Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Nov 25, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -- CHAPTER 11 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com)


Thank you to the many readers who have emailed me to say they enjoyed previous episodes of this story -- I have appreciated every one of them. It's a genuine thrill to hear from both men and women that my story has excited some erotic pleasure! If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com.

Thank you especially to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

"Just what I've been waiting for!" Margaret said as she slid her hand inside my pants and grasped my cock, which was already beginning to stiffen.

We were standing together just inside her front door, about a week after the special meeting of the Suck Buddy Club with Denny and our honored guest, Ed.

"Hmmm, feels nice!" I murmured.

Margaret was standing just to my side, not directly in front, to give herself room to maneuver her right hand inside my slacks. Her other hand was on my hip, and she began to lightly caress my butt as she massaged my cock with the other hand.

We kissed, and with the fingers of my left hand I brushed lightly the stiff, erect nipple of her right breast, through the thin material of her filmy blouse.

She was not wearing a bra, as usual when she met me at her front door.

"Hmmm..." we both moaned softly in the erotic stimulation of the moment.

Margaret rubbed her pubic area over my upper thigh, and I wondered if she were naked beneath her skirt, as she was beneath her sheer blouse. I thought she probably was.

"I bumped into Paula and Ed the other day at the mall -- Ed told me that he got together with you and Denny," Margaret purred.

"Yes, we all had a good time together," I replied.

"I wish I'd been there to watch!"

"Denny fucked him in the ass, while I sucked his cock."

"Oh, God!" Margaret gasped. "That's so hot -- I really would like to watch!"

"It was nice -- Ed finished me off after Denny fucked him."

She gave my cock a little squeeze.

After a moment, she added: "Ed also said you all want Paula and me to join you."

"Yes, indeed!" I said. "Think of all the possibilities!"

"Oh, yes! I have been imagining all sorts of fun!" Margaret said enthusiastically, giving my cock another little squeeze before resuming her soft penile massage.

She lightly brushed the palm of her hand over the tip of my hard cock, the glans, the shaft. I rewarded her with a drop of pre-cum, which she lightly smeared all over my cock.

"But. . . funny. . . but I'm feeling a little bashful. . . about getting naked. . . in front of Ed . . ." she said sheepishly.

"Really?" I said, astonished.

"I know, it's silly," she admitted.

"Another of your endless surprises!" I said with an appreciative chuckle.

"I suppose," she agreed.

"I noticed that Paula doesn't seem very shy about such things, when sex is involved," I observed. "She goes for what she wants."

"Maybe I should be more like her -- is that what you're saying?" Margaret gave my cock another little squeeze.

"Well, yes -- do you want to fuck Ed?" I asked.

She blushed slightly. "Yes."

"Well, remember, you can't fuck him unless you get naked with him," I pointed out. "Just imagine what Paula would do in that situation -- and then go for it!"

Margaret smiled, and we moved to the bedroom to get naked -- neither of us was the least bashful by this point.

Naked and on Margaret's bed, I began by caressing her wonderful, full breasts and nibbling on her nipples, which were characteristically hard and stiff, like little pencil stubs.

She cooed with pleasure, then leaned forward and returned the nipple pleasure.

Some men enjoy nipple play, but it had never done much for me. I simply didn't experience much sensation of any sort when someone played with my nipples. And, in any case, most men are much too rough for me merely to passively allow them to pinch my nipples for their enjoyment but not mine. I always discouraged men who made a play for my nipples.

But Margaret's touch was electric.

Her soft lips on my nipples gave me an erotic stimulation I had not previously experienced. Perhaps I simply required the feminine touch rather than the masculine in order to experience this particular thrill.

I reflected briefly that it was much the same with anal stimulation -- not something that I had particularly enjoyed, until Margaret and I began experimenting.

Margaret continued her oral exploration of my body, moving her lips and body down my chest and abdomen to my genital area, where she gently licked around the head and glans of my erect cock. It throbbed with pleasure and excitement.

I indicated to her that I wished to taste her pussy at the same time that she was giving me such pleasure, and so we adjusted our bodies into the classic 69 position, with me below and she above.

Her pussy was warm and wet, her flowing juices delicious. My tongue darted in and out of her vaginal entrance, then massaged her hard clitoris -- not a mere bump like that of many women, but definite and erect, like a tiny little penis, able to be sucked.

I knew that I would cum soon if we continued our mutual oral ministrations -- which would have been fine, since I so enjoyed cumming in Margaret's mouth and tasting the flood of her juices when she reached orgasm in turn.

But today I wanted to cum in her pussy. I wanted to fuck her, to experience the wonderful and exquisite pleasure of my cock enveloped within the mysteries of her warm, wet pussy.

And so after a few minutes of oral pleasure, we shifted our bodies once again in order to fuck.

With me on my back, below her, she straddled my hips and lowered her pussy onto my stiff, eager cock -- cowgirl-style -- guiding me into her with her hand.

Oh, the intense pleasure!

I had gone for so many years without feeling or tasting a woman's pussy, and now these past months Margaret had given me so many gifts -- her lips and tongue on my hard cock, her soft, long fingers on my anus, her warm, wet pussy, with its remarkable clit, so much like a tiny feminine cock!

I had so enjoyed Margaret's many, frequent gifts.

And then, just a week ago, she had given me another gift, even if indirectly -- the pleasure of Paula's pussy and tiny tits. The memory of me fucking Paula from behind, as she ate Margaret's pussy, was vivid in my mind.

How grateful I was to Margaret!

