Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Nov 28, 2019

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The next morning, i was woken by the sound of a baseball bat being banged against the cage, i opened my eyes, Chris was already kneeling on all fours his arse in my face. I resisted the temptation to dig my tongue in the hole, in an attempt to get a taste of all three men who had used me the previous day.

I followed his example and assumed the position of an obedient dog slave. Through the bars of the cage were Michael's muscular hairy legs. I watched as he opened the door to the cage, and in turn dragged us both out by our collars. I followed Chris's lead, he bent down and kissed the left foot, i kissed the right. Michael tousled our heads,.

"Follow me "

We were both led to the kitchen, on the floor , two bowls of dry dog food. Breakfast. I suppose having a second cooked breakfast was going to be too much to ask . I was less hesitant about eating it this time, but wished that there was a bowl of water to help it go down I quickly ate it as I had no idea how long it would be before id eat again. It was Friday so i knew that Darren would be reclaiming me at some point.

My bowl was soon clean, and I knelt up and sat on my haunches, waiting for the next instruction. Peter approached i watched his legs, as muscular as his partner's but less hairy, I noticed that his right calf had a tattoo. A simple phrase. Boss. I wondered how many people actually got close enough to those legs to see that. I had no doubt that when they did they were not in a position to disagree. He dropped his shorts, he beckoned me forward and then pressed my face into his jock strap.

Been wearing this all week at the gym. Seeing how much you loved the smell of my feet, I thought you should get a whiff of this too. I Inhaled deeply, it was more pungent that his feet, but the underlying perfume was undeniably one of this muscle bound god's sweat. My tongue instinctively came out and started to lick the fabric. Within seconds I received a hard smack to the side of my head.

"I said smell, not taste," he said .

Sorry Sir.

Apology accepted, after all you are probably addicted to it now. I'll have to warn Darren that you could be going cold turkey, if he's not careful.

He removed his cock from the confines of the jock strap.

"I need a piss. You know the drill. Swallow every drop"

I opened my mouth, Peter slowly pushed his dick in, the tip resting on the middle of my tongue, He closed my mouth and released a stream of piss. The warm sweet liquid slowly filled my mouth, and then started to trickle down my throat. It reminded me that i would be back to being the gym's piss slave soon enough. As the mouth started to fill again I looked up, and saw Peter smiling down at me. I knew I had been a good slave over the last few days and that Darren would be proud of me. As the last tickle worked its way down to my stomach, Peter withdrew his dick, and wiped the remaining drops into my beard.

"Enough fun.Time You got back to work and earned your keep."

Four hours later I was at the gym. Mop in hand cleaning the floors, waiting to be used as a urinal by the punters who were too lazy to use the bathroom, or a sweat towel by those who had left theirs at home. Michael had returned to his gym boss persona, the smallest glimpses of gentleness that had occasionally made an appearance when i was at his home had totally vanished. It was almost as if I couldn't do anything right, choking too much when a well endowed gorilla of a man stuffed his dick down my throat, and gagging too loudly when ordered to lick up the sweat from the arse crack of Jeff, a 50 something who would spends at least an hour on the treadmill each day, before hitting the weights but showed no evidence of ever actually showering. Finally my shift was over Normally i would have headed home and got ready for Darren, but Michael had other ideas.

"One of the urinals is bust again. You need to cover. "

My heart sank, at this stage i wanted to be home, however i had been told that i had to obey Michael's orders at all times. I went to the store cupboard, reached for the piss funnel got back down on my knees and shuffled back to Michael. He took the piss funnel , and without saying a word he indicated i was to follow him . I crawled behind him, my attention being taken by his muscular legs. We entered the bathroom, and instead of the urinal he walked towards one of the cubicles. The door had been removed sometime previously, and i always felt uncomfortable when on cleaning duty , seeing one of the muscular gods sat there having a shit . He pointed to a space next to the porcelain throne.


I obeyed.

He lowered the front of his shorts, pulled out his dick aimed it at my chest and let a stream of piss shower me. I so wanted to taste it but i'd not been given permission so remained still as his piss trickled down my body on to the floor.


He left me, there in a puddle of piss. When he returned he had in his hands a bag, he took out length of chain. He attached one end to my collar and wrapped the rest around the base of the toilet bowl.

He pinched my nose. "Open"

I opened my mouth and the pis funnel was inserted. Next from the bag he took out a blindfold he pulled it over my head and had it resting on my forehead, quickly followed by a pair of headphones. He placed them on and my sense of hearing was reduced. He then took my arms and put on a pair of leather mittens on each hand, then handcuffed them..Finally the blindfold was pulled down. In the space of a few minutes Michael had ensured my sense of hearing, sight and touch had been severely restricted. I was now at the mercy of the gym goers and their bladders.Before i could even think about my position another stream of piss splashed over my body, i felt the puddle beneath me get bigger as my legs got wetter. A few minutes later some acrid liquid hit the back of my throat. Finally i thought I'm getting to taste some piss.

