Unexpected Seduction

By seth g

Published on Oct 29, 2002


After using the gym at school for the past three years, I finally decided that I had had enough. The place was too small, the equipment was dated, and it was usually crowded no matter what time I went there. So, I finally made the sacrifice and joined a state of the art fitness center located just down the road from the Boston area college where I had just started my senior year. I wanted to be able to have access to the best equipment, get professional advice on how to improve my work out program, and I wanted to be able to use the place without waiting forever for equipment to be available. I loved the fitness center, and what I loved most of all was that the manager offered me a free membership with an hourly wage if I would work two hours a day as the desk clerk during the suppertime rush. The times fit my schedule perfectly, so I could not have been happier.

I quickly made friends with the club's trainer who gave me a few tips on improving my definition, but overall he thought I was in excellent shape and near perfect condition. In fact, at just over six feet, weighing one hundred eight pounds, I had achieved excellent results by working out faithfully during the past three years. That combined with my natural good looks which I have my parents to thank for, made me quite a hottie according to my girlfriend with whom I shared an apartment near school. The only thing about myself that I knew I would have to change in the coming months was my shaggy dirty blond hair which I knew I would have to get trimmed when I went job seeking in the spring before graduation. But for now, I was enjoying the closing months of my college life.

Over the years I had always taken note of both men and women who had been able to get into great shape by working out. I admired ripped bodies, and had striven to make my own as good as I could. Sometimes, I found myself staring a bit too long at good looking people, and once in a while I would get a puzzled look from some of them. But, I too was the object of a lot of stares from people, both male and female.

One of the most remarkable bodies I had spotted at our gym was that of a guy named Matt who was the swim coach for a team of inner city kids who practiced every afternoon. Matt was a black guy who was around twenty-five years old who had graduated from college a few years earlier. He stood about six foot two, and was incredibly well defined and muscular. His facial qualities complemented his fantastic body. In fact, he could have made a bundle as a model I thought. As I walked through the pool area one afternoon, I spotted Matt demonstrating a swimming stroke for his team. I guess I stared at him a bit longer than I realized; he looked over at me to see if I needed something. I just smiled, waved and went on my way. He smiled and waved in return. As I walked away from the area it struck me that while I was looking at Matt, I experienced a kind of excitement in my stomach, and actually felt kind of a sexual stimulation as well. I thought that was weird, especially for me. And, I told myself that the guy was real hot looking and I thought anyone would be taken with his appearance.

Matt would do his own workout after his team's practice. I generally did mine at the same time. Although Matt had an awesome physique, he was not arrogant about it at all. In fact, he complemented me on how he had noticed my workout had improved my definition over the past several months. He joked that, "You'll have to get a body guard to protect you from all of the women around here who want to get into your pants." I responded that I had heard they wanted him first, and we both laughed.

One afternoon, Matt approached me at the desk to ask if I knew what taxi service would come out to the club as his car was being repaired and his ride home had failed to show. I told him I would check but asked him how far from the club he was as I could drop him off after my workout. He told me three miles on the way into town. I told him that that would be no problem, that he could ride with me. "Seth, I really appreciate this, are you sure it's not any trouble?" he asked. I assured him it would not be as my girlfriend was out of town visiting her parents for the weekend, and I had plenty of time on my hands.

Matt spotted for me and I for him during our workouts that afternoon. As I watched his muscled body flowing through his routine, I felt the same stirring in my stomach that I had felt weeks ago when I saw him in the pool. In fact, I felt my cock swelled just a bit before I caught myself and wondered what I was thinking. I felt as though I was getting aroused by watching this black Adonis as he did his workout. And, I couldn't figure this out. Anyway, we finished and climbed into my Jeep. I learned that Matt worked as an accountant and did the volunteer work because he enjoyed working with kids and it would be good on his resume as he sought to climb the job ladder.

When we pulled into his condo complex, I could tell that his job must have paid him well. The place was really upscale. As he thanked me again, he said, "Why don't you come in for a couple of brews. You're a free man for the weekend right?" At first I hesitated, but then figured why not. So I said sure.

Upon entering Matt's condo, I thought he must have hired a decorator. The place was beautiful, and totally neat. "Matt, this place is beautiful, did you do this all yourself?" I asked. He told me his sister had decorated it for him, that all he could take credit for was finding the place with the help of a broker. Matt grabbed us a couple of beers and we went out to a sun room that had incredible views of the water looking toward Boston harbor. We each downed our first beer pretty fast, and Matt quickly got us each a second. I noticed that in one corner of the sunroom was a large hot tub that probably seated about eight people. I thought to myself that Matt and his friends probably had some hot times in that tub.

Our conversation drifted from working out, to sports, to school, a bunch of different stuff. When it was time for a third beer, Matt said, "Seth, do you want to try out the hot tub? I usually relax in there after my workouts."

