Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Nov 8, 2002


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is sexually explicit. Please do not continue reading if it is not legal for you to do so.

Unexpected Seduction, Part 3

My apartment was only about three miles from Matt's, and I arrived there in only minutes. The first thing I did was to strip off my clothes and take a long, hot shower. I paid particular attention to washing my hole, which was still leaking Matt's love juices, and which felt very warm and sore from the fucking it had taken for the previous several hours. Strangely, the thoughts of what I had just experienced with Matt were in total conflict in my mind. On the one hand, I felt guilt and shame that I had crossed the boundary and had sex with another guy. I couldn't believe I had actually gone ahead and done it, but I also knew that I had thought about it lots of times, and now that I had done it, I was both glad and also I was terrified that my friends would find out. I felt some guilt because I had a pretty close and exclusive relationship with my girlfriend, who I knew would freak if she knew what I had done. On the other hand, I felt myself getting hard all over again as I played out in my mind what had happened between Matt and me.

I stayed in the shower until the water went cold. Then, I dried off, smoked a joint, and lay on my bed thinking of Matt, and not my girlfriend, Lisa. I jerked off slowly as I recalled Matt's thick black cock entering my hole and fucking me. I remembered that it hurt a lot at first, and then I loved the feeling of his granite shaft hitting my prostate and making me cum. I loved feeling Matt's hard muscles and his perfectly shaped body pressed passionately against mine. And I loved the fact that I knew that Matt loved my body. In fact, I knew that he couldn't get enough of me. I was hoping that I could use that to convince him that to let me fuck him. If not, I wasn't going to let him fuck me again. I determined that I would not be his woman, letting him take my pussy, as he called it, anytime he wanted. I longed to fuck his beautiful black ass. After a while, the pot took its toll on me and I fell asleep naked on my bed.

My phone screeched in my ear, and I fumbled at the nightstand to grab it. As I did, I looked at the alarm, which said that it was 1:35 p.m. The light coming through the bedroom windows confirmed for me that I must have slept about twelve hours. As I answered the phone, I sat up naked on my bed. The first thing my body told me was that my ass was hot and sore. Matt, I immediately thought.

"Hello." It was Lisa. She was just checking to see what was up. She was about to go shopping with her mother and sister and wondered if I had brought any girls home with me to keep me warm. I told her the truth, that I had not even thought about a girl in her absence. We talked for a few more minutes, and then said we would touch base with one another that night. Still somewhat groggy, I got up to use that bathroom, but was stopped when the phone rang again. I went back to get it, and was surprised to find Matt at the other end.

"Seth, dude. Are you okay to talk right now? He asked.

"Sure, Matt. I just got up, still beat from all the weed and stuff." I felt awkward talking to him. I didn't know what he thought of me after last night. I was still confused. But I masked it pretty well.

"Seth, I just wanted to check to see if everything is still cool between us dude. I mean last night was real hot for me, but I hope I didn't come on too strong for you dude."

"No man. It's cool between us. I guess I still am a little freaked that I got into that stuff with a guy. But it's cool, and I liked it too man. Gotta tell ya that my ass is in sorry shape though. You're one big dude you know."

"Yeah, I think maybe I should have gone a little easier first time round. Sorry about that. Look, do you think we could get together this afternoon, I mean just to talk. I don't want to put any pressure on you or anything. I just want to talk if that's okay with you."

"Sure, okay." As I spoke with Matt, I could feel my cock starting to grow in excitement. "What did you have in mind?"

"I could meet you at your place if that works for you, or we could meet anywhere you feel comfortable." Matt said almost sheepishly. He sounded like he was being very solicitous of me. That was good.

"Sure dude. We can meet here. That's cool, Lisa won't be back til tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay Seth. Cool, just give me directions and a time, and I'll be there." I gave Matt the directions, and said that about an hour from then would be good. That would give me time to clean up, and straighten the apartment a bit.

Lisa and I had a pretty nice modern apartment with two bedrooms. She was pretty good in the decorating area, so the place looked really good, but nowhere near as nice as the pricey condo Matt had. We also did not have a spa, so maybe I would be on safer ground from the get go today.

Anyway, in almost exactly one hour, Matt buzzed at the door, and I let him in. He brought a twelve pack of Sam Adams, just in case we got thirsty. I could already feel a lump in my throat when I lay eyes on Matt. He was wearing a loose fitting navy blue short sleeve polo shirt, which he had not buttoned at the neck. I got a great glimpse of his neck and the top of his chest. And, his sleeves covered just a portion of his incredible biceps. Matt's jeans were loose, but the tight waist told anyone who looked that the guy was in fantastic shape.

