Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Dec 12, 2002


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is adult in nature. If it is not appropriate for you to be reading it, don't go any further.

Unexpected Seduction, Part 8

As it turned out, Matt was not able to get free to be with me the next day. We talked at the gym and he brought me up to date with the fact that he too had a steady female interest, and he said that although I was not the first guy he had done stuff with, there had been only two others. He said he was attracted very much to certain guys, but that he could not bring himself to let anyone know. And, he said, he was also very much attracted to hot looking chicks. That afternoon, Matt's girlfriend picked him up at the fitness center, and he introduced her to me. I was instantly taken with her quiet and soft beauty. Like Matt, she was black, but her skin color was just a shade lighter than his medium brown. As I spoke with Shania, I felt my heart in my chest, and my cock had that familiar tingle, telling me that it wanted to introduce itself to this hottie. I also thought that this was bizarre, that here I was talking to the girlfriend of a guy who was fucking me the same way he fucked her. And I wondered what she would think if she knew that I had fucked his ass as he moaned in delight. What's more, I also thought that if I were unattached, I would love the chance to go at it with Shania. As these thoughts raced through my mind, I realized how screwed up my sexual preferences had become. I thought I was hopelessly fucked up that I should be attracted to both Matt's beautifully hard body, and at the same time enjoy hot sex with Lisa and lust after chicks like Shania. We said our goodbyes, and I watched them leave, wondering how long it would be before Matt's thick, hard shaft would plunge into Shania pleasure pit. I envied her that night. And, I envied Matt because I found myself thinking that Shania had to be a really hot fuck, just like Matt was.

Matt and I spent the next eight months getting together whenever we could break free of our girlfriends. We both found that while we enjoyed sex with the girlfriends, we also knew that we enjoyed pleasing one another very much as well. At the gym it simply looked as though we had become workout buddies, and so no one seemed to suspect anything more. From time to time, our girlfriends would pick us up or drop us off, so people figured we were two straight dudes who did the gym everyday.

As time went on, Matt and I and our girlfriends all met one another and went out together a few times. When I first introduced Lisa to Matt, I could see instantly that she was as taken with his physical beauty and charm as I had been when I first saw him. Lisa seemed almost in a trance when she first met him. It seemed as if she just stared at him and was not able to get beyond how handsome this young black stud in front of her was. In fact, Matt told me that Shania had shared with him how hot she thought I was, and she said that if she ever "went white", it would have to be with someone just like me. Matt smiled as he told me this, saying that he approved of her taste. I then let Matt know Lisa was equally impressed with him, and that I would have to keep her away from him.

In the beginning of our eighth month of fucking, and sucking, and kissing, and holding one another, Matt and I had become more than just fuck buddies. We had become pretty close with one another. When we got together, it was mostly for an hour here or there, and so we wasted no time in getting right down to hot sex, wasting no time at all. However, from time to time, we were able to spend a night together, and on those occasions, after we serviced one another for hours, we would lie naked together, just touching one another, but also talking and sharing our thoughts and discussing how strange our situation was that we both seemed to like sex with one another while being attracted to women as well. We also wondered how much longer we could do what we were doing without getting found out by one of our girlfriends. We didn't think this could go on forever, but neither of us wanted to stop having sex with the other. For my part, I loved the feel of Matt's rigid black rod as he slid it deep into my warm ass, and pumped it furiously as he worked up a sweat. I would just lie on my back and let Matt fuck me as I watched his muscled form pleasuring itself, and using me. He was beautiful to watch, and I was glad that he was so incredibly attracted to me. And, when I pushed into Matt's black ass, I loved noting the contrast of our skin colors, as they pressed against one another in excited sex. Cumming in Matt's warm, moist hole was the best. And, lying on top of his hard body, locked in a passionate embrace as we kissed was fantastic for me. I knew Matt loved it as well, because he moaned uncontrollably as I fucked him, and he could not have enough of kissing and holding me.

In April of the next year, Matt and Shania had a small get together at his condo. About a dozen people, mostly from the gym, got together for drinks. I loved Matt's condo, the view it had was terrific. I went out on the deck overlooking the bay to smoke a little weed with one of the guys. I had already had a couple of brews and a drink. I was feelin a buzz, but was not too bad. Lisa joined us for a few tokes as well. She was on her way to being hammered I could tell. Her eyes had that glassy "I am about to be trashed" look they got every once in a while. I knew that it would be a long night, and that I might have to drive us home later. Matt came out and joined in the fun, and I then noticed how well on her way Lisa really was. She became overly chatty and almost giddy with Matt, and she didn't miss a chance to touch him while she was speaking. She laughed too hard at what he said, and she was just not herself. Matt nodded at me, indicating that he noticed this as well. I was doing a slow burn because I felt myself getting really jealous as Lisa ran her hands over Matt's biceps, and she patted his hard abs as she complimented him on the great impact the gym had had on his body. She really went over the line when she ran a hand over his ass saying that she always liked the asses black guys had compared to white guys' asses. She smiled at me and said that she still liked mine too. I mumbled an insincere "thanks". I think she knew I was pissed, but she was now reeling out of control. I had seen this before, but I figured she would eventually run out of steam and pass out. Before she embarrassed herself any more, Lisa left to see if Shania needed help. Matt's face instantly lighted up when Lisa left. "This could be the night, dude. All I have to do is keep the booz flowin, get you in the bag, and taste your hot woman's cookies. Actually, I think she wants to bake my cookies in her oven." He said with a broad smile.

