Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Oct 22, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -- CHAPTER 8 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com)


I have received quite a few email responses from readers who have liked this story -- and I have appreciated them all. If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com. It's a thrill to hear from both male and female readers that my story has excited some erotic pleasure!

Thank you to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

"Hi, Bob! It's good to finally meet -- I've heard so much about you!"

I stepped inside Ed's home -- and nearly reached for the front of his pants to grope his cock as a friendly greeting (as my suck buddy, Denny, and I generally did with one another), but I remembered this was our first meeting. Restraining myself, I merely shook the hand he extended in welcome.

"Let's get to know a little about each other, before we go to the bedroom," he said, motioning me into the living room.

Ed was the husband of Paula, with whom Margaret had been enjoying so much woman-to-woman pleasure these past few weeks. I guessed he was in his early 50s, possibly 20 years younger than I. He was about my height -- around 5'7" tall -- trim and good looking, with a friendly, boyish face.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine -- thanks," I answered, eager to proceed with the business at hand, namely, a nice mid-morning session of mutual cock sucking.

"Tell me about yourself," he said. We were standing in the living room, and he casually began to undress, beginning with the buttons of his sports short. "You knew Jim, right?"

"Yes, we got together three or four times," I replied, following his lead by beginning to get undressed too.

"In fact, we were supposed to see one another the morning he died," I said, recalling a day nearly a year earlier. We had arranged a get-together to suck one another's cock, but he failed to answer the door when I rang the doorbell. I call his phone and left a message, then sent a text. After waiting nearly 10 minutes, I gave up and left.

Months later, I got an unexpected phone call from his wife, Margaret, who told me Jim had died unexpectedly that very day. She knew I had been at their house that morning because she had found the text and listened to the message I had left on Jim's phone. She had guessed what we were intending to meet for -- sex.

"Yes, I was very sorry when Jim died -- we weren't close friends, but we did see one another socially from time to time -- dinner out, a movie -- that sort of thing," Ed said, removing his now-unbuttoned shirt and tossing it over the arm of a chair.

"And of course, he and I got together several times, the same as you and him, to suck each other's cock."

Ed began to unbuckle his trousers, and -- following his lead -- so did I.

"We only got together three or four times -- he was uneasy about it because Margaret didn't know anything about it, and he was afraid she might find out somehow because of our social friendship," he said, adding: "Of course, I told Paula about it, but she didn't say anything to Margaret."

We dropped our pants to the floor about the same time, and stepped out of our shoes.

"I understand you're married and in the same boat -- your wife doesn't know," Ed said, posing it as a question, although he already knew the answer.

"That's right," I replied. "I have to be discreet -- she doesn't know. I've been getting together with men for 15 or 20 years, ever since she went through menopause and lost all interest in sex."

Ed had removed his underwear -- and of course my attention was drawn to what was now revealed: I was astonished to see an unusually small cock.

I said nothing as I took off my own underwear, but he must have noted my curious look -- or perhaps he was accustomed to such a reaction.

"My cock is about four inches long, fully erect -- but it works just fine, even if it is a bit on short side," he said. He didn't appear offended in the slightest by what I supposed must have been my astonished stare.

"Well, that's the main thing," I said, trying to hide both my astonishment and my embarrassment at having been discovered. "Size is very overrated."

I meant that.

I recalled a man I met at an all-male suck session that Denny and I once attended a few years previously. His cock was at least 10 inches long, perhaps 11, and larger in girth than usual. I found it difficult to suck, too hefty to jack off easily. In addition, his large cock never seemed to get fully hard and erect. He reminded me a little of Johnny Wadd, the legendary star of so many X-rated films during the 1970s, the Golden Age of Porn. He also had an impressively large penis that looked as if it never got as hard as ordinary cocks.

On the other end of the cock spectrum was another man I once met, whose cock was probably less than two inches long, more like that of an immature boy than a grown man, with balls to match, the size of peas. He said he had fathered two children, but I always wondered how exactly. I did know for certain, however, that his tiny cock got hard like mine and that he could cum as well as the next guy.

"Paula and I have two children, grown and nearly grown -- a son in college and a daughter in high school," Ed said matter-of-factly as he sat down on the sofa and motioned me to do the same in a nearby easy chair. We were both completely naked.

"We have two children as well, both grown -- and one grandchild," I replied, trying to be as nonchalant as Ed despite the unusual conversation.

"Paula and I met in college -- you haven't met her yet, have you?"

"No, not yet, but Margaret has told me about her."

"Yes, they've been getting together for the past month or so, sometimes several times a week -- Paula says she loves Margaret's body, her full breasts and big nipples."

"Yes, so do I!" I said. "And her clit!"

"Yes, Paula told me about that too!" he said, adding: "Paula and I have an open marriage -- we're well suited to one another. I have my men friends, and she has her women friends, and occasionally we all get together with one another."

My cock stirred at the prospect of a group session with Paula and Ed, and I noticed that his cock also had grown erect.