I have no idea how long i was there for, at first during the moments i was not being used my mind started to wander, but as time wore on I became increasingly conscious of how stiff and sore my knees were getting. I knew better than to try to get up to stretch, but had no real concept of how much give the chain that had me tied to the toilet bowl was. Was there even enough give.I guessed it was around lunchtime as the pace of being used increased, My stomach began to feel bloated from the piss, ranging from strong and acrid, to weak without any semblance of flavour. As my stomach became increasingly bloated, some of the men using me just pissed directly on my some aiming at my face, others at my chest . I felt the warm liquid dribble down, making the puddle beneath my knees increasingly larger. A puddle made larger when my bladder could no longer hold the amount of liquid i had absorbed. Kneeling there i felt piss leak out of my dick through the holes of the cock cage.

It then got quiet again, the lunchtime rush was over. My mind again started to be aware of the stiffness in my knees, and the fact that i stank of piss. I then sensed someone else standing above me. While i waited for the next hit of piss i suddenly felt a jolt of pain as my nipples were both squeezed hard. The more i squirmed the greater the force that was applied to my nipples.

The headphones were removed and then the gag and a leather gloved finger forced its way down my throat , joined by a second and then a third, just before i gagged, a stream of piss fell on my head. I then heard the rattle of chains, the tautness was slackened, and i then sense it being detached from the collar round my neck.

My nose was pinched i opened my mouth and a hard dick entered and some more piss hit the back of my neck, at the same time the blindfold was loosened, as it was removed i found myself looking at a pair of familiar thighs. The dick withdrew, a hand lifted my chin so i was looking up. Looking up directly into Master Darren handsome smiling face. He crouched down, held my face in his hand , and gave me a deep kiss. i collapsed into his arms.

Sir, You're back I've missed You .

Missed you too Boy.

He undid the mittens on my hands, and lifted me up in his arms.

You stink of piss boy

Sorry Sir

It proves you have been a good slave in my absence. Michael and Peter had nothing but praise for you.

He carried me into the shower area. He placed me on the floor, then disappeared. After a few minutes he returned. He was naked. He approached, lifted me up on my feet , turned on the water, and started to soap me down. He smiled as he did so. I felt so helpless , and my state of submission was now greater than it had been in my journey so far. As he soaped me, he pushed my back forward and inserted three fingers into my hole. For a brief few seconds he used these to fuck me. He removed them and inserted them into his hole. He then brought the hand up to my face, i opened my mouth and swallowed, the taste of both our arse juices mingled. I closed my eyes and entered a state of ecstasy. He removed his hand and then continued to soap me clean, the smell of piss was becoming a distant memory.He turned off the water, lifted me over his shoulder and carried me into the changing room.

In the changing room, he dried me off , and then ordered me to get dressed. He handed me a pair of tight shorts and a singlet. Before i had a chance to pull the shorts up he fondled my arse, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Two days and I've really missed giving that a good walloping."

"I've missed my punishment too Sir."

"Ok boy, a choice ten whacks now, or twenty later."

"Sir as much as i'd love to have ten, whacks now, twenty later will be even better. But Sir the decision is yours."

He smiled.

"Get dressed" We're going home.

I obeyed. The shorts and singlet were quickly put on.

As we left the changing room and walked towards the exit of the gym, i looked in awe at the man in front of me a man who i was proud to call Sir, and know as Master.

We reached the door, and then He turned and faced me.

"My decision"

"Yes Sir"

Follow me.

He walked to the middle of the gym floor, stopped at the Roman chair. He smacked his hand on it , the only instruction i needed to get in position.

Stay there he barked, and disappeared. He reappeared in his hand he brandished a paddle.

"Ten Now it is, get moving"

From my position in the Roman chair I began to do some back extension exercises, during my fifth rep, as mu arse was high in the air, i felt a whack as the paddle hit my butt cheeks.

"One" he shouted



Each whack made the next rep more difficult, but the joy of being at the receiving end of Master Darren's punishment, made me realise how much i had missed him over the last two and a half days.



I lifted my body up after the tenth, and Darren walked in front of me, smiled and hugged me.

Ok , now it's time to go home. I extracted myself from the Roman Chair, and before Darren had a chance to move i kissed each of his feet.

"Thank You Master"

"Good Boy, now stand"

I obeyed, and as I did he attached a chain to my collar. He walked me to the exit, and as w left, he turned , smiled and said.

"Twenty when we get home I think. "

"Yes please Sir

Next: Chapter 37

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