Uni Rugby

By Foxpark Foxpark

Published on Oct 1, 2012


Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between two consenting males of legal age (in the uk). If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Whilst it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind.

Hi everyone. Ok so as a lot of people have requested a longer story I'm making my first foray into the realm of series writing. This part just sets the scene and introduces the characters so there's not so much titillation (that'll be in part 2). For those of you who prefer the stories that get straight down to the point- there's already one in the pipeline so watch this space.

Keep your comments coming. I love hearing from you even if its criticism or ideas for other stories. My other stories can now be found here and on the new blog site: http://thefoxpark.blogspot.co.uk/

There are certain names for people like me. In a few years time when i'm writing a C.V. it'll be B.N.O.C (big name on campus). For the tutors and the faculty i'm 'a young go-getter' but for everyone else i'm known as ruthless. I'm not particularly mean or anything, it's just that I know that the work I put in now will help me out later. University won't last forever. One day it will end and i'll be tossed into the deep-end of the job-seekers pool; there's a lot of sharks roaming around out there. Making friends and connections is important. Working hard to get the grades is important. Work hard and try not to make any enemies. Nothing is beneath me and nothing is too hard.

So far i've made a shit-load of friends and only a handful of enemies, so yeah I guess life is good. I work hard and I play hard. Although I'm in a million different clubs and things I can't say my life has been anything other than ordinary. That's what I would have said a month ago at least; before the start of this year.

Let's get the basics out of the way shall we? Derren, known as Dez, was 21 and a bit too driven. Not quite enough to make him annoying but he was getting there. He had very few scruples- he just didn't let everyone know it. In the world revolving world of favours he was king. This story begins because he was simply doing another favour, for another friend in the hopes of climbing the ladder of life.

Football is the king of sports in most parts of the UK, but at University it's all about rugby. The Rugby Team holds one hell of a lot of cards with the Student Union and the Faculty. Young-men will spend their entire time working on their bodies, just to be good enough to make the team, or at the very least, make it into the society. Its a lot like being in a gang only all the serious bits take place on a field and the rest of the time is spent drinking, chasing women or working up a sweat in the gym. The best part of it all was that it functioned like an 'old boy's network'; If you didn't get great grades tutors would turn a blind eye so long as you were one of the priceless star-players. People were even known to get jobs with former members who remembered 'the glory days'. In short- a shed load of young and impressionable students would do anything to get involved with the rugby squad.

Now Dez had got a 'special request' from the current captain Jack Barton. Everybody knew that, when it came to sexuality, Dez swang like a gibbon in a rainforest to suit whatever mood he was in. Dez had known Jack back in school, and whilst they hadn't exactly been friends then, they'd both ended up relying on each other's support on their way to the top of the heap. For Dez it had meant improving Jack's image with the non-sporting types as he took over the Rugby team. In turn Jack threw his weight (i.e. ordered his players to throw 'their' weight) behind Dez's various bids for positions on the Student Council. This time it had been Jack's turn to call in the favour and Dez had been a little surprised at what it entailed. "Butt plugs?"


"What for?"

"Rugby Initiations, we've got a shit load of freshers joining us- we might have to use the initiations to weed em out this year; usually its all just a bit of fun."

"So why don't you get them?"

"It can't come directly out of our budget- If you get them I can give you cash and make up some excuse for it later."

Dez didn't bother asking if Jack was just a tiny bit too embarrassed to order fifteen butt plugs himself. Dez had heard enough horror stories about the Rugby initiations to believe this wasn't some sought of hoax. The thing is that the typical Rugby player probably got with 3 times as many girls as any other male student. Despite this their initiations were incredibly... well... gay. Nudity was a guarantee- but that was true for most of the sporting societies. These were young-adults experiencing true freedom for the first time, everything had to be done bigger and better than before.

Procuring the 'toys' was not a problem. With the wonder that is the internet Dez had ordered 15 small 'Tail Plugs' at £5.99 each and they arrived right in the middle of fresher's week. Derren was not vicious enough to order any of the truly obscene toys that were on their and so had opted for the smallest he could find. The fact that they had tails on the end would just appeal to the teams' rather unique sense of humour.

