Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Oct 1, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -– CHAPTER 5 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com)


I have received quite a few email responses to the first few chapters -- and I have appreciated them all. If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com. It's a thrill to hear from both male and female readers that my story has excited some erotic pleasure!

Thank you to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

Life intervened for all three of us, and for more than a month I was scarcely able to even think about getting together with Margaret or Denny, much less actually arrange a meeting.

Finally, though, one morning my phone rang, and I saw at once from the caller ID that it was Margaret calling.

"Ohhh, have I got a story to share with you!" she said suggestively, immediately grabbing my interest. My cock began to stir almost at once.

"I'm all ears!" I said.

"Well, remember I told you how, a few years ago, Jim tried to get me interested in swinging with some friends of ours?"

"Yes," I replied, remembering our very first meeting, when Margaret and I had ended up masturbating together. "I remember you thought he and the guy might have . . ."

"Ed," she prompted me.

". . . Yes, that Jim and Ed were possibly getting together on the side."

"Yes -- and it turns out," she said, "they DID get together a few times!"

"Wow! How did you find out about that?" I asked, curious.

"Well, that's what I want to tell you about!" Margaret replied with obvious excitement in her voice. "But I'd like to tell you in person while we -- well, you know!"

Fortunately, for the first time in weeks, my schedule for that morning was clear, and I wasted no time arranging to meet her. Less than an hour later, she opened her front door and ushered me in to her living room.

"I'm dying to hear the story!" I said.

We kissed and hugged, the first time we had seen one another in weeks. With wide opened lips, our tongues probed one another's mouth, and I rubbed one hand over the small of her back as she held one hand to the back of my neck, and we leaned into one another's body.

My other hand found the stiff nipple of one of her breasts, and her hand grasped my erect penis, fondling it through my trousers.

"Wow! I've missed that!" Margaret exclaimed with a gasp as we broke our passionate embrace.

"So have I -- but I want to hear all about it," I insisted. Margaret wore a sly, you're-really-going-to-enjoy-this smile on her face.

"Come, let's get comfortable," she said, giving my cock a nice little squeeze as she turned to lead me down the hall.

In her bedroom, we undressed quickly. I was not surprised to see that she wore nothing beneath her simple summer dress: I had felt her bare breast beneath her blouse during our entry-way embrace, and by now I knew she never wore panties when we met one another. I was just as sure that she was not surprised to see my stiff cock as I stepped out of my slacks and underwear: by now, she must have known my cock was in an almost permanent state of erection in her presence -- and, besides, she had fondled my stiff penis during our passionate embrace in her living room.

Margaret lay down on the king-sized bed, and I slid in beside her naked body. She lay on her back, propped up against the pilots and headboard, her body turned slightly so she could easily see the expression on my face as she told her story. I caressed one full breast, rubbing my finger tips over her stiff pencil-stub nipple.

"Well, a week or so ago, Paula called -- that's Ed's wife," she began, her hand reaching for my cock. "We've known each other for years -- Jim and I used to see Paula and Ed all the time, go out to movies together, have dinner together, see one another at parties."

"Yes," I said, eager for her to get to the good part.

"Well, anyway, I hadn't seen Paula since Jim's funeral, but like I said, she called to see how I was doing, asked me over for lunch, and I told her I missed Jim, but then -- well, you know! I sort of indicated to her than I had met someone and was having some fun . . ."

"Me, you mean -- what did you tell her?" I asked.

"Well, it was a really nice day, and we had finished lunch on her deck and were having a glass of wine, and I started to tell her . . . you know -- how we met." Margaret looked at me closely. My fingers were caressing the stiff nipple of her breast.

"You told her about the phone message on Jim's phone?"

"Yes," she said.

"And about us in your living room, how we ended up masturbating together?"

"Yes," she said again, squeezing my cock.

"And us having sex together?"


"What about Denny -- did you tell her about Denny?"

"Yes -- oh, Bob, I hadn't really planned to say anything at all, but it just seemed right," Margaret said, turning her body more toward mine, her fingers never leaving my cock. She jacked me lightly as she talked, and I could feel pre-cum oozing from the tip of my cock.

