Unexpected Turns

By Yuri Takaza

Published on Dec 27, 2014


Hey everyone this is my new story Unexpected turns, comments are appreciated but please no copying or sharing. I look forward to posting more!

"Fuck this shit..." I say as I throw open the door of my dorm, tossing my backpack into its usual corner and climbing up the ladder to get to my bunk, burying my face into the pillow and letting out a loud groan. I was alone, as I was on most times of the day, in my dorm room. I took the chance to change, something I typically had to do in the bathroom because my roommates where pretty weird about seeing each other naked, and then got out my computer from my backpack, quickly opening it and logging on to my Facebook. Now I know, why the hell would I go on Facebook? The reason is simple, I have an entire online life, an anonymous account where no one knows who I am... and I like it like that. Something about being able to talk to people from across the country, across the world, and not having to make any commitments too then beyond the screen, it was a huge relief... as my track record of making friends was almost nonexistent.

I go to the chat bar on the bottom right of the screen and look through the green dots, letting out another sigh when I didn't see his dot or the name. "Bryon isn't on..." I say softly, shaking my head and then searching his name to be welcomed to an 'active 4 hours ago' text... even if I messaged him he probably wouldn't answer for a while. I bit my lip and then looked through my newsfeed before closing the computer again. I didn't really have any reason to be on there if I couldn't talk to him. Bryan was an older guy I had been talking to for around 5 months now... one of the few people that I had made pains to make sure to talk with every single day whenever I could. Despite him being older, about 50 now, Bryon himself was an awesome guy and I never felt like he was coming on to me like tons of other people that I had friended on this account. He messaged to talk... and I guess that's what kind of made me fall in love with him, though I've been holding back... because he just recently told me something I hadn't expected. He had been talking on and off about a guy named Matthew that apparently lived with him but I didn't know that they were in a relationship. All I knew was that Bryon was married to another man named Dan but they were free to sleep with whoever they wanted, but I hadn't really known that Matthew, who was just a bit older than me by about 2 years, was Bryon's boyfriend.

Knowing this had made me speechless for a while, but my feelings where still the same and I couldn't really help it. He was fun to talk too, and seemed to genuinely care about how I was doing and we liked a lot of the same things, and I had to say that he was really attractive. He was a kind of a 'daddy' type, around my height and with some weight, though that didn't really matter to me, he made me feel safe and loved and that was something that I just couldn't really ignore, but for the same of his relationship and our friendship I had been holding myself back. I didn't want to be a home wrecker, and the subject of sex was something we didn't ever touch when we talked. When I first started my account, I had made it so I could talk to people but not fall into the stereotypical trap of the 'internet whore' though Byron had made me question my philosophy. He hadn't ever pressed to know what I looked like, and I had only shown him my first selfie a few days ago and all he had said was, You're a cutie like I thought. Which had made me blush and curl up in my bed, trying to calm down the warmth in my belly for a few moments... and I felt guilty that I wanted to show him a little more. But, I had settled in my place as only a friend for now, and I kind of knew that nothing would change that.

"Hey, Jacob?" someone said, making me jump and look down to see my roommate Jamie looking up at me.

"What?" I said, giving him an annoyed look and then I noticed that he was slightly gesturing to the full trashcan and I checked my attitude, today was my trash day. "Got it." I said and I got up and took the trash bag, walking out and tossing the bag into the crash and then hearing my phone ding. I pull it out and I immediately smile as the notification shows up, Hey what's up kiddo? It says and I rush back to my room and open up my laptop and log on quickly. I type quickly, Nothing much you? I say, heart fluttering a little bit and he replied as quickly as usual, Work, had another little spat with Dan but everything is going to be fine. He typed and I could kind of feel his mood, he was someone that always wear his heart on his sleeve and it sometimes made me worry for him a little bit. Now... I have never actually met him, and as I continued to say I didn't want to meet... at all, and he accepted that. He was ok with simply staying my online friend, one of the only people like that I had ever met. Everyone else, after a few days, started asking what I looked like and in some cases wanted to see me in the nude... which was another huge no... but Bryan had even asked to see me I had just trusted him enough.

