Unexpected Nightmare

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Jul 20, 2008


Slowly in the babble that followed I came to. I could hear clicking sounds, and realized that several students were taking pictures with cell phones. A sudden flash revealed one of my tormentors with a digital camera, recording my condition in megapixels. Then suddenly the crowd closed in front of me, hiding me from view. I heard a teacher's voice complaining that everyone should be in his or her classroom by now. Then the clop-clop of her shoes as she trotted icily down the hall towards her next engagement. The crowd thinned. Three or four people winked at me as they turned and left. No one offered to help.

As the hall cleared, the goons stepped forward again. "Good boy," taunted the leader, "you know how to follow instructions. You looked like you were enjoying yourself."

I shot as much hate at him as I could muster with my eyes. I summoned enough nerve for a quiet "Go fuck yourself!"

He cuffed me and scowled. Then he pulled a water bottle from his backpack and pressed it to my lips. "Drink, asshole!" he growled. One of his henchmen grabbed my head and forced my mouth open.

The ringleader began pouring the water down my throat, and ordered "Swallow, prick!" I complied, since I was also pretty thirsty by now. It didn't dawn on me until after that I had set myself up for the next embarrassment.

"Quick, we're outta here!" whispered one of my tormentors, and the group suddenly dispersed, leaving me alone again in the quiet hallway, tears still staining my face and lines of cum still dribbling down my chest and stomach. My dick was still hard, though sticking straight out rather than up, and dripping the last drops of cum onto my right leg.

"Aw shit," I thought to myself, wondering if the ordeal would ever end.

The first ten minutes went slowly. I could hear the sounds of the custodian shuffling along with his broom around the corner, farther down the hall. Somewhere near the cafeteria I could hear a vacuum whining. The world went on, oblivious of my plight. I wondered what the rest of the students thought at this point – the word must be spreading like wildfire. If I wasn't rescued before next bell would there be more onlookers than before?

To my left a door clicked, and I heard quiet footsteps approaching from behind the fire doors into the next wing. A face peered around the doorframe, looking both ways to check for others. I recognized him as the guy who had stared into my eyes while he jacked my dick.

He smiled and approached me. "I can't cut you down, because they promised to kill me, but I did want you to know you are not forgotten. I'm Greg."

"It's nice to know someone noticed," I replied.

"First let me clean you up a bit," Greg added. To my surprise he leaned into me and began to lick up the drying cum streaks with his tongue. I giggled every time he hit a ticklish spot. When the streaks were all gone he sucked each of my nipples. Meanwhile I barely knew what was happening to me – I felt my heart beat faster and my dick, ever ready, was bobbing back up to its highest angle. He sank to his knees and licked the drippings off my leg, then cleaned up the head of my swollen dick with his tongue.

"Thanks, at least I feel a little cleaner for the next period crowd," I whined.

"If I can't make you free, perhaps I can at least make you feel a little better," Greg continued, and he let his tongue wander all up and down my hardened prick. I gasped as my nuts contracted. Then he suddenly engulfed my whole penis in his mouth, and began bobbing his head back and forth ever so gently. I pushed my hips toward him and moaned softly. It felt incredible. Was this what they called a blow job? I wondered. Greg continued with a steady rhythm, and slowly but surely I again approached that scary edge ready to explode.

"Watch out, you'll make me come!" I warned. Greg tilted his head upward without losing hold, and stared once again into my eyes. I started to get it – he really liked doing this.

"Go ahead!" he mumbled around my dick, and he renewed his sucking and licking, drawing me closer and closer. I bucked my hips slowly to his beat, and then let myself fall over the edge. I gasped as I first shot my sperm down his throat. Then it felt like I lost all control as I continued thrusting at him with each new spurt, over and over as my balls spasmed and spent their load into his waiting mouth.

Finally it stopped. Greg milked me a little longer and licked off the head. He rose with a big grin on his face. For his second surprise, he leaned into me and kissed me full on the mouth, planting his cum-covered tongue inside. I accepted it eagerly, pressing to him and sucking back what I could of my own fluid. Then without a word he patted me playfully on the rump and turned to go back to his class.

"I'll see what else I can do for you," he called as he quickly ducked out of sight.

So what happens next? Stay tuned for part 4. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

Next: Chapter 4

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