Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Sep 11, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -– CHAPTER 4 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com) (a new email address}


I didn't anticipate writing additional chapters of "An Unexpected Phone Call," until after a reader asked if more episodes might follow. I have received quite a few emails -- and I have appreciated them all. If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com (a new email address). It's a thrill to hear from both male and female readers that my story has excited some erotic pleasure!

Thank you to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

"I want to become a good cock sucker!" Margaret exclaimed as soon as I answered the phone.

"Oh, but you are!" I replied, recognizing her voice at once and remembering our last meeting a week earlier, when she brought me such pleasure with her mouth.

"Thanks, but I want to get better -- I want to be really good!" she persisted. "I thought you and Denny could help me learn."

"I'm sure Denny will be happy to let you practice," I said, chuckling. "I know I certainly will!"


"But it will be really special if we can both return the favor," I suggested.

"Good -- I was hoping you would!"

We made a date, and a couple of days later, Denny and I arrived at the same time at Margaret's front door. As we stepped inside, Margaret greeted us with a giggle.

"It looks like you two are both ready for action!" she exclaimed.

Both of us were clearly erect, obvious by the tent in the front of our trousers!

We both laughed, and Denny and I reached out to give one another's cock a little grope, our customary greeting.

I was pleased when Margaret joined us without hesitation. Stepping forward, she placed one hand on my cock and the other on Denny's. I gasped a little and Denny did too at Margaret's boldness and the sudden erotic intimacy of what was about to unfold.

I brought one hand to Margaret's left breast, and Denny -- obviously thinking along similar lines -- brought his hand to her right breast. I could feel that she wore nothing beneath her thin blouse. Her nipples were already hard and erect.

"Hmmm," Margaret purred, stepping a bit closer.

She had a hard cock in each hand, fondling Denny and me through the fabric of our trousers. We, in turn, massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples. My breathing was ragged, and I noticed both Margaret's and Denny's was as well.

Margaret kissed me with warm, full lips, her tongue darting into my mouth, then turned to Denny and did the same with him.

"Shall we go to the bedroom?" I suggested.

Margaret gave my cock and Denny's a nice squeeze and took a small step backward. Denny and I pinched each of her nipples lightly, and I ran my hand down her back and felt the luscious curve of her butt.

Together, we walked down the hall to the bedroom, where we all three quickly undressed. My cock was rock-hard and moist with pre-cum, and I could see that Denny's cock was as well. We both gazed at Margaret's naked body, especially her pencil-stub nipples, which were hard and erect. I saw her lick her lips as she anticipated the erotic pleasure we three we about to give one another.

"Bob says you want to become a really good cock sucker," Denny said to Margaret as he lay back on the bed, stroking his rigid cock lightly.

"Hmmm," she answered.

Without another word, Margaret joined him on the bed, lightly stroking his hard cock only inches from her face. She leaned closer and licked the head and glans, then licked down the entire length of his cock, about six inches, then back up again to the head.

Denny watched her intently and with obvious pleasure. Margaret paused and looked up at him, smiling as she took the entire length of his hard cock in her warm mouth.

I joined Margaret on the bed beside Denny's cock and smiled at her as I leaned forward for a lick or two of my own. Margaret smiled and looked into my eyes as I sucked Denny's cock. With her eyes locked on mine, I offered her Denny's cock, and she took it in her mouth and plunged down, then up again. As I had done to her, she held Denny's stiff cock toward me in invitation, and I took it once again in my mouth and began to suck.

This trading of Denny's cock back and forth between the two of us went on for several minutes, first her, then me, then her again and back to me. Denny was moaning, and I tasted a bit of pre-cum ooze from his cock.

"Damn!" Denny exclaimed as Margaret's head bobbed up and down as she eagerly performed fellatio. Denny's breathing was ragged, his eyes barely open. "I'd sure as hell say you're a really good cock sucker, Margaret!"

Margaret took her mouth off his cock only a moment, only long enough to acknowledge the compliment: "Thank you!" she said, then slurped his cock down again.

Only inches from the action, I watched her intently as her head bobbed up and down, then leaned in closer for another trade-off. I sucked Denny's cock several times, then pointed it at her lips again.

"Massage his asshole," I whispered to her.