"I think so too, dude. She would never have an interest in you if she were sober and could see straight." I countered with a smile. But deep inside, I suspected that Lisa really did want to feel more than Matt's biceps and abs through his clothing. "Don't worry, she will pass out before too long, done that routine before." I said confidently. And I really did think that that is just what would happen. We finished the weed and I grabbed another beer. I noticed Lisa inside trying to help Shania, who seemed like she was on her way to oblivion as well. After I was inside for a few moments, Lisa came over and whispered that she knew I was pissed and she was sorry. She told me she would behave, and she hung close to me for a while. Actually, she seemed to be sobering up a bit, and I relaxed. A couple of people were dancing slowly in the living room and Lisa wanted to dance. We did, and she seemed okay.

But, halfway through our dance, Shania tapped Lisa's shoulder and asked if she would share. Lisa smiled and said sure. I saw her move away and pour herself a drink. I was now finding that Shania was also well lubed because she had her hands all over me. I mean, they were all over me, and I think most people could see that I was doing the best I could to behave, but as we turned I saw Lisa glaring at me. I just raised my hands as if to say, "What do you want me to do?" Lisa headed for the deck, and it looked like more weed to me. I also saw Matt giving me looks that I interpreted to be pretty pissed. After the dance, I peeled Shania off of me and went to get a drink. I said to Matt: "Dude, I think she is wasted. Sorry, I did my best to keep the hands in neutral places." Matt kind of shrugged and said, no problem. But he seemed upset, just a bit. I walked out to the deck with him, where Lisa was smoking weed and chatting it up, entertaining everyone.

When she saw Matt and I come out, she brightened up and was all over Matt in an instant. This time, I noted that Matt was more receptive to her touchy-feely routine. He touched her in return, he rubber her back, joked with her and played it beautifully. Then he took her hand and brought her into the living room where then proceeded to paste themselves together in a slow dance, that made me at once jealous of both of them. At this point, I decided to fuck it all. I smoked some more, and had a strong drink on top of that. In a very short time, I found myself floating on a wonderful high of booz and weed. What Matt and Lisa did was of no concern to me. I remember only vaguely talking with some of the other people at the party. I must have had a more to drink, and maybe to smoke. At some point, I must have passed out on the couch.

I think it must have been the sound of the TV as well as the uncomfortable sleeping position that caused me to awaken from my stupor at around 3 a.m. I saw Shania passed out in a chair, and everyone else was gone. I got up with the intention of using the bathroom, finding Lisa, and heading out of there. That was when I heard them. At first the sounds were muffled, but certainly loud enough for me to hear as I was making my way to the bathroom. Clearly, two people were in Matt's room having sex. Still groggy, I did not connect Lisa's and Matt's absence with what was going on in there. In the dim light of the condo, I made my way to the bathroom wondering who was in Matt's room with Shania passed out in the chair. Whoever it was sounded like they were having an awesome time. Then it hit me, I spun my semi- drunken and semi-high head around and looked frantically for Lisa. I moved to the deck, that being the last place I saw her. The lounges and chairs out there were empty. I then checked the spare bedroom, but found only a disheveled bed with no one in it. Now, my stomach sank, my head began to pound. I could feel the veins in my temples pounding as I moved toward Matt's room. Now, I knew it had to be Matt and Lisa. I was sick. I touched the door which was closed but not latched. I peaked into the dimly lit room and could see Matt's perfectly shaped black ass clenched in orgasm as his enormously thick and long black rod was plunged deeply into Lisa's beautifully tight and warm pussy. He was now moaning loudly and panting for air, having just climaxed. She was also breathing heavily but holding his head between the palms of her hands tightly as she kissed him passionately and he kissed back. She was moaning loudly, and clearly she has reached an incredible orgasm as he emptied his juices into her. I did not make a sound...but just looked on with a sick feeling in my gut. Matt sporadically pulled his cock out and plunged back into Lisa forcefully causing her whole body to shake. Each time he did this I saw his ass muscles contract and Lisa let out a pleasurable yelp. Matt's thick muscular legs were intertwined with Lisa's beautifully tight creamy white legs. Her hands now moved up and down his muscled back, frantically trying to feel every bit of her black Adonis. Matt started to pull out of her, but I heard her half whisper/half say aloud a slurred: "Don't!" Matt obeyed and plunged back into her hard, and she yelped again.

For my part, I must have watched for four or five minutes as my lover/friend lay atop of my lover/girlfriend. I continued to watch as they settled into a regular breathing pattern after their climaxes. It seemed after a few minutes as though they had both fallen asleep, with Matt's black piston buried deep in my Lisa. And with Lisa apparently loving it. My head was spinning. I did not know what to do. I was ready to explode, and yet, I was afraid to do anything because of what Matt and I had done secretly for the past eight months. As I watched them, Matt's physical beauty was not lost on me. He lay sleeping now, but his muscled torso, the thickly developed arms, the thick thighs and muscled lower legs made him a perfect match for my very hot lover of the past two years. I was aroused from my confused thoughts by Lisa's gentle snoring. I had no idea of what to do. I turned away from my lovers, left the condo, stopped for coffee, and then drove around for an hour.

Next: Chapter 9

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