Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Jan 2, 2003


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is adult in nature. Thus, if you are not an adult, read no further.

Unexpected Seduction, part 11

After having been away from having sex with Matt for six long weeks, my ass had returned to its usual size. However, following the activities of the previous night, it now had that warm soreness that I remember having when Matt and I first began having sex together. His black cock was thick, and long, and always very hard. At once it hurt and felt awesome. When he fucked me with it, I frequently came without even stimulating or touching my own cock. I think I liked lying on my back best as Matt fucked me. I could watch his incredibly muscled torso, his thick shoulders, the bulging biceps with the veins showing in them, and the tightly defined abs, as all of his muscles worked in unison and he pumped his thick black shaft in and out of my tight white hole. In this position, Matt would sometimes push my legs from his shoulders to his sides, and lean into me to kiss me passionately as he left his throbbing cock lodged deep up my ass. I would put my arms around him, and hold him as we locked in a lustful embrace. And, when he would straighten up and begin pistoning in and out of me, he would do this in a frenzy, pounding deep into my ass, and then pulling almost all the way out with his rock hard nine inches. Sometimes, his cock would pop out of my ass, and at these times, he would frantically reposition it and push in fast and hard, as if he could not stand even momentarily to be out of my white pleasure pit. And, when Matt would come in me, the muscles of his entire body would tense and flex, and he would hold them that way, squeezing all of the pleasure out of the climax that he could. Then, he would collapse on me, and remain hard in me for a long time. In fact, he seldom softened between each time he would cum. Neither of us did.

When I left Matt's that Saturday morning, he had asked me to come back that night if I could. I told him that I would like to, but I had made plans to see the BC/Notre Dame game, and to go to some parties afterward. I told him that I would call him and stop by if I did not get too trashed, but that was doubtful. On the one hand, having been away from Lisa for six weeks had allowed me to go to parties with my friends without always having to behave myself as I did while Lisa and I were living together. Of course, now that I had had sex with Matt, I would go to these parties, look at some of the guys there and wonder what it would be like to do it with them in bed. I suspected that some of these guys were thinking just as I was, but were just as secretive about it as I now was. Even though I was scouting the guys, I was also growing in popularity with the women at these gatherings because word has spread that Lisa and I were done. After the first three weeks of hitting some of these events with Jason and friends, I was hit on regularly by some of the ladies I had spied lustfully in the past. Now, I still was aroused when in the company of these women, but I also struggled with my conflicting thoughts about guys.

That night, since BC had won at home, the parties were especially wild. I had returned Lisa's frantic and sobbing calls of the previous night, and was glad that she did not answer her cell. I really did not want to get into it with her, but I was also worried because it was clear that she was still hurting very much, even though we had been apart for going on seven weeks. Her friends told me she was miserable, skipped a lot of classes, was drinking too much. But every time I let my mind wander back to that night when I saw my black knight pumping my drunken princess, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. They looked like the perfect interracial couple, he the muscled and handsome black stud fucking the very beautiful and tight white coed. And, she seemed to be loving the pounding Matt's black shaft was giving to her. That was a painful scene for me to remember. But, I really did believe that the next morning she had no idea how it came about, neither did Matt. I also felt guilty and hypocritical about holding that against Lisa because the reality was that Matt and I had been fucking secretly for the past eight months. So in the same way that Lisa had been unfaithful to me, so too had I cheated on her. And, even after six weeks, I missed her every day.

When Matt called in the early evening, I was cleaning up getting ready to grab a sandwich with Jason before heading out to the night life ahead. Matt said he wouldn't mind hitting a few of the parties with us if I didn't mind. I told him sure, and when he got to the apartment, I introduced him to Jason as a friend of mine from the gym who was interested in checking out the BC chicks. And check them out he did. While Matt hung fairly close by to Jason and me at most places, he was quickly swarmed by horny coeds who had never seen the handsome young black muscle stud before. He was used to this type of attention, and he handled it easily. Matt did not, however have too much to drink. He kept himself pretty sober all night. It was at the third place we went that Lisa and some of her friends came in. I was talking with a couple of guys and chicks. Lisa came over, already on her way to another drunk I thought to myself. She asked if we could talk. We did, and at first it was ok. I loved the familiar smell of her, and drank in her body, thinking that she was still fucking beautiful. She touched my hand and arm a couple of times and it felt good. I had no idea where Matt had disappeared to, but I was uncomfortable that the two of them might connect. Matt told me he had not seen or heard from her since his party.

