
By Justin Balancier

Published on Apr 5, 2012


Contact -- Justin with comments. I answer all emails Email -- jbalancier9@yahoo.com


By Justin Balancier

This is not a `kissy-kissy' school girl love affair. Actually, I am not sure what it is. I only know that it is a solid, rugged romance filled with sexual tension that scorches the soul of two human beings. Together they become one.

It was one of those cold rainy days - the kind you like when you want to just stay home and have sex all day. I woke up to find Austin making breakfast but that wasn't on my menu - I had other things on my mind. Austin came to the bed with coffee but that wasn't what I was looking for. I lay in bed watching him come in and out of the kitchen with his big cock and hard firm butt outlined in Versace under ware. It seems like pancakes are not what I want this morning.

Austin - I want your body so lie on top of me -- said Kevin.

Austin smiled down at Kevin as he slowly removed his underwear. Kevin's stomach purred with desire, and he watched Austin's every movement. Austin began rubbing Kevin using his hand in circular motions --

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It was the best of times -- It was the worst of times. But for these two young lovers -- the world was their `oyster.'- and it was the best of times.

Let's go back to how things got started...

It all begun four years ago on New Year's Eve -- Austin was invited to a friend's New Year's Eve party celebration. There were a lot of people there and as parties usually go, this gathering was no different.

People were indulging in a fair amount of booze and acting silly and romantic at the same time. Everyone was watching the sliding ball falling in Times Square on the TV. -- Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one -- HAPPY NEW YEAR.

I felt someone plunk down on my lap and put his lips to mine and kiss me like no one has ever kissed before on New Year's Eve. I held on to him and he stayed on my lap for a long time. He whispered in my ear -- "you're beautiful" -- I whispered back -- "you're gorgeous" and we both laughed. It was dark in the room except for some lights from a Christmas tree and we could barely see each other's faces. I knew it was the booze talking. Later I saw him talking to some friends where the light in the room was brighter. Woo, I thought to myself -- "you really are gorgeous"

We went separate ways that night and I never knew his name. I thought about him a few times but never asked my friends who were at the party. I figured it was nothing. Just a passing kiss by a stranger in the dark.

It was February, a couple of days before Valentine's Day and I was in `Best Buy' looking over some computer accessories, when a voice behind me said --"Do you think your boyfriend will like that Samsung smartphone" as a hand touched my shoulder.

I turned around and it was the stranger from the party. I remembered his face without hesitation. "Oh, I don't have a boyfriend" -- I answered.

"That's hard to believe" -- he commented -- "Oh, shopping for you, eh?" He said to me.

"Yeah, something like that" -- I answered.

"You were at Ronnie's New Year's party last month, I remember you." I said to him

"Yeah, - I was there. I sat on your lap but I never got your name. - I am Kevin." -- He told me.

We talked for a few minutes and we kept eying each other. -- "Oh - I am Austin." I finally told him.

He shook my hand and a charge of electricity went through my body. "Well, Kevin -- we finally get to meet". -- I said to him.

For a brief moment everything was wonderful. It was different. Kevin was different and we `clicked' immediately.

That day, we left the store together. We went to lunch together. We talked and laughed together.

He came home with me for what I thought was a casual hook-up, but that was not the case. Kevin stayed. He never left me.

If that is what you call it - Austin and Kevin became lovers.

We became friends and later family. Everything, well almost everything, between us was unforgettable. The times that we spent exploring each other's bodies and looking out for each other's welfare, became an addiction as surely as the morning sun rises in the east.

Life changed for me on Valentine's Day. I was blessed with the most adoring, faithful lover that everyone hopes to find and seldom do. I worshiped Kevin and he clung to me like his shadow.

Let me tell you about some of the romantic times that we shared together.

Do you remember the morning when it was raining? Well, it was that same cold rainy morning when Kevin said to me.

"Austin - I want your body - so lie on top of me. I want to feel the warmth of your chest pressed against mine."

I smile down at him and slowly removed my underwear. Kevin's stomach purred with desire, and he watched my every movement. - I began rubbing his chest using my hand in circular motions...

Then our lips met. His cock steadily dripped with pre-cum and he placed some sticky nectar on my lips and kissed me deeply. The heat from our bodies touching each other created a fire inside my mind.

Kevin put my cock in his mouth and gently began to suck me. -- Slowly at first -- then tight and wild like a starving animal.

I talked out loud - "Oh my God -- take me baby -- take me. -- Geese dude -- leave me my balls I cried out half laughing and half serious.

Kevin could feel my body move and tighten -- I could feel it too. He was hungry to be fed. I knew that because I understood him so well.

I do have a hefty eight inch cock and it was something that Kevin pursued for his sexual appetite. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting my dick once again. He sucked my cock as if his life depended on it.

Kevin placed his hands against the back of his head and pushed my cock deeper into his throat causing himself to gag and his eyes to water.

Still he never asked for breathing room. He wanted to keep me deep inside his throat. I knew that he would suffer anything to please me. I was always concerned about hurting him as a result from lust. My job was to protect and treasure him. -- So that is what I constantly tried to do.

I reached the point where I tensed up and my cock started pulsating inside Kevin mouth. Seconds later my dick started to flow a hot stream of cum that began a trip down his waiting throat.

"I am now being fed" -- Kevin thought to himself as my warm cum slid easily down his throat.

As he swallowed the last gulp - he softly moaned...

