Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Dec 18, 2002


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is for adult audiences only.

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Unexpected Seduction, Part 9

My heart ached as I drove around following leaving Matt's condo. Tears blocked my vision, and I had to pull over a couple of times to get control of myself. I was totally devastated that my girlfriend of two years and the guy I had been having hot sex with for eight months had crawled into bed naked; had had what looked and sounded like incredible sex; and were now both snoring with Matt lying naked with his thick black cock still inside of a contented Lisa. I guess I was too stunned to react to what I had seen. I knew that Lisa and I were done, and I knew that Matt and I were also done.

I also knew that I did not want to create a scene then and there, because somehow I hoped that Matt would not tell Lisa that he and I had been fuck buddies for the previous eight months. I did not think he would want that to come out either, but I could not risk a huge blowout with Matt and Lisa at that moment. I stopped at a drive up for coffee, and it helped me to frame my thoughts a little more clearly. I had been driving around for over an hour when I decided that I should go back to our apartment and get some of my stuff so that I could at least have clothes and stuff so that I could crash for a few days with a friend. After I did that, I figured I would call my friend Jason in another hour or so and let him know that Lisa and I had had a fight, and I needed to crash with him for a little bit. It was now about five in the morning, and I just remember that I was numb and it felt like my chest was going to explode.

My thoughts kept returning to the scene I had left with the beautifully muscled dark brown body of Matt's lying atop of Lisa's perfectly tight white body. They had fucked, even though they both had to be totally trashed from weed and drink, and then they fell asleep with Matt's thick, hard, black piston still deep inside Lisa's tight warm pleasure pit. I knew the feeling of Matt's cock, and I knew the feeling of Lisa's pussy. I felt totally betrayed by both of them. But, at the same time, I figured that this was God's way of teaching me an important lesson. Somehow I thought that God was showing me that being unfaithful to Lisa and having sex with Matt was wrong, and I deserved what had happened. I thought he must be punishing me for what I had started. I felt as though I had totally screwed up my life. My thoughts were totally muddled and confused.

My cell interrupted these thoughts of self-pity. I grabbed it and answered.

"Seth, dude.Just listen, don't hang up! I am so totally and completely sorry, dude! I just woke up twenty minutes ago, and I had not a fuckin clue about what had happened. Except, I knew it wasn't Shania who was screaming at me to get off of her. Dude, you have to believe me. I have no fucking clue about what happened. I had too much to drink and too much weed. Seth, I wouldn't ever do that to you or to Lisa. I can't believe this happened. You know me Seth, you have to know that I would not do that to you man. I don't remember a thing about what happened, except when Lisa woke up, she freaked when she realized that she and I were in bed together, and then she totally freaked out when she realized you were gone. Seth, please, listen to me..I am so sorry, believe me dude. I think both Lisa and I had way too much to drink and smoke. Neither of us even remembers how we got into bed.

As I listened to Matt, I realized that I had calmed down over the past hour and a half of driving. Now, as I heard his voice pleading, my head began to pound. I couldn't believe I was hearing what he was saying. But, I also thought that he sounded sincere. Still, I felt the anger rise up in me and I responded: "Matt, fuck you! I am sorry I ever fuckin met you. You piece of shit. I don't believe a fucking word you are saying.

You must be really happy now that you've stolen your white boy's girlfriend. You can fuckin have here dude. She's yours, you piece of shit." That said, I closed my cell and drove on. I began to cry, realizing again that so much had changed for the worse in such a short time. I wondered what Shania had done when she realized that her black Adonis had fucked Lisa after Shania had passed out.

My cell rang again. I wasn't going to answer, but then I did.

"Dude, please listen to me. I don't blame you for being totally pissed. But, Seth, please believe me, I was completely hammered and so was Lisa. When we realized what had happened, we both freaked. Lisa couldn't talk, she was crying so much. Thank God Shania is still passed out, and I moved her to the spare bedroom. Dude, please, believe ..." Here I could hear the sound of Matt starting to sob. He was crying himself. I couldn't believe him. After a minute or so, he said: "Seth, please.I have to talk with you. Lisa called a friend to pick her up. She's not here. Please come here. I have to explain and apologize. Please Seth. Where are you?"

"Just drivin", I managed. Matt again pleaded with me to come to his condo. While I was totally angry, I also realized that he was telling the truth. The thought that the two of them were so drunk combined with the weed they smoked caused them to lose all normal judgment. Matt pleaded more, and I finally agreed to come to his place to talk.