"But here's the good part."

She leaned in to me with a small shudder, reliving the memory of what she was about to tell me.

"Paula got up to pour me another glass of wine -- she was standing very close to me, and she put her hand lightly at the back of my neck and stroked my hair while she poured the wine, very slowly . . .

My arm was around Margaret's bare shoulder as we lay together on the bed, and almost unconsciously I had begun to stroke her hair -- much, I imagined, as Paula had done on the deck of her home.

"She set the bottle down on the table, very slowly, but didn't sit back down. Instead, she was stroking my hair very lightly . . . and I had one of those sudden insights you sometimes get: If Jim and Ed had been getting it on together, then maybe Paula wanted me to get it on with her too!"

Instinctively, I lightly pinched the stiff nipple that my fingers were stroking.

"I had the shivers, Bob!" Margaret exclaimed breathlessly. "There was no mistaking it! She was coming on to me -- and it was fine with me!"

Margaret had my cock in her hand and was jacking me, her pace hastened by the excitement of her memory.

"What did you do?"

"I put my arm around her hip -- she was standing very close beside me -- and rubbed just a little, very lightly, like she was caressing my hair.

"And then she touched my arm with her other hand, lightly, very lightly, then slowly moved her fingers up my arm to my chest . . . and then she slid her hand into my blouse, very slowly -- I was hot as a firecracker and wet as I could be!"

Margaret squeezed my cock hard, and a drop of pre-cum oozed out. She rubbed the palm of her hand through my pre-cum, then caressed my cock with her moistened hand.

"What then? What happened next?" I asked, nearly as breathless as Margaret.

"Well, she helped me stand up, and we kissed one another -- not a good-friends-peck on the lips, but a hot kiss, with open lips and tongues and the whole thing! Her lips were so soft and her touch so tender and light . . ."

Margaret's voice trailed off a moment, then she exclaimed: "I thought I was going to cum right there, Bob! Maybe I did! I was so wet!"

Margaret's legs were parted, and my hand moved from her breast to the moist folds of her vagina, wet with her juices. For her part, she was jacking my cock more rapidly, and pre-cum oozed freely from the tip.

"Slow down a little," I said, "I don't want to cum too soon."

Margaret let go of my cock but with her fingers began to trace an erotic pattern on my thighs, stomach, hip.

"We didn't say anything -- just moved inside." Margaret continued her erotic story.

"She slowly unbuttoned my blouse and slid it off my shoulders, then unhooked my bra and let it fall too. Her fingers on my nipples -- so lightly! She bent and kissed each one -- oh!

"We walked to the bedroom, arm in arm, kissing one another, feeling each other's boobs -- I was naked from the waist up, but Paula was still dressed. My tits are big but hers are small. But I could feel through her clothes that she has really pert, stiff nipples -- I could feel them right through her bra and blouse!"

"What then?" I asked, urging her on.

"We undressed one another -- it was so dreamy! I was breathing hard, and so was she, and we undressed one another.

"I did just what she had done to me -- kissed each nipple, sucked each one a little.

"And then we kissed passionately again, held each other in embrace, backed up until we reached the bed, lay down together, naked . . ."

Margaret was trembling with excitement, her breath coming in short pants. I was as excited as she, my cock oozing pre-cum.

"We were kissing each other, running our hands all over each other's body -- I was dripping and so was she!

"And then Paula started to slide down very slowly, sucking each nipple, one then the other, then kissing her way down my stomach -- I knew what she was going to do, of course!"

"Like this?" I asked, looking into her eyes, and I began to slide down alongside her, sucking one stiff pencil-stub nipple, then the other.

"Yesss . . ." Margaret cooed.

I continued to kiss her body as I moved across her stomach, lower to her moist downy softness, between her parted legs.

"Yes, Paula did that, just as you are now -- she was so soft, her breath so hot on my skin. When her lips and tongue got to my pussy, I was in heaven!"

"Did Paula like your clit as much as I do?" I looked up at Margaret's face, and she looked down at me with sensuous desire.