His eyes quickly took in my appearance. He tried not to be obvious, but I saw him check me up and down. I had put on a fairly tight gray t-shirt and black running shorts. I had nothing on my feet. I felt strange because I knew the sight of me excited Matt. I also felt strange because I deliberately wore stuff that I knew would reveal my body for him to drink in. While on the one hand I wanted to excite him, on the other, I didn't think I wanted to do anything else with him, until I had a chance to sort things out in my mind.

I grabbed some munchies from the kitchen, put on College football, and brought out two brews for us. Matt was on the sofa, and I sat across from him in a chair. He looked me up and down again, and smiled.

"You okay Seth? I mean I know last night was a lot for you. For me it was fuckin hot; it is something I wanted to do with you from the first time I spotted your pretty face and hot bod...you are one hot dude you know. But, I am sorry if I over did it."

"A sore ass is my worst symptom. We both were into it man. By the way, you're the hot one, dude." I said with a smile. Matt was staring at me as he lifted his bottle and took a drink. I stared back, noticing the chocolate bicep of his left arm bulge just a bit as he lifted the bottle to take his drink. As I watched him, I knew that my cock was starting to grow in my shorts. I shifted in my seat to make it less obvious.

"So Seth, we're cool with one another?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. We're cool. That was a hot experience for me. But I'm pretty tight with Lisa. And, I know I'm not gay, so I guess I'm happy that I was able to have a fantasy come true with such a hot looking guy who's also a cool dude."

"So what you're saying, Seth, is that last night was a once in a lifetime thing for you. That we're cool, but we aren't going to have sex again?" As Matt said this he looked kind of confused as he stared at me. I thought to myself that he was incredibly handsome, even when he looked completely confused. As I stared at his confused look, he took his right hand and put it under his shirt to scratch his left shoulder. This lifted his shirt a little, exposing his shoulder and left pec. His perfect form was so enticing. I felt myself weakening.

"Well yeah, Matt. I can't keep doin that shit. I'm not gay, man. I got into it last night, but I can't keep doin that. You're a hot dude, I drank some, smoked a lot. I admit I liked it. But, I like doin it with Lisa too. I guess I was just experimenting." While I said this, I could feel my cock beginning to harden as I looked at his perfect black form across from me.

"Of course you were experimenting, dude. And experimenting doesn't mean that you're gay. It just means that you tried it, nothing more. But when you left last night, you said that you wanted to fuck me. So, I thought that we were going to experiment a little more together. But are you now saying that you don't want to do anything else with me? I mean, if you don't, that's cool, but I thought that you wanted to do a little more."

"Yeah, I did say that last night. And at the time, I guess I wanted to. But I guess now I really don't have any interest in doing anything else. I don't mean to insult you or anything, and I had a hot time last night, but I think the interest is just not there as much now."

"Okay Seth, that's cool. So you're telling me that you just don't have any interest in doing anything with me, or any other guy for that matter? But, man, you were so hot and into it last night that I thought for sure you would want to try another round today. But, everybody's different. That's cool. You were real hot though Seth. I mean, you were REALLY hot!" With that, Matt drained his beer and I got up to get another for both of us. My cock was not fully erect, but was hard enough that I thought that Matt probably noticed it when I went over to him to get his empty bottle.

I snagged two more brews for us from the fridge and spent a couple of minutes killing time in the kitchen hoping that my cock would go down. Finally it seemed to relax a bit, and I turned to go back into the living room. As I entered the living room, I was completely stunned to see Matt's beautifully muscled cocoa body sitting completely naked on the sofa. His black cock was thick and long and hard as granite. He was staring directly at me as I entered the room. I stopped in my tracks and just looked at him. His perfectly proportioned and smoothly muscled body was absolutely beautiful. The handsome face, the broad and square shoulders, the bulging biceps and firmly developed pecs, and his sharply defined abs all made for an incredible picture. But most incredible of all was his enormous and beautiful black club that was jutting out from his equally large ball sack. The thick mushroom at the tip of his cock was pinkish black, and was fully engorged. I had the urge to strip, go over to his cock, and suck it. I actually felt as though I wanted it to invade my ass once again. While these thoughts raced through my mind, I felt my own cock growing, fast. I did not know what to say. He had taken me by complete surprise.

Matt got up from the sofa slowly and moved toward me with a smile. I watched as his ripped black muscles moved and contracted and smoothed themselves out as he got up and glided in my direction. His cock was pointed straight out and was pulsing at full mast. "Seth, I just thought I saw a glimmer of hope when you got up to get our beers. It looked to me as though your own cock was showing signs of life." With that, he took a beer from my hand and moved his other hand to my crotch, where he cupped my now hardened rod and gave it a firm squeeze. "That doesn't feel like the cock of a guy who has `not as much interest' anymore. If fact, Seth, I think you want to continue what we started last night, but you are just a little afraid of doing it because you don't want to be labeled "bi", or worse, "gay".