"OMG Austin - that was awesome -- just awesome." He said to me. - He squeezed my legs and buried his face in my crotch. - "Awesommmme" -- he repeated once again and held on to me with his face resting quietly on my chest.

My cock was still oozing a few drops of thick white cum and I asked Kevin if he wanted to take it. He ran his cum stained tongue across my dick, as not to miss a drop and lapped it all away.

"Well - Good morning Kevin, - I was planning on pancakes but this was much better." - I said.

Kevin continued wiping his face clean from my morning cum. "Yeah, for sure" -- he replied.

"You mean so much to me that I will keep your sweet little ass forever "-- I said to him in a joking manner. Oh yeah...FOREVER.

Then I kissed his foot which was sticking out from under the sheets. I held both of his feet and nibbled at them adoringly. I licked his toes and growled like a baby wolf.

"I belong to you -- I know I do - You love me like a new born puppy." Kevin said to me.

"Yeah, I sure do -- a whole room full of puppies" --I replied.

"Is that for me?" - I asked, looking at the stiff cock that Kevin was holding in his hand.

He moaned and stretched out before me.

"Yup -- you bet stud, this is all for you" -- Kevin answered, stretching his arms above his head.

"Okay! - Show off -- but not now. It will have to wait. - I have to shower and get to work." - I replied.

I worked in Boston at the Prudential Center in Insurance claims and adjustments. I loved my job and was doing quite well. I would joke around with Kevin telling him I would blow my boss for a promotion. We often did crap like that when we were together. We felt secure in what we shared that comments about cruising, hooking up or sucking someone's dick never amounted to anything more than a laugh. We didn't know if we were together for the big haul or a little haul. All we knew was that we were together and nothing could damage that. We worried about nothing hurting us from an outside force.

Kevin looked out the glass patio door. It continued to rain but no amount of water could put out his fire for me -- He was truly hooked and I was so lucky.

I worked out at Gold's gym about four times a week. I like to believe that my body was hot muscular and good looking. That is what he would say to me when we made love. When Kevin whispered in my ear, `beautiful' on New Year's Eve, he believed that he was right on target and often remind me of that night.

Kevin however was the prize. He was solid, buff and muscular and certainly a `head turner.' - By far, Kevin was the best sex I ever had with anyone. He reminded me of a young Robert Redford with strawberry blond hair, rugged completion and Hazel colored eyes. I would call him "my package" and for some stupid reason, he liked hearing it. I was very fortunate to have him love me the way he did.

My cock is about eight inches. It is a bit longer than the six plus inches of quality cock that Kevin displayed proudly. Everything was more than adequate and numbers were not important to us. We were both `studs' and... yes, although we never flaunted it - we surely knew it.

I wasn't aware at the time but while I was having a shower Kevin called my office and left message that something had come up, `which wasn't far from the truth,' and I wasn't going to work today.

He watched me in the steamed covered mirror since I had left the bathroom door open --I had just gotten out of the shower and he could smell soap and lotion. It must have excited him because he once again lay across the bed watching my every move.

I was still partially wet from the shower but I went over and got on top of him. Kevin stuck his tongue out at me and when I went to grab it -- he pulled me closer and kissed me. Tiny beads of water fell from my hair which I didn't towel dry. He never noticed the drips of water hitting his forehead. - He just held on to my face and kept kissing me.

I was naked lying on my lover's chest and we seem to melt together. Our eyes met and like a magnet we stuck together.

"It's still raining" - said Kevin.

"Yeah, I know" -- I answered.

"You are not going to work today" -- He said to me. "I called your boss and everything is fine with him."

"You did what?" --I ask in not the softest tone.

"I call your work and told them you couldn't come in today" --He answered.

"...and why the hell, can't I work today?" -- I asked.

"Because my muscle baby, there is work to be done here" -- He replied, as he buried his face in my neck. I put my arm around Kevin and held him like an orphan child. He was never wrong and I worshipped him so much. Just holding him brought me pleasure.

Kevin's tongue moved down my body, over my hips and towards my waiting cock. I was freshly washed from my shower and here I was - hard again.

"What do you call this? -- A tongue bath" --I asked.

"Call it anything you want"- He Said -- "I am on a hunt for some cum. -- got any?"

"No - How `bout giving me a couple of hours" --I answered.

"Nope -- no can do" -- He replied.

Kevin started sucking my cock and began to take me to the edge -- then he would back off and move towards my balls. I began to moan and I could hear my breathing in tune with the drops of rain water that was hitting the window pane.

Later he told me that my piercing green eyes (his words, not mine) begged him to let me cum down his throat again. -- I suppose that could be true because that is exactly where I put it.

Kevin licked across my lips - a place he knew quite well. My mustache tickled his tongue as it went inside my mouth. He had beautiful movements and I loved it when he would play inside my mouth. Sometimes I would just suck on his fingers among other things.

My hand found Kevin's cock which was hard and moist with precum. Without uttering words my gaze told him that I was pleased with what I had found.

Of course I was always please finding his cock. I was badly locked on to him and he knew it.

We put our dicks together and jacked off as one. In unison, we shot off at the same time. Going over the edge with our fingers sticky with warm milky cum was awesome.

Kevin rubbed his cum on my chest -- and I did the same to him. We fell back on the bed pasted with love juice and feeling great.

"No cum -- huh! - Yeah, in a couple of hours my ass" -- commented Kevin as he nestled closer to me and ran his fingers through my hair.

I had hold of the brass ring and I wasn't letting go.

To be Continued...

Email -- jbalancier9@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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