Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Oct 7, 2019


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That night after Master Darren had eaten his dinner, he had me sit beside him as he smoked a large thick cigar, ensuring he took care to blow as much of the smoke into me face, and when enough ask had built up feeding it to me from his gloved hand. Not a word was uttered as the hour passed. I sat on the floor looking up in awe as as the cigar sat in his mouth and the grey head of ash grew bigger. My Master was beautiful.

When he finished he placed the butt in the ashtray, beckoned me forward and had me lick his leather glove. He then spoke.

Tommy tomorrow is gym day. I am allowing you to sleep in until 7am, you will wake Me at 8. We will then head to the gym. Go and get our kits ready, yours will consist of a pair of short shorts, and a singlet. Once ready, crawl back, and we can have a thirty minute decompression chat. I got both our kits ready making sure that Master Darren's shorts, best, sock and jock strap were carefully folded, there was a faint disappointment that as the clothes were clean that i wasn't getting the chance to smell His sweat on them, a disappointment that was lessened when i picked up His size 13 trainers. The heady smell of His sweat made my locked dick twitch, as i inhaled each trainer deeply.

I crawled back to the living room.

"So did those trainers smell good Tommy Boy? Don't look shocked, I'd have been disappointed if you hadn't, I'm your Master after all I'd expect you to take every opportunity to remind yourself of that, and what better way than my rank trainers? So answer me. Did they smell good?

"Very much Master, Your smell is powerful, i love it"

"There's much more of that ahead. Now let's talk. Two days in how are you feeling?"

"I'm Ok Master, this has moved to a stage i never thought i would be in , but at present i'm comfortable, secure and i know i can trust You. The fact that i no longer have a job is something that worries slightly, and i would like to discuss how to explain this to friends. Even those who know i'm into kink would be thrown by me talking openly about being a slave. Can i still meet my friends for dinner tomorrow, if not they will at least deserve an explanation why i suddenly cut off contact"

"Tommy, let's agree that for now Friday is your evening off, the understanding that you don't get too drunk. I will leave it to you to let them know what our arrangement is, I'm sure some of the more naive neighbours think that you are just My latest live in boyfriend, let your friends think that. I'm happy that you feel secure and trust Me. Trust between Master and slave is important. I promise I will take care of you whilst I'm in control, yes I will hurt you, I will cause you pain , but I will not damage you . Don't worry I have plans to make sure you bring in some money. Now go to bed"

9.00 am the next morning my arse was still stinging from the paddling that it had received Darren was taking me to His gym, it was by all accounts less fancy than mine, situated as it was in an arch under a railways like. It's patrons were less diverse, but far more serious in making sure that their muscles were taken care of. To the casual observer we must have looked quite odd, Darren in his jogging pants and hoodie, me in my shirt, tie, (and chain), and carrying a very large gym bag.

I followed Darren, in , there was no reception area just a wide expanse of exercise equipment nearly all weight focussed, with just two treadmills and a cross trainer in the corner. We we entered the changing room. To my surprise Darren ordered me to undress hmi and put his gym kit on. My brief reluctance was curtailed by memories of yesterday in the cafe, where not only did the staff act naturally to my slave status, that other people around me were totally oblivious. It was then that it hit me where Darren;s status as a Master was well established little would shock those who were in the know.

I then relaxed , removing Darren's clothes, and then retrieving his gym outfit from the bag, put it on him.

I put on my outfit, a skimpy pair of short shorts, and a skimpy vest, neither really suitable for a 49 year old.

Follow me. On the gym floor there were three other punters. I was introduced to all three , Peter, Michael and Chris. I was introduced to all three as Tommy Boy, Darren was making my status clear quite early on. As we walked away Darren told me that Peter and Michael were always to be addressed as Sir, Chris was just Chris.

You will always call your superiors by their full name, and add a Sir, Peter and Michael are Masters, Chris is their slave, they call him Chrissy, but Chris is enough deference from you .

The next thirty minutes were almost like any other gym buddy session. The only difference being that only one of us did the carrying of weights. , or in the case of the kg dumbbells that Darren used to bench press, roll.

Suddenly Michael called over."Darren I've forgotten my towel this needs a wipe down" he said pointing to the bench he had been doing shoulder presses for the last fifteen minutes. Peter and Chris were in another part of the gym so I assumed that Chris was currently concentrating on serving just one of his Masters.

Go over and serve. Make me proud

I crawled over to Michael, Sir, may i help YOU sir'

Look at all that sweat on the bench. Lick it up.

Michael must have been working out really hard, he body was glistening with sweat, his shorts and t short looked as if He had worn them into the shower.

"Get going, i want it clean, use that vest of yours."

Obeying i removed my singlet and wiped down the bench, making sure every bit of sweat removed.

Good job, now what about the source of the sweat. It needs attending to, and I don't want that stinky vest anywhere near it. He lifted up his left armpit and forced my face right inside.

Lick it clean, boy.

My ssenses were hit by the animalistic musk, that only someone who had spent hours working out could have, i opened my mouth and working my way through the thick bush of armpit hair licked the salty armpit, tasting the product of Michaels' strength and virility. He then moved me round and I repeated the act of ecstatic worship on his right pit. It was as ripe and intoxicating as his left. I could hear the occasional suppressed groand from Michael, and realised that i was doing a good job, i hoped that Master Darren was witnessing this, and i hoped that i was making him proud.

That's clean enough said Michael, putting his hand down my shorts and feeling my locked dick, there some leakage there, I'm sure Darren wouldn't approve if you started gushing out everywhere. He lifted his finger to my face and smeared some precum into my moustache. Turned me round and sent me back Master Darren.

Enjoy that?

Yes Master.

Good, you will be spending a significant amount of time here. Next week you will be here from 6:45, an hour of training, then two hours of attending to the needs of the users. These needs will be varied but I trust everyone who comes here to treat you well, remember hurt and pain , but no damage.

Now let's get those legs of yours some action, let's see if you can push 189kg. After half an hour of having me legs being put through their paces, he led me into the changing room. We entered the showers Peter, Michael and Chris were already in, Peter was in the final throes of fucking Chris in his arase, whilst Michael was at the other side fucking his throat.

Anyone need to piss, Tommy Boy is a huge piss pig, and currently his also a very sweaty ig, badly in need of a shower.

He pushed me down to the floor, as all four of them pointed their cocks at me and let loose. After they had finished Michael and Darren remained remained towering above me letting the last drops of piss fall from their cocks , whilst Peter pushed Chris down

"Get that clean Chrissy boy, looks as if your wish has come true, a pervert who actually likes piss, no more toilet duty for you for a while'

When Micheal left, Darren, smiled. Ok Shower time. Remember yours is a cold one.

Next: Chapter 21

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