Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Nov 11, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -- CHAPTER 9 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com)


Thank you to the many readers who have emailed me to say they enjoyed previous episodes of this story -- I have appreciated every one of them. It's a genuine thrill to hear from both men and women that my story excites erotic pleasure! If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com.

Thank you to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

"I hear you and Ed met one another!" said Margaret as she greeted me at her front door.

I stepped inside, and she closed the front door behind me with one hand and with the other lightly traced a path down the front of my shirt, over my chest and abdomen, to the front of my slacks, over my cock.

"I had dinner with Ed and Paula the other night," she said, as I ran a hand over the front of her blouse, lightly feeling her voluptuous breasts, her nipples already stiff and erect. Her blouse was partly unbuttoned, and she wore no bra.

This had become our customary greeting. I had never heard of any other woman greeting a man in this way, and I assumed Margaret had learned it from observing Denny and me. He and I always greeted each other in just this way, caressing each other's cock through the material of our trousers and underwear for a few moments.

"Yes, we had a wonderful time together!" I said, vividly recalling for her the meeting between Ed and me just a few mornings earlier, as we sat naked in his living room while he "interviewed" me, before retiring to the bedroom for some exciting cock play.

"You haven't done anything with him -- right?" I asked, to which Margaret shook her head.

"Well, if you do, don't be surprised when you see his cock -- it's only about four inches long, fully erect, more like a boy's than a man's."

Margaret's facial expression told me she wanted to know more, and she continued to fondle my cock, which had grown stiff in my pants.

"Four inches?"

"Yes, he sort of reminds me of when I was young -- 12 or 13 years old -- and we all used to get together in someone's garage to jack off together -- our dicks were just about that size," I said.

"Well, you don't have to be mean about it -- `Mine is bigger than yours!'" Margaret chided me.

"Oh, not at all -- nothing like that!" I responded. "Ed doesn't seem at all self-conscious about his cock -- he's very matter-of-fact. Size isn't the main thing -- in fact, I don't even particularly like above-average cocks."

I remembered one man I had met, whose cock was 10 inches, perhaps even 11, in length, with a hefty girth to match. I found it difficult to suck it or even to jack it comfortably.

"Mainly," I continued, "Ed just reminds me of my youth -- coming of age and all that. . ."

"You mean, `cumming of age'," Margaret said with a giggle, empasizging the word "cumming."

"Yes, exactly!" I said, relishing word play with her as well as foreplay.

"When we were boys, we mostly just masturbated together, or occasionally jacked off each other," I continued, "but I don't recall anyone ever sucked my dick back then, and I know I never sucked anyone else's."


"That was in the 50s, when about the only thing worse than being a communist was being a queer. I guess we more or less assumed only a faggot' would suck cocks."

"But now?"

"Now -- hell! Now I wish that I knew then what I know now!" I exclaimed. "I would have had an even more exciting `cumming of age'!"

We both laughed.

"It was exciting to trade blowjobs with Ed, not just because it feels so good to swap cum with another guy, but also because it made me think of when we were boys, days gone by and all that, what might have been..."

"You're not saying you're attracted to young boys -- are you?" Margaret asked, pulling back slightly.

"No, I'm not saying that at all," I replied, "though I have to admit that the thought of sucking the cock of a pre-teen boy does sound pretty erotic."

I continued: "But only in the abstract -- I don't think I would do it in real life. I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity -- I suppose Ed's four-inch dick is about the closest I'll ever likely to come to something like that."

Margaret squeezed my cock lightly.

"The experience with Ed brought me back to when I was young and just learning about sex," I said. "Everything we kids did of a sexual nature then was brand new and therefore very exciting . . ."

"Let's get naked," Margaret said, giving my erect cock a final squeeze before turning toward the bedroom.

Nude, lying together on the king-sized bed a few minutes later, Margaret returned to the subject.

"Tell me about `cumming of age'," she inquired.

"Well, like I said, mainly it was just jacking off together, or occasionally we'd jack off one another -- we did this quite a few times, in a garage, behind the house, in an old shack we called our `fort'," I said.

