Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Nov 1, 2002


Disclaimer: The material in this story is sexually explicit. Therefore, if you are not of legal age, or if this type of material is not legal in your area, read no further. Comments to sethgfrd@hotmail.com.

Unexpected Seduction - part 2

I came out of my pot induced sleep very slowly, and very drowsily. At first, where I was and why I was there did not register with me. All I knew was what I felt.and that was like I had a fence post up my ass, and I was lying completely naked on top of someone, who was definitely not my girlfriend, Lisa. In fact, my torso felt like it was lying on top of a naked guy, and my face was positioned next to his. I could hear him breathing, and I could feel his whiskers on my face. My legs were spread apart, as if I had straddled him at the waist. My cock was pushing hard against his abdomen and mine.

My eyes adjusted to the limited light in the room. It was very dark, but some light spilled in through a doorway on the far wall. Then, my memory cleared. Horror flooded through me as I remembered back a few hours. I had had my first ever sexual experience with another male, a black male, Matt from the fitness center. Now where I was and what I felt became clear in my mind. The image of Matt's incredibly built and defined black body filled my mind's eye. Now I realized that I had fallen asleep on top of Matt after he had fucked me that final time hours earlier with his thick black shaft a half dozen times. In fact, his thick black monster was still partially hard and still lodged in my sore ass. He had fucked me in a variety of positions, telling me that if he did it from many different angles, it would not hurt as much in the future. He said he wanted me to fuck him as well, but we didn't get to that. Now, I was torn between panic at what I had done and what it meant, and the absolute pleasure I had felt while doing it.

I had sucked Matt first, then, after telling him I didn't want him to think I was a total pussy, I gave in, probably due to the pot I had smoked, and let him fuck me repeatedly. It hurt like hell the first few times, but it also was extremely pleasurable as well. Matt had sucked me off once while feeling my body with one hand and jerking himself off with his other. And now as I experienced a mix of panic and pleasurable memories, I felt my own cock starting to swell again.

"Dude, do I feel that awesome white wand of yours swelling again? Matt asked. I must have awakened him. In fact, I felt his onyx shaft begin to pulse in my woefully sore hole once more. "Seth, you were the very best fuck I have ever had. I mean, I have done guys before, white guys and black guys alike. But none has been as tight, as totally handsome, as incredibly built as you. Your pussy was soooo tight, and feeling your beautiful body while fucking your man cunt was such a fuckin turn on for me." As Matt said this, I could feel that his cock had pulsed itself to full mast, and he had started to ever so slowly move it deeper into my hole which felt warm and very wet. I was confused and pissed that he referred to my ass as a pussy and cunt. That really pissed me off. My ass was not any guy's pussy or cunt.

"Matt, I don't know what happened earlier; I never did anything with a guy before." As I said this, I used my hands to push myself up and away from Matt's torso. My plan was to dismount his black granite post and get the fuck out of there. But, as I sat up and started to pull myself off of him, Matt positioned his powerful hands on my hips and he thrust his now fully engorged rod deep into me. He sighed deeply in pleasure; and, I yelled as I experienced the sharp pain dealt by my black invader.

"Matt, that fuckin hurts! I gotta get my shit together and get outta here." I wanted to get away and I was feeling a little afraid of what I had started.

"Okay Seth, sorry. I just can't get enough of your beautiful white body, dude. Tell, me. Does your throbbing white cock mean that you really want to stay? Cuz that beautiful creature sure looks like it's enjoying the ride your pussy is getting." It was true, even though I was in a state of semi-panic about the shit that had happened; I was totally aroused by the beautiful black guy whose fuck tool I was squarely positioned upon at the moment. And, at that moment, my eyes had adjusted to the limited light, and now I could make out Matt's beautifully sculpted black form below me as I straddled his body with his throbbing cock deep up my ass. His beautiful white teeth, his deeply handsome face, all of this served to melt my opposition to staying. Matt reached forward and took my penis in his hand and began slowly to jerk it. It felt so fuckin good, I knew I was falling fast into his trap; and in a moment I would be his sex toy once again for as long as he wanted.

Leaning back down and onto Matt, I positioned myself on my elbows and spoke: "Matt, I am totally new to this, and you know that. But I think I learn quickly. In fact, I think you believe you have me right where you want me." At that moment, he gave me a thrust with his cock that caused my own cock to swell and my eyes to tear. And he smiled but said nothing. "You know this whole thing has been fuckin awesome for me. And, you know I want more, I don't have to say it...my cock is doing that for me. But dude, you have called my ass a pussy and a cunt. I feel humiliated. So, I gotta go, I want to stay, but I gotta go." I bent down and kissed him on his beautiful lips. His mouth opened and our tongues explored one another's mouths as we embraced. He began fucking my ass slowly as we kissed, but I immediately pushed away and pulled my ass off his cock. Just that action hurt like hell. I felt empty and hollow without my black visitor of the last few hours. I felt his juices dripping from my hole.

"Seth, I didn't mean to humiliate you. I understand these last few hours must have your head spinning. Honestly, I have enjoyed them and you. I didn't mean to hurt or insult you. But Seth, you have to come to grips with this. Face it, you loved what happened, and you can't just go back to Lisa and carry on like this did not take place. I know from personal experience. I play both sides of the fence. Believe me; this won't end here if you just walk out now."

As Matt spoke, I watched his beautiful face and finely sculpted body. My cock stayed hard and throbbing as I looked at him. But I turned and moved to the sunroom to retrieve my clothes. I slid them on as fast as I could with my mind racing. Under my shorts, my cock was still hard. Matt followed me to the sunroom. He sat naked on the cream- colored leather sofa, which contrasted, beautifully with his chocolate skin. He pulled one leg up, so that its foot rested on the cushion, and his other foot rested on the floor. This exposed Matt's now semi-hard penis, and as I drank in his beautiful body, I wanted to disrobe again and kiss his lips, pinch his nipples, feel his body all over. And, I wanted to fuck him badly.

"Dude, I know this can't end with my walkin out right now. I just need time to sort things out. I know you didn't mean to humiliate me. But, I guess so much is goin on in my mind right now that I can't make sense out of everything. I mean, I can't believe that you called my ass a pussy, but that is exactly what it is after tonight. Matt, I just need some fucking time to figure shit out. And, just so you know dude, if I look at you sitting there naked much longer, I don't think I will be able to leave. I want to fuck you so bad!

Matt smiled, got up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me passionately on the lips. He held my face with his hands and explored my mouth with his tongue. I could feel his black granite club pushing against my groin. For my part, I felt his shoulders, ran my hands down his biceps, over to his pecs, down his abs, and finally I grasped his amazing cock. "Seth, I don't want you to go, but I know you have to. I'll call you tomorrow, you still have the weekend free. Maybe you will get a chance to get your wish and fuck me.

I pulled away and said: "Thanks for understanding. Talk to you later dude." I let myself out into the night. It was only 11:30, but seemed much later. As I drove home, my ass was leaking Matt's juices, and my mind was reliving the previous few hours. My heart was racing. I was truly fucked up I thought.

Comments to : sethgfrd@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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