"Sure, I've never been in one so that'll be cool." Matt returned with our beers and then moved toward the spa. First he slipped off his t-shirt revealing his ripped torso. I took in the sharply defined abs, the great biceps, the handsome face. Then he slid his shorts off revealing the an absolutely enormous black cock. It had to hang seven inches and was the thickest cock I had ever seen in any locker room. I figured he must have made many a girl happy with that monster. Matt stepped naked into the spa and invited me in with a smile. I slipped off my clothes revealing my relatively smaller cock. It was seven plus inches when hard, but shriveled to an embarrassing size when it wasn't. I noticed Matt staring at me as I got into the tub and sat opposite him. The water was warm and comfortable. As I looked at Matt sitting across from me, I felt the same stirring I had earlier. He was so fucking handsome I thought. And, I felt my cock start to come alive. I figured that Matt couldn't tell because of the motion of the water, and I would think my cock back to its flaccid state after taking in Matt's beauty for a couple of minutes.

At probably the worst time possible, my cell phone rang. It was in my shorts which were on the ottoman across the room. "Seth, don't worry about getting the floor wet, it's tile, I do it all the time."

I panicked. "No that's ok, I'll let it take a message."

"Seriously dude, get your phone, it's not a problem."

At this point I felt like I had to so I quickly got up and turned hoping that Matt would not notice my semi-hard cock. I stood with my back toward him answered the phone. It was my girlfriend, Lisa who was just checking on how things were. I told her I was hanging at Matt's for a few and would go home later. I ended with, "Love you too, talk to you later." As I turned to go back to the spa, my cock had gone down, but was still a lot bigger than it was when I climbed into the tub.

"Lisa must be quite a hottie if she can get you that excited over the phone." Matt said with a smile. I responded that she was in fact a pretty hot looking chick. I was glad he had eased my tension as I returned to the tub.

"But what I don't get Seth is why you looked like you had a woodie when the phone rang and you got out to get it." At this I was frantic for an answer. I said that I guessed the water movement had brought it to life. Matt smiled at this and looked directly at me and said, "You know, that might be it. Cuz I think it's done the same thing to me." With that he stood up and revealed a totally erect club that had to have swollen to ten plus inches. He stood there looking at me with a knowing smile on his face. Then he said, "You know Seth, I think what really might have happened is that you got excited being naked in this tub with me. I have noticed you checking me out a number of times, and while I knew that you had a girlfriend, I also thought that you just might be wondering what having sex with a black stud might be like, what it might be like with me. And you know what my secret is Seth? My secret is that since the first time I saw you, I have thought about what having sex with you might be like." With that said, Matt who was only a couple of feet away from me in the spa moved closer. I pushed myself back against the side wall of the tub as his throbbing black cock was now only inches away from my face. I said nothing. I knew that I couldn't get out of the tub and storm off like he had insulted me because my own cock was rock hard as he was speaking. Matt moved in closer, and now his cock was nearly touching my nose. Then, he simply put both of his hands on my head and began running them through my hair. As I stared at the enormous cock in front of me, I contemplated what I thought was about to happen. It was something I had thought about in my most private moments with myself, but something which I figured would never happen because it did not fit with the image I portrayed of myself to everyone around me.

Sensing my situation, Matt placed his right thumb and forefinger at the base of his cock and directed it at my lips. Then he used his left hand to ever so gently push my head forward until my lips touched his cock. I could feel the blood pulsing in his black monster. Matt pushed a little harder and I opened my mouth and allowed him to enter it with his throbbing cock. He did this very slowly, and he felt warm and very hard. His ball sack was also very large like his cock. When the tip of his cock reached the back of my throat, Matt stopped and let his cock stay still. Then he put both hands on my head again and ran them through my hair.

"Matt, I know you are probably in shock right now that this has happened. But I think we both wanted it to. I also think that you will love every minute of what we do together. I just love feeling my cock inside of your mouth. And, I bet your own cock is as hard as a rock right about now. Am I right?" I knew that he was right, and I raised my eyes toward him and nodded my head. Then, almost naturally, I place both of my hands on his very firm buttocks and pulled him into my throat more deeply. At first I gagged a little, but each time that I pulled off of him and then went back onto him, I sucked him in a little deeper into my throat which seemed to adjust to his huge size and let him in deeper. Matt was moaning as I slid back and forth on his cock. His hands played across my head, through my hair, down to my shoulders and back to my head. I took his balls gently in one hand and massaged them as I sucked him. And, all the while I could feel my own cock pulsing with life.

After a while, Matt's entire body seemed to tense up and suddenly he place both hands at the back of my head and held himself deep inside of my mouth. He exploded his juices into my throat and down into my stomach. The felt warm as they made their way down into my stomach. After several minutes, Matt pulled himself out of my mouth, and using his right hand, he squeezed what cum remained in his cock onto my face, using his cock then to smear the white liquid all over my face.

"Matt, you have no idea what that was like for me. I have wanted to cum in your mouth since I first lay eyes on your pretty white face and your beautiful body." He then hooked his hands into my armpits and helped me up. He smiled broadly as he saw my throbbing white cock emerge from the spa. When I was standing, he took a finger and used it to scrape his own cum from my face. He then put his arms around me and he kissed me passionately on the lips. As he did this, I felt his left hand pull one of my ass cheeks to the side, and he began to massage my hole with his cum covered finger. I could feel my cock throbbing while this was going on. I place my hands on his beautiful black face and pulled his lips tightly into my own. He was a fantastic kisser.