"Those memories are very sweet, and I've always liked to read `cumming of age' stories, about kids and their first sexual experiences because it takes me back . . ."

"What about with girls?"

"Ah, well -- I do remember those!" I said, sharing a flood of memories with Margaret, of the girl who let me fondle her emerging breasts while she played with my dick when we were 12 or 13. . . my 16-year-old cousin who let me play with her tits while she jacked my cock. . . my girlfriend in high school, who sucked my cock while I played with her tits. . . the first girl I ever fucked, when I was 17. . .

As I related these youthful experiences, Margaret and I re-enacted them in our own mature fashion -- me, running my palm lightly over her hard and erect pencil-stub nipples, and at the same time, with the fingers of my other hand, caressing her swollen clitoris, dipping into the moist entrance of her vagina, wet with her juices, while she stroked my hard, erect cock, her palm smearing pre-cum seeping from the tip of my cock onto the shaft, the glans, my balls. . .

My reveries of long-ago sexual discoveries led Margaret to share a few of her own. She began with a retelling of her explorations with a neighborhood girl about the same age, 12, when they kissed one another, felt each other's developing breasts, fingered each other's pussy, tried cunnilingus for the first time . . .

"When I was 14, there was a boy in my class I kind of liked -- I let him feel my tits," she confided. "He was the first boy I ever let feel me, and he took my hand and put it on his dick, and I felt it get hard . . ."

Just then, there was a soft rap-rap on the partially-opened sliding-glass door that led to a garden-level deck in Margaret's backyard.

Margaret and I froze.

"Margaret, are you here?" called a voice softly.

Margaret and I looked into one another's eyes, not knowing what to do.

"Margaret -- it's me, Paula," called the voice again.

Margaret and I both giggled and broke into a broad grin, and she rose from the bed to let Paula in from the garden.

"Well, look what we have here!" Paula said with delight as she stepped inside the bedroom and saw the two us naked.

She passionately kissed Margaret, who was standing beside the door, and ran her hand slowly down Margaret's back and butt.

"Mind if I join you?"

Though speechless, I was definitely intrigued by the possibility of the unfolding situation and beckoned her toward the bed. Paula was confident and self-assured, a woman accustomed to taking charge of any situation.

"You must be Bob!" Paula said, stepping out of her loafers and at the same time deftly pulling her t-shirt off over her head. She stood in shorts and a bra.

Margaret politely introduced us: "Paula, this is Bob -- Bob, this is..."

"Yes, Paula -- so I gathered!" I responded, laughing at the humor of the improbable situation. "I'm glad to meet you, Paula!"

I was lying naked on the bed, propped up on one elbow, my cock half-hard. Margaret was standing nearby, also naked. Paula was standing barefoot, wearing only shorts and a bra -- which she was in the process of removing.

My cock had deflated slightly at the sudden, unexpected interruption of Paula's arrival -- but began to rise again as Paula shed her bra and slid her shorts to the floor. Her panties quickly followed.

Paula was as Margaret had described her -- slim, almost boyish, with small breasts. Whereas Margaret's breasts were full, with long, pencil-stub nipples, Paula's were not much larger than fried eggs. They had a slight sag, which I found pleasing. Though not as long as Margaret's, Paula's nipples were also large and seemed even more so because of her smaller breasts.

I noticed also that Paula was nearly bald below, with only a small, neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. You wouldn't call this a manicure or a pedicure, I thought to myself, silently speculating: She must have a pubicure!

"I thought I might drop by for a morning delight, but I didn't imagine it might be a double delight!" Paula said, stepping toward the bed. "Ed said you are a `good little cock sucker'!"

She emphasized the word "little," and I laughed appreciatively at her punning reference to her husband's modest cock.

"Yes!" I responded. "We had a good time together!"

Paula took my cock in her hand, bent over, and took it in her mouth, bobbing up and down three or four times, before rising again.

