Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Dec 4, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story contains content that is intended for adults only. If you should not be reading this, go no further.

Unexpected Seduction Part 7

Several days elapsed before Matt and I saw one another again at the fitness center. During that time all I could think of was how my life had changed so significantly and so suddenly. My recollection of what Matt and I had done together was constantly on my mind. At times during my classes, I would be day dreaming about the first time Matt fucked me and the memory of his long, thick rod as it slid into my tight ass, or the incredible feeling I had when I first fucked him, and I would find myself getting hard and having to let those feelings go lest anyone notice me with a woodie during class. Even when Lisa and I had sex, I found myself thinking of how different sex was with the incredibly tightly muscled Matt. Lisa and I continued to have great sex, but my thoughts were all about holding, kissing, sucking, and fucking Matt.

I had not seen him for three days with his team in the pool at the fitness center. I asked my boss why they were not there, and he did not remember, but told me that they would be back sometime during the week. My anxiety eased a little, and I found myself trying to figure a way that I could be alone with Matt for even an hour or two without arousing Lisa's suspicion. I couldn't come up with any way that I could vary my routine, and I was frustrated. And finally, on Thursday, Matt and his team were there when I arrived at work. I casually made my walk through the pool area, making sure everything was in order, and my eyes immediately found his beautifully brown hued and fantastically well-defined body in waist deep water as he was instructing his team members. He glanced my way briefly, smiled and waved, but went immediately back to work with his team. I was dying a slow death, wondering if what we had done was just a one-time thing. Certainly, I had expected him to give his team something to do so he and I could talk for a couple of minutes. But he did not do more than smile and wave. I purposely made a second walk through the pool and my heart sank when I saw that Matt's team was doing laps while he stood by the side of the pool talking with one of the fitness center's most beautiful young female regulars. I knew her casually, and I knew she wasted no time in hitting on guys. She had come on to me the very first time she met me. She kept it up until I told her I was pretty serious with my live-in, Lisa. Like me, she was white. And like me, I could tell that she was totally taken by the incredibly handsome black stud in front of her. Their conversation was animated and they were both laughing. Matt did not even look my way as I walked through. I quickly took in his broadly muscled shoulders, his tight pecs, his sharply defined abs, his tight and narrow waist, and finally his beautifully sculpted thighs and calves. He was one incredibly handsome stud, and he knew it. Yet, he did not drip with arrogance, and everyone was attracted to him because of it. I felt my cock tingle with excitement at the sight of him. And he did not even look over at me as I walked by them.

As I went back to the front desk, I caught myself struggling with something that I found bizarre. I was actually intensely jealous of the beautiful chick who was clearly coming on to this black Adonis standing by the pool. But even more bizarre was the dread that I was feeling, because now I was convinced that what I perceived as Matt's ignoring my presence was a sign that he had no further interest in me. For my workout after work I had intentionally brought a pair of my tightest workout shorts and a tight fitting t- shirt to go along with it, hoping to excite Matt. Now I felt as though I had been a weekend fuck for him, and he had cast me aside.

When I was done work, I started my routine and Matt was nowhere to be seen. After about fifteen minutes of wondering what had happened to him, I saw him emerge from the pool area fully clothed and walking with the same chick I had seen him with earlier. They were still talking and laughing as they walked in my direction, which was also near the exit to the gym. As they approached me, they stopped and we talked briefly. I could tell that she was giving me the look over while Matt was complimenting me on what he called the fruits of my workouts. I was hoping to see some sign of a bulge in his crotch, but that did not happen. Finally, they said their good byes, and took off together. I was totally stunned, and actually I felt empty. I figured that I had just been a toy for him.

I finished my workout, dejected. As I came out of the shower, I heard my cell beeping a message. I checked and was stunned to hear Matt's voice leaving me a message apologizing for not being able to talk and asking me to stop by for a quick beer on the way home if I could. Excitement coursed through my body. I could feel my cock thickening. I knew that I would have to cook up an excuse for Lisa, but I was determined to go to Matt's, even if it could only be for an hour or so.

I hurried getting dressed and got to Matt's quickly. He opened the door wearing the same warm up suit he was wearing when he left the gym. The instant he closed the door behind me, he embraced me, and pulled me to his body. I returned the embrace, and we locked ourselves in a prolonged and intense kiss. Both of his hands slipped up to the back of my head and he pulled my face tightly to his own. I felt his tongue exploring my mouth frantically. I also felt his enormous cock come to life and he was grinding it against my own now fully hard rod. All my doubts of a couple of hours ago vanished. I slipped my hands under the elastic of his warm up pants and slid them down to his thighs. To my delight, he had no underwear on. His thick nine to ten inch shaft leaped up and he pushed himself hard into me. For my part, I let my hands wander over his perfect black ass, and up his back, under his warm up jacket.