I was so stimulated by my imagination and our sex play that I surely could not last very much longer, and I thrust forward anticipating climax, meeting Margaret's every movement.

And then, another surprise from this remarkable woman:

"Will you fuck me from behind, like you did Paula?"

Though I was close to cumming, how could I refuse?

She moved off me and onto her knees on the king-sized bed, her legs wide, her body face down and bent low.

I positioned myself behind her, "doggie-style."

What a visual feast -- her glistening wet pussy, open wide, her pink anus, her full breasts with their stiff nipples hanging pendulously downward!

I had always been especially stimulated by a woman in such a position, particularly with this erotic image of a woman's breasts.

I plunged my stiff, throbbing cock into Margaret's waiting pussy and bent my body forward, so that we were like spoons -- two spoons fucking. Supporting myself with one hand, with the other I cupped one of her full breasts and massaged the pencil-stub nipple in my fingers.

My cock, meanwhile, plunged deep inside her pussy, and Margaret met each thrust with her own. Both of us were breathing heavily, both from the exertion and the pleasure of sex, as we moved closer to orgasm.

I reached it first.

"Ahhh!" I cried as the delicious tingling in my balls reached the peak and boiled over as hot cum erupted from my cock into Margaret's wet, waiting pussy.

Her own orgasm was not far behind mine.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!" she squealed in pleasure.

Together, we collapsed on the bed, me still atop her, my cock still inside her. After a few moments I rolled off and she rolled over, so that we lay on our backs beside one another on the bed.

"That was nice. . ." I said quietly, with serious understatement.

"Yes. . ." she agreed with a languorous sigh.

After a few moments, Margaret turned on her side and propped her head on the palm of her hand, facing me.

"Bob, I need to move on," she said quietly.

"Oh?" I said, glancing at my wrist watch.

"No," she said, realizing I hadn't understood, "I mean that I need to move on with my life. I've had a wonderful time with you. . . and Denny. . . and Paula. . . and I suppose soon with Ed too -- but I need to move on with my life."

I understood.

For a long moment I looked into her face as I took in what she had said. I was surprised at the suddenness with which my sexual prospects had just changed. And I was disappointed at what her need to move on with her life meant for me.

But I also understood her need, and a slight no told her that I understood and that I accepted what she was telling me.

"Paula and I got together a few days ago, and I told her too, that I need to move on in my life."

Again, I nodded slightly.

"I want to have this `fivesome' with all of us together -- you, me, Denny, Paula, Ed -- and then I need to get on with my life. I want to find someone I can share the rest of my life with."

"I do understand what you're saying, Margaret," I said at last, "and I hope you do find someone like that."

I meant it, and Margaret knew I did.

"You and Denny -- and Paula -- have opened my eyes to a wonderful world of sexual joy that I never imagined, and I am very grateful to each of you," she said.

"I'm grateful too," I relied honestly. "From that very first time we talked -- when you found that message on Jim's phone and called me -- you have been a woman of never-ending surprises."

"It's been such a delightful thrill!" she said, burying her face momentarily in my chest and shoulder.

"I want to have that last fling -- with all five of us at one time," she explained. "Paula and I got together a few days ago, and now you and I today. I want to fuck Denny -- and Ed too, even if his cock is small. . ."

"Size isn't everything!" I protested.

"No, I know -- I didn't mean that as a put-down," she replied.

"Just that. . . well, you said it's like a boy's cock. And that made me remember once when I was a pre-teen girl. . . my friend -- the one I used to do things with when we were young -- she and I once spied on a boy in our neighborhood. We saw him one day, naked in his bedroom, through the curtains of his open window."

Margaret's hand slowly wandered down my body to my cock.

"He was on his bed, playing with himself. His cock was hard -- both of us were transfixed -- we knew we shouldn't be spying on him, but neither of us could turn away. He didn't know we were watching."

Margaret was fondling my cock, which had stiffened. I fondled her breasts, massaging her stiff nipples lightly with the palm of my hand.

"I had my hand in my panties -- I couldn't help it," Margaret continued. "My friend did too. Neither of us could turn away."

I kneaded one stiff nipple between my fingers softly, marveling at the feel of it.

"I can't remember what happened -- whether we watched him cum or what -- but I do remember his erect cock, about four inches long. . . and ever since you said that about Ed's cock, I just can't get that image out of my head."

She rubbed her palm lightly across the glans of my cock, which always made me tingle slightly with pleasure.

"I've imagined what might have happened way back then. . . that somehow we might have got naked with him. . . and I could see his cock up close and touch it, stroke it. . . and he would suck my little titties and play with my pussy. . ."

Margaret's long-ago memory and her what-if musings were very erotic to both of us, and we were stimulated afresh.

"Now, I want to play with Ed, suck his little cock, and let him fuck me. . ."

"Suck his nipples like you did mine, Margaret," I suggested to her in a hush. "I think he will really like that."

"Okay, I will."

"I want to concentrate on Paula -- I want to eat her pussy and fuck her again," I said.

My fingers were between Margaret's legs, fondling particularly her hard, erect clitoris.

"Ohhh, I like that. . ." Margaret said with a small shudder, adding a moment later:

"Paula will like it if you eat her pussy -- I really like the way she tastes. She has such a sweet pussy -- not that I'm any expert," Margaret said with a smile.

"And, don't forget, her nipples are very sensitive -- sucking them is a real turn-on for her."

"Thanks for the tip!" I said, sliding down the bed to taste once again Margaret's juices -- and my own.

Next: Chapter 12

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