Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 27, 2010


Same rules apply, Stephanie Meyer owns the Characters and books. I just make a story from said books and work. Reach me at james17bernard@yahoo.com

Unexpected Moon:Chapter 3

Jackson and I have stared at eachothers eyes for hours. I noticed his matched the rest of the Cullen's eyes. They were golden honey brown, they seemed to mesmerize you and make you melt. They helped me forget about what happened.....

I got in a fight with Jake, we were probably going to try and kill eachother...I was stronger, but without training strength can mean nothing. I was never one for fighting...but being a vampire has made me more...aggressive and territorial, and afraid to say it but predatory.

"Jackson, I want to know....how hold are you? What is your story?" I asked, he seemed to have a questioning look himself...but decided I should go first, saying his was longer so might as well get my story out.

"Okay....My name is Gaian Agatha Matthews.(I got my middle name by my grandmother.) I'm aged 17...and will look like this forever. I lived in New York City. My dad, Jonathan Henry Matthews, aged 38 and my mother, Alicia Francine Matthews;they decided we needed some time alone from technology and stuff. They wanted to be a family, and get to connect with our 'primal instincts' so they put it.

I had nothing really at New York, I lived in Brooklyn, and life there was...lame. I had a boyfriend before this...umm...life. He's probably wondering when I'm going to be back....unless the news has reached him that my parents were found dead. I can't return to him...I'd most definitely kill him, and I couldn't bare with the thought.

I went to school, blah blah blah...my family has a string of bad luck. All of my relatives seem to die from accidents, whether they be car or something stupid isn't important...they weren't nice. I was allergic to animals, so no pets...thank God, I wouldn't be able to see it, without killing it." I paused thinking for a moment on how bad that would be. "I can't think of a moment that was too good for words. Besides with my...ex. Allen was a good guy, he was charming, loving, caring...the golden package. Then...My parents decided to take us camping here in Forks. The only thing was he needed to work and couldn't come...good thing too, it was luck that I was turned into a vampire instead of dying. I don't want him to go through this, it's just not something I would wish on someone, but I'm glad I'm not dead." I got finished with my story, and it was his turn.

"Well, My name is Nathan Kelis Jackson...I prefered the Jackson, so I just call myself that. I lived in Paris, France....during the time, my family was seeking shelter from a war. We had family in Paris, so we went; about a week later, I was turned by a vampire named Elicia Martin Lafloure...She taught me the ways of the vampire, but I didn't want to kill humans. I ran away from her...I wanted to see my family." He said, abit warily of what to say next, "I..I..I killed my family. I saw them, I was happy, but they just smelled...amazing. My mind was just overwhelmed, I fed from each of them. The year was 1802...it wasn't a good time for life...anywhere. Ever since then, I have learned over the years." His eyes began to twinkle, "I came to Forks, a week ago. I felt like I should come here...I was going out to feed, then I caught the scent of something soo...amazing. Unfortunately, I was with a friend...she caught the scent too. It was you, and your family; She went for your family, I tried to stop her. She did it quickly, I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop her." He stopped and I smiled to him meekly, "I ran and attacked her when she bite you. I couldn't let her hurt you...I ripped her to pieces and ran, I watched as the Cullens came and burned her, then took you with them. I was angry and wanted to rip the tall ones jaw off when he wanted to kill you...I still do.

I waited for you...I hoped you would have made it through all of the shtiks of being immortal. I saw you in the woods...I could barely control myself. Your beauty was....just so amazing. Your scent, it nearly knocked my off my feet. I was completely weak in the knees for you, I had to hold myself up against a tree. When the bear attacked, I was just getting so turned on by watching you fight, and be covered in blood. I had to talk to you...But it was just not what I wanted to say. And I kept watch over the house, of course keeping my distance. I heard the mutt's yelling and yours aswell, you were both fighting. I couldn't control myself...I had to stop him from hurting you."

With that I kissed him, "What was that for?" he asked surprised, "Just for being you." I smiled. There was a knock on the door and I could feel my emotions being filtered and altered abit. "Jasper..." I said,and the door opened with him, Alice, bella, and Edward walking in. Nessie and Jake after and then Emmett and Rosalie, then Carlisle and Esme. I felt caged again, the white roses in my room, turned red and then purple, to blue and then black. "Again...sorry." Jasper said, abit embarrassed along with the rest of the family that they forgot, personal space.

"The roses are...depressive."Rosalie said, getting closer to them and touching them. I immediately drawed back, and the blooming flowers closed up. I felt so vunerable with the flowers telling my emotions. Jackson held me close and kissed me...the flowers began to bloom with an interesting color of RAINBOW. (It's true, with manipulation and coloring, roses can be rainbow.) "Wow those things really are like a mood ring, huh?" I said smirking embarrassed about the whole ordeal. Rosalie took a few roses, and spun them into a band and she presented them to me. "I think these will look beautiful on you, including the fact that...with you, they don't need anything." I put them on my arm and gave her a hug loving it completely. "I can't believe you'd do that for me." I said, as Nessie elbowed Jacob. "I'm sorry about what I said, I don't hate homosexuals or you. It's just that...I don't know. I'm...." he tried to find a way to express his feelings, "A child at...who am I kidding all the time." Edward said grinning, making the rest of the Cullen's chuckle. "HA HA HA, Very funny. But yes, I guess we can go with that, so we cool." Jacob said, getting closer. "Yeah sure. I would like to get this all behind us and be great friends, maybe even family." I said smiling, It just happened but I hugged him,His body seemed to be on fire. He weirded out abit but began to accept it, returned it even. I could hear growling going on....Jackson, was getting a bit jealous. We stopped hugging and we all looked at him, he just came up to me and kissed me deeply. His tongue exploring my mouth as I moaned, the emotions and thoughts got to Jasper and Edward, they walked out of the room looking as if they were about to pant.

He opened up his hand and inside of his palm was....golden necklace with diamonds and such on it. It took my breath away, "It's....." I started but Jackson finished for me. "Beautiful...just like you. It's french, so yeah." he said alittle of his french accent escaping his voice. After it was on, I knew I was hooked with this guy forever. HE was my mate, and I was his. He brought me into another kiss, squeezing me possessively. "You are perfect." we said to eachother at the same time.

We all just went downstairs and watched some tv, not paying attention to it. Really we all talked in a group, Jackson and Jake hit it off. They seemed to like the same things, cars. It was going to get interesting around here...I could feel it. "I couldn't agree more." Edward said, looking at the tv but was giving me a crooked grin that was beyond words.

"Uh oh!" Alice exclaimed, "What's the matter???" Everyone asked, worried something caught Edward's attention aswell. "The Volturi....there coming. They are coming soon, to try and make up for the war they almost started."Edward said, Alice finished with, "They are going to be taken back by Gaian's abilities.......They will try to abduct him. They can't kill him...they'll figure him to precious and his gifts too much to waste." I just gulped and wondered who were these people and what they would want with me........

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it....I will try to write to everyone's satifaction, but I still will write what My heart decides. I'd love some feedback.....Till next time.)

Next: Chapter 4

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