Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 29, 2010


Stephanie Meyer, You created the Twilight Saga, and all rights belong to you. I have to say this whole story is coming along great. I have alot of feedback and hope you guys will stick with me each time. I will be posting alot. I'll alert you guys each time something comes up...but they usually won't. Love ya, and heres the story.....

Unexpected Moon:Chapter 4

I walked outside, the sun was out and it hit me. I began to sparkle like crazy I thought I was a disco ball or a crystal.With the french diamond choker I was wearing, I probably could pass as a chandelier. "My God, you are beautiful...." Jackson said from behind me, wrapping me in his arms. I turned to see him shining just like me. "You mean you right?" I said smirking, "No...you." He kissed me.

fake coughing "Jasper and Edward, "Two love birds seem to be having fun." They smiled, Bella and Alice came outside and went into their arms.

"I find it funny how we can all stay calm when some freaks want to come and take me away." I said bluntly obviously starting to get nervous, which is why I came outside after I was told of the vision.

"Gaian...relax, well protect you." Alice said, "Oh yeah...coming from the girl who freaked over the vision." I rebutted. "Yes. Well...I didn't see you getting killed." She said trying to calm me down. "Yes, but didn't see everything." She stopped talking. "Well I guess that means, anyone of us can get killed. It's funny...we're immortal, but we are still kept in line and are threatened to be kill still." I was all tormented inside.

"It's not something we like, but since they will kill all who oppose them we decide to live by their rules." Edward said, "Yes, but they were never given right to rule us like we are their subjects." I said, trying to get my point across. "I just don't want anyone of us to die." They all looked at me gravely, as I looked out into the sky.

(In Italy)

Aro, Caius, and Marcus were discussing what to do about the Cullens. "I think we should make peace with them and attempt to become one giant clan." Aro said, to his brothers distaste. "I think we should attempt another attack, with a different strategy." Caius says obviously wanting another go. "I think we should act friendly at first to gain there trust." Marcus says drawing them closer together so they could just whisper to eachothers faces. "Then take out the wolves, that were with them earlier. Then go for the clans that helped take us on." He finished smiling at a brilliant or to atleast him, plan.

"No! We will all go, the guards and the wives and ask of us to become a giant clan. If that doesn't work then we will your plans. We need to be friendly, or we will lose control to them completely." Aro says as they all agree and gather everyone and leave, Italy to see the Cullens.

(A few days later, in the Cullen home.)

I'm home wondering what's going on. I only know a few things that could go wrong....maybe it would be best if I wasn't alive. "Don't you dare feel like that..." Jasper says, "What? Oh sorry, I'm just...." I say not sure what to say. "Feeling like killing yourself....I think it's a bad idea. I can't read minds, I can sense and manipulate emotions, and I find the fact that you would feel like killing yourself. Besides that's nearly impossible. Our body's may be torn apart,but they come together again." He told me trying to explain abit more. "And here I thought you guys told me everything." I said smartly. "Maybe a few things were forgotten." He said, "Gaian." Carlisle called out, "Can you come hear a minute, please?" He asked, I walked into his office. "Yes....eyyy." the whole family was there, and Jasper walked in behind me. "This isn't one of those intervention things is it???" I asked, causing everyone to laugh. "Ahahaha. No, nothing like that. We have figured out what you are.Please sit...." He sat down in his chair behind his desk. "Okay....so apparently your both an attacker and a shield, aswell a manipulater. Your telekinesis can be used for many things...we have test you to see how far it can go, but since you deflected a bear....bio manipulation, you can control and manipulate plants to an uknown degree. Elemental...I'm not totally sure how, but I believe maybe your mind is so developed beyond that of normal, that with your telekinesis, you can also affect the elements. Such as lift water or make wind, maybe even fire. It's all about using the right chemicals and molecules to react. Your powers are more offensive than defensive but can be both, barely receptive so you can't read minds or emotions, but you can probably pick things up later on in life. It's all in a matter of practice and control." He said, and I tried to understand when I really wanted to just stand up and freak out.

"Basically your a very powerful vampire. Your powers are of mental and both physical, it's basically forcing your mental will into doing a physical action. If the Volturi ever got their hands on you....you may very well be able to kill us all. Your potential is uknown but great, it is like you really are Gaia from the myth just in male form." He said, "Great, I'm a freakin Earth/Nature Titan" I said, seriously only getting more nervous, Jasper's influence started hitting me and calmed me down.

"Well now that that's over, I'm going hunting." I say, getting up and running out into the woods. I get out there and find a pair of mountain lions that smell pretty good, as I go for them something hits me and I go flying at a tree, knocking it clear off. "What the hell??" Theres a group of guys standing around without any shirts on and are in shorts. They look just like Jacob, "What the fuck you doing in our territory, blood sucker?" One asked, trying to sound intimidating but was being thrown off by something. "What? I'm kind of new here and...." Bam one of them spun me around and hit me in the face. "OOOW!" I say holding my nose for a second and then slap him, he goes flying into a huge boulder sticking out of a cliff side. "The Cullen's didn't mention other shapeshifters, like Jake." I said and they stopped fighting me.