We kept talking for a while, chatting back and forth and I felt like I probably helped calm him a little bit... though I was sure when Matthew got home he could help a lot more than I could. I flinched a little but at the thought but I shook I off... then I looked at the time and I panicked a little, Brb I need to get dinner will you be here? I typed quickly and he said, Of course kiddo though I may go eat dinner and you never know I could get called in but I'll have Matthew message if something happens. This answer made me freeze, I hadn't really... talked to Matthew before and the prospect of doing it made an unease come over me. If Matthew didn't like me... would Bryan abandon me? That thought bugged me from time to time but I wanted to believe that Matthew wouldn't see me as a threat or hate me, and that was what everything hinged on. Without Bryan, I don't think I would be able to stay stable, I would just be really lonely again.

Suddenly I felt a bit of heat in my stomach and I felt my cock start to harden in my pants and I shifted a little bit uncomfortably and then looked around in the room and breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank god..." I said. My roommates, while I had been talking, had slipped out of the room leaving me alone... which made this so much easier. I put my hands in my pants and pulled them down, looking down at myself and seeing that the tip of my cock had wet my boxers considerably, so I pulled them off, looking down at myself. I didn't really have anything to be disappointed about... but nothing to brag about either. It's only average size, and the very head of it was the same pink as my own lips... I wasn't large I wasn't thick... I guess what was hanging between my legs was ok but I sometimes did feel inadequate... but this wasn't really a time to think about that now. I reach my hand around it and softly touch it, and it slightly twitches in reaction, making me take a sharp breath. I let out a soft sigh and start to rub myself out, knowing that it wouldn't take too long, I couldn't ever hold myself back.

I sit there with my pants and underwear around my ankles and stroke myself and the thoughts quickly come afterward, the little fantasies that where my shame. I imagined Bryan gripping my manhood and pulling on it, looking at me straight in the eyes and smiling, not letting me look away as he gave me attention. I moved my other hand, putting my hand on my nipple and softly twisting my nipple, imagining teeth on it. One good thing about me was that my imagination is pretty vivid, and I was soon reaching climax, the head of my cock turning a bright red and enlarging, my breathing now soft and I was holding back a moan by softly biting on my pillow. I continued to pull on my cock laying down on my back, letting the fantasies in my head spiral out of control, my hand that had been twisting my nipple reaching around and gripping my butt before parting my cheeks and putting a finger into my entrance.

Everything was soon spinning. Body on fire and mind swirling with fantasies as the stroking continued. No, not stroking. A mouth, hot and wanting. Bright blue eyes looking up. Seeing my face blushed red, moaning with lust. No longer a finger, but a cock. The head gently. Kissing my entrance. Deep woody smell in my nostrils, burying my head into a strong neck. Whispers, comforting and loving. His breath, hot. My body smoldering in his arms. Images of him, fuck of Bryan, surging through my mind. Gentle rocking, easing down. The image shattered into pure white shards of fading imagination. Static noise becoming a suppressed, lusting howls and teeth gently nibbling my throat .Eyes glazing over with passion. The deep burning in my balls. About to erupt. I couldn't hold it! An explosion, barely processing the sudden upwell of cum from my balls spouting from the tip of my penis. A single, hot, white spurt of passion splattered on my belly and chest. The room was hot, yet I wanted another on top of me. To press down upon me. Yet I remained alone.

My body relaxed. I was gasping for breath. My ears bright red in color. I looked at the clock again and groaned, knowing that I needed to go eat so I forced myself out of my bed and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror with my cum spattered belly. I didn't know what took hold of me in that moment but I grabbed my phone and took a pic of it, me with my pants around my ankles and my cock just starting to soften with my stomach and chest covered in white jizz.

I soon came back to my senses and dressed, arriving at the dining hall a mere few minutes later, I could see one of my friends and waved at her. Something was wrong. She actually turned her head and glared at me. This took me by surprise and I give her a confused look, noticing that she was sitting across from a guy I didn't recognize. She glared at me for a minute more and simply turned her head, giving me the cold shoulder. All of a sudden I didn't feel like eating anymore. I abandoned my tray, the taste of the soup now sickening me. I hurried out, head low and sulked back to my dorm. My thoughts where spiraling around in my head, wondering what I could have done in order to deserve such a look. I retreated back to my room, my sanctuary. Here I was alone with my thoughts. I messaged Bryan, realizing he would not be on for several hours. I knew this was his time. The time he used to unwind from work.

Bland conversations that seemed to make time pass more slowly. I really needed to talk to him. His words would make everything right. I looked to the clock, 9:30. Where was he?

A sudden worry overtook me. I looked to the clock again. You know just to be sure? Man, 9:30. 'DING', a message from Bryan!

Yo Bryan will be on in a bit he's in the shower. These words confusing me. Who was this?