"Hmmm. . . Ed said you've got a nice cock -- and he's right!"

"I came to see you, Margaret," said Paula, turning slightly toward Margaret, who had stepped closer, "but three of us is even better! Let's have some fun!"

"Sounds great!" I said, moving to make more room on the bed.

Propped on one elbow, I watched as Margaret took the last two steps to the edge of the bed and lay down on her back, her knees raised slightly, her legs apart.

Paula bent over Margaret and they kissed deeply. Paula ran her hands over Margaret's breasts, then lay down on the bed on her stomach, her face between Margaret's legs, and immediately began lapping at Margaret's open pussy.

I stroked my stiff cock a few times, watching the erotic scene, then rose to my knees and buried my face in Paula's snatch, which wagged tantalizingly before me. Her pussy was wet with her juices, and she uttered a soft, muffled moan as I licked her slit from front to back, then back again, sucking softly on her swollen clitoris.

Margaret, meanwhile, was gently writhing on the bed in pleasure from Paula's talented tongue and lips at her pussy.

"Oh! . . . Oh! . . . Oh!" she cried softly, her breathing shallow and ragged.

I raised my body so that I was on my knees and moved forward, one hand on Paula's hip to steady myself, the other on my cock as I positioned myself at the entrance of her pussy.

Paula responded by moving her legs a bit wider, her hips a bit lower, giving me greater access.

I plunged in deep within her pussy, hot, wet, velvety smooth. Together, Paula and I synchronized our movements, her meeting each push, responding at each withdrawal, together in perfect rhythm.

I leaned forward as best I could and with one hand found Paula's small tits, her nipples hard and stiff. I recalled that Margaret had said Paula's nipples were sensitive to the touch, and indeed! Paula's nipples seemed directly wired to the center of her sexual pleasure, and she grunted and pushed her pussy hard against my cock.

Margaret's fingers moved through Paula's hair as Paula licked Margaret's dripping pussy and sucked her clitoris -- which I knew from experience must be stiff and extended as a tiny penis.

"Oh! . . . Oh! . . . Oh!" Margaret continued to moan softly, her head moving side to side in ecstasy, her legs wide apart, Paula's face buried in her crotch.

"Hmmmm . . ." Paula cooed as I fucked her from behind, my speed increasing.

"Ahhhh . . ." I grunted, feeling the electric tingling in my balls and cock that signaled an orgasm soon to come.

With a few final powerful pushes, I drove my cock deep within Paula's pussy, until I reached the peak.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled aloud. The hot cum shot up deep from within my balls, out through the tip of my cock, into the farthest recesses of Paula's hot vagina.

Paula squealed in pleasure, her own orgasm soon upon her. I slumped forward on her back, my hand still grasping her small tit, my fingers gently pinching her stiff nipple.

Paula drove her tongue deeply into the opening of Margaret's pussy, and Margaret soon reached her own orgasm, moaning loudly all the while, "Oh! . . . Oh! . . . Oh!"

At last, all three of us were complete, and our bodies began to relax. Slowly, I withdrew my cock from Paula's pussy, wet with her cum and my own. A trickle of our mixed juices followed my cock, dripping from Paula's pussy onto the bed cover.

I rolled off Paula onto my back, making room for her as she too rolled over onto her back from between Margaret's legs. Her lips and much of her face glistened with Margaret's pussy juices.

Contented, I was aware of how lucky I had been these past few months -- being with a woman for the first time in many years, now with two women, enjoying more sexual pleasure than at any other time in my life, with multiple partners, both male and female.

"I always love that -- being fucked from behind while my face is buried in another woman's pussy," Paula said softly. She lay between Margaret and me.

"I'm not sure which I like better, a man or a woman," Margaret confided. "I'm glad I don't have to choose -- the best of both worlds."

"Amen to that!" I said.

Paula turned toward Margaret and kissed her on the lips, then turned toward me and did the same. I could taste Margaret's juices and smell the aroma of her pussy on Paula's lips.

My cock stirred.

Next: Chapter 10

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