"Let's lose the clothes dude. How much time do you have? I have been waiting for this for days Seth."

"Me too, believe me dude. But you had me worried at the gym. What was that about? By the way, I think I can stay for about an hour."

"I didn't want to talk at the gym cuz I didn't want to arouse any suspicion. Call me paranoid, but I don't want anyone to think that I am anything but straight. I am like you dude. And Megan was doing her usual come on, hoping to come here with me. I tried to lose her so I could at least say hi to you, but she stuck like glue. Sorry."

Now we both had all of our clothes off and we moved into the living room and continued a passionate, but gentle kiss as we just moved our hands all over one another's bodies. I loved watching the contrast of Matt's hands against my white skin, and of my own against his dark muscled body. We caressed one another, touching and probing everywhere. I explored his ass crack and felt his cock leap a little. He gently slid his hand back and forth on my cock and I felt myself stiffen incredibly. I found myself feeling his tight chest, his bulging biceps, running my finger tips up and down his washboard abs.

Matt squatted to his knees and cupped my balls in his hands and sucked my precum leaking cock into his mouth. While he did this, I ran my hands over his hair and caressed his thickly muscled shoulders. Finally, I lay on the floor and Matt continued to suck me as he ran his hands affectionately over my body, traveling from my shoulders, to my chest, to my abs, and up and down my legs. While he did this I lay back and just held my hands on his head and I gently face fucked him and relaxed as he serviced my throbbing cock. I was getting close, and he felt it and stopped. He moved his body over mine, and lay his hard, strong frame on top of me. He looked into my eyes and moved down to kiss me. As he did this, I felt our cocks pressing between our hard abdomens. I let my hands travel to his ass, and I used them to pull the cheeks apart. While I did this, I felt my own cock pulse with excitement because I was hoping to have it buried deep in his warm hole in just a few minutes. Matt had other ideas. He stopped kissing me and moved all the way up my torso so that his knees were on either side of my head. His cock and ball sack rested directly on my chin and face. He reached back and held my cock and said. "Suck me dude."

With his free hand, he pushed the thick black rod against my face and rubbed it back and forth. The mushroom rubbed against my eyes and across my nose and finally, he positioned it at my lips. I opened wide as he pushed into my hungry mouth. I choked as he pressed the tip against my throat. He pulled out but again pushed into the throat. Eventually, I found that his entire black rod had pushed into my mouth and deep into my throat. I was amazed to find that my throat had stretched to receive the warm and thick invader. Now Matt began to fuck my face passionately and I felt his sharp black pubes rubbing against my lips and around my mouth. While he did this, I found myself holding his ass and actually pulling this muscle god into me. I watched as his ripped abs closed in on my face then pulled away with each thrust. Just as I thought Matt would cum, he stopped again.

"Now, I am going to re-stretch that hole of yours Seth." He quickly pulled out of my mouth and moved around and grabbed my ankles and thrust them upward and backward. I was stunned at how he had taken charge. His cock was shiny with my saliva. I watched the thick black sausage as he positioned it at my hole. Without even fingering me, he pushed in and it was painful. I watched his abs as they contracted when he pushed into me, held for just a moment, then shoved his pulsing piston all the way in. I yelled, and my eyes teared. I thought he had ripped me open, but it also felt so good. I held the sides of his waist as he began thrusting, and I watched his beautifully muscled torso as it flexed and relaxed in the heat of passion. Matt's cock was pounding against my prostrate and in only moments I shot wads of cum over my own chest. Matt took a finger and scooped the cum off of my chest and put it on my lips. "Here, eat this. I caused it, I want to watch you suck it off my finger. I was puzzled a bit, but opened my mouth and sucked his finger. Then he scooped more and did it again. All the while he pumped. But suddenly, he was ready and he pumped furiously for several moments and let out a loud yell as he came into my ass. I felt his juices enter my hole, warm and wet. Matt collapsed on me, panting and sweaty. We kissed and held one another tightly.

When Matt pulled out of me, we were both still hard. But I looked at his wall clock and realized nearly an hour had passed as we had made love. I wanted badly to fuck him, but I had no time.

"Matt, I hate to, but I have to go. Can we do this tomorrow? I have some unfinished business."

"We'll see dude, let's talk tomorrow at the gym. I want to, but not sure if I can. I didn't tell you, but I have to answer to a chick as well. We've got plans. Let me see what I can do."

We got dressed, and I left quickly. As I drove back to Lisa, I wondered if she would smell Matt's scent on me.

Comments: sethgfrd@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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