I was beginning to think that maybe Lisa was actually doing better than I had previously thought. I felt myself drawn to her, because I had really loved being with her, and doing everything with her. We had been talking for about fifteen minutes when she told me that her parents were asking for me at Thanksgiving. At that point, something happened and she just dissolved. "Seth, aren't you ever going to forgive me? I can't stand this. I can't stand not having you with me. Can't we just start over one time? Please Seth.." And with that she began sobbing and crying hysterically. People around us who did not know us gave us glances wondering what the hell had happened.

I felt embarrassed for Lisa, and I tried to comfort her, and I brought her outside so we could talk more privately. Once outside, I was able to calm her down by admitting that I had missed her too, very much. She said she was afraid that she had already lost me, and I told her I had not seen anyone on a date. To that she asked where I had spent the previous night. Immediately, I felt on guard. I skirted the question, saying that I had had too much to drink and crashed for the night at a friend's. But she knew I was lying, and she said that she deserved it if I had spent it with some girl. She did not push the issue any further. Seeing that she was near hammered, I talked her into letting me bring her home. Once in our apartment that I had not seen for a month and a half, I saw that nothing had changed. She still had pictures of us throughout the apartment.

I felt a desire for things to be the way they had been between us, and yet I did not think I was ready to let Matt go either.

We talked for quite a while, and Lisa tried to get me to go to bed with her, but I told her I was not ready. Actually, I really wanted to but for some reason I didn't want to make it that easy for her. She knew that she almost had me because when she grabbed my crotch through my pants, I was on my way to being totally hard. I left her asleep in bed at about two in the morning. I kissed her, remembering the soft lips and the beautiful body that went with them. Once outside, I called Matt to see if he was still up to company.

"Dude, of course I do." Matt responded. "Get your pretty white ass here as fast as you can. By the way, I got out of sight at the party as soon as I saw Lisa. I don't think she saw me. That wound not have been pretty!"

At Matt's I was let in by my handsome friend and lover who was dressed in navy blue silk boxers. His cocoa colored body with its thin waist with its tight muscles looked incredible with only the boxers on. Once through the door, we embraced and locked in a long and deep kiss.

"I was afraid that you would not come tonight. I need you here, dude. And, I am so fuckin happy that you finally have come."

"Me too." I managed.

We got naked and spent the next three or four hours doing the same stuff we had done the night before. I must have fucked Matt six times, each time on his back as I slowly pushed my white wand into his hot black hole. I loved pinching his nipples as I pumped him. He would gasp, and moan, and yell out as I pumped in and out of him. And then I would see his milky white cum spurt from his thick black rocket. For his part, Matt fucked me in a bunch of different positions, and the feel of his thick black rod deep in my ass was amazing. I was impressed with our resilience, our ability to stay so hard for so long. We were both so turned on by one another. Finally, we fell asleep together. It must have been eleven in the morning when his phone awakened both of us. His bicep bulged as he brought the phone to his ear. His form was fantastic. When he got off the phone, I moved in and fucked him for the last time, watching in the filtered daylight his body spasm as my cock brought him to another climax. And one final time, I watched Matt's beautiful form fuck me, a sight I won't forget.

"Dude, I think I know what you're thinking. You are always a hot fuck. But you are detached Seth. You want to go back to her, don't you?" How he could tell this, I don't really know, but he was right.

"I think so." Was all I said.

I drove to Lisa's that afternoon.

The following day, I gave the gym a two-week notice that I was quitting. I couldn't work there everyday and see Matt and not want him. I moved back with Lisa, and have thought about Matt many, many times since then. I am still attracted to guys, but am genuinely happy with Lisa.

Matt was the only guy I ever did anything with, and even now that it is four years later, I see him occasionally at sporting events. We have not ever connected in these past four years, and we won't. But we are still friendly when we see one another. Lisa and I have been married for just under two years now. I am glad that I wrote this story. Lisa has no clue that Matt and I did anything for the period of time that we did. I guess that I had to try it, and I think that I am glad I did, especially with Matt.

This is the end..comments to: sethgfrd@hotmail.com

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