Oh ok thank you... who are you? I replied. There was silence for a minute;

"It's Matt". This made me freeze and squirm. It was Bryan's boyfriend, for lack of a better word, and I suddenly felt guilty. What would he feel like if he knew I had just gotten off on a fantasy about his lover? He would probably hate me.

Oh hi well thank you and tell him I'll be here I typed, then closed the window after the status changed to seen

After an agonizing 20 minutes of waiting his chat window finally popped up Hey kiddo sorry for being late, I had Matt let you know he messaged right? He asked and I typed back

Yeah he did thank you for letting me know I said. We then got to talking, and he told me that he wanted me to friend Matt so he would have someone to talk too.

He has a lot of people that just want to talk him up and flirt yah know? It would be nice so you guys can be friends and he won't have to worry about flirting I could feel my stomach drop when he said that and I typed rapidly, lying through my teeth.

Sure I always want to make a few new friends! I typed with my normal cheer when I talked to Bryan. I felt happiest when we just could sit here and talk. But I did as I said, I went to Matt's page and pressed the 'add friend' button and then let it sit for the night. We continued to talk until I had to go to bed, I felt a little tired so I went a bit early. I felt like I may have disappointed him because we typically did a little bit of story, which is exactly how it sounds. We wrote a story together... and it had helped me a lot with writing, and it helped me vent some of the sexual thoughts I had when it came to him. One of my characters would maybe have sex with one of his and even that little bit made me happy... since it was like I was being like that with him. We said our goodnights and I got into bed, though a thought still nagged at me. Why had my friend given me that look? What had I done wrong? The thought kept me awake for a bit longer but eventually I fell asleep.

I felt good when I woke up in the morning. I sent a message to my friend, asking her if she wanted to hang out today. We had been talking about it, and I was hoping we could talk out whatever she had been glaring at me about. I went happily to breakfast and then messaged my mom as was the custom. Almost as soon as I hit send, my phone begins to ring insanely. "Mom? What's up?" I asked. I really shouldn't have you know. Almost immediately after I asked she started on me about job applications, scholarships, not even letting me get any words in edgewise. I just had to stand there awkwardly in front of the dining hall as she lectured me. My stomach growling angrily. I got impatient, and I tried to gently push my mom to hurry it up a little, that was a mistake.

"Alright if you want to be a selfish little brat you go right ahead!" Then all I heard was the disconnect sound. Putting my phone in my pocket, my heart felt like it was being ripped from me. I trudged to the dining hall, shoulders slumped and hanging my head. I messaged my friend one more time then set it next to my plate while I busied myself with my food. I was almost finished when I got a reply and it didn't sound like her. At all.

I don't want you to contact this number anymore I was confused, though I let it sit until I got back to my room quickly, messaging hurriedly as soon as I walked into the door.

What do you mean? I said and then an immediate response

This is Jinn's boyfriend and if you don't leave her alone you're going to have a serious problem with Me. My heart, already torn out of my chest, shattered reading that. I thought I could have fixed it, I hadn't done anything did I? What did I do wrong?

I then called, I didn't know what else to do and she answered. "I don't want to be your friend anymore I'm sorry Jacob I'm not comfortable around you." She said and then she hung up, and my broken heart went cold. I don't know what came over me, but I was suddenly sobbing loudly, loud heaving sobs that rocked my body, loneliness crushing me from the outside, as though walls coming in on me. Shaking, breathing carried away by a cold and cruel wind that wracked my body. My brain wasn't working anymore and I didn't know what I was doing, I felt lonely and I... I needed love. I don't know what I was doing, but I opened my phone... and I messaged Bryan, the one person in the world who seemed to be my solace, the only person who seemed to really love me. I know... I know you're in a relationship and that you're happy in it but I can't hold these feelings in anymore... I'm in love with you. I have been for a really long time, and I need someone to be with me right now, I need someone to hold me and to love me and tell me I'm special. I can't handle this loneliness anymore, I want you here, I want you to love me like you do Matt... and I'm willing to do anything I can for it... even something like this. I attached the picture I had taken earlier. Me, in the mirror my face still flushed with effort, naked and cum spattered. My thumb hovered over the send button for about a minute, emotions flooding over... and then it descended.

This is the aurthor here you all can just call me Pup if you would like! This is my very first submission to Nifty and in fact the first story I have tried to publish online. I look forward to any comments and suggestions you could give! I'll be trying to update at least once every week or so, happy reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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