Unfair but a summer surprise

Published on Oct 1, 1998



Scott and I lifted Tom and helped him out of the bar. We three went inside stoned and got drunker there. The drive home was a blank but we both knew what we planned to do when we got to my place. Tom was a buddy from work. He knew we were gay and kept joining in on the kidding about his cute butt and our crotches and other sex talk. Hell, all of the guys who worked with us did that too. It was quite a group of straight, gay, unknown and butch guys who built houses when the weather permitted. The phone would ring and we'd head to work..when it didn't we lay around the house and got drunk, watched porn on the TV and fucked. It wasn't a quality life...but we were young and horny and employed enough to afford beer, pot, dates and other fun. Of course at the end of the summer, we were going to return to our real lives as college students..but until then, we got sun tanned, bodies built up and got stoned/drunk. Tom didn't go to our colllege..or any college. He was a local. Cute, butch, big round shoulders and a butt that was so firm we swore it was all muscle. He wan't shy either...."FUCK YOU" responses to our flirting at first was a threat. But in time his "FUCK YOU" responses were to face saving responses and everyone laughed when we kidded him. Nobody on the crew seemed to care we were cock/butt hounds...maybe because Scott and I were pretty cool, carefree, party animals and masculine. Scott told me his goal was to suck off everyone's cock on the work crew before the summer was over. He even put a list of their names on our bedroom wall and would cross out each one as he did it. Sometimes he didn't even tell me about it...I'd just see another name crossed off. "You sucked off Clements? He's got a family!" "And he's hung like a fuckin horse!" Tom was a challenge. My gaydar didn't tell me anything, but my crotch told me he was prime beef..and I wanted him any way I could get him - he on top - oral - anal - me on top - or all of the above. As time passed, he got friendlier with us and often shared joints at the end of the day. He gave us rides home now and then when our truck was in the shop and we helped him out too. "What do you guys do together?" he asked the question that most straight men ask...be they naive, or acting like they don't know. We told him. Scott and I were friends, fuck buddies and college roommates. It didn't take us long as freshman to discover we were both gay..and after a brief "lover" relationship, we relaxed and played around..and became buddies instead. "Cory, you sucked him?" "Not only that, I fucked him while he fucked his girlfriend..then she wanted to watch him suck me off" Scott was more of a sexual compulsive then I..but perhaps he was just more successful. As for me, I'd graze the local town and meet some of the local kids...I like young guys...and after sharing a joint, more then one cock, or mouth and sometimes butt became my own playground. It's amazing what a little pot sharing can get you. "Cute" Scott eyed a young kid wearing tight cutoffs, a tee shirt and a football jacket. He was talking to a bunch of giggling girls outside the drugstore one day. "You think he's in high school?" I asked a bit nervously. "Why did you fuck him?" Scott asked and I didn't answer. "He's probably 18 in the junior college" Scott knew the answer to his question. I met Troy at the hardware store. He had a tee shirt on with torn off sleeves and his developed shoulders turned me on. I told him he looked great and he smiled back at me with that boyish face and white teeth. "Want to go somewhere?" I asked without thinking and he looked around then said "sure". We went down the stairs and smoked dope. He didn't push my hands away from his knee. Nor did he brush them away from his bare shoulders...and he sighed as I slid my hands in each sleeve opening to find and toy with his nipples. Our mouths met and our clothing dissappeared as our naked bodies slid against each other until his thick lips found my cock and I did the same to his cock. His cum tasted sweet. Somehow I knew it was safe...this boy was a little experienced but not enough to warn me. Scott patted my leg "Congratulations, he's hot" So the summer proceeded. "Let's go to my place" Tom stammered and we turned the truck down his street. His wife was at her parents we knew. His kid brother was camping he had told us earlier. Scott and I looked at each other during lunchbreak knowing that Tom would be ours that night. We stumbled into the house and began to strip Tom naked. He didn't resist..and acted like he was helpless. But in the process he occasionally helped us so we knew he wasn't about to be "raped". Our own shirts fell to the floor as we fondled, kissed and sucked on his pits, nipples and fingers. His lips too we shared as we kissed him and each other. "Shower..." he mumbled and we three were buck naked and soaping each other like lovers...fingers in buttholes, hard cocks in hand, balls being jiggled. The bed was king sized..perfect for three grown men to enjoy each other. Tom's mouth found our cocks and we found his butt...we sandwiched him and he sandwiched each of us. There was no talk, no mummbling, but a lot of groaning and sighing as our hard cocks dispelled cum all over the sheets and each other. Two or three hours of gropping, fucking, sucking and naked wrestling must have passed before we lay in a huge pile... "Hey Tom want a beer?" the voice came from a fourth voice. We looked up to see Troy standign in the doorway holding two beers. He stared in disbelief at the three of us..then his eyes met mine and his face got even more of a look of astonishment. What grabbed my attention ws that he too was naked and his hard cock told me that he and Tom had something going on we didn't know about. "Hey kid brother...get some more...we got company tonight" Tom blurted out and laughed. Scott joined in the laughter and Troy didn't seem to know what to do. I moved to him, took the beers and gave them to my fuck buddies on the bed and then grabbed Troy and kissed him long and deep. He didn't respond at first..but slowly seemed to mentally say "what the fuck" and squeezed me tight and kissed me back. He and I got two more beers and then rejoined Tom and Scott on the bed. Tom's story was long and fun..how he and his little step brother met..how he discovered Troy with another kid from his own school....how they started fooling around....how once they got caught by his wife...and how she knew but didn't talk about the fact they continued to mess around. It was quite a foursome eventually, but first Scott announced. "Hell you two have already had him..he's mine alone first" and he moved to Troy and began to ravage him in front of Tom and me. Tom stared at me when Scott said that....his questioning look I'd answer later on, but for awhile, he and I pet, kissed, stroked and smoked a joint while we watched Scott and Troy fuck and suck. By the time they finished, our own bodies were ready to go again and we tried as many positions and maneuvers among us four as we could invent. It was unfair of us to take Tom home like that of course...but we realized he wanted it to happen. And the surprise was Troy... Scott and I would miss the summer we knew as we threw our stuff in the back of our truck. The going away party was fun..we barely had recoverd before it was time to begin our long drive. "I got you two something for the long drive..but you need to return it when you get there" Tom stood beside his naked step brother...naked except for a big red ribbon around his cock and balls. We laughed but accepted the gift...leading the naked kid into our truck. Tom threw a bag in the back of the truck..."in case you want to wrap him up for the trip home". And we kept Troy busy during the trip, and back at our apartment for several days before relunctantly putting him in clothing and taking him to the bus terminal. "Give Tom our best" I said Scott , stoned as usual, laughed "We already did". And in front of the driver, onlookers, little old ladies, a cop and others, each of us kissed the boy on the lips, squeezed his firm butt (almost as firm as his big brother Tom) and added our wish... "Tell Tom to come visit us soon" Tanned, fit, more muscular, sober (almost), exhausted and content we began our next year of school.

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