Unexpected Nightmare

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Jul 28, 2008


The crowd finally dissipated, and everyone vanished into their classrooms once more. Why no teacher had ever noticed that I was missing from class I don't know. I was getting pretty tired of hanging there with my arms held by ropes and standing chilled and naked on a swampy towel full of piss. Getting rescued at any cost was starting to appeal to me. I was in the middle of debating my best chance at attracting some attention when Rodriguez, our junior janitor and chief broom-pusher, came whistling slowly down the hall toward me. I could see him squinting in the distance, trying to get his eyes to confirm what he thought he could see at the intersection ahead.

When he finally was able to believe what he saw he broke into a run, shaking his head and muttering to himself in Spanish. Now I have taken classes, but I certainly hadn't heard any of the words he was saying.

"What happen to you, mi amigo?" he asked as he seized one of the ropes and quickly began to untie it. "This looks like a really bad joke!" he continued, as tears of relief started to stream down my face.

When he finished untying the second rope, he motioned me to follow him in the direction of the gym. "Let's get you cleaned up first - you really need a shower," he suggested, and ushered me gently along the corridor. "Don't worry about the floor, I'll clean it up," he added after seeing my worried face looking down at the wet towel and my pissy footprints. He even put his hand on my shoulder as we walked along, which really blew me away because all the students had treated me like a leper after I was drenched with pee. Rodriguez probably deals with dirty floors and stinky toilets all day – I suppose it doesn't bother him anymore anyway.

Looking back, I would have loved to have seen us walking together down the hall, this hunky latin guy and my skinny bare ass beside him – just as naturally as if good friends always helped each other down the hall when you are naked and covered with piss. Once we hit the stairway down to the gym I finally started to feel safe. What the rest of the school thought of me and what the goons might do next really didn't enter my mind at that point. The end of the immediate nightmare was good enough for the moment.

Rodriguez led me to the shower room and turned on the hot water. I stood in the warm mist, smiling at him with gratitude and relief. He asked where my attackers had dumped my clothes and I tried to describe which closet they had pushed me into before stripping me. He left briefly and returned smiling, with my clothes in one hand and the yellowed towel in the other. Then the final surprise of the day - as quick as a flash he stripped off his own clothes and joined me in the shower. With a slight twist of his hand he faced me the other way while he soaped up my hair and my back, and even slid his hand into my butt and scrubbed gently. Then he turned me again and did everything in front just as carefully. I just looked straight at him with a stupid smile on my face.

Needless to say, the slightest touch from this guy and my dick was pointing upward. He acted as if everything was normal, and soaped up my crotch again as casually as if it was my elbow. Then I finally started checking his body out and noticed that his dick was rising too, very dark and fat, with a shiny mushroom head. Still he acted like nothing was happening.

Somehow I felt secure enough now to go after what I wanted. "Your turn?" I asked quietly, grabbing the soap.

"OK, if you want," he replied, and turned his back to me, along with his fine tight buns. I started soaping him gently, from his head to his toes, and I lingered for a while massaging his beautiful butt and making sure his hole was super-clean.

"Turn around now," I added, and looked straight into his dark eyes as I soaped up his chest and stomach. Then I knelt to do from his toes to his knees and thighs. I took my sweet time soaping his hard dick and his huge balls, and even inserted my hand between his legs back to his butthole. He didn't seem to mind at all.

Finally he twisted me in front of him again, took the soap from my hands and pushed my head under the shower stream. He moved his fingers gently through my hair until all the suds had vanished, then wiped his hands down my body on all sides to help rinse the rest of the soap. I did the same for him. Then he hugged me closely as the warm water trickled down between us. I could feel my dick poking him between the legs, and his big prong raised flat against my stomach. I felt as safe as I have ever felt in my life.

But something new was growing within me. I am sure now that it started before then, but something came into focus as I was bared to the world that day that has stuck with me since. I loosened my grasp and slid down to my knees again, but this time I seized his beautiful penis with my lips, and sucked it into my mouth until I could feel it touching the back of my throat. I licked and sucked it like a starving man, then started bobbing back and forth the same way my new friend Greg had taught me in the hall. I can't recall anything quite as delicious as that first blowjob. I wanted it to last forever. But a few minutes were more than enough to bring Rodriguez to the edge, and suddenly I was awash with his sweet cum, which I swallowed eagerly. I pulled his cock out of my mouth after the first few squirts, just to watch it and to enjoy receiving the rest of his cum on my face and chin.

Pretty soon his cock head was too tender for my touch, and he raised me up by my armpits. Then he followed suit and went down on my hard pole, engulfing it to the hilt in his mouth and using his expert tongue to bring me quickly to my third orgasm of the morning. I let him milk me dry, then he kissed me tenderly all over. When he hugged me and looked into my eyes I started sobbing. After a few minutes of tears I started laughing and giggling uncontrollably, so profound was my relief. Somehow I had survived my worst nightmare and come through the other side to a whole new life.

Rodriguez and I talked it over and agreed to keep the whole episode under wraps, particularly the last part, which would have cost him his job. He and I still get together occasionally when safety allows. I later found out that my tormentors lost their girlfriends over their cruelty, and they never tried anything like it again in that school. I found five new friends who couldn't wait to talk to me the next day. The rest of the students were so embarrassed to have taken part that no one ever mentioned it to me directly. Greg and I have been fuck buddies now for over a year, and I have totally lost my fear of being seen naked. I guess that means I came through it OK.

So that's how it ended. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

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