Matt had not loosened his grip on my cock. It was pulsing through my shorts in his firm hold. I was only inches from his handsome face, his muscled naked form. I didn't know what to say, it was as if I were frozen, and could not move. "Seth, I am going to give you a chance to do what you really want to do. But it has to be right now. And, dude, if it turns out that I am wrong about you, I'll apologize, and I'll leave. And I hope there won't be any bad feelings. And, I will act like last night never happened. But, right now, put your beer down and suck me off, if that's what you want to do." Our eyes were locked on one another's. Matt now just stared at me, waiting for me to act. I broke our stares, looked down at the beautiful veined and throbbing cocoa and pinkish cock pointing at my crotch. Without saying a word, I went slowly down onto my knees and positioned my mouth in front of Matt's marvelous cock. He had let my crotch go when I moved, and now placed both of his large black hands on the back of my head. Placing my own hands on his cock, I took him again today deep into my mouth. Seth's hands held my head still and in place over his cock.

"Seth, before I let you suck me, I want you to take your clothes off. I get so turned on by watching your beautiful body naked as you service me." He let my head go, and without getting up, I stripped off my shirt and shorts. My own cock, now free, leaped out toward Matt's shin bones. He then repositioned his hands, and I began sucking Matt with a passion that I had not shown last night. As I slid my mouth back and forth along his long, and rock hard shaft, I clasped my hands on his beautiful cocoa colored ass cheeks and used them to pull him into and out of my mouth. Soon, Matt's breathing increased, his muscles tensed, and I felt sure he was about to cum. But he stopped suddenly and pulled out of my mouth. Without a word, he went to his jeans, and took out a tube of lube. Returning to me he said, "Seth, get on all fours. It's time to use your pussy again. And, if you have any reservations about that, speak them now, and I will leave. But I think you know you want this as much as I do." I looked at Matt's beautiful form standing over me, viewed his pulsing tool, and again, without a word, I turned and got on all fours, waiting for him to enter me and use me as he pleased. Matt wouldn't let me off that easily though.

"Seth, I like your eagerness. But I need for you to tell me what you want me to do. I need to hear it, and I need for you to hear yourself say it. "

He waited. I finally mustered up the words: "Matt, I want you to fuck me."

"Not good enough, Seth. You have to convince me that you really want me to do this to you."

Humiliated, but desperately wanting his brown throbbing shaft deep in my ass I said, "Matt, please fuck me with your beautiful black cock. Do it any way you want to, and do it as hard or as easy as you want to, but I want you deep inside of me Matt."

That said, Matt lubed my hole slowly. And then I felt his huge mushroom pressed against my hole. He had placed his muscular black hands on my tight white hips. I braced myself for what was to follow. I felt my own cock jump and throb as he pushed his thick tip just beyond my sphincter muscle. "Seth, what is it of yours that I have just pushed my black cock into?" He asked simply.

At first I was confused, then I knew. He waited. In deep humiliation I finally said it. "You just pushed your black cock into my pussy." There, he had what he wanted. Now, I felt the thick and rigid rod slide into my stretched ass. It hurt again, but not like last night. Matt was on his knees, and I was on all fours. Once he was all the way in my ass, he bent over me. I felt his beautiful black body lying atop of my back.

"Seth, I don't think there's any doubt about it. You're hopelessly hooked on my black cock. And, for what it's worth, Seth, I love your beautiful white body. And I love the way you service me, dude." With that, he began ramming in and out of me. I felt his cock ram in and pull out without softening in the least bit. It was like having a steel pipe being shoved in and pulled out repeatedly. His cock was completely hard and very warm. In no time, my own cock pulsed out its gooey white cum onto the floor after Matt's shaft had wrecked havoc with my prostate. Finally, I felt Matt stiffen, he raised his body and cock up a little, lifting my ass and legs almost off the floor. Then he came into me, warm and wet. He felt fuckin awesome. He collapsed over me and whispered, "I own you dude. You're mine, and only mine." After a few minutes of his lying on me, he pulled out. I did not want that. He felt so good inside of me.

He stood with his cock still rock hard, but now covered with residue of his cum and my own ass juices. "Lick me clean dude." I heard him say. I looked at him in shock. He stared back. And without a word, I sucked my own feces mixed with his cum from his beautiful black cock. While I did this, I could feel his warm cum leaking from my own violated hole. The afternoon and evening had just begun for me I was about to find out.

Comment? sethgfrd@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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