feel Elliot's belt buckle pressing painfully against his ass as the thrusts got harder and deeper. Dez needed it. By the time Elliot had begun long dicking him Dez had already driven his teeth marks into the wooden ruler as he tried to surpress his moans and screams. All the while he was picturing the would-be-rugby stud at home. Wanting to be there with his legs spread, getting fucked by that meaty looking cock and staring up into those striking eyes in that cute face. He was suddenly brought out of his chance as with a few short grunts Elliot unloaded inside of him. He didn't linger in post-orgasmic bliss but just pulled out unceremoniously leaving watery-cum trickling out of Dez's hole and down the insides of his thighs.

"Much better Dez thanks- so what the fuck do you want? You ain't exactly one for freebies."

Dez hadn't gotten this far without knowing how to talk to the thick, arrogant fuck of this world like Elliot. The trick was to talk in their language and (because Dez wasn't exactly perfect- being an over-achiever without morals) to never let them think they'd got one up on you. "Just getting my favours in early Elliot, remember that one won't you," he responded pulling up his trousers without bothering to clean himself up. "Oh and the girls from the R.A.G. soceity wanted to tell you to stay away from their freshers."

"There freshers love a bit of this," Elliot jeered grabbing his now clothed cock."

That was the problem with people like him- if you were going to give him a lable then yes-he was straight with bi tendencies. The trouble with labels, Dez reflected as he walked home, was that they tended to oversimplify things. There weren't any simple labels for people like Elliot in the real-world. By the time you said:

"well technically he's straight but he fucks guys in the arse because 'any holes a goal' and he loves the feeling of having power over them, even though most people wouldn't tocuh him with a barge pole unless they were getting something out of him because, whilst he is good looking, its not easy to overlook the fact that hes an absolute cunt!" ... you would have run out of breath.

On his way back through campus Dez got a phonecall from Barton wanted to know what happened after he left. He told him. "So your working him hard right? Remeber I don't mind if he makes it through but I need some of them to drop out theres still to many and we've got another load tonight."

"What about the one you took back?"

"Oh, Westall? He's doing fine I had him up early this morning- sent him around the entire student flats with a high-vis jacket on and told him to introduce himself as the voluntary cleaner- he's done every toilet in the block. I've got to hand it to him I thought he'd wuss out when he had to introduce himself to the fresher girls as the toilet attendent but somehow he managed to get three numbers-" "-lucky little bastard-" "I-I know, and one of them was bev our 'actual' cleaner!"

"Legendary- so I'm guessing he's made it through, what about the others?"

"A couple of dropped out but not enough- Just make sure you don't go easy on him mate. I know this ain't your thing but I need to make sure he's being tested to- its only fair on the others."

"Tested how?"

"I don't know get creative- look I gotta go I've got a seminar this afternoon and i've still got to remind everyone about the second bar-crawl and initiation tonight."

Barton hung-up leaving Dez feeling a little bewildered.How the hell could he give him some sought of test without crossing too many boundaries. Just being in the room with him was enough to get Dez hard. There had to be some safe way of humiliating him.......

A few minutes later when a now fully clothed Cole greeted Dez at the door he was a little put off by the smirk on the older gguys face. Suddenly all the friendlyness he'd seen earlier that morning had evaporated and something in Cole's gut told him that he was now in serious trouble.

Thats all for now, I hope you've enjoyed it, let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions

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Next: Chapter 3

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