Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Nov 25, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -- CHAPTER 12 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com)


Thank you to the many readers who have emailed me to say they enjoyed previous episodes of this story.

This is the final chapter of the story.

I have appreciated every email I have received from readers, both men and women. Many have told me that my story has evoked fantasies worth savoring while masturbating. Reading such comments is a real thrill for me!

If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com.

Thank you especially to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

The idea of a "fivesome" was firmly planted in the collective consciousness of all of us -- Denny, Margaret, Paula, Ed, and me.

But making it a reality took nearly two weeks, as we tried to arrange a time to meet everyone's schedule.

Finally, on a rainy autumn morning, we gathered at Ed's and Paula's home.

Margaret was there when I arrived, and Denny followed a few minutes later.

There was a certain nervousness in the air, as none of us -- so far as I knew -- had ever participated in group sex.

Yes, Denny and I had on several occasions attended all-male gatherings -- at least 20 naked men on one occasion, a feast of hard cocks and hot cum!

But our "fivesome" was a not a same-sex group, but a mixed group -- three men and two women. I knew Margaret had never done such a thing, and while I wasn't sure about Ed and Paula, I thought not.

We were seated in the living room of Ed's and Paula's home. Denny had met Ed, of course, but not Paula, and I wondered if he would be at all shy about getting naked with her for the first time, as Margaret was about Ed. I doubted it.

Finally, after some awkward small talk, Paula stood and said simply, "Shall we?"

And with that, she pulled her t-shirt off over her head. She was not wearing a bra, and I noticed that the nipples of her small breasts, each about the size of a fried egg, were hard and erect. Then she peeled off her slacks, pulled down her panties, and stepped out of her sandals.

She stood naked before us.

The rest of us rose and quickly disrobed as well.

I watched Ed and Margaret as they undressed. Margaret had a slight blush, evident in her cheeks and on her shoulders. It could have been from sexual excitement, of course, or perhaps from her modesty at getting naked for the first time with Ed.

My cock was hard, and so were Denny's and Ed's -- whose would not be?

I saw Margaret eye Ed's stiff, four-inch cock, and I thought I saw her lick her lips slightly.

Ed took a step toward Margaret, and she met him beside a wing-back chair. He reached out and gently caressed her breasts, with their pencil-stub nipples, hard and erect.

She reached for his little-boy cock, and I wondered if she were imagining that longtime fantasy of yesteryear she had told me about, of spying on the boy who was jacking off.

They fondled one another, and Margaret lowered her lips to Ed's left nipple. I heard him take a sharp inhale of breath as she suckled it.

"Oh, fuck yes!" he whispered softly.

Meanwhile, both Denny and I had stepped toward Paula, who stood in the center of the living room. She lightly embraced us, and I bent slightly to suckle one nipple.

"Ohhh. . ." Paula moaned softly, in obvious sensual bliss. Margaret was right -- Paula's nipples were very sensitive!

Denny brushed her damp pussy with his fingers.

Paula's hands moved down our shoulders and backs to our butts. Both of us moved closer to Paula. Our breathing had become ragged and shallow.

After a few more moments of foreplay pleasure, we were all ready to move to the bedroom for our "fivesome."

There, on the king-sized bed, Paula leaned to take Denny's stiff cock in her mouth, and I gently spread her legs and began to lick her moist pussy, which she immediately opened to me.

Again, Margaret was right -- sweet! Like Margaret, I too loved the taste of Paula's pussy!

Margaret and Ed, meanwhile, had also begun their playtime with oral sex -- she was above him in the 69 position as they eagerly stimulated one another's parts with lips and tongues. Margaret had one finger in Ed's ass, and he was massaging her butt and anus with his hands and fingertips.

Denny motioned for Paula that he wanted to fuck her, and so she mounted him cowgirl-style, as Margaret had mounted me in our most recent encounter, facing Denny, not turned the other way as Ed had done.

On my knees, I positioned myself near their faces, and Denny and Paula took turns sucking my cock while they fucked. Paula's lips were soft, her mouth very wet and warm.

I was aware that this arrangement required some athletic ability from all three of us, yet we all seemed more than eager to make the effort, them to suck while they fucked, me to be sucked.

From my kneeling position, I was able to fondle one of Paula's little breasts, and she moaned continuously as I lightly pinched her hard, stiff nipple and Denny pumped her wet pussy with his hard six-inch cock.

My position allowed me to observe Margaret and Ed, in addition to watch the three of us share our pleasure. Margaret was now on her back on the bed, her legs wide, and Ed had mounted her, his little cock hard, stiff, and glowing red.

He plunged his cock into Margaret's pussy, and her facial expression and delighted murmurings told me that she was experiencing deep sexual pleasure.

Her face was proof that size isn't everything, not even most everything. But caring and sharing and consideration is. Ed was such a lover, soft with his touch, making the most of the occasion.

Margaret was actually the first to cum.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!" she cried aloud, her legs clinched tightly around Ed's hips, her head trashing side to side on the bed.

Margaret's cries of ecstasy must have put Denny over the top as well, as he drove his cock home one final time, deep inside Paula's pussy.