Ed was not effeminate at all, yet he seemed slightly more on the gay side of male sexuality, if there is such a thing, than the bisexual middle. I remembered that Margaret had mentioned his "boyfriends." I definitely liked to suck cocks, and I had a suck buddy, but I doubted I would ever have a boyfriend.

None of that mattered at the moment, of course, for we were naked together, intending shortly to suck each other's cock.

"What do you like to do, Bob?"

I understood the question: "I like mutual cock sucking."

"That's nice. I love oral sex too -- I like sucking a nice cock just as much as having someone suck mine," Ed replied. "What about anal sex?"

I had fucked a few guys over the years -- and thoroughly enjoyed it -- but nonetheless I did not especially relish anal sex, nor search out men who wanted to be fucked. I had never fucked a woman in her ass, even though Margaret and I had explored the pleasures of anal stimulation just a bit.

As for being a "bottom," rather than a "top," I never expected that I would let a man fuck me in the ass. It held almost no interest for me. Once, after reading how wonderful anal sex can be, I bought a butt plug and lube and tried using it several times. While not unpleasant, I experienced no particular thrill from the toy.

I concluded that I had little interest in taking a risk of likely pain in order to try the real thing, on just the possibility that my prostate would find a cock more stimulating than a butt plug.

"I guess I'm pretty plain vanilla, Ed -- pretty much just oral sex for me."

"That's fine -- what about rimming?"

He had me there: I did like rimming, at the least the few times I'd done it.

"Yes, I like that sometimes, provided the other person is very clean," I replied.

"Yes, of course -- goes without saying."

"In fact, it was Jim who introduced me to rimming -- I liked it when he did it to me, and I tried it with him and liked it too."

"Yes, I remember that he liked it. Kissing?"

"I've done it, but it's not something I really feel comfortable to do with every man," I replied honestly, adding that I definitely did not like nipple play. I got no stimulation whatever from it and had quickly learned that men pinch much too hard.

With that, Ed rose from the sofa, his little cock erect.

"Well, let's move to the bedroom, what do you say?"

We were soon lying side by side on the king-sized bed in his and Paula's bedroom. He took hold of my erect cock. His fingers were cool, his touch very soft and pleasant. My cock responded with a bit of pre-cum.

"Hmmm," Ed murmured, bringing my pre-cum on his fingers to his mouth and tasting it.

He slid down to my cock, on the way nibbling and kissing my chest and abdomen, which I found stimulating. This guy knows how to please a man, I thought to myself.

When he reached my cock, Ed gave it a first few licks all around, then paused to look at my face, while his fingers jacked me lightly, slowly. This was something Margaret sometimes did, but I could not recall a man ever doing it.

"That's nice," I whispered, looking back at him.

Ed continued to look at my face as he took my cock in his lips, washing the back of it, the glans, with his tongue, then taking me fully in his mouth. His touch was gentle and erotic, and I moaned with pleasure.

After a couple of minutes, I touched his shoulder, indicating that I wanted to move into the 69 position so that I could suck his cock at the same time.

He swiveled round on the bed and moved so that he was above me, his stiff, four-inch cock just before my lips. I placed my hands on the cheeks of his ass and raised my head slightly to suck in his cock. I was pleased we were about the same height, that sucking one another simultaneously was easy and comfortable, that neither of us had to bend or stretch in order to accommodate a difference in height.

Ed was uncircumcised, and he had a very nice fleshy foreskin, which I licked with my tongue as I bathed the rest of his cock in my warm mouth. His cock was thinner in girth than mine, more proportionate to its shorter length, but it was not so thin that anyone would ever call him "needle dick" or any similar term of diminishment.

I found his cock easy to suck, easy to deep-throat -- which I did -- and to which he did the same to my cock. The sensation was electric, and I felt that tingling, vibrating feeling signaling an approaching orgasm in the not-far-off future.

Ed seemed to know what I was experiencing, for he backed off my cock, using his tongue to lazily stimulate my glans. Then he moved his mouth off my cock altogether, leaned forward, between my legs, and began to rim my anus.

The sensation was highly arousing, and I moaned, even with his cock in my mouth. I opened my legs even further to give him better access to my asshole, and his tongue began to probe the opening.

I decide to do the same to him. I opened his cheeks with my hands and with the index finger of one hand lightly massaged his anus, then bent forward and licked around the opening. He responded as I had, by opening his ass further to give me greater access, and my tongue entered his anus.

Together, we rimmed one another for a minute or two, before our mouths returned once again to the other's cock. I was close to orgasm, and I sensed Ed was as well. I sucked hard on his little cock, until I tasted his cum and felt a flood of cum in my mouth -- sweet, a little salty, and very luscious.

My own orgasm followed immediately, and I felt my hot cum shoot straight up from the depths of my balls into Ed's hungry mouth, and he swallowed it greedily.

At last, we were spent, and he rolled off on his back on bed beside me, still in the 69 position.

"Tell me about Denny," he said lazily as we began to recover from the intense pleasure we had given one another.

Next: Chapter 9

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