"Oh, yes -- she said she loves big clits! That's how I knew this wasn't the first time she's made love to another woman. She said, `I love a woman with a big clit.' I've always been embarrassed about having such a bit clit, but you like it and so does Paula!"

"Yes, I love it!" I said, sucking her enlarged clitoris into my mouth tightly between my lips, with my tongue pressed hard against it, massaging it. Margaret shuddered in her climax, so aroused was she from the erotic memory of her lesbian encounter with Paula, as well as my oral ministrations.

"Oh, Bob!" she exclaimed, her body tense, then after another moment, relaxed.

"I had never been with a woman before -- oh, I did as a girl. I think I told you about that, playing with a girl who lived across the street -- we must have been 12 or 13. We were just learning about sex, and we kissed and made out, rubbed our boobs together, fingered each other, licked each other.

"But I've never done it with a grown woman -- before now. Paula made me cum and cum, and then I did it to her too! She was so wet and her pussy was so wonderful -- I loved the taste!"

My tongue was buried deep in Margaret's wet pussy, as deeply as I could reach. Margaret shuddered again in another climax, and again I tasted a flood of pussy cum.

"Ohhhh -- and you know what? I put my finger in her ass, just like we did with each other . . ."

"Like this?" I asked, rubbing the surface of Margaret's anus, then slowly inserting my finger, with her dripping juices as lubricant.

"Ohhh . . ." Margaret shuddered again, another orgasm, her third of the morning.

I fingered her ass as I tongued her pussy, kneaded her clit with my lips, lapped up her flowing juices. Finally, Margaret was spent, and I slid back up alongside her. Lazily, Margaret grasped my cock, hard and dripping pre-cum, and slowly stroked it.

"I'll suck you off in just a moment," she said. "I don't think my pussy can stand any more right now."

"That's okay, I like how you suck my cock," I said, and in a moment Margaret slid down to my waist and took my cock in her mouth in a single gulp. Her mouth was warm and wet, and with her tongue she began to massage the shaft, the head, the glans.

Already highly aroused by the story of her recent woman-to-woman encounter with Paula, I knew I wouldn't last long -- and in only a few moments I felt the hot cum boil from my balls and shoot up my cock into her hungry mouth. She swallowed my cum but I could still taste it on her mouth and lips and tongue afterwards as we kissed one another deeply.

Cuddling arm in arm, both satisfied, I said, "You never actually told me how you found out that Jim and Paula's husband, Ed, really had hooked up."

"Paula confirmed it," Margaret replied. "I told her that for a year or so before Jim died, I had suspected he might be having some extracurricular fun. But after I found the phone message from you on his phone, I discovered it was man-to-man fun, not him with another woman.

"Paula told me she and Ed are both bisexual and open with one another about their experiences," she continued. "He had told her about getting together with Jim -- they did it three or four times, sucked each other's cock."

"Like Jim and me, and Denny and me," I said.

"Yes," she said. "Paul told me she and Ed had talked about a foursome with Jim and me, and I told her that Jim did suggest it two or three times, but that I wasn't interested."

"But things are different now," I ventured.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "Now that I've met you and Denny, and Paula and I have made love to each other -- things are different!"

I was slowing strumming one of Margaret's nipples and she was idly stroking my cock as we talked. My cock had begun to stir, and her nipple had begun to stiffen anew.

"Maybe you could get together with Paula and Ed after all -- I could be a stand-in for Jim, and we could have that foursome," I suggested.

"Or I was thinking maybe you AND Denny!" Margaret agreed, with excitement. "Think of the possibilities!"

"Hmmm, that would be nice!" I agreed.

We kissed and caressed and then made love -- and I experienced for a second time with her that rarity of my maturity, the second cumming of the day. Our bodies intertwined, Margaret lay back on the bed, her legs spread wide, as she guided my erect cock into the warm, moist, velvety mysteries of her pussy. We fucked slowly for some minutes, until the urgency came upon us, and she met my thrust with her own as I plunged deeply inside her -- until we both reached orgasm.

Next: Chapter 6

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