"Oh, fuck!" he exclaimed as his cum shot into Paula.

I pinched Paula's hard nipple. She moaned loudly, holding my cock deep within her mouth, and reached her own peak. She brought her pussy down onto Denny's cock as far as possible and rocked her pelvis back and forth, stimulating her clitoris and pubic bone on Denny's cock, extending her orgasm.

Next to us, Ed drove his cock deep into Margaret's pussy a final time and -- grunting loudly -- shot his hot load, then collapsed atop his partner.

The delicious tingling had begun deep within my balls. Watching four others in the throes of orgasm, coupled with the intense pleasure of Paula's talented mouth on my cock, had brought me to the edge.

"Ohhh!" I cried as the hot cum shot up from my balls through the tip of my throbbing cock, into Paula's waiting mouth, warm and very wet. She swallowed once, then twice, bathing my cock clean with her tongue, until the pleasure was simply too intense for me to endure.

Finally, with a farewell nibble, Paula released my cock from her lips, and I collapsed on the bed with the others.

After a moment, Paula crawled over to Margaret, got between her legs, and lazily sucked her husband's cream from within Margaret's pussy. Margaret experienced another orgasm from Paula's cunnilingus.

Watching these two sexually charged women together had predictable effect on the three of us men. My cock began to stiffen anew, as did Denny's and Ed's.

I admired Ed's slim, boyish body and his stiff little cock, and I recalled the wish Margaret had expressed at our last meeting.

"Hey, Ed -- is that lube handy?" I asked, gesturing toward him with my cock.

He knew exactly what I had in mind.

"Sure thing!" he replied, rolling over toward the bedside table just long enough to retrieve the tube of lube and squirt a generous amount onto his fingertips, which he then applied to his bottom. In the meantime, I had moved over by him, and he smeared another generous portion of lube on my cock.

Then, on his back, he raised his legs over his head, and I positioned myself with my cock at his anal opening, then moved my pelvis forward.

The lube made entry easy, and I drove my cock deep within Ed's rectum.

Though not especially fond of anal sex, I had to admit silently to myself that this felt very good -- Ed's bottom was smooth as silk, hotter even than pussy.

I was 71 years old and had cum just a few minutes earlier, and I knew a second orgasm was likely some minutes away (if at all) -- yet I was experiencing genuine sexual pleasure.

From his dreamy expression, I could tell that Ed was enjoying himself as well. His four-inch cock was hard, erect, and red. I was careful not to crush his balls.

The others of course were watching us intently, Margaret especially. I caught her eye for a moment and winked. She smiled faintly, then quickly returned her gaze to the action -- my hard cock thrusting in and out of Ed's ass, his hard cock twitching up and down, side to side.

Margaret was fingering her pussy and clit as she watched us fuck, and Denny slipped his body between her legs. She guided his cock into her pussy.

Paula, meanwhile, positioned herself over Ed's cock, taking it between her lips. With her right hand, she caressed my ass, the sensitive region behind my balls, my anus.

The sensations were divine, and I felt the familiar tingling.

Within moments, my cock erupted for a second time that morning, and I shot my hot cum deep within Ed's hot ass. At the same time, Paula rammed her index finger deep inside my anus, accentuating my pleasure.

"Oh, yes -- oh hell, yes!" Ed exclaimed as I emptied my balls, and he shot his own second load into his wife's eager mouth, which she swallowed greedily.

Margaret had watched intently as I fucked Ed, and as we came, she reached the summit too with Denny.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!" she moaned.

Denny drove his cock deep inside her, shooting his hot cum into her pussy.

Paula rolled onto her back and began masturbating furiously. I reached out to massage one small breast and pinch its hard stiff nipple, and Denny did the same to her other breast.

Margaret rolled onto her side and kissed Paula deeply as Paula reached her own orgasm.

We dallied awhile longer in Ed's and Paula's bedroom that rainy morning, but eventually we were all five sated and content.

In the months since, Denny and I continued to see one another every several weeks. A couple of times, we enjoyed Ed's company as well. The newly expanded Suck Buddy Club was by then well established.

I also managed to get together several times with Ed alone, and twice with him and Paula for a delightful threesome of sucking and fucking.

But I did not see Margaret again.

I heard from Paula that Margaret was dating, hoping to find that special one with whom she could begin a new life. She missed her late husband, Jim, and hoped to meet Mr. Right Number Two.

I hoped she would find him too -- and I fantasized that Mr. Right Number Two might turn out to have some of the same qualities as Mr. Right Number One.

I fantasized that one day my phone would ring, unexpectedly. . . that I would hear Margaret's voice again.

We would exchange the warm greetings of two lovers with fond memories. She would tell me about the man she had met. . . how he was so much like Jim in so many ways. . .

"And guess what, Bob?" she would say, in my fantasy of another unexpected phone call. . .

And she would tell me that Mr. Right Number Two had discovered he had sexual curiosities that he wished to explore. . . just as Jim had. . . just as Margaret had with Denny and me, Paula and Ed. . .

In my fantasy of another unexpected phone call, Margaret might suggest that she and her new partner get together with me some time soon. . .

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