Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Sep 24, 2019


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Wednesday, kneeling waiting for Boss's arrival.

As instructed i had brought in a bag containing my underwear, including the one that had not yet made it to the weekly wash.

Kneeling. Waiting for Him in this position had become second nature, i found myself fantasising about the different type of footwear that He could Wear during my period of being owned by Him. anticipating tasting the leather when i greeted him, getting close to his size 13 broad feet, trying my best to make sure that my tongue could feel the foot through the layer of leather.

This morning Boss was wearing a pair of cowboy boots. I kissed each foot crawled to his desk, and awaiting my orders.

He walked first to my desk, and i heard him piss into my sippy cup"

"Can't have you getting thirsty now can we"

My eyes were fixated on the cuban heels, in my head i could see him resting them in the small of my back if only he had worn spurs with them, and my fantasy would be complete

"Boot worship I think T Boy, let's start with the toes, let's see how much you can get in your mouth"

I was there under Boss's desk, his feet resting on his heels, from that position i i noticed how high the heels were, Boss would be even more dominating today with at least an extra inch and a half of height. However my instructions were to worship the toe, or to be more accurate gag on it. My mouth stretched as far as i could, and fell on the toe.

I made to move off , ready to fellate, when Boss said "Stay, stay until I allow you to move." "Interesting collection of underwear by the way - skid marks and all I see, I think having you comando is going to be good for you."

I laid there as still as possible, i felt the tip of his left boot touch the back of my throat, almost activating my gag reflex, i knew now that this had to be controlled. Taking deep breaths i conquered the urge to gag, when he instructed me to change feet. Deep breaths through my nose whilst iI choked on the boot, unfortunately this wasn't enough as i gagged, and i spewed over his boot.

"Bloody hell Tommy Boy. That's disgusting, you'd better get that cleaned up, use these"

He threw two pairs of underpants at me. I used them to wipe the offending liquid from his boot, and the floor. When i felt that i had wiped up as much as possible, i instinctively went back to work, using my tongue to clean not only the boot, but also the floor underneath his desk.

When i felt it was clean enough , i withdrew but continued to remain there lying on the floor.

"Those thighs could crush me" i said to myself, looking up, trying to think of something other than how i had disgraced myself.

"Showed initiative there Tommy Boy, I'll overlook the fact that that you failed to ask permission."

Back to your desk. I sat down took my sippy cup and had a mouthful of His still warm piss, smiling i said Thank You Sir.

10.30 i went to get His coffee. Before returning to my desk i asked for permission to go to pee. In the bathroom i looked in the mirror, my beard was disgusting not all the spew had ended up on his boots, a fair amount was stuck in my beared. In horror i realised that i had been like that for almost two hours, and had gone out to get a coffee in this dishevelled state.

I ran to the office, hoping to avoid anyone else.

Sir may i wash my face Sir

Damn, I was hoping you'd do that without asking, you are making it difficult to think of reasons to punish you. But yes go and wash, you look a right state.

The afternoon was mundane, emails and listening in on some rather tedious phonecalls Spanking time came, Boss retrieved the two pairs of pants i'd used earlier, half damp, half crusty but reeking of the contents of my accident. Without any ceremony he stuffed them in my mouth.

"Are you ready? "He asked

I tried to reply but very little sound came out.

"I guess you are."

Unlike the previous two days the spanking involved no ceremony, , trousers down , over the knee, 13 hard whacks.

Five minutes later , i was sat uncomfortably on the hard surface of my desk, my trousers down by my ankles the spanking being even more ferocious that the previous day.

`As experienced as he is, I've always thought M had the wrong approach to chastity. What's the point of having control over another bloke's dick, or in your case if he's hiding his locked state from the world. This cage is far too discreet.

He produced a key and freed my dick and balls from their prison. They'd been locked away since Master M, had finished yanking them as part of that punishment session. This one is going to be much better. I want people to notice that cage. He handed me a box, inside a new cage, longer wider, and heavier than the one that Master M, had put me in, even at its most erect my dick would have been lost inside the shaft, more so now that my dick rarely got hard.

He teased my foreskin pulling it back roughly, then pulled my balls through a ring before locking away my dick again.

lHe stepped back and smiled.

"That looks better. Let's try this for the next couple of weeks. Don't worry though you'll soon be back in the nub cage, Of course there's point in wearing this if it can't be seen, From tomorrow you have to wear your tightest available trousers to work , I want to see the outline of the cage at all times. "

`What do you think? Not that it matters. "

"It looks good Sir, and Your orders are orders."

By the way I'm out of the office until Monday, that will give your tongue and arse a rest for a few days.

But I want you to spend at least two hours in the gym. Legs today and Saturday, chest Friday and Sunday. Dig out those nipple clamps and wear them for chest.

In retrospect i didnt process all of his commands, i was more concerned as to how i'd function for four days without Him. Although it had been less than a week since i was under the rather distant control of Master M, the full on approach of Boss had made me quite dependent on him. I hoped the four days would come round quicky.

Thursday, i arrived at the office, and knelt, and was in position for ten minutes when a text came through.

"Hello Tommy Boy, I bet you are in your position waiting aren't you" Remember I'm off today . But now that you are down there , wait for 15 minutes, then return to your desk. As a reward you can also have a coffee.

I waited 15 minutes, returned to my desk and sent a reply thanking Him, The rest of the day dragged, i realised that since i started to report to Darren, i rarely did any proper work, i just sat there looking at my computer waiting to be given a command.

When 4.30 came round the absence of a spanking threw me, i needed to feel Boss's hands on my butt cheeks.

Friday equally dragged and it was a relief when i met up with my Friday night dining companions. They were keen to find out how things were developing with Darren.

"A firm but fair boss " I replied, Sometime he could be firmer I said to myself. As we were leaving one of my friends suddenly asked.

"Have you got a hamster down there, those trousers really aren't leaving much to the imagination."

I laughed it off,.

"Stop looking at other men's junk, you perve" "It's practically begging to be looked at, Thomas" (I almost recoiled at the use of my full name having been called Tommy Boy now by Darren for over two weeks) "If i look anymore it will poke my eye out"

He laughed, and gave me a hug.

`Till next week"

I arrived him there was a parcel, just inside the front door of my block of flats. I'd not ordered anything so didn't really expect it to be for me, then saw it was addressed to Tommy Boy. I carried up to my flat, sat down, and just looked at the box.

Ok it must have come from Boss, but what was it?

I gave it a shake - hoping it wasn't breakable that didn't really give me any clues.

Thomas, just open it.I said to myself Finally I got it open. Inside there were three butt plugs. Each bigger than the other in length and girth, two of them significantly bigger than anything I'd stuck in my hole previously. The largest made me squirm

Some nine inches long and two across .

A text came through. Check your emails T Boy. I quickly went and checked. There was one from Boss.

"Hi Tommy Boy, it's Boss here. I've sent you something to keep you occupied over the weekend. That hole of yours needs loosening up, I could only get two fingers in on Tuesday. I'm not expecting you to even try the largest but I will be disappointed if the second hasn't spent at least ten minutes in your arse by Monday morning."

Was i going to have to say byebye to my tight arse. I'd never really been a fan of anal, so this was going to be a struggle.

Next: Chapter 14

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