"You know the Cullens?" One came up to me, looking like the leader. "Yeah, their my new famliy." I said, they immediately had a facial retortion going on. "You...your the new addition. Did they turn you, cause..." He tried getting out. "No, I wasn't turned by one of them. A different vampire did, my mate... he had a friend who attacked my parents while we were camping. She bite me, but before she could kill me...My mate saved me." I said, abit sad my parents died, but I couldn't blame Jackson. "Oh....well, that's...I'm sorry." He said as the pack gathered around me. "It's ok. It's not your fault or my mate's fault." I said and they just looked at eachother. "Wait??" He smirked as they all did. "Your gay?"One said, it was the one who was all mean and serious, I just nodded, "Cool...umm..nevermind." he said obviously he had an instant crush.

(Back at the Cullen's house.)


"Hellooooo.....wha.." Emmett said, opening the door and immediately, Aro grabbed his hand shaking it. Emmett forgot about Aro's powers for a second and shook his hand. Then it came back to him and he slapped himself in the face. He walked the Volturi to Carlisle's office was where everyone else was at. Aro knew everything...even about me and the talk about my powers and capabilities and started thinking out plans.

Emmett walked ahead and felt like such an idiot for not thinking it through. Aro whispered to Caius and Marcus, about me, low enough that Emmett and everyone couldn't hear me. Everything he learned he relayed the info and they all wanted to meet me.

As they reached the office, Carlisle could see the look on Emmett's face and knew what happened but was okay with it. It didn't change anything it would've happened sooner or later.

"So Carlisle....where's this powerhouse?" Jane and Alec asked at the same time. "He is....." He was about to say when, I walked in. "Hey Carlisle....who are they?" The Volturi looked at me with awe.

"What? Do I have something in my hair, or on my face?" I asked and Aro came closer to me. "No...my dear. You are...perfection." He said trying to touch my face, I backed away abit in a self conscious. "Okay....please don't touch me." I said, Jackson tried to get to me but Felix blocked his way.

"That's a beautiful arm band....and your chocker is to die for." Jane said, "Where did you get it??" She got closer and tried to touch them.I caught her hands and she sent a mental hit at me...defensively, not use to being touched herself. Aah! When the mental bolt hit me I sent one her way. It lifted her up and threw her against the wall. "Sorry...." I said, she got up angry, but Jasper calmed her down. "It's okay...I'm not use to being touched myself and it surprised me that you touched me." She said, obviously wanting to be on my good side from what she heard, she honestly believes it would be best to approach me in a better manner.

"So you guys are???" I asked Aro stepped up again, "The one's who have caused you to become so nervous, that you would think about killing yourself. Why though? Why would a god of nature such as yourself want to do something so beneign as kill yourself." My jaw hit the floor...the Volturi were talking to me, these people wanted to take me with them. The white rose on the arm band turned black and whithered.

"My my my. Your powers are quite amazing, aren't they?..." Marcus said coming up to me. Edward came up to me and grabbed my hand and without fear walked me to my room, not before I heard Caius say, "Hope to see you soon....Gaian." He smirked, and I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Don't worry about a thing...." he said and then kissed me, I was taken back by it but returned it..."Oh god, I can't believe...." I said ashamed, "Don't be...I have been wanting to do that for awhile....Jasper and Emmett are even bigger horn dogs. Jackson said, we can 'play' with you if we wanted...we just have to wait, till he mates you first." He says smiling he crooked smile. "It's true." Jackson said, walking in with Jasper and Emmett. They each kissed me on the mouth, not holding back. "Vampires are very sexual...even with mates...we are considered bisexual....so yeah. We are attracted to you, I can't tell you how long...we've wanted to fuck you." Emmett said, if they could they would all be blushing. "Truly it's something Carlisle has wanted to do too. To be accepted by the Cullen family, the boys have to fuck with eachother, it is....a MALE family tradition. The girls know about it....they even join in on an orgy with us. But they still love us dearly.Jacob has loved fucking us all too...Emmett took him like a pro, then gave it back to him even harder and filled the dog up. He was aching for days, but said he loved it." Jasper said, "It's ok. We are truly free from everything." He said kissing me.

We all layed on my bed and they cuddled into me. I was laying on Emmett's chest, while Edward and Jackson were on my sides. Then Jasper was laying on me, kissing me all night. We even did a 5 way make out for 15 minutes, until We all decided to just relax.....(To bad we couldn't sleep. ;P lol. )

(That's the next chapter....please...feedback. I love it and need it, You guys help me get through the day....and make me happy that you enjoy my thoughts and such. I love ya for being here and listening. I hope you enjoy this chapter and stay along for a wild ride. Reach me at james17bernard@yahoo.com) :D !!!!

Next: Chapter 5

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