Matt pulled himself away from my face and slowly kissed his way down my body as he knelt in the spa and took my own cock into his mouth. All the while he was massaging my hole with his finger. Once he started sucking my, I place my hands on his head and massaged his closely cut black hair and moaned in pleasure as he service me. Suddenly, I felt Matt's finger push as far as it could into my hole. My cock stiffened with pleasure as he touched my prostate, and soon I shot a huge load into Matt's mouth as he greedily sucked down every drop. When he took his finger out of my ass, it felt empty. I realized I had enjoyed the stimulation very much.

"Matt, that was incredible. I have never touched or been touched by a guy, but that was incredible!" I had finally spoken. In the last hour my life had taken an unexpected turn. I did not know what this meant, if anything. But for the moment, I realized that so far, Matt had been right, I had indeed enjoyed every minute so far.

"Let's get out of this water before we turn into prunes." Out of the spa, we both dried ourselves, and I saw Matt looking at me without embarrassment. "Seth, you are an incredibly handsome dude. You are such a turn on for me." Matt said as he watched me dry myself.

"Matt, I have watched you for a couple of months, and I never thought we would do this, but you are fucking handsome yourself." Matt moved behind me and reached his hands around my body, taking still rock hard cock and balls into his hands. I could feel his onyx monster pushing at my ass cheeks. He took one hand and positioned his cock right at my hole and pushed gently. But, I pulled away frightened by what I thought he was thinking.

"Matt, I can't do that. I can't be fucked by a guy. Besides, your enormous rod would rip me apart."

"That's cool, I don't want to force you to do anything, I want you to want it." Then he repositioned himself and took my cock and balls in his hands again. This time, I merely felt his black meat pushing against my ass cheeks. "Let's get some more beer and then we can smoke some good stuff I have in the bedroom." He offered.

I downed my beer pretty fast as Matt sipped his. We lay side by side, and Matt was running his hands up and down my torso, playing with my nipples, poking my naval, and caressing my hard seven incher. I was slowly jerking his mammoth black shaft and letting him play with my body. Matt got me a second beer and then lit up the pot. I took several long hits off of it and Matt took a couple. I felt like I was getting an incredible buzz, and I wanted to suck my new found black cock once again. But this time I wanted to make love to it. As I had these thoughts Matt gave me the joint to finish. When I did he lit another but after we both took a hit, he put it to the side. Then he rolled on top of me and began to kiss me passionately. I felt our hard cocks pressing against one another's hard bodies. I held Matt's ass with my hands as he kissed me deeply. Matt reached to his nightstand and took some lubricant for his finger and began playing with my ass again. But now with the effects of the beer and the pot taking their toll on me, I was more relaxed and I lifted my legs for him as he inserted first one, then two, then three fingers. He stroked my cock up and down as he finger fucked me while I moaned loudly. I had never had better sex. I opened my eyes to look at my black lover only to be totally taken again by his beautifully muscled physique. His biceps were bulging as he used one hand to slide up and down my cock, and his other to pump my ass with his fingers.

At this point, I felt as though I was about to cum and I think Matt sensed it as well. He stopped jerking me and removed his fingers. Now he sucked my cock while I watched him lube his shining and pulsing black monster with gobs of lubricant. I knew what he wanted to do and I lowered my legs. "Matt, you're too big, and you'll think I'm a total pussy. I can't do that."

"Seth, I know you really want this. Let me try ...I have lube all over this, I think it will just slide in since I have already opened you with my fingers. If it hurts, tell me and I will stop. He looked at me and he positioned his cock near my ass and then began massaging my cock with his lubed hand. He felt so good, I moved my ass up a little to give him access. I closed my eyes and felt his head at my hole. Ever so slowly he pushed. At first the pressure was not bad, and then I felt his head move just beyond my sphincter muscle, and that hurt. Tears came into my eyes. He pinched my nipples as he pushed deeper and deeper into me. His cock both hurt and felt hard and warm and good.

"I am all the way in Seth. You feel awesome." I opened my eyes to see this black beauty with his enormous cock buried all the way up my ass.

"Fuck me." I whispered. Matt began moving in and out slowly at first and then increased his speed. My body felt impaled on a pole, a pole that began pounding in and out of me. I watched as Matt broke a sweat, and the beads of water made their way slowly down his thickly muscle torso. Just as I could hold off no longer because he was hitting my prostate repeatedly with his cock, I felt Matt tense and his warm cum filled my ass. I shot my own load as Matt's body shook in pleasure. The feeling for me was intense.

Matt leaned forward and then collapsed his muscled frame on top of me. He kissed me and then whispered, "I took your cherry Seth. I took your beautiful cherry, and now your pretty white ass and body are mine. But, I want you to fuck me as well. I want to feel you shoot your juices deep into my black ass. But first, I need to get this white ass of yours broken in a bit more.

Let me know how you liked it. Send comments to sethgfrd@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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