Matt opened the door. He had tight silk boxers on, nothing else. Even though I thought I hated the bastard in front of me, I took in his beautifully muscled body and still felt a touch of arousal.

"Dude, I am so glad you came. Look, Shaina is still out cold. I made coffee. Come into the bedroom and we can talk."

"Matt, I can't go in there with you," I said. The thoughts of what had happened in there were still in my mind I guess, and I just couldn't go there.

"Sorry. Let's use the study." We went into the study with coffee, and when I looked more closely at Matt, I could tell he had been crying. His eyes were swollen and red. Not the eyes of a hang over, worse. When we got into the study, Matt took a seat at the desk and I sat in an armchair. I looked at Matt straight on, noting his muscled chest and tightly defined abs, and the bulging biceps that showed what months of working out would do. I loved his medium brown skin and his angled facial features. No wonder Lisa was so taken with him. And the thought of that made me sick.

"Seth, I have to say this, and you have to believe it. I have never done anything like this before. I am just not that kind of dude. And, Seth, believe me or not...I think I have come to have real strong feelings for you dude, and I just couldn't do this to you, you of all people! Believe me, I know I joked about doing Lisa, but I never meant to, and the way I feel about you..I never could hurt you that way." Here, Matt's eyes filled up again, and tears rolled down his face. I think I knew now that he was really telling the truth because this was not an act, that much was certain. Matt looked up and said something else. "Seth, these last months with you dude, have been fuckin awesome. I can't stand the thought of losing you, and I now I think I have completely fucked up what we had. I am so sorry dude, please believe that." And, he cried more. He was sobbing.

"Matt. I don't know what to say. I believe you, but I am empty right now. It hurt so fucking much to see the two of you." Here I started to cry myself. I put my head down into my hands. Matt got up and came over, got on his knees in front of me and touched my head and shoulders with his hands. He repeatedly apologized through his tears. He reached around my shoulders with his strong arms and hugged me tightly, still apologizing. I could feel his hands rubbing my back. His hands explored my chest through my shirt, and I felt myself getting aroused. I looked at his boxers, and I could see Matt was getting hard as well. Next his hands were on my shoulders and gently pushed me back in the armchair. He looked at me with tears still in his eyes, and he then reached for the zipper on my pants. I let him. He freed my cock and balls and sucked me gently while holding my balls with one of his beautiful black hands. I place my own hands on his head and began face fucking him slowly at first, and then more quickly. This went on for a few minutes and I felt myself starting to cum. I stayed in his mouth and came deep in his throat. He sucked hard and drained me. Then he moved to my face with some of my cum on his lips and kissed me with fresh tears in his eyes. "Seth, I am so sorry I hurt you. I think I love you dude. That's right dude. I think I love you. I would never hurt you Seth, believe me. And Seth, I know Lisa and I fucked up big time, but you have to believe she was fucking hammered. She loves you too dude. And she feels like shit right now because she knows you left because you saw us together. She was freaking with the thought that she had hurt you like that."

As my incredibly handsome black lover was saying this, he was only a few inches from my face. The sight of him always aroused me. I had never had sex with any other guy, but Matt. But, sex with him was incredible. We both loved fucking one another. We both loved lying naked with one another and exploring with our hands, mouths, and cocks. But now that this had happened, I didn't know if I could continue this relationship, which my body wanted very much. While Matt talked, I place my hands on his very dark nipples and pinched them as I had often done. I looked down and noted that his cock was still hard. The sight of it caused my own to swell a little. But, from the other room, we heard Shania moving about, and then heading into the bathroom. She must have been totally hung over. Matt and I quickly separated, I zipping myself up in case Shania stumbled into the study. My thoughts turned to Lisa and what I should do or not do. And also mixed in with my thoughts about Lisa was Matt's statement that he loved me. What did that mean? We had grown close during the past eight months, but I thought that we both knew that our relationship would have to end, and we would eventually both be "straight", as if that would ever be possible.

"I think I'll go back to our apartment Matt. I don't know what's going to happen with Lisa and me. I guess I know you are telling the truth, but it hurts huge man." I stood, my cock still hard, and Matt moved in to kiss me and apologize again. I loved his arms around me, and mine around his thickly muscled torso. The feel of his body and his thick hard cock pressed into my abdomen felt so familiar and so hot.

Comments: sethgfrd@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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