Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on May 24, 2020


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A few weeks later, I was at the front door waiting for Master Darren's return, he had texted to say he would be late but had not indicated a time, it could therefore have been a minute or two , even three hours. Regardless I had to be there waiting on my knees to greet him. In front of me a wooden paddle which I had selected as today's medium of punishment .

After about 90 minutes he arrived. He had had a number of important meetings so was dressed in his smartest suit, and best dress shoes. I bent down, kissed them both and got ready to submit to my punishment. He gave me two hard whacks, I braced myself for the next dozen, but nothing came.

In the lounge now he said I waited for him to sit down before I followed him. He pointed down to one of his shoes, his foot balancing on the heel, the tip pointing in the air. If getting crushed under his heavy boots was not an option, fellating his boots was a great second best. I spent the next few minutes moving my mouth back and fore over the shoe, , I could feel my cheeks expanding as I struggled to get as much in as possible. I looked up and could see that Master's mind was elsewhere, he looked at me and waved his hand indicating that I should stop.

I need to discuss something with you.

Yes Sir.

Tell me why you are here.

Because I'm a slave and you are my Master.


I was silent , as I tried to think where this conversation is heading.

Yes, I am a Master, yes you are a slave. You may be at this moment my slave, but you are not my property. Remember you are here on loan, here to be trained. Your owner is Master M. He's been in touch, and wants to meet. Dinner at his tomorrow night. You must be there tomorrow at 9 to get everything ready.

Master M, the reason I was here now. The man who took the opportunity and turned my submissiveness into slavery. When he first handed me over to be trained by Master Darren I was devastated, but now the fact that my time with Master Darren looked as if it could be coming to an end had shaken me.

So what do you think?

Think Sir? Yes, the fact that tomorrow night could signal the end of this stage of your journey as a slave.

Apprehensive Sir. But I will submit to what my Master thinks is right.

Who was my Master though Darren or M. Could I not serve both. What if Master M decided that someone else should be my Master , a stranger. My mind was a mess.

That's the right answer.

He held my head in his hands, and slowly worked his middle and forefingers of his right hand inside. I began to suck, as he slowly and gently moved them in and out, as the saliva builT up he withdrew and unzipped his fly.

Take your time, he said holding his thick dick, in one hand, and pushing my head down with the other. The next two hours Master Darren's dick rarely left my mouth, it went from being rock hard to soft and flaccid, and back again. There was no expectation that I was to make him, cum, and I hoped that he wouldn't as I wanted to be here on his dick for as long as possible.

Finally he said bed time. It could be yOur final night here, so you're sleeping in bed with me tonight.

It was a restless sleep as I considered the options, would I see Darren ever again, would Master M take me on permanently, would he off load me on someone else. Darren turned over and took me in his arms, and I finally fell asleep.

I woke feeling his dick against my hole, he reached over me and grabbed some lube, I felt the cold liquid on my hole, which was soon filled by his meat. He pushed against me, I was soon flat on the bed, his bulk was over me.

Fuck me Hard , please Sir, I whispered. With pleasure. When I felt his cum shoot into my arse I wanted to cry, Why now I asked myself.

Shower, and then inspection time. He supervised my showering, making sure that I passed a razor over my body, if Master M was going to take me back I had no option but to be smooth from the neck down. He washed out my arse, taking the opportunity to loosen me up, and made sure that my cage was secure.

He threw me a pair of trousers the tightest ones in my now meagre wardrobe.

I slid them on - yep no doubt you have a cage on today.

An hour later I had rung Master Ms doorbell waiting to be allowed in. The door to his flat was open, I crawled in on my knees. He was there. Surprisingly not in full leather.

Tommy boy, good to see you . You have a long day ahead. As you can see I'm just back from the gym, my feet and armpits smell rank, you can help freshen me up before I shower.

I'm going to be at work, so it's houseboy duty, I want everything cleaned, my clothes washed, dried and ironed, the kitchen and bathroom cleaned, the living room dusted and hoovered. There will be a delivery of food at 3. You will cook a three course meal for two. Me and Darren. You still like pissy porridge ? I hope so there's a day old batch in the fridge waiting for you . There's enough for lunch and dinner.

Oh yes before I go there's one new addition here that you've not seen before- The Gimp. He took me into the living room there kneeling in a dog basket a fully clad rubber gimp. Ignore him even if he begs for your attention, I have for the last two days, briefly let him out of that suit and he was so excited he pissed all over me.

Now come and drink my sweat. I went over and the memory of his smells came flooding back, perhaps being reclaimed by him wouldn't be so bad after all. I worked my way down from his pit down along his chest , legs and then his feet. He was still in his socks, I collapsed on the floor and inhaled, he used his food to turn me over, and pressed the foot directly over my mouth and nose, I almost suffocated as he increased the pressure. Not only were his aromas rushing back into my head so were memories of sadism.

Finally he released me. Start cleaning. I moved to the kitchen. It was three times as filthy as the first time I visited. I looked around to see what work I had to do. I noticed a box. Gimp's food. It reminded me of the liquidised cold leftovers he fed me on my first visit. This time however in the middle of the slop some identifiable bits of food, fermenting and rotting .