Margaret was already lightly massaging Denny's balls, and she began to probe below his balls. Denny responded by opening his legs a bit, giving her more access, and she found his asshole. With the middle finger of her hand, she massaged his anus, then began to insert her finger slowly. Denny moaned and pushed his pelvis up slightly, giving her even more access. She pushed in deeper.

Denny and I had been suck buddies for a long time, yet we had never fingered one another. I personally was not fond of anal play, and I thought Denny wasn't either.

Yet, I had thoroughly enjoyed the mutual fingering of one another that Margaret and I had shared as we orally pleasured one another a few days earlier -- and here was Denny, clearly enjoying the sensation of Margaret's finger an inch or two inside his asshole, massaging his prostate. At the same time, her warm, moist lips held his rigid cock, her soft tongue washing the sensitive glans.

I remained near the action, my own lips and tongue only a few inches from hers, as she sucked Denny's cock. With my hand, I tickled the sensitive area right at the base of Denny's balls, next to Margaret's hand, where her middle finger moved rapidly in and out of his asshole.

Denny was breathing heavily, his hips bucking as he steadily fucked Margaret's face. She bobbed up and down on his cock and fingered his asshole. I felt his body tremble, and I knew from experience that this signaled his imminent orgasm.

"Oh, God!" he shouted. "I'm cumming!"

Margaret plunged her mouth down, taking his cock in her mouth as deeply as she could. I leaned in closer and could see the muscles of her mouth stretched wide and her tongue busily at work as Denny shot his load. Quickly, she released his cock into my waiting mouth, and I tasted the final drop or two of his cum.

Finally, I backed off Denny's cock, and Margaret and I looked at one another, then kissed and shared the remains of his cum.

"Jeez! That was fantastic!" Denny exclaimed at last, his body relaxing in his post-orgasm languor.

Margaret turned her body toward me, and I turned toward her. My stiff, throbbing cock immediately found her moist opening, and she parted her legs and guided my cock into the folds of her warm, wet pussy.

This was the first time in more than two decades that my cock had felt the deliciousness of a woman's pussy -- and the sensation was incredible!

I had felt some pangs of guilt ever since I first met Margaret. My wife gave up sex some 25 years ago, following menopause, but I was not ready to give up such sensual pleasure. Though I continued to love my wife dearly, I began after awhile to have oral sex with men. I rationalized that these same-sex escapades somehow did not truly constitute infidelity. But that dubious rationalization was impossible with Margaret, and ever since she had first called me -- since that first day when we masturbated together -- I had experienced the occasional guilt.

But here, now, with my cock enveloped in the heat of Margaret's pussy, such thoughts were far away, and I had no qualms at all: I thought only of the intense pleasure I was feeling in my cock, in my entire body, at the long-missed but never-forgotten union of man and woman.

I knew that I could not last long, and after a minute or two I felt the cum rise up from my balls and explode out my cock into the warm, dripping mysteries of Margaret's pussy. At the same time, I felt the lips of her vagina grip my cock tightly, and I knew she too was cumming.

Like many woman, Margaret was capable of multiple orgasms, and she was not yet satisfied. Seeing this, Denny swung around on the bed and took my place in the dripping warmth between her legs.

I watched as he plunged his cock deep into her -- but having shot his cum so recently into Margaret's and my mouths, Denny was unable to complete the coital union. He slipped his cock out of her pussy and slid down between her legs, where he began to suck her swollen, rigid clit and lap up her copious juices, mixed with my own cum, until Margaret reached her orgasm, satisfied at last.

We three lay peacefully intertwined on the bed.

"You are an incredible woman -- thanks to both of you for including me," Denny said quietly, and I could only agree.

"I would never have imagined myself doing something like this," Margaret said in response. "Never imagined being in bed with a man I barely know, let alone two men!"

Margaret lay between Denny and me and held our cocks lightly in her hands, softly caressing them. I had my arm around her waist, and Denny's hand rested on one of her breasts. He idly massaged one long nipple.

"I sort of suspected Jim might be having some extracurricular fun," Margaret said with a sigh, "but I never thought it was with men -- until after he died, when I discovered some of the porn sites on his computer, and then I found the message you left on his phone."

