Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Sep 15, 2019


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Darren's eyes looked at me intently as i suckled on the gloved finger. Another finger then joined it, then another, eventually it felt that His whole hand was working its steadily towards the back of my throat. Weeks if not years of ingrained cigar smoke was being removed by my saliva, the bitter acrid liquid draining down my throat towards my stomach.

It was a struggle to keep up, Darren's hands were huge. Sensing that i was fighting for air.

"Doing good Tommy Boy, breather through your nose, you need to work on that gag reflex of yours if you are going to serve me properly."

He suddenly removed the hand, before i had time to readjust and start breathing properly again He turned the chair around to face Him, and with one hand round my throat lifted me up and suddenly slammed me against a wall.

Before i could catch my breath He placed his whole hand over my mouth whilst squeezing my nostrils closed.

"Worship that leather Tommy Boy show how much you want it."

My tongue vigorously lapped at His huge hand, this went one for a few minutes, every now and again He'd release my nostrils allowing me to have a deep breath before He again closed them. .

All the time his eyes were fixed on mine, He was enjoying the power He had over me.

`See Tommy Boy, I said our working relationship was going to change" His gloved hand pushing further into my face.

Finally he released his grip and threw me to the floor, lying there in a heap i wondered what was going to happen next.

`M" Darren said addressing Master M. The absence of any title made me realise that they considered each other equals.

"M, You said that You had someone round to cleanup before my arrival, yet there's this creature sprawled on the floor"

Darren, You know how difficult it is to train subs these days. This one cant always be relied upon to send me photos of his locked dick. Always making up an excuse when late. This week he's being blaming it on his Boss."

" Really" Darren gave me a hard kick to the side of my ribs "I think his Boss is far too lenient on him. Don't you agree Tommy Boy" Another kick.

"Yes Boss"

"Fucks sake, stop lying there like a useless twat Show some respect to your superiors'

My brain was trying to work out if this was said by Master M, or Boss.

I struggled to get up in a kneeling position, the pain from being kicked, the shackles and the nipple clamps all made it a struggle, as i did Master M threw the but plug which was lying on the floor at my head.

"Didn't do a good job of keeping that in did we" he said, picking up the papers that i had written my `lines' on. He gave it a cursory glance and threw them in the bin.

Now stay there while Darren and I catch up.

Very soon they were in a very deep passionate kiss, tier hands caressing each others leather clad torsos.

This went on for a good ten minutes each kiss punctuated by a deep inhalation of a shared cigar. It was a most beautiful sight , i realized how fortunate i was to be dominated by these two Men.

Boss indicated i should approach, forcing my mouth open he spat into it, the taste of tobacco was overwhelming. Master M, looked at me contemptuously.

`I'm not wasting my spit on you'

"OK, head to the kitchen, and clean, Darren and I have some catching up to do, Master M said firmly grabbing Boss's arse. But before you do, show Darren how you do the star jumps. I think 50 would do it."

I was determined not to embarrass Master M, in front of Boss, 50 star jumps would be agony but i was determined to do it.

I got to 46, and stopped, my nipples ached from the pressure of the clamps.

Boss approached, looks as if you need some assistance, He grabbed the weights that were attached to the clamps pulled the towards him,

Let's see how you manage now, i attempted the 47th and screamed in agony,

Come on Tommy Boy, only three to go. By the time i reached 50 i was in tears.

Kitchen now, said Master M.

I turned and started to walk to the kitchen.

Knees and crawl, yelled Master.

Thankfully the kitchen was relatively clean, just a few dishes. This meant my chores were over quickly, and it gave me time to collect my thoughts.

What was happening? How had i got to this state? Was i happy with it? Would i find a way out? Did i want a way out?

Suddenly Boss appeared at the door. M wants you at his feet now. I crawled into the living room Master M was sat there smoking a large cigar, he motioned to indicate that He needed a foot stool. On the floor, my back supporting Master M's feet. Boss spoke again.

"Ok , Tommy Boy i guess you are wondering how you have ended up like this.

I've been friends with M for years, He told Me that He had acquired new property, someone who oozed submissiveness and was desperate to serve, but who needed some training. He happened to show me your photo from Recon, and when I came to the office on that first day I recognised you immediately. I realised this was the perfect opportunity and orchestrated it so that you would be working for Me.

I'm going to take charge of you for the next two months M is transferring ownership to Me for that period ,so you could say I'll be your Boss in work, and Your Master outside, and unlike with M, You will a slave from the off. "

What do you say to that?

Whatever my Master's sees fit Sir, i will comply.

Ah Tommy Boy, you really are a good slave . Now come and show me you appreciation.

I hesitated as i was still acting as Master M's foot stool, but my dilemma was soon resolved as he gave me a firm kick to indicate i should obey my new Owner.

Slowly, i crawled over towards Boss.

Next: Chapter 10

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