Fresher's Week was as busy as ever with party after party being hosted. It wasn't until the end of the week that the societies began their recruitment drive. Some (like Rugby, Christian Union and Law) only had to stand there with a clip board. Others had to try a lot harder- at one point Dez had to tell the equestrian society to stop press-ganging everybody. In all the madness he still had time to work recruit people to the societies he was in. Though he was president of the Raise And Give (R.A.G.) organisation he had sod all to do with getting new members signed up. He drank, danced, drank some more- he even got off with a few people at a traffic-light party. Eventually Fresher's week was up and it was time for the work to begin.

Now its during the first two weeks of time that the societies initiate their new members by holding their first meetings, organising their first events and going on their first pub crawls. On Monday night Dez got the phone-call from Jack to deliver "the goods" to him the next night. This would have been a simple enough task if he hadn't insisted that he hand them over at exactly 11pm on the sports field. It sounded more like a drug-drop. Whilst most of the rugby players were fantastically gay friendly he wouldn't have been surprised if they were standing there in trench coats and dark glasses to collect the goods. Still a favour given is a favour received and so he agreed.

Tuesday night. The playing fields were pitch black except for the circle of light in the middle of the furthest one. This was generated by a few outdoor lamps and some torches. Dez had expected one person to be standing there ready to pick up the toys and take them to whereever the initiations were taking place. What he found when he got there was the fully clothed members of the rugby teams barking orders at about 20 young-guys in their underwear. As he approached he felt a twitch of appreciation in his groin. This year's intake were pretty fine specimens by all accounts. Jack nodded to Dez as he neared the large circle of light.

"s'pretty impressive number you've got this time," Dez said passing the box to the Captain.

"This is nothing we cut it off at fifty bodies- this is part one of em. We lost five of them by the end of the bar-crawl."

"don't you want to see what they can do before you start weeding them out this way?"

"Already done that- pre-bar crawl- there were only three that couldn't make it and they were all part of the bar-crawl casualties."

Jack didn't seem as elated and energetic as his team mates. He stood staring seriously whilst the others jeered and wolf-whistled the squad of newbies who were now doing push-ups. Clearly he was having difficulty witling them all out. Dez suddenly felt very out of place. He was not sporty and as much as he loved to see all the male flesh that was on display this was really not his scene. Some of them looked near to collapse- either from exhaustion or the severe amount of alcohol that was going through them. Two of the guys stood up without saying a word and went to collect their clothes. Clearly they'd had enough. A few of the clothed players shook their hands to show there was no hard feeling and asked if they could get home alright. In an instant it was all just a harmless bit off fun for them. The other continued to be hounded. Another three would have to go before Jack could use the toys on the poor bastards.

They were ordered onto their feet and told to collect a can of lager from a box. Then they were told to down the contents. Two of them began to throw-up simultaneously and were promptly excluded from further participation. They were too beaten to make it back to their houses alone.

"Shit! Khan, McCarthy- take those two back to their rooms will you then come back here," Jack ordered the grim expression never leaving his face. "What do you think Dez?" he asked turning to his friend, "I can't push em any further than this or else i'll get into trouble. I haven't even got enough guys to make sure they get back alright. The others are escorting people back to their rooms- Tyler and Douggie had to go to the hospital with one of the guys."

Dez could sympathise with Jack on this one. He was a leader and he had a limited number of spaces. It was up to him to figure out a fair way of eliminating people. The usual humiliation was reserved for the last few.

"get em naked- some of em have got to refuse."

"they're pretty drunk and they've lasted this far- i don't think that's gonna do it- besides thats pretty standard stuff."

Nevertheless Jack barked at them to line-up and strip their remaining clothes. There was some hesitation but all of them began to take down their underwear. Dez tried to hide his apparent interest for decencies sake. Annoyed that nobody seemed about to give up Jack told them all to lay face-down. Dez heard shouts behind them as a few of the players that had been escorting freshers back to their homes returned. This did nothing to lift Jack's spirits. He was in charge. At this point in the evening the remaining freshers were usually the ones guaranteed a place in the squad, he couldn't keep this many freshers naked. by the time he reduced the numbers they'd be suffering from hyperthermia. This mess would not happen on his watch. he would not be the captain that dropped the ball.