"You were pretty certain by the time you called me that he and I were getting together," I remembered.

"Yes," she agreed, "I wanted to be angry or hurt, but I was more curious -- actually more stimulated than anything else, by the thought of him having sex with men."

"In a way, Jim gave us all a gift," I suggested after a moment.

"Oh, yes -- I've been thinking the same thing!" Margaret exclaimed, turning to look at me directly. "I think he did give me a gift! Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you or," she continued, turning to Denny, "you."

Denny smiled at her, and I said, "Well, I'm really glad you called me!"

"Me too!" she said, turning her head once again toward me. "I couldn't believe what happened that first time -- you and me, naked in the living room, masturbating together! I thought nothing could match that!"

"Hmmm," I said, recalling that first morning we met.

"But then you introduced me to Denny, and the two of you sucked one another off -- and then you and me!" Margaret exclaimed. "And now, all three of us here this morning! God! It's wonderful!"

My cock had sprung to life again, and I could see that Denny's had as well. Margaret continued to stroke our cocks. I leaned over and kissed her neck, then took a hard nipple in my lips and sucked softly.

"Hmmm," Margaret purred.

"Jim left us with another gift -- I wonder if you'd want to try it?" I asked, unsure how Margaret might respond. I was also uncertain of Denny's reaction.

"What's that?" Margaret asked curiously.

"Rimming -- a couple of times he rimmed me," I replied.

"What's that?" she inquired.

"He tongued my anus," I answered.

"Yuck!" she exclaimed with a grimace.

"If you're freshly washed and clean, it's actually very nice -- and it feels great," I said. "At least I liked it when Jim did it to me -- shall I let you feel what rimming is like?"

Margaret hesitated, weighing in her mind her initial reaction of revulsion to the idea of mouth-on-anus, to the potential erotic pleasure she might experience from this sexual taboo.

"Okay . . ." she hesitantly, said after a moment.

With curiosity and interest, Denny propped himself up on one elbow to watch as I slid down Margaret's side toward her nether regions. I gently opened her legs, moving my face into position, then cupped the cheeks of her butt to bring her asshole into reach of my mouth.

Slowly, tentatively, I extended my tongue to touch her anus -- and her response was immediate and electric: she jumped and moaned: "Oh!"

Keeping my eyes on her face as best I could, I gave her anus another lick. Again, she moaned in pleasure, her eyes shut.

Except for the assorted sex juices of our recent threesome, Margaret's body was clean and fresh, and I continued to lick her asshole. She was clearly enjoying this newly discovered pleasure of rimming, and Denny was looking on with interest, his cock fully erect once more.

I reached my tongue slightly beyond the exterior of Margaret's anus, slightly inside her asshole. She responded by opening wider to give me greater access, and I went deeper. Then I backed my tongue out and licked all around the edge of her anus, then tongued my way up to her pussy. Her clitoris was hard and erect, and I took it between my lips, massaging it firmly with my tongue. This made Margaret moan and squirm even more.

Alternating between her rigid clit, her dripping vagina, and her asshole, I sucked, licked, and tongued Margaret to yet another orgasm.

My cock was hard and erect as I moved back up the bed alongside Margaret, with Denny on her other side. Denny -- his own cock rigid like mine -- reached across Margaret's body and took hold of my cock, stroking it lightly but steadily.

Margaret, meanwhile, after a few moments' recovery, slid down between my legs, which I opened to grant access to my asshole. Without a word, she leaned in and with her tongue began to massage my anus.

The erotic sensations I felt were intense -- Margaret's mouth and tongue on my asshole, her fingers massaging my balls, Denny jacking my stiff cock. I knew that I would soon cum for the second time that morning -- a rare occurrence at my age -- and a few moments later, I did cum, quick but intense and satisfying.

Then it was Denny's turn.

Margaret switched her attention to the asshole between his parted legs as I twisted around on the bed to take his hard cock in my mouth. Between Margaret's oral ministrations at his anus and my oral stimulation of his cock, Denny also soon came again as well.

"Ahhh," he said, relaxing. We all three were cuddling in post-orgasmic bliss. "I've always dreamed of a threesome like this -- this is amazing!"

"Hmmm," cooed Margaret.

Next: Chapter 5

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