Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Oct 18, 2019


As Master Dareen led me out of the gym, rather than turn left toward home we headed in a strange direction. He announced that we were heading to a dinner party, Darren was one of the guests, whilst i would be there to serve as a waiter, ashtray, urinal or whatever else the other guest required.

We suddenly hit one of the main roads, i was still being led by Darren and started to panic. Darren sensing my anxiety undid the lead, but fastend the collar. I want you to remember who you are on the journey.

Yes Master.

The journey was only to stops on the Northern line but i felt the eyes of the carriage upon me.

When we arrived at out stop and left the station, Darren turned round and smiled.

Remember make me proud tonight,

We arrived at one of the many new high rise apartment complexes that had sprouted up recently, apartments way out of my financial league. Darren pressed a button, and announced our arrival,. We were soon in a lift which took us up to the 15th floor.

As the doors opened, Darren reached for my collar . Just checking boy.

The door to our destination was open, there stood Neal, owner of the cafe and provider of my Slave Special breakfasts.

He hugged Darren, and they then gave each other a deep kiss, Neal , then sniffed,

What's that smell?

Slave replied Darren, A pissy slave.

Hmm, you'd better not put the guests off their dinner, I've spent ages getting it ready.

Ok orders. You will wear a jockstrap, , unless collecting or serving food, you will kneel next to your Master . If anyone wants to make use of you they will simply address you as slave, You will crawl towards them, and say Ready to Serve Sir. Understood,

Understood Sir.

Darren smiled, ruffled my hair. Good Boy. Suddenly the buzzer to the flat rang. Go ahead and answer it.

Sir Neal's residence. It's Simon boy let me in. I was about to buzz him in.

Darren said -- no , go down and collect. use the lift. Yes just in your jockstrap.

I was nervous throughout the journey down, it seemed much longer. Than the journey up. I reached the ground floor, i opened the door to a sneering Simon.He poked my stomach

`I Thought you went to the gym ?

He brushed past me walked to the lift

Open it then, i obeyed hoping no one would suddenly come out . No sooner had the doors closed than he grabbed me by the balls . Like that Tommy, I'm sure you do. When was the last time anyone touched you there?

Answer me, he said squeezing harder. Doing my best to not tear up. No No? No what?

No Sir.

Tough , he said squeezing harder just as the doors at the 15th floor opened.

In the flat Darren greeted Simon . Then looked at me.

I hope you took care of Sir Simon here. Don't bother answering, those boots look filthy, , why didn't you clean them on the way up.

Sorry Sir, Too late for sorry, get down and make amends.

I fell on the floor and started to clean, as i went to do the second boot the bell went again.

Our final guests said Neal,

Another trip to the ground floor, the fear of what would happen on the return prominent in my mind this time I was greeted by Michael and Peter, My fear was well founded . As soon as i entered the lift i was grabbed by Peter, his left arm keeping me in a choke hold, as he right probed my hole. Miachel meanwhile started to rub his gloved hands over my body., Playing with my nipples, and probing my mouth. I was counting the floors, 7, 8, 9, 10 almost there. Then he lift the juddered to a halt at floor 13. Michael stopped fondling and started punching, Hmm - perhaps next week as well as a urinal upi can be a punchbag for the boxers he laughed as a shouted out in agony.

Finally the lift restarted, when we arrived at Neal's i was again told off for not cleaning their boots.

Neal announced it was drinks, six champagne flutes. He handed one each to the guests, then one to me.

Don't drink it yet. Balance it on your head.

I placed the fluute on my head it almost immediately fell , its contents trickling down my face, I could tell my the smell it wasn't champagne. It was warm fresh piss.

After a while Neal announced that the food was ready, i brought out the first course, and kelt by Master Darren,

Slave shouted Peter. I crawled towards him

How may I serve Sir. I need a piss. Open my pants , and start drinking. I reached into his trousers, and took out a 9 inch flaccid dick, as my Peter's bladder emptied, my stomach filled.

The main course was thankfully uneventful, Darren took pity on me and spat some of his half chewed food into my mouth. Before deserte Neal suggested that they have a cigar.

The room soon filled with smoke.

Slave shouted Simon.

How may I serve Sir, i asked kneeling beside him. I need an ashtray.

Open your mouth. I obeyed and a large ball of ash fell onto my tongue. The heat made me almost shout.

Close your mouth but stay there .

I waited obediently, watching as the cigar got smaller, and the ash got bigger, when I screamed and shouted Fuck. Simon has brushed my arm with the cigar to dislodge it.

I was horrified, I looked at Darren he was cross. Apologise now, you will be punished later. Sorry Sir, I said.

Hmm, I have an idea, Darren, can I inflict the punishment. Darren considered briefly Yes why not.

Thanks. First unlock him. Michael put him in an arm lock,.

Neal, get me one of your dildos,

Neal brought a dildo, Simon forced it down my mouth. Simultaneously Darren locked me freeing me from my cage for the first time in ages. When Micahel confirmed that he was holding me securely, Simon announced that the punishment was to begin.

He slowly grabbed some of my public haors and pulled, I muffled a scream, then another clump, then another. , and another, sometimes just a few sometime a lot. The pain was intense each time. I began to cry .

Suddenly he stopped.

Look down he ordered. My public area was smooth, as if it had been shaved, as were my balls.

Lock him up.

Darren gently put the cage back on, whilst neal returned to the kitchen.

Desert time he said bring out six plates, five of a fine looking meringue, and one with two slices of bread, The pubic hair that had been removed was placed on it, and made into a sandwich.

I was led back to the table and crawled under Master Darren's legs for protection. , my meal in my hand. As the men above me laughed i told myself i should be thankful that I was being fed.

Next: Chapter 28

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