"Dez i need ideas fast."

"Hey don't look at me- technically i was only dropping off that box for you- i shouldn't even be standing here."

"Please," Jack said looking desperate, "This is going to go tits-up and and i can't let my team-mates see me struggle."

Dez racked his brains for a solution. He was beginning to regret getting involved at all. It would look bad if he was attached to all of this when an 'incident' occurred. It had to be fair. Everybody was subjected to the same thing and therefore there was no complaining to the head of the student union when they didn't make it.

"what about the american thing?"

"what do you mean?"

"When they take pledges on in the frat houses they basically use them as slaves- they have to 'prove' how much they want it."

"This is england- nobodys going to go for that least of all the Team."

"Trust me- if every guy takes a fresher for twenty-four hours- anyone who doesn't drop out has to run the gauntlet to get in."


"I'll explain that afterward- you need to decide what to do now."

"What about the others? we've got to do this all again tomorrow."

"Just trust me- do the same with them. If you push them any further with drink or drills you're gonna be in deep shit."

Jack thought about it for a second and nodded to himself. he walked over to the row of young exposed backside and tapped two boys on the head. They got up and stood to attention. It was comical to see how serious they were being about it all. He ordered them over to the side then told his team to line-up.

"This is how we're gonna do it. Since you're all so determined to be part of this, since you all think you're good enough, I'm going to make you prove it. 1 day of servitude to a team-member," He smiled at his squad reassuringly, "if any of you still fancy your chances then you'll run the gauntlet and we'll see how you perform then. Boy's I expect you to make them work for this. Every dirty job you can think of- get em to go at it."

He ordered the them to start picking a naked hopeful each. unsurprisingly his team-mates seemed to be going for it. Dez had expected at least one person to say something like "that's pretty gay," but he guessed they were pretty drunk themselves. Jack went over to the two lads he'd picked out and explained they were the property of his two absent team-mates and that they'd been handed over to them tomorrow.

A quick bit of math's told Derren that there'd be one guy left over. he suddenly felt a bit uneasy. He was about to excuse himself when Jack took him by the shoulder and barked at one of the hopefuls. A young-guy with dirty-blond hair got to his feet and walked over, swaying from the sheer amount of drink that he'd consumed. The only thought that crossed Derren's mind at that moment was: "Why does he have to have those eyes?"

When Cole woke up the next day his body had to go through the slow process of a systems check. He was hung-over but he smelled of soap rather than alcohol. His memories swam backwards and forwards through his mind. He began to piece bits back together. He had been on the bar crawl- and that had been fun. Then a couple of the Rugby initiates had got ill and had been towed away. Then they were on a field being made to run around and do a bunch of exercises. He could distinctly remember hoping someone would give-up but nobody did.

As he sat there mulling over the events of the night before it suddenly occurred to him that he didn't know where he was. This was not the room he'd moved in to a week ago. It was slightly bigger for one. That was not his computer and those weren't his pictures on the walls. This room was also clean. Something ancient broke through the fog of his mind. It climbed over the red-hot walls of his hang-over and reached out to touch the very core of his being... Somewhere close by... somebody was cooking a bacon sandwich. He made to get out of bed and then had yet another realisation. He was naked. He was naked in a strange house. Had he pulled?

He looked around the room for clues. This was a guys room. So that ruled out getting laid. Was he with one of the rugby lot? Shit. Just as he stood to find some underwear a man he didn't recognise apeared in the door way with a plate of bacon sandwiches and a cup of tea. Whilst he didn't recognise the stubbled face Cole somehow knew his voice as he said... "Oh your up then slaveboy- I think we need a chat."

Thats it for now- in the next part our young fresher will find out what happened to him and how he ended up naked in a strange guys bedroom. If you have any suggestions or you just want to send some feedback then get in touch. Thankyou to everyone who suggested bits for this story.

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Next: Chapter 2

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