Unexpected Nightmare

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Jul 11, 2008


I certainly didn't see it coming. One minute I was plodding along the hallway between classes. The next minute two tall bulky guys converged on me out of nowhere, and grabbed each of my arms, practically lifting me off my feet.

"What the hell?" I protested in vain.

A third guy shouted "Down this way!" and we turned right abruptly down a dead end hallway. Someone opened a utility door at the end and I was rushed into a small room filled with cleaning supplies. The door clanged shut behind me and left us in darkness. By this time my heart was racing and I was beginning to feel panicky.

"The light, dimwit!" shouted the gang leader. After a minute of rummaging around, someone found the switch and I finally saw my kidnappers. Two I knew from gym class, the third, in charge, I had seen around but didn't know his name.

"What the hell are you doing?" I repeated in a plaintive voice.

"Shut up or I'll report you for skipping class!" replied the one on my left -- apparently one of our school monitors.

"Quick -- let's set him up fast and get back to class!" countered the one on my right, who appeared more nervous about this than the other two.

"First, here's the law," stated the leader, standing over me looking much stronger than me. "You do everything we say, and don't open your mouth, or we will guarantee that you will never walk again." "Second, take off your clothes, now!"

My heart must have skipped a beat before it started pounding double-time. This had turned from a really bad day into a total nightmare. I did nothing, absolutely paralyzed with fear.

"Take them off or we rip them off! Now!" the leader yelled in my face. I looked at the hate in his eyes and decided that I didn't have much choice. Slowly I took off my T-shirt. The leader grabbed it and tossed it to the floor.

"More!" he shouted again. I kicked off my shoes, then stopped again. "Come on, get on with it!" he continued, then grabbed my belt and quickly undid the top of my jeans. "Down!" he ordered. I pulled down the zipper and lowered my jeans as well as I could with two goons holding me by the armpits. "Help him!" he barked at the guy on my left. Then the one on the right grabbed my other arm while his partner pulled off my jeans, then my socks. "Everything, you assholes!" he continued. Soon my underwear joined the pile on the floor, and I stood there, naked, red-faced and now shivering with fear.

"Check the hall -- let's get out of here!" the leader ordered next. The one holding me turned and steered me towards the door. I resisted and started squirming. The third one slipped out in front of me and checked the hall.

"All clear, let's go!" he said, then darted out towards the main hall, his head checking in both directions. As I started to protest, the leader cuffed me roughly on the side of the head, and threatened to knock me out and cut off my dick. I gave up and moved ahead, still shivering with fright and weak in the knees.

I was grateful that the halls were empty, but practically nauseous at the prospects ahead of me. There were a thousand students in the school, and at least fifty teachers. And a starchy old principal who never bothered to listen long enough to find out what had really happened when something went wrong. I couldn't imagine how the staff would react to seeing a naked student in the school. And even more than being naked in front of the world, I had the utmost terror of being seen with an erection. So far I looked like my normal flaccid self, but deep inside I could feel something building that could only be arousal. I tried not to think about anything. I felt like I was about to die.

I felt relief, if that is possible under these circumstances, when we turned away from the school office and down to the far reaches of the building. Someone had thought this through -- they knew where they were going. But I nearly choked when I saw where we were ultimately headed. They took me to the hall intersection that was always the busiest when classes changed. As we approached I saw two more guys waiting for us with some rope and an old piano. Soon I found myself trussed out arms wide, one arm tied to the back of the piano on the right and the other to the hinge of the fire doors to the adjacent school wing on my left. My butt was reflected in a big mirror behind me and my dick faced the hallway. I turned red with fear, shame and anger. And my dick started to rise.

My attackers started laughing. "The little faggot is enjoying this! He's getting a boner!" one taunted. One of them grabbed my half-hard dick and pulled on it. "Maybe we can make him come!" he gloated, with a wide smile. I squirmed away from his hand but decided not to spit at him in defiance - things were bad enough as it was. And by then, my dick was as hard as a rock, and pointing skyward. The leader took a picture of me with his cell phone, and warned me not to mention their names or they would send the photo to my parents. Then they all laughed again, before scurrying off to hide in their classrooms until the next bell.

After I heard the last door close, silence descended. My heart was still racing and my dick remained very hard. The true horror of my plight started to sink in -- they had positioned me opposite a wall clock, so I could do nothing but count down the minutes until I was exposed naked to the entire school. I started to cry, releasing all the pent-up tension of the previous twenty minutes. At first I tried to hold it back, but then it came out anyway in sobs and whimpers, and I felt the tears roll down my face and drip onto my chest. I gave in and let it come. After several minutes I slowed down and felt a little better.

Finally my brain kicked in again and I began to think through my options. I could yell for help and attract the janitor or the principal, who of course would find not an innocent victim but a simpering naked boy with a raging hard-on. Since no one gets to tell their side of the story in this school that wouldn't go down very well. I could wait until discovered and rat on the goons that had stripped me and tied me here. The students would probably applaud them, though, since seeing a naked guy would be a welcome break in the boring school routine. And those guys were far bigger than I was, they could probably make every day a living hell, if that wasn't already guaranteed.

I could break free, if I knew anything about escaping from tight ropes. I could hide behind the piano, but the stupid thing was on casters instead of wheels and no matter how hard I tugged at it, it wouldn't budge. I could drop dead right now as a Christ-like martyr, but I certainly didn't know how to make that happen, no matter how appealing it was to just check out completely from this nightmare. Or I could just hang tough for a while in hopes that someone sympathetic might come along and release me -- one of the junior janitors or a maintenance worker. Oh God! - or a parent -- there were often volunteers here to help with extra reading. Nothing I came up with offered any hope.

So how could I survive being naked in front of everyone? Would I always be known as the boy who was hung nude in the hall? Could I ever get a girlfriend even if I wanted one? Would anyone ever believe me that it was not my own fault? Would everyone see all my physical flaws and mock me for them? (There was a lot about my body I was not particularly happy about, from my skinny shoulders to my uncut dick, to the paltry showing of pubic and armpit hair that had erupted to date. And I thought my erection looked pretty weird as well, though I had never seen any others to compare it to.)

My best thought so far was that I would survive better if I wasn't so aroused. But the more I thought about not being turned on, the firmer my dick got, and the higher it pointed. What the hell was that all about? I knew I shouldn't have fallen asleep last night without jerking off. And this morning I was almost late, so no time then either. I tried thinking about other things, but standing naked in a school hallway always seemed to draw me back. I tried thinking ahead, but that made it worse. Even just looking at the clock and imagining it hitting the top of the hour made my heart jump. Once when I was trying to rehearse in my mind how things would go, my heart really raced and my balls started to tighten up as if I was going to come soon. I had to calm down. Being seen naked was bad, being seen aroused was far worse, but coming in front of everyone would be totally unthinkable. So I shut down.

So what happens next? Stay tuned. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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