Finally Master M reappeared - in full leather. His boots were gleaming, and the odour was intoxicating.

I collapsed to the floor, and kissed the boots.

Good boy. Now I'm late, get this place clean.

Oh the Gimp gets fed at 12, 2 and 6 . Just tip it into one of those bowls. Pour your porridge into one too and eat off the floor like he will.

Time went quickly, as I went round cleaning the house. I contemplated the past, the present and the future, trying to concentrate more on the present and my life with Master Darren. At 12 I poured out The Gimps lunch, and my own into bowls. We both sat there on all fours eating , a miserable meal for both of us, but the taste of Master M's piss in the porridge sparked off more memories. When 2 came around I put my porridge in front of the gimp and took his slop instead. It tasted gross but I felt sorry for him so wanted to give him something different.

The food arrived at 3 and I spent the next three hours cooking it. Master M arrived back just after 6. He inspected everything.

Perfect. Darren has trained you well on the score . There's an hour before he gets here, let's see how you have progressed, He unzipped his pants, and stuck out his dick. I began to suck, which so became a brutal onslaught on my dick. Saliva began to leak out and dribbled down my chin, and began to soak my shirt.

Turn round. Master M massaged my butt, and began to spank me. I repressed the screams as much as possible, I then heard a rip, he had made a whole in the seat of my trousers.

Let's see that hole. Not as tight as it was he laughed, inserting a finger, and he began to massage my prostate. I groaned in pleasure as he did so. The consequence was obvious: I began to leak copious amounts of precum. He lifted me up, undid my belt and scooped it up onto his finger. He offered it to me, I leant forward and began to lick then suck it clean.

These trousers are pat their best he said and with two hard thanks they were ripped off me.

The bell went. Master M pressed the buzzer to let Master Darren in.

I was kneeling waiting to kiss his boots. After I kissed them I looked up, there was an indifferent stare in his face.

Let's eat. Tommy. Serve. , when not handing the food you can kneel here next to me. Fancy a cigar Darren. Good. I can add the ash to The Gimps slop.

As the meal progressed my two Masters chatted. The exchanged gossip, I began to relax as Master Darren began to laugh. The room began to fill with smoke. I was envious of The Gimp , who would at some stage be eating the ash. They were on their second bottle of wine when Master M suggested they move into the lounge.

He snapped his fingers and the gimp crawled over. M placed his feet on his back. I waited for a similar order but none came, I decided to be brave and crawled over to allow Daren to use me in a similar way.

Ok lets get down to business Ownership.

Face it Tommy here is a slave as a result of a fluke accident at the gym. Had he not been so careless with his chastity cage I wouldn't have even considered using him as a one off . But the opportunity to play some power games was too good to miss. Then circumstances meant I didn't have the time, but hey serendipity came along, you began working in his office. That solved a problem I passed on the training on to you. Well the training period is over.

I think it was over a while ago said Darren, he's been a slave for months now.

If you say so.

But the question is . What now?

He's your slave - it's up to you. It's slave auction time soon. You could sell him. He'll be a hit, especially with some of the overseas masters who like an older slave. I could, I could keep him. I could even set him free. It would be interesting to see him fending for himself again, he'll be looking for a new Master in no time. Or.

Or what. I could sign him over to you. Sign? Yes. Transfer of ownership, no strings, no cost. Really. Do You want him?

I felt Darren's legs lift off my back, as he grabbed me by the collar. He lifted me up and looked at me.

Tommy , Do I want you?

He leaned forward and blew a cloud of smoke into my face.

Do you want me.? Well? Answer me. Yes Sir. Good. I'll take him.

Master Darren blew another cloud of smoke.Master M offered Master Darren his hand . They shook and gave each other a hard long kiss. Master Darren turned me round so I looked away from him, sat back on the sofa, and pushed my head so I was leaning against his muscular legs.

So M, what's the story about him. Him being the Gimp.

Remember the business owner Charles that you persuaded Dave to turn into a total submissive freak. Yes, wasn't he called Charlie by the end.

Yes. Well it's Him. Dave was a total monster, he had no idea about the limits of his sadism. Once someone said yes, they couldn't change their mind as far as he was concerned. Totally unsafe. Well the hang decided that he had to be stopped before he went too far. Six weeks ago, he was how shall I put it - shipped out to Russia. He's living with a pig farmer, and getting the submissiveness beaten into him. That left Charlie here. He's incapable of running the business anymore, but will be wealthy once I finally sell it. In the meantime I'm looking after him. It's Like having a pet dog around really.

Master Darren laughed. A shame he had so much potential, but you don't have to be a cunt to be a Master. At least Charlie's going to be looked after.

We should be heading off .Let me call an Uber.

45 minutes later I was screaming from the 15 whack of a cane.

Such a good slave, my slave. Mine forever.

Thank you Master. I'm so happy, and I knew that I would be cared for now forever.

Just one problem, I hate Tommy Boy as a name. I'm going to have to call you something else.

Yes Master.

I know - what about Thomas,

With that he whacked me for the 16th time.

Yes Master, Thank You Master I screamed. I love You

I love you too he said, administrating one final whack


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