Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Dec 29, 2010


Stephanie Meyer, writer of the "Twilight Saga". Thanks for writing a beautiful story and sharing it with everyone. Enjoy the story. Christmas is almost here.......EEEEEEEE! lol jk jk. But seriously I love it...the lights and all of that jazz....its amazing.

Unexpected Moon: Chapter 6

I have been in Volterra, Italy for 2 months now......I felt like a prisoner. I know I have been captured and taken here against my will, but they said I wasn't a prisoner. They did this to me.........they caused me to snap. I no longer care for life, I have an empty whole in me......that nothing can fill. All I take pleasure in is, blood....human. Life and Death. I love creating new things with my powers.....but I use them to kill.

I use to love everything, I have changed gravely.........I don't care about anything. I love and take pleasure in destruction, I have killed alot of Volterra's plant life. The Volturi have asked for me to return everything back the way it was.....to keep humans in Volterra. Humans were safe from being hunted if they lived in the city, they bring their meals from out of the city.

I indulged myself in the intake of human blood, it's just sooo much better than animal. I don't care anymore, my love was taken from me......why should anyone else get peace and happiness, if I can't have my mate. Don't get me wrong, the Volturi have tried to find mates for me. Vampires from all over, but I killed each one...or atleast attempted too. They wouldn't let me, so they would grab me and try to calm me down. My emotions were crazy, I have moodswings like crazy. One second I'm....smiling and killing something and the next I'm pissed off, destroying anything I can get my hands on.

They have kept me in the tower, to keep my sheltered. I looked down on the city, it was cold. I wanted a white Christmas though, like in New York City. With my hands in the air, I messed with the molecules in the atmosphere and caused it to get colder and colder and colder. In a matter of minutes it was from snowflakes into light snow. Then from there to medium and then heavy snowing.

"You should stop doing that....you're going to hurt them all." Aro's voice said from behind me. I turned and looked at him in an irritated way, with a blank face. He could tell I was obviously bored and annoyed with being locked away all of the time. Cocking my head to the right side lightly, I beckoned him to come closer with my finger. As he got closer, I flung him back with my mind. "Pathetic." My voice was growing more irritated. "I am tired of being told what to do, by pathetic excuses for vampires."

Walking to my wardrobe, I picked out a gothic outfit. It was a leather outfit with veil arms, blood corset, black pants with a veil skirt and I had eyeliner and such. It brought out my paleness and red eyes.

The rose bracelet is something that I never took off. It reminded me of the Cullens.....how they just let Jackson die.

"What can you possibly want from me?" I asked, Marcus and Caius walked in and went to Aro's side. "Tell me Aro....can you control Marcus....now that Chelsea is gone?" I asked smirking, "You know what he did right, Marcus?? He killed his own sister......just so you would stay with the Volturi. Then used Chelsea, to control you.Your own mate....killed, by the one you call brother." I lept out of the window, leaving the argueing Volturi. They fought and fought, but couldn't kill eachother. They were to matched. All Caius could do is watch, he didn't like this. Like Marcus, he didn't know about Aro's actions from the past.

There was a large crash in the bottom of the building......The Cullens, aswell as the Denali, Egyptian, and Romanian covens were with them. Along with them, the LaPush Werewolves....shapeshifters, were with them. Aro, Marcus, and Caius ran down the stairs and to the break in area. "So....you finally came for him?" Aro said smirking evily, "Where is he!?! Where are you hiding him??!" Jackson yelled stepping forward. "He isn't here.....he has gone." Marcus said, stepping away from Aro. "He is completely hell-bent." he walked forward to Jackson, "Marcus! Come here! What do you think you are doing!?" Aro yelled, at a Marcus who has finally had enough of Aro. "You have taken something from me.....something I cannot forgive you for taking. I am finished with this Volturi nonesense." He walked to Carlisle and they nodded to one another.

Jane and Alec used their powers, but it only reached Marcus as he was outside of the shield that Bella quickly forced out. Aro ran to Marcus and began ripping him to pieces in his hatred and betrayal. As this is going on the whole guard begin a fight. Vampires without the knowledge of what was going on, finally weren't able to help the Volturi.

The other covens had the advantage.

"Gaian, I summon you!" Aro yelled, trying to get me there. I appeared in a matter of seconds and placed a force field around him. "Gaian!" It was Jackson's voice. I turned towards him with blood running down my chin. "Jackson?? Oh gawd, Jackson!" I said running towards him. Jane hit me with her stare. I cringed and fell to the ground. "Die, bitch!" I said, turning towards her, and flicked my wrist in a movement...she immediately began to spark; flames soon took her and her brother aswell.

With them down the rest were all being ripped to pieces. Kate took pleasure in killing Caius, as soon as she touched him....she electricuted him. By will she is capable of incompasitating anyone...besides Bella.

As I got up, Marcus...who was finally back in one piece. (Vampires body parts will literally come back to one another and combine until the vampire remains....thats why the only way to truly kill one is by fire.) I forgot about vampire abilities, but that reminds me why Jackson is still alive. Marcus grabbed Aro, and ripped his jaw off. Aro's tongue was slinking down, since it did not have a part to hold it in. Jackson grabbed Aro's head and ripped it off. Jackson spat out fire, and Benjamin willed it to come to him then he shaped it to hit the pieces of the vampires that have been ripped off. Purple smoke had filled the air and soon every and all of the Volturi was dead.

Everyone looked at me......"I can't believe your alive." I got out slightly, looking at Jackson. "My love.....what have you done." He grabbed my chin and smirred the blood away from my mouth. "I have been a bad boy.........." I smirked evilly, grabbing him by the throat and threw him. "You left....you let them take me." I was pissed off. "I can't believe you!" He ran at me and held me, I attempted to fight him off, but something in me just caused me to calm down.

We got home, after a few hours on private air planes. Vampires accumulate a lot of money over there eternal life span.

We celebrated Christmas all together, I was sheltered with gifts. I recieved a red porshe and clothes and jewelry...they just made my mouth dropped. I felt bad about not having anything for them, but they told me that it was okay. They were just glad to have me back. I looked at Jackson in the eyes, as he presented me with something.....a ring.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, I wanted to cry but couldn't ...."Yes, I will marry you Jackson..." Carlisle coughed, "Will you two, consider....becoming Cullens officially?" He asked and we just looked at each other and smiled. Both agreeing with Carlisle, we just thanked him and cuddled...as much as I wanted to, I didn't feel like having sex....I was still just adjusting to all the things that happened.

( Thanks for the feedback, please send me more. I had issues, I have a new boyfriend. His name is Skylar.........he's a giant.Look at "Too Much Blood In The Chocolate" to see how I described him.)

Next: Chapter 7

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